Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1830521-Roses-first-night-out
Rated: GC · Chapter · Adult · #1830521
Rose receives hot love where she least expected it - in a bar!
"I am so horny I could just..."
"Just what Rose?"
Barely able to contain it, Rose giggles and blurts out --
"Just trip a hot guy and then POUNCE on him like a cat in heat!"
"Oh geesh Rose, you've always been such a nut!"

Rose and Jess have been friends since they were in Grade School. They met when Rose stood up for Jess against a bully on the school bus. Rose stood about 5'2", with long naturally wavy red hair. She had perky little breasts that were a C-cup, and a round firm ass. Jess generally picked on her, and told her she had a "ghetto butt".

Rose wore her favorite pink sweater, she's had this sweater for three years. Jess keeps telling her to throw that thing away - but Rose refuses to - she claims it brings her good luck. It was a pale shade of pink. The sleeves were a bit long, and Rose loved to hold the tip of the cuff in her hands, she was always the shy type. Sometimes even blushing when she'd laugh or smile when flirting with a man. It had a low cut front, that sloped to the mid section of her cleavage.. Exposing just a hint of lace from her matching pink bra, when she leaned forward. Rose wore her favorite short black skirt too, that rode right on her hips, and showed off her legs.

Jess was much more outgoing than Rose. She was always the one to initiate a date or dance with a man. She had the confidence, and she always seemed to have (and get) what she wanted. Sometimes resulting in arguments between the two of them. Rose was always telling her to "be careful" and to be safe. Jess even lost her virginity before Rose, and was always bragging about her sexual encounters with men. She wasn't the least bit shy. Wearing her favorite black dress, that barely covered her bottom, and high heals to boot. The dress was rather revealing, and had a low slit in the front. She wasn't quite as endowed as Rose, so she rarely even wore a bra to cover her barely b-cup breasts..

"Man, just look at all the men here tonight, Rose. I feel like a kid at an ice cream shop."
Swirling the straw in her rum & coke. "Yeah, there sure are a lot of handsome men."
"Oh wow."
"What Rose?"
"Did you see that man with the polo shirt?"
"Nope. Why? Do you know him?"
"No, but he's really hot! He's got bedroom eyes, and the cutest butt!"
"Oh geesh Rose, what about his package? Were you able to see a good size bulge?"
"Uh! Jess! Don't you know its not the size of the package, but how he uses it? Plus, I really like a man that can use his other fine assets like his hands and his tongue."
"Oh Rose, that's why you never have any fun. You're always looking for romance like those damn movies and books you read. Life is not like that. It's not a fairy tale!"
with a sigh "I can dream though, can't I?"

Just then, Joe walks into the tavern. Joe is Rose's ex-husband. They have only been divorced about a year. He treated Rose badly, caused her to almost have a nervous breakdown, and abused her mentally and even physically when he was drunk. He liked his beer, and seemed to chose that over his marriage and his children. It just wasn't enough for him to stop the drinking. After 10+ years, Rose finally gave up on saving him, and trying to make him stop, and left him. He's been a pain right in her backside ever since. Always accusing her of sleeping around on him when they were married, and trying to follow her and see who she may be seeing. Rose was so tired of his constant whining and crying about how much he loved her and wanted her back. She just couldn't stand the guilt trips.

"Jess. Jess!"
Chugging the last 1/4th of her beer.. "What?"
"Joe is here. Why can't he just let go? I just want to try to move on with my life and try to heal from all I went through."
"I got an idea, Rose."
"Oh, now what? I'm not making a scene. It's too embarrassing."
"No, I think I've got a better one. Wait here, and don't leave, Promise?"
"I'm not sure."
"Ok, promise. But you better not embarrass me Jess!"
With a chuckle, "I won't"

Rose sat there swirling the little straw in her Rum & Coke. Wiping the condensation from the sides of the glass, then folding the napkin. Anything to keep her occupied and busy until Jess came back. Taking a couple of fingers, she slips them into the glass and grabs some ice to suck on.


Looking up, she can't believe what she is seeing. Jess has her arm interlocked with the hottie! It's not fair, she always seems to get all the hot guys, and they seem to just flock to her. Just once, I'd like to let go and just have some fun like she does. I just can never seem to relax enough to. I'm always thinking of what if's and other things.

Clearing her thoughts, and her throat. "Hey Jess. What's up?"
"Rose, this is Jeff. I told him how you love to slow dance, and guess what? He's not attached, and he came alone tonight. And.. he likes to slow dance too!"
Gosh, could she be any more forward?
Blushing, Rose reaches out her hand, and takes Jeff's outstretched hand. "Nice to meet you Jeff." With a smile, "Guess you already know, but, I'm Rose"
"A beautiful name, for a beautiful woman."
With a shy school girl smile, she laughs. "Thank you"
Jess leans over and tugs on Rose's arm. "Just a sec. Jeff"
"What is it Jess?"
Whispering in her ear. "He really is a hottie. I'd take him home if I were you, seems like he'd be an awesome lover! Plus, if Joe sees you with another guy, he'll leave."
Rose smiles and blushes as she pulls away from Jess.
"What was that all about?"
"Oh she always has something sarcastic to say"

Rose reaches up to his shoulders and puts her arms around his neck. Looking into those gorgeous eyes of his, she gets tingles just thinking of kissing him. He really does have some gorgeous eyes, she thinks to herself.
Jeff reaches around Rose's waist, and interlocks his fingers, pulling her a bit closer to him.

