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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1831172
Gloria explains what happened to the Summoners as she saw it.
“A Summoner!? You’re a Summoner!? Why didn’t you say you were a Summoner!?”

“Would you have believed me if I did tell you? Now hold still. Healing this wound is tricky enough without you bouncing around.”

Gloria and Rose had made their way to the Headmasters’ office after dropping Duran off at the infirmary. Gloria had to carry them both down from the eastern tower which would have been easier if the last flight of stairs wasn't in such bad condition. Gloria suggested leaving Rose at the infirmary as well, however she needed someone to tell her how to get to the Headmaster's office and Rose was willing to help. Once they arrived at the waiting room of the office, Gloria laid Rose down on the couch that was there and started healing the wounds that Duran gave her.

“I guess if I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed you.” Rose said lying still so that Gloria can focus on healing the cut in her stomach. “Either way, Duran and his boys got what they deserved. I'm surprised that you can fight so well and yet here you are healing my wounds."

"Is it really all that surprising?" Gloria asked. "All Summoners had a secondary class that they used at times to cover up the fact that they were a Summoner. Mine is the same as my mother's: Healer."

"You're mother? She wouldn't happen to be..." Rose started.

“Rose? You weren’t always a Healer. Were you?” Gloria asked taking her hands off Rose’s stomach wound.

Rose hesitated for a second. Gloria quickly changed the subject somewhat. Talking about her mother must be difficult for her.

“No. I wasn’t.” Rose said. “I only became a Healer two years ago. Before that I was a Warrior. How did you know?"

“Well you mentioned that it was your choice to be a Healer. That and Duran quickly brushed me off when you accepted to fight him." Gloria said. "And I don't think it was because he was excited to be able to order you around."

"How so?"

"If he really wanted to order you around, he would have his men pick on you like every other Healer until you ask him to stop them. That would have been his bargaining chip then." Gloria pointed out.

"True. I did notice during our fight that he seemed determined to win a little too much." Rose said.

“Did you ever fight him when you were a Warrior?” Gloria asked.

“Yeah. Several times.” Rose said. “Beat him every time too.”

“That would explain things then.” Gloria said going back to heal Rose.

"It does? Do you somehow know something I don't?" Rose asked

“Just look at this through Duran's perspective.” Gloria said. “He fought and lost to his sister several times. Then, one day, he finds out that his sister is going to change classes and become a Healer. A class that he believes to be weak. Now all people are going to hear is that he can’t beat his own sister. That makes him look weak.”

“I…I never thought of it that way.” Rose said. “That does explain a lot. The reason he became even more aggressive to Healers and why he banded a group of guys together and practically took over the school.”

“He didn’t take over the school, nor would I allow him too.” Said a voice by the east door.

Gloria looks over and sees a man who looked to be in his 50's standing in the doorway. Gloria recognized him as the other man from the statue on top of the fountain. He seemed like a gentle man but there was a sense of power that you could see with his black business like suit he wore. He smiled at Gloria and Rose as he made his way across the room to the other door leading into the actual office.

“So you are the new student that everyone is talking about.” He said pulling out a key from his suit pocket and unlocks the door. “The word out in the halls is that you are a Summoner of all things and, by the looks of things, a great Healer as well."

"Word gets around fast." Gloria said a bit surprised. "You must be the Headmaster."

"Indeed, I am Headmaster Aslan. I run this academy and have been for the past 20 years." He said.

Rose stood up from the couch and began checking herself for anymore wounds. Gloria stood up as well and gave a short bow.

“I’m Summoner Gloria. High Priestess of the Grand Church, daughter to Summoner Calden and Summoner Sanala.” she said.

“Oh my. The daughter of the Head Summoner of all things." Aslan said. "We can count ourselves lucky that you are still around."

“Just what I thought." Rose blurted out. "Summoner Sanala was your mother."

“I told you that nobody was more affected by her disappearance than I was.” Gloria said.

"Well let's not stand around here." Aslan said motioning to the inside of his office. "Come on in and sit down. We have much to talk about."

Gloria and Rose walked into the office as Aslan followed in behind. Gloria sat down in a chair in front of his big marble desk as Rose sat in the chair next to her. Aslan closed the door and sat down in his chair behind the desk.

“So. What brings a Summoner to my academy?" He asked.

