Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1830660-A-New-Start
Rated: XGC · Novella · Romance/Love · #1830660
Getting a new start in Life
Chapter 1

Amelia had lost her family when she was 7 yrs old. They were killed by renegade Indians. She was found wandering by a Kiowa Medicine Man, he and his family took her in and raised her as their daughter.

Gets married to a warrior from another Kiowa village, he gets killed during a raid.

His brother takes her in as the custom, but the brother’s wife doesn’t like her very much she has had him most of her adult life and does not want to share him. She treats her like a slave when he is not around. The others like Amelia and that makes Sky Lark madder. She has told her time and again that she does not wish to share her husband’s bed that she is not in love with him. She would not sleep with a man unless she was remotely in love with him and she was not with (her husband). But she would not believe her. She would only say that she sees how he looks at her and secretly wishes to make love to her. I cannot help the way he feels about me. I do not tell him that she treats me like a slave. I think he would have beaten her.

She would always take her horse whenever they had to go further from the village that way she could watch out for enemies or go for help if need be.

She and a group of women went out to gather wood and berries and things. They decided that they had collected enough of what they needed and started to head back to the village. Just before they decided Amelia felt on edge like someone started watching them, but she couldn’t see anything most times when she felt like this it was a false alarm. She started to dismiss this feeling again when her horse started to get jumpy, he reacted this way when he didn’t know who the people were and then she saw movement in the bushes to her right and it wasn’t an animal he only reacted this way with people. She quietly talked to him and patted his neck to let him know she had the same feeling and she smelled them too. White Men. She had acted as though she didn’t see anything; she hoped she could get the others away safely before they tried anything.

When the others were a safe distance away running toward the village, Amelia steadying herself on her horse she shot an arrow towards the men, missing them as she intended. She heard them yell and then saw them mount their horses. So far her plan was working all she had to do was lead the away a little further then she would lose them and then head back to the village.

What she didn’t count on was them reacting the way they did she just figured they would just chase her; she’d out run them and lose them. The next thing she heard was a shot ringing out.

She must have passed out because the next thing she knew it was dark and down pouring. How did she miss half a day? What had happened? She couldn’t think. She was wet and cold and her right shoulder hurt and she couldn’t move her arm as a flash of lightning lit the sky she saw red, red streaks down her arm. She suddenly felt darkness coming on, but she had to fight it a little while longer. Lightning struck the sky more time and she saw it a house and a barn, she had to take a chance on there being a kind person who lived there that would at least let her stay in the barn. She turned her horse towards the barn, what Amelia didn’t see was a man trying to get his horses he had in out of the rain.

Buck had just gotten the last horse in the barn and started for the house when lightning lit the sky again and he saw a rider slumped over their horse. He caught the rider before they fell off. As he caught the rider he tried to stop the horse from taking off.

Amelia spoke in Kiowa before passing out not knowing if this person understood what she said, “Let him go, he won’t go far from me.”

With that Buck quickly got her inside and in front of the fireplace to warm her up and dry her off. She spoke Kiowa and he couldn’t help notice the buckskin dress she wore but she was clearly white, was she a slave? But she couldn’t be the dress was decorated too much for her to be a slave. It was a mourning dress. She was in mourning. It was less than a year. After a year they went back to wearing a more adorned dress or the head of the family says they were no longer in mourning.

All the answers to his questions would have to wait until she woke up.

She winced in pain but didn’t wake as he placed her on the floor near the fireplace, she was hurt. But where, then he saw the blood on his fingers his hand had been under her right shoulder. He rolled her onto her left side then saw the red stain and the hole, she had been shot and since he hadn’t seen any red stain on the front it was still inside, he would have to remove it before her shoulder became infected.

He placed his knife in the fire to sterilize it then went and got a blanket from the closet; he also grabbed a piece of leather when he returned he rolled her onto her stomach and covered her. The top of her dress had laces on the shoulder down the sleeve. So all he had to do was unlace the laces and pull the top back enough to get to the bullet.

She had beautiful skin there were no marks on her, so she couldn’t be a slave or she was just a very obedient one, but her Kiowa was fluent not broken like most slaves who knew just enough to survive.

