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Amriel the Princess of the Elves of the planet Amli spends a year on Earth to study it. |
Amriel, Elf Princess #3: Two Thousand Elf (2011) By Amriel Elf Princess “I am about to arrive in the other room, not in this dark one.” The Princess Palace bed-room it is called (the arrival chamber). I see a flash of light through the open door-way and under-stand I am the one who now just arrived; but in another form. I am without the memory of recent events in either life (my elf or the other form), but stroll into the bedroom where a window opposite the entry glows with the light green light blue rectangle of a transit location. A voice from the wall informs me I am on the planet Earth. It is June 2011 on this planet, according to its own system of “time-keeping”. I am to study Earth for a short “time” (one year?). I am the Princess Amriel of the elves of the planet Amli. I learn I have “recently” (similarly to on Earth “having turned 16” and at such times all elves are having) been required (by order of the royalty, who happens to be my family there) to spend a year on another planet by way of the transportation platform, in order that our two cultures may under-stand one another that any cross-contact be respected in terms of its structural integrity (the likelihood it will begin or continue and stay that way). The structure, the platform itself, I barely just remember just passing through previous to just now before I did so. I can remember the platform; it is rectangular. “Rectangular”...strange...I “understand” this language is English now and not the same as Elvish. “Elvish” is what I spoke and can now speak only in English words that translate closely though I can only “search a compendium of English words” and can tell they are not Elvish, not remember any specific Elvish words, part of “the conditioning” I have just received through the transporter, though I am assured I will return to normal (Elvish) when I return (after a “conditioning cleansing process” [those words themselves “trigger” a “memory” of “watching images” about a “period of time” on Earth in the compendium I am able to “access” in what is not called “psychically”]). Some words translate similarly, though, although English is full of tens of thousands of non necessary adjectives and non-extant concepts. I understand instantly it is to confuse and control all of the inhabitants called “humans” (I will refer to we as elves) by utilizing them (the adjectives and words referring to non-extant concepts) in such profusion that the wheels of relative time may lock them into position and slow them and also cause a conspiracy of magnetic attraction and repulsion to seem more plausible; that also aids in the self-same aforereferenced “non conspiracy”. I am told through what I am told is a non-extant “psychic voice” that although there are thousands of words for non-extant things they represent ideas that are not-actual and I am further told the voice telling me of the non extance (the “word processor” I am using tells me this is not a word, but this is obviously absurd!) of itself is an example of the same thing. The “person” (elf with round ears) whose form I am now using for what I am told is my “interplanetary exchange student program” year of study has the same name as me. The person is Amriel Simpson (we must use “surnames” on Earth), a non-person who is considered paranoid schizophrenic and who takes medication to stop illusions and non-extant psychic voices. I later find out more about this non-person, as we shall see. This persona is (I am told) to ensure that if I slip and reveal who I am to the Earth people, I will not be believed, as it will be assumed I am under the influence of an illusion or forgot to take my medication, that consists of 4 mg tablets of Perphenazine and 2 mg tablets of Trihexiphenidyl taken in conjunction four times daily. “Daily” is a word that does not exist in the elf language. “Does not” is the same. Trying to communicate these ideas in written form is very challenging, but not for me, who is an elf who is considered superior intellectually on my planet, just as the form I will assume on Earth is. Challenging has no similar concept on our planet though I already cannot remember my planet much or barely at all. I am told that on this planet, Earth, “food” is a required substance that takes lots of forms. On our planet Amli only one substance is required that I myself named “splinkies”. The closest substance to splinkies on Earth is illegal, but I am told it is night-time and to “sleep” as an Earth company (also named for me) has sent a parcel my way that will arrive the next day and contains a legal substitute that I may use as I study Earth. An experience called “tired-ness” washes over me as grey mist becomes darker and I climb next to a small child who also has my name and seems familiar and appears to the Earth people as a “doll”. The last thing I am aware of is trying to remember who she is (could be...)