“For training. Mostly." Gloria said. "I need to be in a place where I can see a lot of weapons in use."

"You'll definitely see a lot of weapons here." Rose said. "But we don't have anything like the weapon you used against Duran."

"I wouldn't expect you to." Gloria said looking proud. "It's the only one in existence. Plus, I have no need to see that in use. I already mastered it."

"Ah yes about that." Aslan said. "I went to see Duran before coming here. He did in fact mention about you using an unusual weapon."

"What was it you said about it? It was the weapon that ended the EverWar?" Rose said thinking back.

"Then it could only mean the weapon you used is the legendary Gunblade." Aslan said.

"The very same." Gloria said nodding happily. "It's been with the Summoners since the EverWar. However, there hasn't been a Summoner who could wield it until now."

"How come you can wield it then?" Rose asked.

"Honestly I'm not sure." Gloria said crossing her arms. "The Head Bishop at the Grand Church had it hidden away and only showed it to me. He didn't seem to be surprised that I could wield it now that I think about it."

"From what they history books say, the legendary Gunblade hasn't been seen in use since the EverWar." Aslan said.

"Besides Rose and Duran, the only other person alive today to have seen it in use is the Head Bishop...well there was another guy who had seen it but I don't think he was paying much attention." Gloria said.

All three of them went silent for a minute. It seemed as if nobody knew what to talk about next. Aslan took a deep sigh and spoke up while Gloria was looking around the room with interest.

“Gloria, I know what I’m about to ask will be difficult to answer…” Aslan said. “…but can you tell us what happened? What happened to the other Summoners? What happened to your Sanctuary?”

Gloria looked at Aslan as the smile on her face disappeared instantly. Rose saw Gloria's hand clench into a fist on her lap. This was obviously a tough subject for her.

“You don’t have to tell us. We understand that it must be hard for you.” Rose said.

Gloria stood up slowly and walked over to the window where she placed her hand on the wall beside it.

“It was demons.” She said. “Demons attacked the Sanctuary.”

“Demons!? I thought they stayed away from the Sanctuary because the Summoners knew how to defeat them for good.” Aslan said.

“There was a way to defeat them for good?” Rose asked. "I thought they all got back up after you killed them."

“Normally they do." Aslan said. "The demons are able to revive themselves after they die which makes them impossible to defeat for any normal person.”

"Then how did the Summoners do it?"

"It's a little hard to explain but basically we seal the demons away inside ourselves." Gloria said a little happy to be changing the subject for a bit. "We use a spell we call the Demon Capture Gate in order to do it."

“Demons are said to be our punishment for using the revival spell during the Ever War.” Aslan said. “There are even rumors saying that demons are the souls of those who were allowed to die during the war. There was a time where everyone believed the world had ended when they demons appeared. That's when they Summoners confronted the demons and showed that they can beat this new enemy."

“That’s kind of spooky.” Rose said hugging herself.

“It makes sense though.” Gloria said. “During the Ever War the world knew nothing of peace. Everyone just kept fighting. If you’re a soul who only knows how to fight, I’m sure you’d go mad and turn into some kind of demon too.”

“I don’t even want to think about it.” Rose said shivering. “So why is it only the Summoners who can truly defeat the demons?"

“It's because nobody has been able to copy our ability... at least not successfully." Gloria said. "When the demons first appeared the Summoners of that time fought them off like any other enemy. That was until they noticed the demons regenerate ability. So the Summoners set to work in finding a way to truly get rid of them. They had created a spell which was supposed to send the demons back where they came from...but instead they created the Demon Capture Gate."

Gloria continued to look out the window. She was trying to avoid talking about that horrible night but knew that she would have to tell someone sooner or later and decided that this might be the best time.

“Even with a new spell that could truly defeat the demons, the Summoners couldn’t hold them back when they attacked the Sanctuary.” She said. “The demons had overwhelmed us in a matter of seconds. My parents along with the other Summoners were more focused on driving them back so that I along with the other children could escape.”

“How many other children?” Rose asked.

“Five others.” Gloria said. “There were six of us that were going to be the next Summoners. Three boys and three girls. My brother was one of those boys, and the other two girls were my best friends."

