Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1830525-Rose-The-First-Date
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Adult · #1830525
Beginning of a short story about Rose, finding love where she least expected it.
I gaze into your face. A face I’ve known only in my deepest erotic dreams.
Your eyes so soft and kind. I see an untamed passion within them.
I only dream to see that passion unleashed on me.
Your lips soft and full, so inviting. I dream of kissing them, nibbling them gently in the throws of passion.
Your hands, soft yet strong and aching to please me..
Your hair, soft and well groomed, just a hint of a receding hairline.. It gives you the look of a strong passionate man, who knows how to treat a lady..
Your face a bit harsh from life’s hard lessons, yet a softness I cannot ignore..
I see passion within you.
I see a hint of shyness, not a weakness to me, in fact it interests me even more.
A man of passion, not only in the bedroom, but for politics and injustices done.
I love to see how passionate you get when talking of these things….
I’ve thought of kissing you a million times, yet I know it may never be.
I’ve dreamt of making love to you, slow and steady, yet I know that too - may never be.

Is it wrong to dream?
Is it wrong to feel the draw of an almost magnetic need of satisfaction from you?

Oh forget this! Jess says in a whisper to herself, as she tares the paper up and throws it in the basket. I’ll just call him. I can’t just write poetry, its lame. No one writes poetry anymore, he’ll think I’m odd.



“Hi. Its Jess.”

“Yes, I know your voice, Jess. What’s up?”

“I need to see you… soon..”

With a pause. “Sure. Would you like to meet at the coffee shop?”

“Yes, that sounds fine. I just need to talk.”

“Ok. Give me about 20 minutes. See you then.”

“Ok. Thank you.”


I slip on my low-rider jeans, the ones that hug the curves of my hips.. I smile as I check my look in the mirror. Maybe tonight, I’ll be able to unleash this untamed passion I feel for him.. Perhaps tonight, he will notice me as more than a friend. I check my look one last time in the mirror.. My hair spilled out along my back, a light shade of red, and flowing in waves to the arch of my back, just lightly touching the tip of my jeans.. A black low-cut blouse, expose just a bit of my breasts.. Yeah, they are fine I thought to myself. Slipping into my high healed shoes, I head out to the coffee shop, where we are supposed to meet again.

I told him I needed to talk, what was I thinking? He’s never going to buy this line… Sounds of Faith Hill and Tim McGraw singing “Lets Make Love” play on the radio. If only I could have a love like that she thought.. I wonder if it really exists.. Do people really make love that long? Jess giggles to herself as she drives along the south bound road, how silly I am. Perhaps I should just forget this whole thing. Who am I kidding anyway? I’m not that good looking. I’ll never get him to notice me that way, he thinks of me as just a friend. He’s so smart and so damn hot, he could have any woman.

Joe stands about 5’7, with short brown hair. He is your ‘average’ man, in his mid to late 30’s. Recently divorced, he’s finding himself and seems to be so stable in life. He told me that he’s even considering dating again, but afraid of getting his heart crushed. So many women have used him, its just not right, she thought.. If I ever had him, I’d never hurt him like those women did, hell, I’d do anything to keep him happy! Anything at all! He has the most intense eyes you’d ever see. A physically fit man, but not so much so that its intimidating. He’s solid but has a little belly. It’s so cute! She smiles as she thinks of his soft little belly. Oh, and that ass of his is so fine! I’ve caught a few glimpses of his manhood too, when I could. I think he’s just perfect, and he seems like he’d be a god at lovemaking. I bet a million dollars, he knows how to please a woman!

Sounds of a horn bring her back to reality. I’m almost there.. I’ve got to get a handle on my damn emotions! As Jess reaches for her Propel water, she notices she’s trembling. I’m such a flake! She sighs. I’ve never felt so drawn and so attracted to another man before. I don’t even know what to do. I’ve never tried to seduce a man before. Makes it so hard this time, because I really like him, he’s so adorable and so hot. He’s just what I need on a night like this..


Pulling into the parking lot, she sees his blue truck parked in his usual spot. He always likes to park on the side.. Pulling up next to him, she puts the car in park, and takes one last deep breath, and checks her look in the mirror. I should have had a drink, perhaps then I wouldn’t be so nervous..

Entering the coffee shop, she notices that there are hardly any people in there at all. Great, almost all alone she thinks to herself, and smiles. Just then, she looks over and sees his eyes, those eyes that seem to have a life of their own, they exchange a smile as she walks across the shop.