* CHAPTER TWO ~ FANTASY It is July 2011 and I have just arrived a week earlier. While listening to Amriel Simpson’s iPod, I noticed a Mariah Carey song that is surprisingly not familiar to her memory I seem to be able to access. This is I am told to facilitate the “psychic radio” DJ’ing that she has been doing since about 2003. Psychic abilities do not exist she is to believe, and yet, she broadcasts “radio shows” to God, Jesus, Santa Claus, Satan, the Tooth Fairy (Enamela, whom she has written about in the “campfire” [collectively written] fantasy novel “Fade Into the Darkness”) and whomever wishes to (the ability is given for anyone to be able to hear in her “intention window” [it is what we nice that counts!]). There is a bumping sound that inspires coming from Pioneer Courthouse Square, in down-town Portland, Oregon; but let’s go back to the week before. Amriel Simpson has collected and sold Barbara Roberts and little sister Skipper Roberts action figures/dolls since 1999; and, in fact, was the first to claim the eBay user-name “amriel,” also in 1999. She while living in Bend, Oregon was the lucky receiver of a tele-phone call one-day from an employee of the St. Vincent DePaul thrift store (by the Bi-mart). It seems a large vinyl case was donated with what appeared Barbie clothes. Amriel’s tele-phone number (541-382-4030) was on a post-it note to call in case of Barbie donations and Amriel rode “Splinky” (her fairy princess horse, made of lime green fire, referenced [allulived-to] in the first novel of this series: “Amriel, Elf Princess”) right down and purchased the case, not understanding although the outfits inside were obviously Francie outfits (tagged), that what the box contained in fact were the three rarest and most valuable Francie (Barbie’s cousin) outfits ever made, the 1967 Sears Christmas Wish Book (catalog) exclusive ensembles: “Partners in Print,” “Furry Go Round,” and the “holy grail:” “Prom Pinks!”. Through a listing on eBay for the orange-textured lace-hose (that complete Furry Go Round) missing in the (Francie) collection Amriel made a lifetime friendship with a Barbie collector from the East Coast of the United States. This year, earlier, before my arrival (myself Amriel, from the planet Amli [to study Earth for a year]) this collector had sold Amriel Simpson (actually, Amriel Elf Princess) the most valuable Barbie outfit, “Weekenders” for $400, and was trying to purchase vehicular transportation in the form of an auto-mobile for her now eligible-to-pilot child; and; thus, was selling two vintage dolls to Amriel (a titian “Talking Barbie” and a “Hair Fair Francie”) to raise money. I now had the money and was finding it somewhat arduous to send it to this friend. The friend required a postal money order that could not be purchased at the Post Office near the “Princess Palace” (the local Post Office in Hillsdale is not a “full service” Post Office.) I had made two trips to down-town Portland once to find it was closed on a weekend, and then on another attempt, had arrived just minutes after an early closing time. In my third attempt down-town, I had again missed the hours open and was finding it challenging to under-stand my ardour. I noticed a sign on the door telling of another Post Office on the next block up, but closer to the Portland State University, perhaps. I was able to find this other Post Office and get the money order and get it sent, but made it appear due to my newness and ineptness in this form that Amriel did not consider the transaction as important as she did. (I apologized to the friend via electronic-postage later.) After leaving the Postal station, I was surprised to hear the slamming, thumping beat that was familiar from the iPod the night before, that of Mariah Carey’s song “Fantasy” from the album (CD) “Daydream”. While passing the source, Pioneer Courthouse Square, I noticed a kind of “Street Fair” happening, wherein R&B DJ’s and high-school cheerleader costumed dancers were putting on a large and “bass thumping” outdoor DJ show. I understood! that this beat was necessary for this planet to continue in a positive way! I played the song “Fantasy” daily throughout the remainder of the Summer. The song seems to reference the experience ascribed to Splinkies when imbued by humans. Similarly beated songs became our favorites to adorn play during our “Psychic