Gloria looked down at the ground in sadness. Rose swore to herself as she should have known how many other children there was. Every new generation of Summoners always consisted of three men and three women. Somehow, it's how they always did it...at least that's what the history books say.

“Maybe you shouldn’t tell us what happened. This looks like it's going to be too hard on you.” Rose said feeling sorry for Gloria.

“No, I have to say it. I can’t just keep it locked away forever.” Gloria said. “Besides...if I don't, how can we prevent from happening anywhere else?"

“It’s OK. Just tell us what happened with the Sanctuary.” Aslan said giving Gloria a gentle smile.

“OK.” Gloria said looking up at the sky through the window. “When the demons attacked my father ordered a guard to get us out of the Sanctuary. We had just left the conference room just as a swarm of demons filled it blocking our view of our parents.”


“MOTHER!” I screamed running back towards the conference room.

“Wait! Gloria! You can’t go in there.” My friend Aleen said holding me back. “It's not safe."

“But…..our parents……..can they handle that many demons?” I asked starting to cry.

“Don’t worry.” The guard said patting my head. “Your parents are the toughest human beings that this planet has. And right now they need you to be strong. So let’s put our trust in them and let’s get you kids to the Grand Church.”

The guard gently pushed us ahead trying to get us away from the conference room as fast as possible. I looked back one last time hoping I would see my mother and father again, but it was too full of demons that I could barely make out that there even was anybody else in there. In such a short time the Sanctuary had become a war zone. There were already holes in the walls due to the demon attack and from them you could see the chaos of the battle happening outside. The guard would lead us through the destroyed halls slowly. Stopping at every corner to peek around it to see if it's safe before moving on. A demon flew through one of the holes in the walls and attacked us from behind however before it could even get close to us a group of guards showed up to chase it away. The guard we were following smiled slightly.

“Captain! It’s good to see you’re still alive.” he said.

“It’s good to see you too.” The captain said. “I was afraid the demons had gotten you before you made it to the Summoners. What is the situation up in the conference room?"

“A swarm of flying demons chased me in when I arrived at the conference room.” The guard said. “The Summoners are dealing with them now. My orders from the Head Summoner were to get these kids safely to the Grand Church.”

The Captain looked over at us then back to the guard he didn't seem to like the idea of putting us before his own men.

“They're the Summoners children correct?” he asked.

“Yes sir. The little blonde girl and the boy next to her are Summoner Calden's children.” the guard said pointing to me and my brother.

The Captain looked us over as we all huddled together. The guards rarely ever saw us since we live in the upper floors of the Sanctuary and they lived on the lower floors.

“Yes I see the resemblance. In that case we will redouble our efforts to hold this line.” The Captain said.

“Captain, may we ask you something?” my brother Jesco asked as he and the other two boys stepped away from us.

“Make it quick." The Captain said looking down at my brother.

“We would like to ask you if you would allow the three of us to help you hold off the demons?” Jesco asked pointing at himself and the other two boys.

“You think I'm some kind of idiot?” The Captain asked. “Sending you into the battle would be putting you in danger, not taking you away from it.”

“Please, we can’t just run while our home is being attacked.” Jesco said. “We’re Summoners too, we can deal with the demons the same way our parents can.”

“Are you saying you know the sealing spell?” the Captain asked.

“Of course. It was the first thing we were taught.”

“Jes, what do you think you’re doing.” I asked my brother.

“We’re only kids plus we have no experience using any weapons, we can’t fight the demons.” Aleen said.

“No, you’re not going to fight.” Aleen's brother Rythen said. “You girls are going to run to the Grand Church. Just like Head Summoner Calden said. We're going to stay and use the Demon Capture Gate on any demon the guards kill."

“This is no time to be gentlemen guys.” Said Emily my other friend and the third female to be the next Summoner. “Our parents will be expecting ALL of us at the Grand Church. We have to go there now.”

“You head over there now.” Jesco said. “We’ll catch up once the demons have thinned out a bit.”

“This isn’t up for discussion Jesco!” I said stomping my foot on the ground.

Jesco just stared at me. He didn’t say a word. I didn’t know it then but he probably saw our mother in me. She would have said the same thing in the same way. As he stood there a demon came charging towards us.

“INCOMING!” yelled the captain as he dived for cover.

