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Revision of "Untitled". Now has a title, and a few changes to the story.
Chapter 1

"His return"

         It had been hours since I got lost. Holly left me, Jayden was mad at me and all because Cody messed up. I’m just a simple girl who wanted to find love, but the world won’t even let me have that. What was I going to do? I don’t even know where to begin to fix things. Is this what I get for trying my best to finally be happy?

I sat on the log, breathing heavily, my dress completely torn to shreds. I was scared out of my mind and I didn’t know what to do. Wait, maybe I should tell you how I got here. It started in the afternoon when my girlfriend broke up with me. I was depressed and needed something to do besides cut myself, so I went for a walk in the woods by my house. I walked my usual trails for about an hour then I came to a path that I didn’t recognize, so I decided that I would follow it to see where it led. That was my first mistake; I ended up being one of those girls in the movies that go explore a creepy place that usually ends in death. My second mistake was not marking my path every few steps. I eventually got lost and soon after it got dark, which caused me to become scared. It got worse when I heard a voice calling my name. "Kaeylinn…come to me Kaeylinn." it said. As I tried to follow the voice, I strayed off the path and stumbled through the forest. Later I snapped out of my enchantment and started to cry, not knowing where I was or how to get back. I started to freak out more when I heard a twig snap behind me. Finally coming to my senses, I started to run. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care, just so long as I got away from whatever it was that was behind me. Then I heard it again, that enchanting voice telling me where to go. 'You must keep going straight, then when you get to the clearing turn right and just keep running'. I didn’t know what made me do it, but I listened to the voice. I was surprised when I came to a clearing. Remembering what the voice told me, I turned right and just kept running. I thought I was finally safe when something came out in front of me and caused me to turn left. Silently I cursed in my head, not knowing what to do now. 'I’ve gone off track, what do I do?' I needed help and I needed it fast. I continued to run, waiting for a response. 'Turn left again run for a few minutes then turn left again and look for an ancient looking tree, when you get to that tree crawl inside and wait'. I nodded and immediately turned left, then ran for about five more minutes and turned left again. It didn’t take long before I found the tree the voice was talking about. I got on my hands & knees and crawled into the tree, squeaking when I felt something furry against my leg. 'Don’t be scared. I’m on your side. Michalai sent you to me didn’t he?' This voice I heard inside my head.

          As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw a big white wolf laying in front of me. I figured I would see if he could speak to me telepathically so I talked to it. "That’s who’s been helping me? Michalai?" 'Yes.' "How does he know my name?" The wolf nudged me leg with his paw. 'Michalai owns this part of the woods. He helps anyone who is in trouble. We both know your name Kaeylinn. You know us both.' I shivered & held my breath as I heard two sets of feet coming closer to the tree. The wolf started growling and crept out of the tree, speaking to me as he did so. 'Michalai will be here soon, but for now keep your heart-rate even and don’t make a sound'. I nodded and started on my heart-rate. The wolf growled a little more and I saw the two men back away. Then, out of no where, a very attractive, yet menacing looking guy came up behind them. He was about 5’11" tall, had short brown hair, un-kept in the emo style, and bright green-brown eyes. He seemed really familiar and it wasn’t until he spoke when I realized why. "You must leave this place. I will not tolerate rogues on my land, and the wolves really don’t appreciate you snooping around their homes." The two men then turned around and starting running at a speed I never knew was possible. I stayed in the tree a little longer, not wanting to face this ’Michalai’, when I heard the wolf. 'You may come out now. Michalai chased them off'. Slowly I emerged from the tree, taking the hand of this Michalai person. I looked at him for a moment then my vision started to blur and the last thing I remember is the look on Michalai’s face before I fell.

         When I woke up I didn’t know where I was, but the room was beautiful. It had dark green walls, thick, heavy drapes that were green and had a thin black lace over them. The carpet was black and the furniture was all black and silver. The bed I was laying had black silk sheets and a green comforter with black & silver pillow cases. I rolled my eyes when I realized that the whole room matched perfectly. I guess while I was analyzing the room, Michalai walked in and I jumped when he spoke. "Do you like it?" he asked, slowly walking closer to the bed. I blushed as I spoke, " I love it. It’s so…elegant, and perfect." my voice was barely audible. He smiled and all I could do was stare at him, I was always analyzing him. "I’m glad. It was the most elegant room I have, but I’m afraid you’ll be sharing it with another." He explained the whole situation of how he had guests coming. When he stood to leave he looked at me. "Mon cher, dinner is at 8 o’clock sharp. There is a gown for you to wear in the closet." he pointed to a door left of the bed. "You have 2 hours to get ready, the bathroom is that way." he pointed to a door right of the closet, then he walked out. Quickly I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. It, like the bedroom, was gorgeous. Black marble floors, Greek style Jacuzzi tub, old basin sink and a huge shower. When I stopped analyzing the bathroom, I undressed as I drew a hot bath & slid into the water. I took about 20 minutes to wash up then the last 10 I relaxed. After an hour I stepped out and pulled a towel around myself, then as I let the water out I walked back into the bedroom and found the most beautiful dress ever lying at the foot of the bed. "It’s gorgeous isn’t it?" I jumped as a guy who looked very much like Malachai spoke, coming up from behind me. "I-it is." I whispered, fingering the gown. It had a dark red skirt that reached the floor, a black corset like bodice that laced up in the front, the sleeves ended at the elbows but the bottom  half of the fabric extended another foot and a half. The dress itself had a silver trim and typically, it matched the room. I turned to look at the guy. He was about 5’7" tall, his black hair covered his eyes which were, from what I could see, blue. He was kind of skinny but he wasn’t a sickly thin and he wasn’t as pale as typical "emo" kids. To put it simply. He was hot.  'Whoa, he’s really cute.' I thought to myself, not realizing that the whole castle would hear it. The boy laughed and his hair fell into his eyes more.

© Copyright 2011 Skylar Jaide (kaeylinne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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