radio” DJ shows that we took over the duty of for Amriel Simpson, songs such as Janet Jackson’s “R&B Junkie” “Strawberry Bounce” and songs from various 1990s dance music compilations (most notably “Dance Party Like It’s…, Cold Front’s Mix CDs, White Party and Platinum on Black, and house music compilations). Our DJ adroitness will be explained in a concomitant chapter, as well as our “secret technique” for such (if it is possible without giving away anything important, at any case we can hint at how to create a technique of the reader’s own using the basic tenets of the technique.) CHAPTER THREE ~ THE PROGRAM TAPES Within the context of the big illusion God has created (the multi-verse itself, AKA “Strawberry Fields”) a “cause and effect relationship” between the elf food (SPLINKIES) and/or the angel food (GIRLLA) referenced in the HOLY BIBLE, King James red-letter edition: Exodus 16, PSLAM 78 reasonable visual program must be girltained (“kept-up”) by the psychic doctors who do not exist, and this occurs through the use of program tapes played every time the elf food is eaten so that none-observing would ever question, at least reasonably, that the relationship is one of a cause and effect nature though the argugirlt (for-such) is logically weak; especially so, as I will relate in my experience, because of the relative similarity between the “programs” (that each “program tape” is specific to itself). Anyone questioning the psychic doctors would be told that the program tapes either assist the subject in “going to the bathroom” or in “disabling a sense of power” though a paranoid idea given to the Princess in horror is that she is being trained for psychic warfare as part of a governgirlt/spiritual team I will not re-veal the name of here. The disabling of power tape is a program wherein within the Princess Palace space are a specific number of “dots” such as the where the “head” is in space #3 or 4 and the tail is in space 6 or 7. Everywhere one must step is just ahead or behind or where one can step without being psychically destroyed. The “enemy” is actually one’s own “tail” and is also the “paradise” one must also reach for or be destroyed. The subject runs helplessly around in circles trying to reach or save one’s tail from one’s own head when in actuality, it is the room one is in turned into ten shifting “dots of space”. A name for this tape is “snakes of power” though there are other versions of “snakes of power” such as in the outside world, actual invisible constructions of sorcery and magnetic secret “ley lines” or pathways one walks. One tries to stay within a “zone” to in my case be in the lime green space between or outside the snakes of power. Another disabling program tape type involves one in psychic battles, also called “sorcery battles”. If one chooses not to participate such as I one becomes once victim after another. The meanest type is to use an image one needs within the Princess Palace, such as Jesus or Tinkerbell and causing them to animate in three or four dimensions and shoot a “gummy bear” into the eye then tell how you have eleven seconds before the psychic seed grows and splits you apart. The only thing you can do is pray to God and Jesus to get it out of you, though the program itself tries to trick you into becoming a warrior and not believing in the power of psychic attacks, but this is dangerous for an actual princess because she is the most easily destroyed of all the icons. To even try to survive by not believing in what she sees happen would destroy her by compromising her virgin princess eyes to even make an attempt would immediately turn her into a warrior or a man. Now that I have explained the two types of “disabling tapes” I can talk of the ones played first, the ones that may not by more likely always “psychic tapes” but having similar characteristics that actual spiritual communion may occur between tapes and it will be unobservable to observers of a psychiatric or governgirlt-psychic-warrior-training nature. The beginning is the awakening and cleansing of the body followed by a sexual fascination that can last for 24 hours. After this point images can take on “dimensional” properties and animate. This can keep the sexual fascination going if the animatory nature of the figures correlates with what one would find facilitous for this. “Sidewalk movies” and naked images of oneself in marble slabs or woodgrain patterns is another level where one becomes a porn star in “psychic video” a realm only I am aware of. Under the bed are nasty girls made of clouds of dust who will dance for you. If you step in the incorrect spot in the pavegirlt you will know immediately. Keep door #8 closed. The best