The demon hit the ceiling above and it started to come down on top of us. Jesco quickly nodded to the other boys and he pushed me out of the way into the hall behind me. Aleen and Emily were pushed in after me as the guard made a dive into the same hall. The ceiling collapsed as pieces of stone and rubble piled up blocking the doorway back to the hall we were just in. I got to my feet and ran back towards the rubble.

“JESCO!” I screamed. “NO JESCO!”

I began to hit the rubble trying to make it come loose, but it was too strong and wouldn’t budge. After I realized it was hopeless, I fell to my knees and started to cry. Aleen stood up and came over and gave me a gentle hug, she too couldn’t hold back her tears, but she tried to remain strong. Emily was sitting on the floor looking at the rubble in disbelief.

“This can’t be happening.” She said on the verge of tears. Then she turned her attention to the guard. “Why is this happening? You have to fix this. You were ordered to protect all of us. Go back in there and save them!”

The guard was at a loss for words. He simply stood up and turned his back on us.

“The exit isn’t far from here.” He finally said. “It doesn’t look like the demons have gotten to this side of the Sanctuary. We can make it but we have to move now.”

“I can’t believe you!” Aleen said glaring at the guard. “Our brothers might still be alive in there and you just want to abandon them!”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure they’re fine.” The guard said not wanting to look at Aleen. “If they're alive then the Captain would be too. He’ll make sure they get out of there alive.”

“How can you be so sure of that?” Emily asked.

The guard said nothing. He looked as if he was trying to convince himself that the Captain was still alive. I stood up and placed my hand on the rubble wall.

“Our brothers made their decision.” I said wiping my tears away. “If they’re still alive then they would be fighting off the demons so that we can escape. If they’re dead…..”

“…then we have to survive or their sacrifice would be for nothing.” Aleen said finishing my sentence for me.

We all nodded at each other then made our way down the hall with the guard in front. He continued to look around every corner as he did before we met the Captain.

“The back door to the Sanctuary should be just around this next corner.” The guard said peering around said corner. "Dammit! This isn’t good.”

“What is it?” Emily asked. “Is it demons?”

“No. Not demons.” The guard said walking around the corner. “Have a look for yourself.”

Aleen and Emily both leaned around the corner to see what it was. I forced myself in between them to look as well.

“Th…the door!” I yelled. “It’s gone!”

What was once the door was now a pile of rubble just like the door we came through. We walked over to it to get a closer look.

“Demons must have caused the ceiling to fall here too.” Aleen said.

“But, the only two ways out of this hall are this door and the door we came through.” Emily said.

"And it doesn't seem like the demons have destroyed any walls here either." The guard said looking around.

“In other words: We’re trapped.” I said with a sigh.

“Look on the bright side.” Aleen said. “There doesn’t seem to be any demons here so at least we’re safe.”

“But how are we going to get to the Grand Church and meet up with our families if we’re stuck in here?” Emily asked.

“Well maybe we could try breaking through the rubble on this side.” Aleen said.

“It’s no use.” I said. “The rubble on the other side was stuck tight. I’m guessing it will be the same on this…..”

Before I could finish what I was saying the guard clapped his hand over my mouth.

“Shh.” He said looking around the corner where we came from.

“What is it?” Aleen whispered.

“Listen.” The guard whispered back.

We all opened our ears to listen to what the guard heard. From down the hall I heard the sound of something big moving through all the rock and debris. Apart from that, the sound of deep heavy breathing with a hint of growling could also be heard. I gasped and pushed the guard's hand off my mouth.

“It’s a demon.” I whispered.

“That’s not possible.” The guard said. “Demons don’t usually travel alone. Why does it sound like there’s only one?

“Maybe it got separated from the rest of them like we did.” Emily said.

“But wouldn’t we have bumped into it on our way here?” Aleen asked.

“It’s coming closer.” I said with a small whimper. “What do we do?”

“The demon will find us one way or another.” The guard said. “There is no place to hide and no way to escape. We’ll have to fight it.”

“Are you crazy!? Fight it!?” Aleen said raising her voice causing Emily to shush her.

“We don’t have much of a choice.” The guard said. “You three are Summoners; you’re trained to deal with demons. If all of us combine our strength we should be able to kill it.”

“But we can't fight." I said quietly. "We were supposed to start weapon training tomorrow."