Not knowing what to say, Rose smiles "You know, I don't even know what song they are playing" they both chuckle "I don't know either, Rose."
"Do you live around here Jeff?"
"Yes and no."
"Ok? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I live about an hour from here, I am here for the weekend, visiting some friends of mine."
"Oh, that must be why I haven't seen you before. I'd remember it if I'd seen you. I never forget a face."
"Really? Am I that unforgettable?" Jeff says while he moves his hands over to Rose's hips.
Looking down, and blushing a bit.."Well, I don't know you quite that well yet, but you have wonderful features.
I mean, nice eyes."
"Thank you"
"You are very beautiful too, Rose"
Chuckling again, "Thank you Jeff"
Rose looks over and sees that Joe is giving her that stare. It could only mean one thing,
he's had a bit too much to drink, and he's feeling like he could take on a football team now.
"I should go"
"What? The song isn't even over yet Rose. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no not at all Jeff. It's just a problem I have to deal with."
"Like what? Can I do anything?"
"Not really. It's my ex, he's over at the bar, giving looks that could kill. He just won't leave me alone."
"Oh. Well, what do you say we give him something to see then."
"Like what?"
"Like this." Sliding his hands up to her waist, he draws Rose closer to him. He reaches up and brushes her hair back from her face, gently stroking her cheek with his thumb.
Whispering in her ear. "I think you have full inviting lips, and I'd love to kiss them."
Oh just the warmth of his breath on my ear makes me crazy... those familiar tingles again.. Jess's words echo in her head "I bet he's a really good lover".
Rose gently reaches the palm of her hand behind Jeff's head, and draws him closer. Whispering in his ear "I'd love to" as she lets the tip of her lips rest gently on his ear.. soaking up the scent of his cologne.
Reaching up and placing the palm of his hand on the back of Rose's head, they look into each others eyes, and kiss.
At first just a few simple kisses, and then Jeff slides his tongue into Rose's mouth and they share a very intimate and long passionate kiss.
"What Rose?"
"That was really nice."
"Then lets do it again." They begin kissing more and more passionately. Rose completely forgets that she's still out on the dance floor and people are around. His kisses are intoxicating.. I could kiss this guy forever.. Those tingles grow more and more intense as they kiss..
Suddenly, Rose pulls away from Jeff.
"Sorry Rose, it's just.."
"no, no its ok Jeff. I like the way you kiss, Jeff..." blushing "I just like it a little too much.."
with a smile "Me too Rose."
Taking her hand, "follow me" "Um, ok. But where?" "Don't worry, its not far." He leads her to the back of the tavern, where there is a storage room. With a giggle. "What are you thinking? We can't.." "Shh, trust me." "Ok but only for a minute, Jeff."


His hands were warm against the skin of her thighs as his fingers worked themselves up her short black skirt. His fingers wrapped around her panties and yanked them down her long, white shapely legs. She kissed him with the hunger of an animal, while her breathing intensified with each touch and rub of his fingers on the very essence of her.. Her teeth sank into his lower lip playfully, as his fingers slipped inside her. She moaned against his cheek, as he sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins.. His other arm wrapped around her waist, Rose thought for sure her knees were going to collapse from under her as she felt waves of pleasure from his fingers.. His tongue exploring her neck and ears..

He pulled his fingers from inside her, and met her eye to eye.. She stared at him, her big blue eyes screaming with desire. Jeff pinned both her hands against the wall, leaning his body against hers "I want you Rose." he whispered close to her face.
"I crave you Jeff" she whispered in an urgent way, as she felt his fingers taunt the hard nipple of her breast..
"You crave what?" he asked his lips against her ear, his body pressed against hers. She could feel his hardness pressed against her. Rose could hardly keep her wits about her, she blurted "I crave you Jeff." He wants to hear me say it doesn't he... "I crave.. I need.. to feel you inside of me Jeff...Take me now.." Her breathing became heavy as he rubbed against her. She felt such desire and passion within, she couldn't take it anymore.

He released her hands and lifted her up from the hips, her legs wrapped around his waist, and he pushed his way inside her. Her arms were around his neck, her back against the wall. He drove deeper inside her, her legs gripping him tighter as if to say "more". There was no speaking, no words, only the sounds of their heavy breathing and kissing.. He had such stamina and passion, it drove Rose even more crazy with desire for him.. It hurt a little at first, since it'd been so long since Rose had felt a man inside her.. The force and strength with which he thrust into her, she would have screamed if he stopped. Rose moaned and gently bit into his shoulder as she orgasms over and over again.. The pleasure and excitement of letting go and enjoying the touch of his hands, the feel of a man inside her drove her to sexual heights she'd never reached before.. With a tight grip on her hips he thrust deep into her and took her mouth as his kissing her passionately as he orgasms within her.. He stood there afterward, still holding her in the air, still inside her with his lips against her neck. She ran her nails across his shoulder blades, and down his back.. He picked his head up and looked at her, seeing a tear in her eyes. He wiped them gently with the soft pads of his thumbs and sweetly kissed her. "You ok Rose?" with a smile Rose answered "I'm very ok. Its just.. that was beautiful.."

He pulled out of her, and gently set her down. Rose's legs were shaking so badly that she sat down on the floor, her back against the wall. He sat down next to her, his thigh touching hers and took her hand in his. They sat there the both of them for a moment. Rose broke the silence with one word "WOW" and they both chuckled. "I've never had anyone blow me away like that Jeff. Such lust and pleasure, you're an animal!" Still not really believing what she'd just done.. not even having known this man very long, only knowing his name was Jeff. What a stallion she thought... Jeff smiled and said "you were so tight and you felt so damn good.. I didn't want to stop Rose." Blushing she said "I didn't want you to either."
The loud music from the tavern broke the silence and brought them both back to reality.


To be continued? Maybe..
© Copyright 2011 Bella Chantraine (ladybella at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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