“Sorry I’m a little late Joe”

“Its ok, I know how you like to look just right before going anywhere, Jess.”

They share a giggle.

“Is everything ok Jess? You seemed rather urgent on the phone when we spoke earlier. Is it your Mom? Don’t tell me you two are arguing again.”

“I guess things are ok. I just--”

Just then the waitress interrupts “Coffee?”

“Yes, I’d love some.”

“Would you like something to eat?”

“Ah, sure. Wait a minute. Joe? Would you like something too? Or have you eaten already?”

“I’ll eat if you do”

“Ok. I’ll take the fresh fruit bowl with a side of whip cream” with a smile, she looks over at Joe. Oh, how I’d love to use that whip cream on him, she licks her lips while lost in a gaze at him.. Joe looks over, and notices her stare, and smiles. I wonder if he can feel the electricity that surges through my body, just by being near him…

“I’ll take two poached eggs on wheat toast”

“Ok. I’ll be back with your order as soon as possible”

“You were saying, Jess?”

“Well, things are ok I guess. I’ve just been feeling rather lonely lately. Sometimes vacations can be a curse.” she says with a giggle. If he only knew what I really wanted….

“What about your Mother, are you two getting along?”
“well, as good as we can be” Jess says with a sarcastic tone.

“I wish the two of you could mend the fences, Jess. I see how much it upsets you when you two have disagreements.”

“Yeah, me too. I’ve spent a fortune in massage visits” says Jess with a grin.

“Nothing wrong with massages”

“Yeah they sure are wonderful”

I’d like to feel his hands on me, massaging and exploring each curve of mine.. she gazes at his lips once again…..

Joe interrupts her thoughts “there’s something different about you tonight, Jess.”
Blushing “no, nothing different, just me” she says with a crooked smile.

“you look beautiful tonight, Jess”

“Thank you Joe, but you don’t have to”

“I know, besides, you should know me well enough by now to know I don’t just say things just because I really mean it, you look beautiful. There’s a glow about you tonight.”

“Oh Joe, your funny!” A glow huh, she giggles

Maybe he’s noticing that I’m falling for him. No, he couldn’t. I’ve kept these feelings hidden so well. No one would ever suspect this. Or would he? Running her hands through her hair, placing it behind her left ear, she thinks back of her dream. Making love to him.. His lips so soft and his tongue so pleasurable.. She feels those familiar tingles in her stomach.. I have to feel him next to me. I have to taste his passion.. I want to feel him inside of me so badly… She takes an ice cube from her water, and places it in her mouth. She’s feeling so alive, so sexual tonight. I’ve never felt so intense about anyone. This is so new to me, I want him so bad, but I’m afraid I’ll scare him if I were to let go and live a little.. He has no idea its been years since I’ve felt the touch of a man. Its been so long, I think I could explode right here just sitting across from him.


“Yes Joe?”

“Are you sure you are ok? You seem a bit shaky tonight. Is there something you want to talk about with me? You know you can talk to me anytime, right?

“Yes, Joe. I know. I just didn’t want to be alone tonight. Its been a long week, with the remodeling of the house and all.”

“Did I tell you I redone my living room?”

“You did?”

Lost in her thoughts, Jess just couldn’t keep her focus on the conversation. She watched his full lips as he spoke to her. His eyes lighting as he smiles. God, he’s so hot. I wonder if he can sense my passion. His hands motioning, as he talks about the set up of his fireplace…Those hands, oh how I’d love to feel them sweep through my hair, brushing it back from my face, as he leans in to kiss me.. His cologne dances in my senses, reminding me of how good it feels when I am in his arms. Although only temporarily, I love his hugs he always makes it a point to give me one when I need it. He’s such a generous man, a woman would be so lucky to have him 24/7.

Thankfully, the waitress came and interrupted “Fruit bowl” she says as she passes the bowl to me. “Two eggs and whole wheat” as she places the plate in front of him. “Would you like anything else?“ She asks.

“No, we’re all set” Jess says with a smile.

I hope he doesn’t want any input on his decorating, thought Jess as she met him eye to eye again, and smiled.

“There it is again, Jess”


“Your face, there’s a glow, almost like you got laid or something” Joe says with a chuckle.

“oh, no. No. Not that Joe, besides, you know there hasn’t been anyone since Mike. I have to concentrate on putting my life back together. Leaving an abusive marriage after 14 years is a hard thing to do. Besides, I’m not cut out for the dating scene anyways.”