He spoke to her in Kiowa, “Bite down on this,” he said as he put the leather to her lips. She opened her mouth and bit down, he then took the knife out of the fire and went about getting the bullet out, he had been worried about her moving but when he first put the knife to her shoulder she had passed out from the pain, it took some doing but he finally got it out.

He stitched her up and bandaged her shoulder; she would be out for hours. (She was out for two weeks)

He took care of her the best he could. He hadn’t seen or been with a woman in almost two years, not since Rebecca was killed. He tried to make a life outside of Rock Creek after the Express ended but that ended badly. At least the townsfolk in Rock Creek knew him they at least know that he is a good man.

He was suddenly brought back to the present, there was a pounding at the front door, it was late so who could be knocking at this hour, it couldn’t be Noah he wasn’t due back for two more days, besides he wouldn’t have to knock since he lived here too, Jimmy and Cody were gone, Kid too he decided he had to fight for the South for Virginia despite the fact it was no longer his home, Lou stayed behind it was safer for her. This war had torn his family apart that was part of the reason why he left and to figure out what to do with the rest of his life.

“Buck….hey Buck, are you in there?” it was Lou, he just realized that he hadn’t seen her since the day before the storm that was two weeks ago. This vision of beauty had been with him for two weeks already. She developed a fever a few days ago, which is a good thing it means that her body is trying to heal, but she keeps calling for a Grey Wolf and a White Wolf. His heart broke a little more each time she said their names.

He finally answered the door.

“Lou, what are you doing here at this hour?” he asked.

“I was getting worried about you. I haven’t seen you in almost two weeks” she answered back.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t leave” Buck answered.

“And why not?” Lou asked sounding a little anode.

Just as she asked the question Buck’s house guest screamed.

“Buck?” Lou questioningly.

“Lou?” he said back.

Lou just gave him a look.

“What?….I found her wondering into my yard the night of the storm. She has been out since then. She developed a fever a few days ago.” Buck checked on his guest. Her fever had broken and she was now asleep and dreaming, she started talking Kiowa again in her sleep.

“Buck?” Lou looked at him questioningly. “Do you know what she is saying?” Buck shook his head yes. “But she’s white!”

“I know…she’s just mumbling now, but she speaks fluent Kiowa like she has been with them for years,” Lou went to say something but Buck put up his hand, “We’ll just have to wait until she wakes up to find out all the answers to the questions we have.”

Lou shook her head in agreement.

“I’ll get a blanket you can stay on the couch.” Said Buck.

“No, I’ll go back home” answered Lou.

“No, you’re not…you’re not traveling alone in the dark, you never should have come here in the dark, you’ll stay and no arguments” Buck added as Lou started to protest. “Besides I do need someone else here. I haven’t been able to sleep through the night being worried about my guest.”

“Ok, I’ll stay then.” Lou resigned.

“Thank you” said Buck.

Chapter 2

Amelia awoke to smells that she didn’t recognize and to surroundings that she didn’t recognize either, she sat up quickly to see a woman, a huge woman, no with child sitting on something she couldn’t remember the white word for it and reading.

“Well, hello” said the woman. “BUCK, she’s awake.” She shouted.

She was white by birth but Indian in heart and spirit and she knew the white words but chose not to speak them. There were going to be misunderstandings like when she was a little girl, she would have to speak the white words again. Then someone else walked into the room. Her eyes went wide it was him and he wasn’t a dream, he was real and he was talking to her in Kiowa.

She had gotten confused in her dream. First she had seen her husband then her infant son then she was him, this man kneeling in front of her, with her son. She would have to figure out her dream later. Was this woman his wife, then why was he with her son, did something happen to her, did she miss the signs.

“Hello, did you hear a word I said?” he asked her in Kiowa.

“No, I’m sorry” she answered back in Kiowa.

“I asked you what your name was and do you remember English?” he asked her again.

“My name is Amelia “Lonesome Dove” she answered him in Kiowa “and I know English but choose not to speak it out of respect for the people. I will speak it, if it will make your wife more comfortable.” She added.

Her last statement caught him by surprise.

“What? Wife?”

Amelia looked past him to Lou; he had forgotten she was sitting on the couch. She was quiet, she had gone back to her reading since the conversation they were having was Kiowa. He turned his head to look then turned back again.