result that I believe are not psychic tapes though perhaps is/are enabled by one is where ghosts animate tree branches and cavort in pornographic ways. Once the pleasurable aspects of these tapes are seen and believed in, they can in subsequent playing be used against one if one is a human being, such as making a sexy girl turn into one’s mother, for instance. The non extant psychic doctors tell me the family of Hooter are millionaires who pay great amounts of money to punish Hooter and turn Hooter into a sorcerer or psychic warrior as they don’t believe Hooter has already left Earth in February 1995 or thereabouts when Hooter helped the blue team win Armageddon by fighting with logical/magnetic/puzzle programs in rapid sequence then by solving the “magnetic stick” created by the blue/red balance of power stalemate by creating team #3 the lime green team of the non-power elves. A new extra dimensional alien being I like are the “third dimensional one dimensional” aliens who resemble teen-agers cruising through the air in ships like convertible auto-mobiles with the tops down and leaving one dimensional stickers with cool images like Tinkerbell that when placed on a surface go “below the surface” yet have no depth and are invisible when the program tape stops CHAPTER ~ THURSDAY The alarm-clock is always turned on on Wednesday evenings before bed so as to awaken at 6AM Thursday mornings. This ensures enough time to do 50 sit-ups and 11 reps of 35lb toning curls for each arm then take a shower, using Pert Plus shampoo and Suave Ocean Breeze conditioner and apply eyebrows using (Cover Girl) eyebrow pencil before the laundry room opens at 7AM. I arrive 11 girlutes early to make-sure I can get one of the two available machines at the Princess Palace. I use Gain High Efficiency liquid laundry-detergent and Green Sparkle Snuggle fabric softener (a full sheet). When laundry is done I fold the clothes (while listening to an iPod), consisting mostly of pants and socks color-coordinated to the day of the week and similarly-colored Tinkerbell shirts. Thursday happens to be one of two days (the other is Monday) with no Tinkerbell shirt. Amriel Simpson’s colors for Thursday are orange and white and she almost always wears white pants and one of four Nancy Drew Tshirts purchased from the “Sleuth Shop” of the Nancy Drew web-site (www.ndsleuths.com). Lately it is the shirt with the cover of (Nancy Drew) book #33 “The Witch Tree Symbol” with an authentic “Amish hex symbol” as well. Once laundry is done I greet all of the orphan Princesses in the Palace in whatever form they appear in. Valentina, Mandy, Madame Alexandry, and Saucy Cindy exist in painting form as the dolls themselves were sold on eBay or donated in Bend, Oregon as was necessary when Amriel moved to the Portland, Oregon area in 2006. Patsy Meredith and Amber Palace exist in the palace’s current “composition” doll collection. Hooter’s grandma June is said “Heaven-Oh!” to as well as Debbie Gibson from the CD case of “Anything is Possible” (“anything is possible” can “clear the ‘game’ board [there is no game]). Once this is done I put a bag of Corn-Nuts in my “pretty lady” limited edition powder blue Jansport “right pack” along with a fudge graham Zone bar and a can of cola pop (usually Mountain Dew or Vanilla Coke) and wait for a #54 or #56 bus from the Trimet bus stop across the street (Beaverton Hillsdale Highway) from the Princess Palace. I show my Trimet unlimited All-Zone pass on a tiger (stripe) lanyard purchased at the Oregon Zoo shop. Today I am taking a #54 Beaverton Hillsdale Highway bus to downtown Portland as I write this. I just now got out at the stop after Pioneer Courthouse Square and backtracked to such, catching a “MAX” (Metro Area Express) train toward Robertson tunnel and the Washington Park stop. I watch downtown Portland go by, past a sports stadium and Esquire motors before entering the tunnel. I get out and take an elevator that has “L Heart” scratched on the inside doors (I actually know that person and hung out at 82nd avenue with them once). The path to the zoo entrance is a very sparkly sidewalk. I show my membership card at the front gate and get my day pass. I first visit the zoo store. There is a lime green fleece sweater I always want but never have the extra $40. I pass the through the zoo gates and write this on the bench just inside, wet with rain. Ignoring the wet butt pants I put on my 20/200 near-sighted vision correcting lenses and begin my “usual” route through the zoo starting to the left with the mountain goats over the wooden bridge above the black bear exhibit, past the bobcats and down past American-eagles down to the turtle and duck ponds