“S-s-u-u-ure” said Joe again with a laugh.

“you little shit!” Jess says with a giggle and a slap to Joe’s arm.

“I only *wish* I could say Yes I did --but I didn’t! Honest!”

“Ok ok. I’m just picking on you anyways, Jess.” “That’s what friends are for, right?”

“Right. Now eat Joe.”

Sitting across the table from him seemed like it was miles away. I just want to lie in his arms. I want to feel his arms around me. He makes me feel safe and special. Am I falling for him? I can’t. It’s too complicated. I can’t fall in love, it’s too painful. What if I hurt him somehow? What if he turns out to be abusive like my ex? Just this moment, this night, that's all I want to think about... I can’t over think this, or I’ll never go through with it..

Placing his plate at the edge of the table, and drinking the last of his coffee, Joe meets her eye to eye “Lets go to the Den and get a drink”

“Are you sure Joe?”

“Well yes, I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t.”

“do you mind driving? I don’t want to drive if I have a few drinks.”

With a smile “sure, I’ll drive you Jess”

The ride over was quiet. The rain gently coated the windshield, as Toby Keith's "Who's your daddy” played on the radio. We pulled into the parking lot, there weren’t too many people there, I’m surprised this time of night, thought Jess. Joe opened the door for her, and took her hand in his to assist her.

Those hands again.. I don’t think I’ve ever craved a touch from a man this much..


Walking into the Den, it seemed like another world. So many lost souls, searching for someone to share a night of passion. Some searching for answers, for someone to listen to them tell their stories of hardship and loss in love. Smoke lightly filled the air, and the music was pounding so loud..

“Lets go in there” said Joe. As he placed the palm of his hand on her lower back. Oh god, he shouldn’t touch me like that Jess thought. Tingles began again. I love his hands. He has no idea how much I like it when he touches me..

They find their way to the back room of the bar, where there are tables and no one around. “Perfect, we’ll have the room to ourselves” said Joe. “Yes. Perfect” with a smile she licked her lips again thinking of how much she would like to taste his passion.

“I’ll go get our drinks. Rum & Coke, right Jess?”

“Yes. That’s fine Joe, Thank you”.

Taking a deep breath, Jess feels that old familiar tingle come back again. Oh Jess, you are hopeless.. Leaning back in the seat, she thinks back of her dream again. His hands roaming her body, his lips caressing the soft skin of her neck…

“Here ya go Jess”

“Thank you Joe. But, why did you want to come here?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Just thought maybe you could use a night of fun on the town. Get you to loosen up a bit, and relax." With a wink, he smiles "Maybe if you’re a good girl, I’ll even dance with you”

They both share a laugh.

“Me, dance? Must be you don’t like your toes, Joe. After a few drinks, I’d be stepping all over them.”

“Oh, I just love this song, Lady - by the Eagles.

“Yeah, those were the days, huh Jess?”
“Oh yes Joe, they sure were. Music sure isn’t the same anymore”

And they both share in a laugh.

Looking down, Jess realizes she’s drank her entire Rum & Coke. I must have needed that, I drank the entire thing already. At least I’m not feeling quite so nervous now… How am I ever going to approach this with him.. How will I tell him I want to make love?

“Would you like another?”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh, come on Jess, live a little. You can trust me, I won’t take advantage of you.”

“Well, since you twisted my arm, I guess so”

If only he would take advantage of me she thought. Hell, at this point, I’d be happy with a quickie in the bathroom, the parking lot or the cab of his truck. She took a couple ice cubes from her empty glass and ran it up and down her neck. Oh, that feels good. I need to just calm down, and stop obsessing. She slides the ice down over the part of her breasts that are exposed.. I am so damn horny I can hardly stand it..


“Joe! That’s not nice!”

“What Jess? You know how I like to make you laugh.”

“Yes, but Joe, I just dropped ice down my shirt! And its very cold!”


He’s getting a look on his face I haven’t’ seen before. Could he be? No, he couldn’t. He is! He’s looking at my breasts! Taking a deep breath, her breasts rise and fall. I can feel my heart flutter faster, and a warmth in my cheeks... Gosh, I can’t believe I am feeling this intense.. I can't believe I'm blushing, just thinking of him..

“Lets dance, Jess”

“Oh, I don’t know Joe. I haven’t danced in so long.”

“Awe, c’mon I know you want to” Joe says with that sweet smile of his.

Taking her hand in his, he leads her away from the table.

© Copyright 2011 Bella Chantraine (ladybella at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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