Aleen and Emily huddled together with me. They knew full well that we would be useless against a demon. The guard gave us a worried look before looking back around the corner to see if he could spot the demon.

"Well, I don't know how well I can do against a demon all on my own." He said. "If I'm lucky I can kill it, but it'll just get back up again. You're brother mentioned that you can use the sealing spell right?"

“We can.” I said. “But it sounds like a big demon. It'll be hard to seal it away."

“A big demon?” Aleen repeated looking over at the rubble which was once a doorway. “I think I have an idea."

Aleen ran to the rubble and began to examine it. The guard looks over at her while looking back down the hall now and then to see if the demon had arrived. Emily walked over to Aleen and began studying the rubble as well.

“Um…what are we looking for?” Emily asked.

“We’re not looking for anything.” Aleen said leaving the rubble and looking around the corner with the guard.

“What?” Emily said blinking in confusion. “Then what are you doing?”

“Just be quiet and watch.” Aleen said. "And if you catch on to my idea, start helping."

Emily walked back over and knelt next to me looking confused. Aleen took a deep breath and started yelling down the hallway.


“Wh-what are you doing!?” the guard asked pulling Aleen down to avoid the demon from spotting her. “Stop yelling you’re getting the demons attention."

“Of course.” Emily said looking at the rubble that blocked our path. “That’s the idea.”

Emily picked up a nearby rock and threw it as hard as she could down the hall. Just as it was about to hit the wall on the far side, the demon turned the corner and the rock hit him in the eye.

“Wow. Way to go Emily.” Aleen said peering around the corner. “With accuracy like that, maybe you should take up Archery."

“You think so?" Emily said blushing a little. "I think I made it mad though."

The demon on the other end of the hall looked like a big hamster with huge teeth. It shook its head as if it was shaking the pain away from its eye. It began clamping its teeth over and over making a huge banging noise which echoed down the hall. It then charged towards us at full speed.

“Quick! Run to the door!” Aleen yelled as she turned and ran.

I ran after her as Emily and the guard made their own way to the door. The demon slowed down as it reached the corner and then turned to face us.

“Now what you two?” I asked. “Care to share your plan before we get eaten?”

“When I say, dive away from the door.” Aleen said.

“I think I get it now.” I said smiling.

“Ah yes, good plan.” The guard said. “I’m surprised that someone so young thought it up.”

The demon clamped his teeth again and flew into a rage. Then it charged at us with its mouth open.

“NOW!” Aleen yelled and everyone jumped out of the way.

The demon crashed into the rubble and plowed right through it reopening the doorway. I stood up and looked out through the hole. I could see the hillside which had the road to the Grand Church right in front of us.

“We’re almost there.” I said looking at everyone else. “The road is just up that hill.”

As I turn to go through the hole I feel a heat wave, not to mention an awful smell, rush over me.

“Ewwww what stinks?” I asked plugging my nose.

Towering over me was the big demon that cleared the doorway for us. It slowly opened its mouth allowing me to see every tooth it had in it. I stood there afraid of what the demon would do if I moved. The demon gave a loud roar which made me feel lightheaded. With a small whimper I fell to the floor.

“GLORIA!” I heard Aleen yell out as everything around me went black.


Gloria took a deep breath of relief as she finishes her story. Remembering that incident was hard on her but she was glad to finally tell someone.

“That’s it?” Rose asked without thinking. “You fainted in front of a big demon and that ends your story?”

“There’s not much more to say after that.” Gloria said shaking her head. “I woke up to find out that Emily and the guard stayed behind to fight off the demon as Aleen carried me up the hill to safety.”

“Did she happen to tell you as to what happened to your Sanctuary?” Aslan asked.

“Aleen told me that soon after she escaped with me, a huge demon gate appeared above the Sanctuary.” Gloria said. “It engulfed the entire Sanctuary then disappeared.”

“A demon gate engulfed the Sanctuary!?” Aslan said surprisingly. “Demons have that kind of power!?”

“I’m afraid to say, it's not demons that possess this power." Gloria said. "It's us humans."

"What!? How can humans open a demon gate?" Aslan asked.

"I don't know how exactly, but there was a magical orb called a Demon Gate Key that was capable of opening the demon gates." Gloria explained.

“But demon gates are invisible to humans when they're closed." Rose said. "How can we open what we can't see?"

