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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1831320
A Stargate Atlantis fanfiction. SGA-2 are attacked. Can they survive?
Disclaimer: None of the recognizable characters In this fanfiction belong to me. Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc, no infringement of any rights is intended.

Unlike the show, this fanfic will focus on Major Lorne and his team. Sheppard's team takes a backseat but they will be in it. In this version, Ford was never killed and Ronon was never introduced.

If you are unfamiliar with Stargate, check out the wikipedia page if you want :) -  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate

Another mission to look for a planet that would be suitable for an Alpha Site. Major Evan Lorne sighed inwardly. Finding Alpha Sites was hard. The temperature had to be constantly appropriate for humans and crop growth. But most important is safety. No Wraith, crazy wildlife, weird happenings or freaky weather patterns like hurricanes, storms, earthquakes…basically any natural disaster known to man.

Evan was bought out of his thoughts of being annoyed at these missions of harrowing difficulty, by Sergeants Liam Stackhouse and Connor Markham, the youngest members at 22, who were bickering about McKay and his muttering that occurs when he’s annoyed or tired… which was most of the time.

“I’m telling you, man,” Liam was saying “He has a disease or something,”

Evan snorted silently before focusing on getting ready for the mission. He was still listening to the rest of the conversation.

“A disease that makes you mutter like a mad man?” asked Connor.

Liam shrugged.

“It’s more like a disorder,”

Lieutenant Blake Kagan laughed out loud but stopped when Liam and Connor gave him a look of slight annoyance. “What?” He asked innocently.

Captain Charlie Kemp and Lorne couldn’t help but laugh.

“Great. I think it might be contagious,” remarked Liam.

“It’s a disorder. It can’t be caught,” said Connor.

“Whatever, dude,” said Liam.

Charlie looked at Evan to check if he was armoured up and was glad to see that he was. The bickering, as entertaining as it was, was slightly grating on his nerves.

“Alright, boys,” said Evan picking up his 9-Mil and slotting it in his thigh holster. “Cut the chatter. Lets move out,”

“Debate suspended,” Connor said to Liam.

“Debate suspended until after we get back,” said Evan giving his ‘I’m serious’ look before picking up his P-90 and walking out the armoury.

Charlie and Blake followed him out silently. Connor and Liam looked at each other before shrugging and following suit.

As the team walked down the corridor that led to the gate room floor, others ignored them, too busy aiming to get to wherever they needed to be. In the distance, someone was moving towards them with purpose in their steps. As the figure got closer, the team realised it was none other than Doctor Rodney McKay.

“What’s up, doc?” Evan asked.

Rodney stopped in his tracks In front of Evan, while Charlie and Blake walked past him silently, knowing they wouldn’t be able to handle the doctors wrath.

Rodney glared at Evan “Who are you? Bugs Bunny? I have lots to do. Move away. Chop chop,”

Evan raised his eyebrows and stepped to the side and allowing a mumbling Rodney to walk past. Connor, however, didn’t move out the way in time and earned a shove to the shoulder for his trouble. On purpose or by accident he couldn’t tell.

Evan turned to the Sergeants who were looking at him amused. “The mumbling debate’s still suspended,”

“Yes sir,”

When Evan, Connor and Liam arrived in the gate room, the techs were busy doing their own things. Charlie and Blake were In conversation with Doctor Radek Zelenka who was most likely off to assist Rodney.

Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard and Doctor Elizabeth Weir were up in the control room beckoning Evan to come and join them.

“Be ready to leave in 2 minutes,” Evan said to Liam and Connor. He made his way up to the control room.

“You all ready to go?” John asked.

“I believe so, sir,” replied Evan.

“Major Jones’ team visited this planet a week ago. We just need a second more thorough sweep just be sure it’s safe,” said Elizabeth.

“Yes ma’am,” replied Evan.

“Try and keep our team under control,” Said John light heartedly.

Evan gave him a small smile,” I’ll do my best, sir,” he nodded to Elizabeth then joined his team on the gate room floor.

“Dial the gate,” Elizabeth said to Chuck who nodded and did as told.

The sky was blue and the sun was shining; So far so good.

“Looks clear,” said Charlie surveying the surroundings.

Evan nodded in agreement “Perfect place for a holiday,”

“It’s too hot, “ complained Connor pulling at his BDU.

“Can’t all be fans now, can we?,” said Liam looking up at the sky.

“Suck it up, Marko. Afghan was 10 times hotter than this,” said Blake.

“Stay sharp,” said Evan effectively ending the discussion.

The team moved up cautiously. All good marines knew that just because a place looked nice, friendly and quiet didn’t mean it was.

On the edge of the forest, a creature lay crouched in the shrubbery. It growled softly at the intruders. On his masters’ order, it would strike!

Blake halted suddenly. He turned to his left, focusing on the bushes on the outskirts of the forest. He thought he heard something.

Connor saw his friend suddenly halt and he turned concerned eyes to him. “What is it?” he asked.

