Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1830969-Reaching-the-Light
Rated: · Other · Action/Adventure · #1830969
This story just came to me there are more parts to it, find more under Reaching the Light
It had been a hard day and all i wanted to do was lay on my bed with the fan on full blast i was over everything my friends never let me be the head i was never in charge that's all i wanted was to be looked up to but i guess there are people who are born to be like that and people who are in the middle like me and then the people at the bottom that try to get to at least the middle. My train of thoughts was interrupted when my whole room started to shake i thought it was an earthquake i tried to get out of the room but i couldn't i was scared i sat under my bed the shaking didn't stop it kept going on and on i decided it was safe to come out from under the bed as i came up a dark shadow passed over my head i looked up into the face of i don't know how i could describe it, it was angry, twisted, empty, hurt, like it needed help something was happening a new phenomena like none other that i had read about i was confused and scared the shadow left as fast as it had appeared and when it was gone the shaking stopped another person stepped in from no where she just appeared out of thin are she was beautiful her luscious brown hair reached halfway down her back her large kind brown eyes looked at me as if she could see into my soul she spoke in such an angelic voice i could not speak or move at all not only because i was amazed by her something was holding me in place i struggled hard trying to get away from something that wasn't there.
"Settle dear, he will let go soon." she informed me. i stopped struggling relaxed my whole body and felt the weight of the force lift from my shoulders. i went to step forward she put her hand up i stopped suddenly a screaming filled my ears it hurt me i fell to the ground holding my head it continued my body slumped and everything went black.
I felt warm hands close in around my body lifting me, carrying me away i opened my eyes i started to speak she put her finger to my lips
"shush my dear speak later" i closed my eyes and let her take me where ever she was taking me.
we were no longer in my room it was dark i could make out different shapes it looked like one of those headquarter places in the spy movies i had watched as i kid. i then remembered the face i had seen i looked up at the woman holding me.
"can i be put down now please" i asked
"yes of course" she placed me lightly on my feet
"what was it? Do you know, who are you? Where am i? Why am i here" i asked in a rush taking a deep breath at the end
"The answer to your first question you must find out for your self, I am Kasandaran the head of 'The Chosen Ones', that is also where you are this is the headquarters, you are here because you are the first of the eighteen chosens."
"What does that mean?" i asked
"you have a special ability to help us defeat the monster holding our leader" she continued
"wait come again, i'm really confused. I'm not special at all"
"our leader Hurashnen gave eighteen different elements of different abilities to eighteen different people that he knew he could rely on"
"i dont know who he is" i was getting more confused as she talked
Kasandaran explained about the dark shadow how he had captured Hurashnen because of the abilities he obtained 18 people 9 girls and 9 boys had been given one of his abilities to stop the devil getting his hands on them. As she talked i started to take in what she was saying.
"You must help me to bring in all of the people who are chosen, if anything happens take them get them away and save them from the devils grasp."

If i get enough good reviews i will write a better copy and continue my story please give your honest opinions
© Copyright 2011 My Life My Rules (brookelyn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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