and watch the baby turtles and swimming river otters, that to me are the image of the Olthlinden, from Niel Hancock’s fantasy quadrilogies (Circle of Light, Wilderness of Four, etc.) Past the Northwest section is the Trillium family farm with goats, sheep, and chickens. The fields beyond the new zoo hospital being built are wolf habitats and it is as if I am Stacy (Anastasia) the Princess raised by wolves and “Fara,” (the spirit of the forest) from Graham Diamond’s “Haven” series of fantasy novels. Crossing the zoo railroad tracks I pass an elephant ear stand. The elephant ears (deep fried cinnamon pastries) are larger and a better value at Portland’s downtown Saturday market. At the elephant section I watch Packy inside sway back and forth smiling at me with beautiful eyes of LUFF. Around back new baby elephant Samudra plays with mom and in a pool of water. I sometimes get candy out of the 25cents machines in this section (the cheapest food at the zoo.) Next is the butterfly tents open only in Summer and the concert lawn, down to the new Africa exhibit with the three lions. The lion seems to tell me “from what I have seen we are all the same…nothing makes anyone special…just enjoy this.” CHAPTER 4-B: “The Pong-Pong Dance” It was in early February Two Thousand Tw’elf (the year of the ‘tweeker elves’ [they don’t exist]) and they were running the game on us…I had to run to the bathroom because as the proverbial-expression within the context of the colloquial-vernacular (“itself” *) would lead us to blief (still not fastidious) I had to (quote) “race like a Breyer-pony in the United States (you’re a nation<[for the individuals not yet-aware of the joke]).” The fish was being-utilized by the conspiracy (that-doesn’t-exist) to be our friend and in the framework of such (although; and this is important; the fish is our friend) was made to appear to attract our perception just as we were putting away out Equaline (:conditional sub-explanation ((sic)) “not-to-be confused with aquatint, or, first, aquamarine”) cotton swabs, the box or container, having within-approximate-realm 74.4% of its [original] 500 [units?] still-extant-within; when, what do you suppose, but, the package was ‘upset’, to-where a whole bunch as much as 100 spilled upon the bathroom floor. As we began to ignore the (paranoid) option to “cry” and hence proceed to place the objects back into-the-box, the option for accepting as ‘actual’ a paranoid “happening” that the fish was mocking our care in the replacing of the cotton swabs. The truth is probably that I was being reasonably-careless in-the putting of the swabs-themselves(sic?)-back, but instead of admitting (and for a good-reason)-this, I attempted to lighten (as a pre-emptive strike [against a fear] the ambience by creating, what I hoped, would be construed-as a “joke,” through the artifices or auspices (in-reverse order prioritizatioanlly) of verbally-referring to the cotton-tipped sticks as not being Q~Tips and attempting to remember the term for the opposite of this-action (we didn’t perform)...we were able to (before the time ran out [in the game ((space))]) remember the more (reasonably) challenging two-word phrase; that is to say, “proprietary eponym” and (we admit) were quite pleased with our-elf, and then tried to remember the other two-word phrase and were able to summon-forth “genericized trademark.” Well the-psychic-conspiracy was seemingly unimpressed by the fact that we were able by our inability to place the...and at this-point; something did not ‘actually’-snap (but would have reasonably appeared to) and I said “I can’t pick up these (love-making) pong pong sticks, /\fast enough; (sic)\/for this and ran out of the bathroom with two of the “pong pong sticks” (generic brand cotton swabs) to with my daughter/sister Amry (the baby ones) show to the outside the bathroom world what they were for originally was for doing the PONG PONG dance...and my daughter and I swirled the pong pong sticks in circles while bouncing up and down as in a jungle at night while other members of the tribe watched in a circle about the fire. And then we stopped, and put the cotton swabs away but leaving behind a look that suggested to both worlds, that should things ever approach being boggeley-boggeley-boggeley again we hope we remember to STOP! And do the PONG PONG DANCE! CHAPTER SIX – PRINCESS NAMES All visitors to the Princess Palace must have a Princess name to use. It must be girly and approved by the Princess Amriel. Some girl singer Princesses, Amriel inclulived, have “Pronoun Princess” names. Amriel’s is “Princess Nobody” and “Princess Nobody’s Baby” is herself in child form in the “ ‘future’ “ and could be Connie