“That was another power of the orb. It allowed you to see the closed demon gates when you held it in your hand."

“You sound like you're talking from experience." Aslan said. "Have you seen this orb yourself?"

"Y-yes." Gloria said looking away from Aslan. "It showed up at the Grand Church last year. It's the reason why I left the church in the first place. Or rather...one of the reasons."
"You said that your friend Aleen carried you away from the Sanctuary before it was swallowed by the demon gate." Rose said. "That means she also survived the ordeal. Why didn't she come here as well?"

Gloria lets out a small gasp. She began shaking and looked like she was on the verge of tears. This was probably the part she wanted to avoid talking about, but it was clear as to why Aleen was not here.

“I’m sorry.” Rose said sadly. "I asked the wrong question. You don't have to answer. I...I think I know why."

"Aleen died during an incident at the Grand Church." Gloria said closing her eyes. "I'm all that's left."

Rose looked at Gloria who was fighting the urge to cry. Her words reminded Rose that Gloria said she was the last one even before she revealed she was a Summoner.

"I have a request to make." Gloria said finally looking at Aslan.

“What kind of request?" Aslan asked.

“This academy accepts jobs from the townspeople correct? I'm asking that all jobs that even seem related to a demon gate key be given to me."

“I suppose that's another reason as to why you applied here." Aslan said. "Very well. However I will be the one to select the team that goes with you. I know these students better then you."

"I can accept that." Gloria said nodding.

“On that note, Rose your previous team disbanded if I'm not mistaken" Aslan said. "Therefore since you know what she actually is, you will go on any job she goes on."

"Understood." Rose said standing up from her chair and nodding.

“Now, Gloria, before you become an official student at this academy, I'd like to ask you something about your application form you filled out." Aslan said picking up a piece of paper from his desk.

"What about it?" Gloria asked.

"In the section where it asks for your class, you put down: 'Healer'. Would you like to change it?"

"Actually, just keep it." Gloria said smiling the gentle smile she had when she arrived. "I am a Healer as well as a Summoner."

"I understand." Aslan said putting the paper back down on his desk. "Rose I trust you can show her around?"

“Yes Headmaster." Rose said. "Where will her dorm room be?"

“Where else?” Aslan said smiling. “The same dorm room as you. You are by yourself in there aren't you?"

Rose nodded and smiled at Gloria who smiled back happily. You couldn't even tell that Gloria had almost burst into tears earlier. They turn to head out of the office however Gloria stops and looks at Aslan once more.

“Um…Headmaster? Can I ask you something?” she asked.

“You may.” Aslan said. “What’s on your mind?”

“It’s about Duran.” Gloria said. “Why did he have so much control throughout the academy?"

Aslan looked at Rose who was waiting intensely for an answer to Gloria’s question. Aslan sighed and shook his head.

“Don’t think I didn’t know what he was doing.” Aslan said. “I watched him just to make sure he didn’t cross the line. Sad truth about it, he never broke any of the schools rules. Even though it doesn’t justify what he was doing, I still didn’t want to stop him because I knew he’d never learn that way.”

“Learn what?” Rose asked.

“Learn what it’s like to be defeated.” Aslan said. “If I went and defeated him, he’d just think of it as punishment and only punishment. He would have continued the next day, maybe even worst. I needed to wait for the student that could take him down for him to truly learn the meaning of defeat.”

“Makes sense to me.” Gloria said smiling.

“It’s a little confusing to me, but I think I get the gist of it.” Rose said.

“I would like to thank you Gloria.” Aslan said. “Who knows how long it would have been before another student gets strong enough to beat him.”

“Ah it was nothing.” Gloria said blushing.

“Don’t sound like a show off now.” Rose said.

“No seriously it really was nothing.” Gloria said as she and Rose made their way to the door. “You saw how quickly I took him down.

“Yeah, all because I tired him out for you.”

“I’m pretty sure he was beating you with ease.”

“Well I couldn’t use my quick heal because YOU proved it was useless.”

“Oh so now it’s MY fault?”

After the girls left, Aslan turned around in his chair and looked out the window.

“Way to go Aslan.” He said to himself. “You may have just ruined the best team this school will ever have.”

© Copyright 2011 Cory Shaddick-Hoyt (lutus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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