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Rated: ASR · Other · Fantasy · #1831575
Mansel negotiates Selina's release from an evil vampire, you win some, lose some
The only light from the fading sun was a pink glow that made a rectangle on the floor. I watched as the shadows from the oak tree danced through the rectangle. I felt a twinge of tranquility as I focused on the shadows, but my mind would not let go of the fact Mansel was downstairs negotiating my freedom with Joachim.
I fingered the gold tassels from the pillows on the huge, mahogany tester bed, and I felt a tear trickle down my face. The house had a familiar smell, so much like my grandma’s house, a mixture of tea roses, violets and pine. I wondered if that smell was trademark of our vampire family. Great Grandpa Joachim and I were not a bonding status since he kidnapped me with the intention of breeding me before I die to ensure his line continues.
The porcelain doll in a aged brown dress sat on the rocking chair, and suddenly, I felt stupid for all the fights I had with Henry and Mansel about having children. I had a history if choosing men who didn’t want to have children. Henry was not mature enough to make the sacrifices to care for children. He enjoyed our lives being free to pursue basketball and hunting without devoting time to children. Mansel on the other hand, feared that a child with potent vampire genes would possibly kill me. I was willing to take the chance, but this made me rethink my entire life. Maybe, the men in my life sensed the danger procreation with my genes would produce, a child to carry on the genes. My offspring, regardless of the father, would perpetuate a line of vampires in New Orleans, which would make the seventh female in the line a vampire capable of stronger powers each cycle. I had not yet accepted that I would not ever die, but become the undead, and that death would never give me the sweet repose of peace from this existence of pain and heartbreak. The one relief was that Mansel could spend this eternity with me, if I wasn’t such a spoiled brat, and would just enjoy an immortal existence with him, alone.
I hear swift footsteps of an immortal brush along the floor boards outside the door, and the doorknob turned, leaving in the smell of pine and roses with violets hovering. I looked up and saw Joachim, his black mustache was curler, and his cape flowed behind him. His boots creaked the weak boards, and he step aside letting Mansel through the door. I felt his arms around me in seconds, and the smell of bitter chocolate and sweet sage, told me it was a different vampire than my clan. The smell caused me to stir emotionally, and my heart felt filled with hotter blood as though it would burst. I nestled my head against his shoulder, and turned my face finding his cool, rosy lips that curved around mine instantly in a kiss.
Mansel pulled back, and looked me up and down, “You are ok, no?”
I nodded, my smiling cheeks had tears trickling down them, “I’m fine, now.”
Joachim smirked, and walked out into the hallway, “I’ll leave you two alone, so you can inform Selina of the terms of release.”
He closed the door, and the key turned in the lock.
Suddenly, I felt dirty and naked. I pulled the sweater tighter around my body and a chill shook my body as I realized the cold air was settling in for the night. The sun was gone outside, and the room was violet with darkness, and even though Mansel could see, my eyesight wasn’t quite clear in the dark, even though I preferred it.
Mansel struck a match on the sideboard, and lit the candelabra. The yellow glow illuminated his pale skin, and I saw the blue flecks of sparks in his eyes, but his face was serious. My terms must not have gone as well, as he hoped.

I waited, and he turned and said flatly, “You are free to go with me.”
I took a deep breath, “But-“

Mansel looked at me, and his shoulders dropped, “You will be free as soon as you have the baby.”

“What? I’m not pregnant!” I roared as I bounded behind him, “I swear, I’m-“
Mansel’s clammy thumb brushed my jawline, “I know, I know. Joachim wants the child, whoever’s it is.”

Tears refreshed my eyes, and I asked, “Will it be yours?”

Mansel sighed, and I knew what he had offered. A child with three quarters vampire strength was the ultimate descendant that Joachim could want to add to the line, so that not just the seventh female would be a vampire, but ever heir male or female to build a dynasty against the other clans.
I was about to have everything I ever wanted. A man who loved me, and a child by the man I loved to have a family, and be at ease with life. I was going to have it all, but I felt as though I had nothing, and that I had lost my life even though my heart was still pounding in my chest. As I realized what Mansel had said. I wiped my eyes and asked, “Wait a minute, I can leave with you, but the child?”

“Joachim wants it, he can have it. You know what it will be.”
“No, not my, our baby!”
“Joachim assures me that you will make it through, your genes allow for it-“
“Mansel, how can you?”
I broke down into tears before I could finish.

© Copyright 2011 Fille deNuit (nolachic73 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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