“Who…Lou…Louise? No, she’s not my wife. She’s one of my best friends and she’s also married to another one of my best friend’s. He’s in the war.” He answered quickly.
Amelia smiled inside, she was glad and sad too because this handsome, gorgeous man didn’t have a family.

“She knows Indian sign if you don’t feel comfortable yet to speak English.” He added.
“What smells so good?” asked Amelia as her stomach growled loudly.

“Oh yeah….breakfast, I almost forgot about it.” “I was distracted by a beautiful woman”, he added to himself. He stood up, then helped Lou up off the couch, who was eight months pregnant and she headed off to the kitchen.

“Do you think you can stand?” he asked Amelia.

“I think so!” she replied back.

She tried to stand on her own, but her legs collapsed, he caught her before she fell on the floor, their faces were only inches away, Buck had to resist the urge to kiss her. Not only was Lou in the other room but this beauty had no idea that he had fallen in love with her while she was asleep.

Can you fall in love with a dream she wondered. She had tried to get up on her own but her legs failed her and she started to fall but he was right there to catch her. Now their faces were inches apart, she had to resist the urge to kiss him. Besides his friend was in the other room and he had no idea that she had fallen in love with her dream.

Buck quickly walked to the kitchen and sat her down in a chair and went to help Lou.

After Buck walked away Amelia let go of the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. As she was sitting and waiting for the food, she couldn’t understand why her legs collapsed she was only here one night. Was his friend here last night when the storm hit and stayed? She suddenly missed her son.

Amelia was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Buck and Lou sat down at the table and Buck was talking to her.

“What’s wrong?” asked Buck in Kiowa.

“Why did my legs fail when I have only been here since the storm last night?” answered Amelia. She didn’t like the look that passed between Buck and Lou.

“What’s wrong? “She asked Buck in Kiowa.

“That storm was two weeks ago.” He answered her.

Amelia’s face went white as white clouds. She started shaking her head. “No, no, no, I’ve been asleep for two weeks. I … I … have to go…home.” She tried to get up again but collapsed back down on the chair and tried again but this time, Buck put his hand on her shoulder to keep her sitting.

“Where do you think you’re going, you are in no shape to go anywhere, you just came out of a very deep sleep and your body is trying to recuperate?” Buck said sternly in Kiowa.

“You don’t understand…I have to get back to White Wolf…I will crawl if I have to, but I must get to my home.” Answered Amelia who was close to tears.

His heart sank at the mention of White Wolf. Was he about to lose her? He had to think quickly.

“No,” he said sternly. “I can’t leave for a couple of days, three at the most, Noah will be back then.” Both Amelia and Lou looked at him. “I am not leaving you alone, Lou. At least if Noah is here he can help you while I’m gone.” He then turned to Amelia. “Can you wait three more days maybe less until our friend comes back? Can White Wolf wait a little longer?” he asked through almost gritted teeth. He had to watch his emotions now that she was awake. He couldn’t let her see how much it hurt him every time she spoke those two names. It had been a wonderful two weeks (pretending). He would also have two more days maybe three; he hoped three, plus the amount of time it would take to get her to her village. To her White Wolf. To her Gray Wolf.

“Three more days?” she tried in English although it was broken. “I guess it would be ok.” She really didn’t know she had never been away from White Wolf this long before. All she knew was that she missed having him in her arms, holding him.

They all quietly finished eating breakfast. When breakfast was finished Louise said good bye to Amelia and Buck walked her out and helped her into the back of the buckboard.

“Is this how you drove here last night?” asked Buck.

“Yes” she said and with the look on Buck’s face she cringed before he started yelling at her.

“This is how you drove here last night!” he started yelling. “Wait here while I go tell Amelia that I am taking you home and then I’ll go get Warrior.”

While Amelia was alone she started thinking about the dreams she had had while she slept. She dreamt they made love together and he pleasured her, it was beautiful and it felt so real. As fast as she wanted to get back to White Wolf she also wanted to stay here as long as she could, be with him as much as she could. He would probably take her back to her village, leave and never see her again. She had to find a way to keep him either in the village or here in his home. Maybe her dreams weren’t dreams but visions of the near future.

Outside she heard some shouting then she heard the door opening and then he was standing there in front of her. He was standing some two feet away and she felt her body tingling (responding) like it knew his touch, she wondered how she would feel with him much closer.