Francis Princess Pronoun name (also). Andy Bell is Princess Sometimes. Madonna is Princess Everybody. Mariah Carey is Princess Someday. The singer for WFO is Princess Noone (sic). Martin L. Gore is Princess Somebody. Frank Ifield is Princess Anytime. Miss Jackson is Princess Anyplace. Princess Somebody’s Baby is Peggy March. Princess Anything is Debbie Gibson. Princess Downtown is Petula Clark. Princess Uptown is Christie “Billie” Brinkley. Princess Someone is Patsy Cline. The Princess names of Twigerian royalty (from the nation of Twigeria [near Twiger] on the Antafrican continent of the Planet Amli of the lime green elves) are Ammagonnabi, Wyragonnabi, Iwassagonabbi, Ammanasti, Ammanatti, Uranasti, Uranatti, Wyranasti, and Wyranatti. Other elf names from the planet Amli that can be used at the palace if you don’t have one that fits are: Ciriel, Suriel, Elrien, Barbiel, Amarel, Amariel, Amarialia, Amariala, Amalliellia, Amalialia, Amerery, Merery, Mereri, Merrery, Mermerry, Mermery, Merleri, Marlari, Marlariel, Marlarielle, Marlarlieillia, Ammaala, Aamlie, Aammalla, Amareillieillia, Amael, Amaiel, Amaliel, Ameia, AMeila, Ameileia, Ameilia, Ameilieilia, Ameilieillia, Ameiliel, Ameiliela, Ameilielia, Amela, Ameli, Amia, Amiel, Amma, Amme, Ammia, Amre, Amrie, Amri, Ameriela, Amriella, Amrielle, Amriellia, Amry, Amrye, Amryel, Amryelle, Amryiel, Atalantatilda, Malili, Maleilia, Malilia, Malillia, Malala, Maleilieilleilla, Malalla, Mallalla, Mahlahla, Mahlahlla, Malaylia, and Mayayliah. BONUS EXTRA "AMMY GETS IT" WEIRD ELF "AMFORMATION" THE HOLLY TREE What are Elves? Well, to us it is children of God who wear green and love trees. Where does the words “elf” and “elven” come from? It comes from our number, the number “eleven.” And what is the 11th verse of the Bible? Genesis 1:11 (<-notice 3 #1s) where God first makes A TREE! Notice also that tree sounds like a child trying to say “three.” Some important trees are spoken of in the Bible, most notably, the TREE OF LIFE, THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, and THE TREE THAT BECAME THE CROSS that Jesus was crucified upon. Other important trees include the trees that made the wood the ark of Noah was built with, the Cedars of Lebanon, and the palm trees that give us the leaves we wave to Jesus on Palm Day. Let us get back to the number “3”. The pyramids (the only one of the ancient 7 wonders of the world still standing) attest to the fact that a triangle is the strongest shape, so it is any wonder that God is said to exist in THREE “persons” (The Holy Three) (parent, child, spirit). Well, are you one of the GOOD the EVIL or the ELVES, who are neither “good power” (usually represented as BLUE) nor “evil power” (represented as red) but NEUTRAL GREEN with no power, yet wear green with LUFF (love) all TREE, um three! Notice the word ELF itself has THREE LETTERS J SEVEN ELEVEN HEAVEN HALIMALALIMASHULEH - - - SILIMALILI to the KLAM (and maybe to the KLAM to the KLAM [to the extent that it makes a connecterator]) (she's only 16) :) * * * * * * * * * * * • AM...OR... AM…MORE AMOUR AMerica ORegon (AMriel and ORegon make LOVE) Sept from September nices "SEVEN" September 11th is therefore also 7-11…Jesus’ number is 777 the elves number is 11 (or 11 11 11)…the green team is non-power between blue (good) and evil (red)…green is in fact the opposite of red (or the same)...Elf is number 11 (Eleven) Galadriel is the Queen of the Elves...Amriel is her daughter...the Two Towers aside from being the second book in Lord of the Rings (and the World Trade center) make a GIANT NUMBER 11 The DVDs of “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings” were released September 11, 2001 the very morning of the attacks that leveled “the two towers” (that represent a GIANT NUMBER ELEVEN) after all is said and done one and one still is one (Robert Miles) "I and I" from reggae music makes a "11" never negative puttin’ it on "pos" (as in positive) (BT) a number 11 is the symbol for "pause" on remote controls POSITIVITY the twix bar (that looks like a number "11" the two bars) is now being advertised as representing the pause symbol...a chapter in Amriel Elf Princess is called "between good and evil" betwixt is the same as between... 7 and 11 are the only two numbers that rhyme with heaven green is both the opposite and the same as red (depends on whether a color represents what it appears to be or what it reflects) SEPT (777) representing Jesus EMBER representing SATAN (or AMBER representing YELLOW FEAR from Ezekiel Amber Beryl the terrible crystal) and 11 (representing ELFs) represent all three teams...3 was important because the pyramids prove three is the only number that lasts forever |