Blake kept his gaze on the forest floor another few seconds before making eye contact with Connor “It’s probably nothing,”

Evan cast him a sideways glance.

“You sure?” asked Connor.

“Yeah. Lets keep going,” replied Blake. Probably the heat.

10 minutes later, the team stopped at the forest a few km’s away from the Stargate. A slight breeze blew through the trees causing the leaves to drift slowly to the forest floor.

Evan, still a little concerned about Blake’s hesitance earlier on, said to the team quietly “Stay together. Something’s not right,” It’s too quiet.

The rest of the team knew to trust Lorne’s instinct. They stood up straighter, on high alert.

5 minutes into the forest, everything was silent except for the quiet rustling as the wind blew through the trees and the foot fall of the 5 man team. Evan was taking point, Blake and Liam were in the middle, while Charlie and Connor covered their six.

Slightly bored, Liam cleared his throat and turned to Connor. “Enjoying the scenery?”

Connor didn’t hesitate “Sure, but it’d be better if you weren’t in it,”

Liam answered after a slight pause. Victory for Connor “I’m laughing on the inside,”

Blake chuckled quietly and  Evan turned his head slightly annoyed but mostly amused.

“Focusing would be helpful,” Evan said moving forward.

“Back to the scenery,” Liam muttered to himself.

Behind the team still concealed, the creature growled quietly. Its master rested his hand on its head, soothing it to quieten. Nearly time to attack.

SGA-2 completely unaware of the danger they were in, continued walking. Blake, who realised he didn’t know why they were on the planet, moved forward to walk in step with Evan “Sir, what exactly are we doing here?”

“We need to find another Alpha site. Jones’ team searched here a week ago. Weir just wants us to make sure it’s safe. You know, to make sure there aren’t any wild animals hiding somewhere,”

“Forests are a key site for wildlife, sir,” pointed out Blake.

“Hopefully not dangerous ones. Five people on the current Alpha Site have been killed so far this week. Looks like people were being mauled by something,”

Blake looked interested “Anyone have any thoughts on what it is?”

“No clue. All they know it’s something dangerous with razor sharp claws,”

“That’s unhelpful,” said Blake. If their people were getting killed, the whatever it was needed to be stopped.

“Tell me about it,” Evan was just as angry as the next person. If the creature was spotted it was going down. No questions asked.

A distant snap of a twig caused the team to whirl round. They raised their guns high. Listening. Waiting.

“Now, I know I heard something,” said Blake to Evan.

“Quiet,” Evan ordered.

A few seconds past where nothing happened, the team lowered their P-90’s slightly, not sure if they were in any danger. Suddenly, a creature on all fours ran towards them. It lunged itself at Connor, the nearest target to knock down. The team didn’t react in time. The creature landed on top of Connor, its claws dug into his body. Connor’s screams could be heard over the weapons fire of his team mates as the creature bit him on the shoulder and held on.

Charlie adjusted his aim, knowing he had to kill the thing now. He took aim at the creatures back and fired. The bullets whistled through the air and struck the creatures back. It yelped and extracted its claws from Connors’s body. It released its grip on the sergeant and aimed for Charlie instead. It lunged at him but Charlie was the quicker draw. He fired a whole clip into the creatures head. It slumped and groaned before collapsing as a bloodied heap on the forest floor.

Liam immediately crouched next to Connor who was writhing in pain. Connor tried to sit up but Liam pushed him back to lie down. “Let me take a look,” he said.

Liam took off Connor’s BDU and lifted the sleeve of Connor’s black T-shirt. He  grunted as Liam roamed his hands over his body. The bite on his shoulder was bleeding and the blood was staining the grass.

“How does it look?” asked Evan crouching next to Liam trying to get a look at Connor’s injuries.

Liam  shook his head in dismay. “Not good,”

“Not a suitable planet I don’t think, sir,” said Blake who was standing with Charlie keeping guard.

Evan nodded in agreement. He was still pretty shaken from the attack.

Liam focused solely on Connor who was still In a great deal of pain. “Do you think you can walk?” he asked him.

Connor drew in a shaky painful breath but nodded. “Yeah, I think so,”

“Alright,” said Liam.

Evan supported Connor’s head and Liam put an arm round his back and pushed him gently up into a sitting position “Nice and easy,” he soothed

“We need to the back to the gate,” said Evan.

“Yes sir,” said Liam.

“Alright. Kagan and I will lead. Kemp, you help Stackhouse with Markham. Stay sharp. We don’t know if there’s any more of these things around here,”

The team nodded. Evan stood and Charlie took his place next to Connor. “Lets get him up slowly,”

Liam nodded. “Ready, Connor?” he asked.

Connor nodded. “Yeah. Lets get this over with,”

Charlie and Liam both ducked under each of Connor’s arms and stood up straight, balancing Connor evenly between them.

“Okay. Nice and slow to the gate,” said Evan.

Connor drew in a breath and tried his best to hold some of his own weight for the slow journey back towards the gate.
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