“Amelia I have to take Lou home, I should only be about an hour. I will get back here as quickly as I can. Will you be ok by yourself?” he asked her.

“Why don’t I come with you I can keep Lou company in the buckboard and keep you company on the way back on your horse. That way I will not be by myself.” Buck gave Amelia a questioning look. “I will not try to leave, you are right I need a couple of days to recuperate maybe three!!!” she said with a mischievous look, that didn’t go unnoticed by Buck.

He didn’t want to step any closer then he was. He could feel his body reacting to her at this distance and he already knew how it reacted when he was closer. Now maybe he wouldn’t have to go into the barn to relieve his pain. He hadn’t wanted to scare her, he liked her but he didn’t know how she would feel about him but the look she just gave him might be a ray of hope that she may like him too.

Then he noticed the look Amelia had when she agreed that she needed a few days to recuperate. Did she feel the same way? But how? She only came out of her sleep this morning. Could she see it in the way he looked at her? Had she pretended to be asleep?

He stepped closer to pick her up and carry her outside to the buckboard. She fit in his arms like she was meant to be there. He placed her in the back of the buckboard with Lou.

“Amelia is coming along to keep us company.” He said in a more cheerful voice. “I will be right back I’m going to get Warrior,” Looking at Amelia, “my horse.” He then turned and went into the barn. Lou smiled to herself she hadn’t seen him in this good of a mood since he came back to Rock Creek. Buck came out of the barn with Warrior. He smiled at both of them as he hitched Warrior to the buckboard; he then walked to the front and climbed on the seat. “Ready,” he asked as he looked back at both of them. Noticing the look on Amelia’s face, he quickly turned back around so that she and Lou wouldn’t see the big grin on his face. He slapped the reins and they were off toward Lou and Kid’s house.

Amelia had followed him with her eyes and when he looked back at them she gave him the same look she gave him inside the house. She thought she had seen him smile before he turned around but she wasn’t sure, she would have to wait until later when they were alone.

The ride to Kid and Lou’s house wasn’t that long. Lou and Amelia started talking as soon as they left the Cross Dixon McCloud Ranch. They talked about nothing and everything. Sometime during the ride back, the baby started kicking and Lou asked Buck to slow down a little because the road had become too bumpy, neither Buck nor Lou realized how bumpy this road was until now, for Lou. Buck also didn’t realize that he was going that fast either.

Buck wanted to get Lou home quickly and get home quicker. He didn’t know how the ride home with Amelia would be on one horse. The look she had given him in the house and outside made him start to get hard and uncomfortable. He hoped that Lou hadn’t seen the exchanged glances or he would never hear the end of it when they were alone.

They had finally reached Kid and Lou’s house. Buck pulled up close to the house. Lou scooted to the end of the buckboard as Buck climbed down and walked to the back of it. He helped Lou get off of the buckboard and into the house.

“I will be back tomorrow to see how you are doing, ok?” said Buck.

Lou nodded her head yes. “I do need some supplies.”

“Ok, make a list of what you need and when I come by tomorrow I will go into town and pick them up for you.” Answered Buck.

“Bring Amelia with you and then we can have lunch together when you get back from town, and that way she and I can keep each other company while you’re in town.” Lou said with a smile.

“Ok, that sounds like a good idea. I have to go unhitch the horses from the buckboard, I’ll be right back.

As Buck was helping Lou in the house Amelia tried out her legs they were still a little weak from not using them for two weeks, but she managed to get to the end of the buckboard, It was also high enough for her to swing her leg over Warrior’ back. She was glad that Buck didn’t saddle him; it would be much easier for them to ride him bareback, not to mention fun. She smiled to herself as she remembered when she and her husband had tried to make love on a horse; they sure did have fun trying, that was the night their son was conceived that was almost a year ago. Her smile slowly turned into tears bringing herself back to the present.

“I’m in mourning, how I can be thinking of another when still in mourning?” she said quietly with tears running down her face.

She couldn’t believe that nine months had passed. She remembered when she found out she was with child. Gray Wolf’s mother Shooting Star had seen the signs and asked Amelia if she was feeling ok and when she asked her why, she said that she would find out in six months, Amelia had given her a puzzled look, then she remembered her best friend, Soaring Bird, she is with child, then she smiled and ran to tell Soaring Bird, she would have to wait until the next day to tell Gray Wolf but he will be overjoyed by the news, but she never got to tell him the wonderful news, Gray Wolf had gone out with the hunting party and they had been ambushed by a renegade band of Indians. She would have to raise their child on her own, she was strong. She could hunt as well as any warrior. She often protected the women when they went out passed the safety zone of the village, instead of one of the braves or warriors.

She missed him very much, so how could she have feelings for another? But there was something about this man that she couldn’t explain. She would figure it out later. She heard Buck at the screen door and quickly wiped away the tears.

Buck came out of the house and was surprised to see Amelia on his horse. He smiled to himself she was a sight to behold, just one look at her and he started to get hard. As he stepped closer he could see that it looked like she was crying.

He smiled at Amelia and said “Hi,” with proudness in his voice, he wasn’t sure why it came out that way, either because she managed to get on his horse by herself or that she didn’t take off when she did, as he unhitched Warrior from the buckboard and walked him away from it.

“See I didn’t leave and take your horse.” She said with a mischievous smile, as he was unhitching his horse from the buckboard. Why did she act this way when she saw him? She was acting the way she had when she first saw Gray Wolf when he would come to her village. She could feel the tears well up again. Buck snapped her back to reality.

“Hey are you ok?” he asked. Amelia shook her head yes afraid to talk right then. “Ok, I just have to take care of the horses and buckboard for Lou and then we can head back.”

He knew something was wrong but he wasn’t one to push, since he didn’t like to be pushed either, she would tell him in her own time or not. He walked the horses and buckboard toward the barn then unhitched them and put them in the barn. By the time he came out of the barn Amelia had his horse facing the direction they had come and closer to the barn.

Although she was still in mourning, the short time that she had been with this man she was falling in love with him. She could see that he cared very much for his friends. He made sure everything was ok before he left. Lou came out unto the porch.

“Is everything ok?” asked Buck in a worried tone.

“Yes, everything is ok; I am staying in the guest bedroom so I don’t have to climb the stairs. I just came outside to say goodbye to Amelia. It would be rude of me not to and you know I’m not.” Answered Lou.

“Yes, I know you’re not” said Buck as he walked Warrior closer to the porch so Amelia wouldn’t have to come down from the horse and Lou wouldn’t have to walk far. When Buck got to the porch Lou extended her hand up to Amelia, Buck spoke to her in Kiowa and Amelia reached for her hand and shook it.

“Goodbye!” said Lou in a cheerful voice.

“Good…bye!!” Amelia answered back in broken English.

“Bye, Lou, we will be back again tomorrow for lunch.” Said Buck, as he mounted his horse behind Amelia.

“I will look forward to it.” Lou answered back.

And with that Amelia leaned back against Buck, he wrapped his arms around her and then turned Warrior around and headed home. At first Buck went at a fast pace almost into a run but as tight as Buck held Amelia against him he couldn’t keep her from rubbing against him and she could probably tell he was getting harder with each movement and it was making him wild with desire, almost light headed.

Amelia had leaned back against Buck before they even left the yard. When he had mounted his horse behind her, she had noticed that he was getting hard and it was making her wet with desire.

At this fast pace, with every move the horse made she was rubbing against him and no matter how tight he held her it didn’t help. So he slowed the horse down as if to view the beautiful scenery, but Amelia knew why he slowed down, Gray Wolf had done the same thing although he didn’t wear jeans, and she could tell that it didn’t really help. This time she moved on purpose just to see what he would do, Would he tell her to stop or do something about it? He let out a painful moan. Then he let her go a little and put his right hand down on her thigh as if to tell her to stop. She waited a little bit and then shifted, this time his fingers moved to the inside of her thigh, she stopped. She was starting to love this little game they were playing and she wanted to see how far he would take it. So she shifted again. This time he placed his fingers on her womanhood and kept them there. She whimpered. He nestled his face in the crook of her neck, he placed kisses up and down, but he didn’t move his fingers he was going to get her back for playing with him, but when? She wasn’t sure how long she could hold out the way he was playing. He just kept teasing her by moving his fingers up and down.

She had started this game and he was going to finish it but when she didn’t know and it was going to drive her nuts. He had teased her all the way back to the ranch.

Buck realized that she knew he was getting hard by the way she reacted when he slowed the horse down. His idea of slowing down to get a look of the scenery didn’t work; it only seemed to encourage her more. He had to think of a way to stop her from moving any more than the movement of the horse and that alone was killing him with her sitting in front of him. She moved on purpose maybe to see if he would tell her to stop or do something about it. A painful moan escaped his lips. He had to figure out a way to make her stop, he couldn’t let her know how much pain he was in. He let her go a little and put his right hand across her thigh, maybe she would stop. (NOT) she shifted, he moved his hand to the inside of her thigh, and she stopped. This must be a game to her, well she started it and by God he was going to finish it. She shifted again, but this time he moved his fingers across to her pleasure spot, and didn’t move them. Now he would start to play with her. He started teasing her by just moving his fingers up and down. He placed the reins in her hand, and then he moved her hair out of the way and began placing kisses up and down her neck all the while not moving his fingers. He knew he was torturing her every time he moved his fingers because she moved to meet his fingers. He knew they weren’t that far from the ranch he could keep this up but he wasn’t sure if she could last that long.

He turned her head to give her a deep passionate kiss. As he kissed her, he slid his fingers in and out. Amelia let out a moan and a whimper that was muffled by his kiss. The horse slowed to a stop in front of the house. Buck abruptly broke the kiss and when he tried to remove his fingers she stopped him. She had a haze of desire in her eyes. She had been close to an orgasm. He couldn’t give her what she wanted at least not yet.

He smiled and then whispered in her ear. “You started this and yes I will finish it, but not just yet.” And he slowly removed his fingers. She buried her face in his chest, and then leaned up to kiss him. Buck broke the kiss to help Amelia off his horse. She started to nuzzle on his ear. She found his spot. He tried to stifle a moan, the last one to find that spot was Rebecca, he couldn’t let Amelia figure out that was the way to get him to make mad passionate love, Rebecca figured that out and she knew that was how to get him to make love with her even when he didn’t want to and he hated that, sometimes he did, most of the time he didn’t. He would sometimes provoke a fight just so that she would nuzzle his ear and they would make up.

He quickly placed her in the chair that was on the porch and he put Warrior in the corral for now, he would take care of him later. Right now he needed to take care of some other business first. He quickly got back to Amelia, he picked her up and took her inside the house and laid her on her makeshift bed in front of the fireplace. He told her to stay right where she was that he would be right back, he then went into the other room, what he was doing she had no idea. She had started to feel her legs again when they were riding back to the ranch while they had their foreplay. She tried to stand up and was successful. She stood in front of the fireplace and waited until Buck came back into the room. He came into the living room with a tray of food to see her standing there. He smiled, he was happy that she had gotten her legs back.

As he stood in the doorway she pulled on the sinew (laces) that held her dress on her shoulders and let it drop to the floor, she stood there naked in front of him and all he could do was stand there. He couldn’t move she was a beautiful sight all he could do was stare.

When he stood in the doorway, she let her dress fall to the floor and stood before him naked. It looked like he couldn’t move that he was frozen to the spot he was in. So she slowly walked up to him, took the tray and placed it on the coffee table, she was not in the mood to eat food right now. She wanted him to finish what she started, then she took off his vest, then she started to unbutton his shirt, as she did this he took her face in his hands and started kissing her, as his tongue parted her lips their tongues met, playing with each other. He then broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down to her breast, licking and sucking on one nipple, then the other, while his one hand knead one breast when he was kissing and sucking on the other, then he went back to kissing her lips, while his other hand traveled down in a straight line and found her most sensitive spot.

She opened her legs a little to give him access. He slid two fingers inside her womanhood, finding the beginning of desire. Bringing them out again, he circled her pleasure spot, smiling as she moaned softly, and moved against his hand.

Buck kissed her, pushing his tongue inside her mouth as he thrust three fingers back inside. He did it again and she moved her hips against him. He couldn't wait anymore, he couldn’t believe it all this was to torture Amelia and keep her wanting for more and here he was about to give in, Rebecca never had him like this.

He backed her up a little and laid her down on the blankets by the fireplace. He spread her legs, and using his hand, he rubbed the head of his cock against her opening. She was wet now. He gritted his teeth in concentration, pushing in just a bit. She tensed up, then relaxed, and he thrusted in again. She whimpered and he leaned down to give her a passionate kiss. He didn't want to hurt her, but he couldn't stop. He wanted to know what it felt like to be buried inside her.

He saw her beneath him, watching him. Ragged as his breathing was he moved again, in and out of her. When she arched her hips toward him, his body took over, and he went deep, sinking all the way into her tight warmth.

Amelia cried out, her body arching again involuntarily to accept him, and Buck let out a groan, his own body thrusting rhythmically into her, reaching for the completion that he craved. He needed to cum inside her.

Amelia lay beneath him, letting her arms come up around his neck as he took her. He filled her completely, a sensation that even she had not experienced with her husband. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain that left her breathless.

Buck was almost frantic, his hips grinding against Amelia as he felt his orgasm building. As a wave of intense pleasure built within him he cried out and then exploded.

He fell on top of her, his dark hair covering her face. His legs shook with the force of his orgasm, and he struggled to catch his breath. He let out another moan, and tried in vain to move.

She listened to the sound of his breathing in her ear, and felt his heart pounding in his chest. He was still inside her. Still hard. In some strange way, it made her feel safe. He moved, rolling onto his back, pulling her on top of him, when she reached out to touch his bare chest with his eyes still closed.

He let his hands travel down her back, caressing every inch of skin he came in contact with, and then reached to squeeze her perfect backside. Amelia straddled his hips. She watched him, her own body still feeling the strange sensations that he brought out in her. She loved how she felt.

Buck opened his eyes; pleasure still flowed through his body. He still couldn't seem to take a deep breath. She was watching him.

They kissed, and Buck shivered at the feeling of her hand moving over his ribs and down to his stomach. She let her fingers graze against his manhood. He gathered her thick hair in his hands and pushed it back from her face, letting his tongue slowly explore the inside of her mouth. Amelia returned his kiss, and then ended it, sighing with pleasure as Buck began to nibble on the soft skin of her neck.

Buck was lost. He had never felt like this before not even with Rebecca. He was hot...and hungry for her.

She sat up a bit straighter, giving Buck a better view of her breasts. She tossed her head slightly, and he felt the tickle of her long hair against his groin, as her hand moved over his chest. It was almost too much.

His eyes locked with hers, Buck let his hands move slowly up and down her thighs. He was hard again. He knew that Amelia could feel his erection against her backside. Still watching him, she leaned her head back again, letting her hair touch him there. He arched slightly, catching his breath.

Buck reached up then, and cupped her breast in his hand. Her nipples were still hard, and he took one between his thumb and forefinger, eliciting a gasp from Amelia. After a moment, his hand traveled down over her stomach, and he began to move his thumb back and forth over her pleasure nub. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she moaned softly, rolling her hips toward his touch.

Encouraged, Buck continued, now moving his fingers over the secret spot. Amelia sat above him, moving more eagerly against his hand now. She leaned back slightly, bracing her hands on his thighs, opening herself to him.

Buck stifled a groan as he took in the picture before him. He continued to fondle her, and feeling the evidence of her desire against his hand, he slipped his fingers inside. Amelia moaned her approval, and began to thrust against him in earnest.

Buck watched her. Her beautiful blonde hair cascading down between his legs...her breasts bouncing slightly as she moved and he couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed her by the waist, and picked her up slightly, only to thrust his hard member inside her.

Amelia squealed in surprise, and Buck groaned loudly at the feeling of her tight walls closing around him. She moved up and down on his cock, with quick, hard movements.

Amelia was breathing harder now, as she reached for something...an orgasm. Her whole lower body felt full and tight. She was so close and there was no turning back now.

She moved faster, and Buck brought his hand to the place where they were joined, pressing against her.

“That's it...cum for me...” Buck breathed the words as he felt his own release fast approaching.

Her moans grew louder and Buck took hold of her again. He held her still, thrusting hard inside her. She gasped in surprise, and then let up a final scream, arching her back as release overtook her. Buck came as well, breathing hard, his body glistening with sweat.

Amelia fell against him, and for a time, they both slept.

© Copyright 2011 Writergirl (writergirl1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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