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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1829089
The Intergalactic War starts and takes the Republic by surprise.
Chapter 1: Intergalactic War

"Ever since time can tell, the Galactic Republic has been the leading power in the galaxy, Ever since it began it's power back in the Three Suns Systems. The Galactic Republic has always been there, from through tough times and out. Its the war that always changes everything. War is what changed the Galactic Republic into what it is today, without the Republic many systems will be without guidance and control, we'll be nothing more than petty pirates raiding ships trying to survive. But than again, The Republic has always been there for everyone, whether through war or not, we always stick together as the Republic we are."
-Ambassador Haylin Solanos to Spyro

The Republic has its share of war, but the most famous and heart-shaking was the Intergalactic War, a war that Republic almost lost its own ground to the impending and accelerating Oltanian Empire. This what many said how the story of the Intergalactic War started.

It was around the April 15th, 2740. The city of Shanksville was going through its normal career, sky lanes were full of the usual traffic, each level was full of life. The Galactic Senate gathered inside the Chancellory Tower, the tallest tower of the city. The Supreme Chancellor sent out her daughter, the future heir of the Galactic Republic out to the nearby Shanksville AFB to investigate a recent break-in, little do they know the investigation. The first sun began to rise over near the Cornier Mountains in Sector 6 of the city. A lone Tretstonian cruiser hovers slowly above the city center conducting its normal patrol, the Northern Tower, the Prime Icon of Peace and Tranquility for the Republic pierced the morning sky of the city. The Northern Tower built as a monument, a memory of the System Wars, would become the starting gun for the whole war that nearly ended the Republic. Out from the Chancellory Tower, is the Vergence, where our story begins.

"Today's News is still the same, we are getting reports that the increased Oltanian presence in Republic Space has made speculators scared about whats going to happen. Already they're been signs of an impending war coming to the Galactic Republic. We just got word from Sector 1, where the Queen of Chancellory herself has decreed that investigation of the recent theft at S.A.F.B will go underway as we speak", "That dang holo-news never shuts up. I might as well see what the AFB has been up to, but this is what my mother sent me for. " I said, The city of Shanksvile has been standing ever since the Republic, at first it wasn't the Capital, we used to have Centenial City, but after the whole zombie plague that claimed Centenial, The Galactic Republic moved its capital to Shanksville which already at the time was prospering port city that already claimed half the continent. After the destruction of Centenial, Capital status moved to Shanksville and soon the population that usually satisfied the general public moved to Shanksville and the population quadrupled. Shanksville became the very first city in all to reach the quintrillion mark and test the level city maneuver. Heck no city in the galaxy matched Shanksville, even those city populations failed to compare its population to Shanksville. Not before long the Capital City became what we see now, skyscrapers reach high as you know it, levels separating the general population. "Have you seen the new X-9 Hovercar, its new, its silent and more importantly its Eco-Friendly. Has been the time for you to recycle your X-7 Hovercar, come down to your local car dealership platform to trade in your X-7 for the new X-9, this has been brought to you by Galactic Navy, If you don't support then you don't support the Republic.", I immediately turned off my holo-radio, and started my approach into one of the thousands of platforms that make up S.A.F.B. "Attention cruiser, please transmit your Identification codes for landing." said the Control Tower, as followed I transmitted the codes, they were approved, and I made my way towards the landing pad. The Vergence made a slow and steady land onto the pad, where at the entrance ramp was my husband of the General of the Army and the rest of the military on the planet. As the Vergence landed, a big puff of air swept through the platform, and in no time the ship stopped. I lowered the pad and made my decent onto the actual pad. It was there I was greeted by everyone.
"Ambassador Solanos, it's a pleasure to have royalty come into the presence of the many military platforms." The General said. "Ah General Solanos, Leader of the Great Republic Army and rank lower than my mother and father." I replied. "True, but I do not wish for your family's title, it has been in many generations for the Solanos to be rulers, not at the same time, but back to the point. What has brought you to S.A.F.B platform 2?" He asked. I gave him a brief stare and scratched the back of my head. "If you haven't heard, I was sent here by my mother to see what has happened here on Platform 2 about the recent theft." I replied, He gave me a simple nudge and turned his head to the hangars. "Follow me to the Hangars." He only said. So I followed him to Hangars, when we got to them, they were under construction, apparently they were broken into. “These Hangars were the center of the theft, several Hellfire “Prototype” Fighters we’re stolen early last night, it was strange because the theft was under Republic Patrol, someone gave them access to the Platform and let them access to the Hangars.” He said to me,
“That is strange, who would betray the Republic and support who ever committed this crime!” I told him, “We don’t know at the moment, our scientists on the base are investigating the scene, the reports are back inside the main building.” He said, “Let me see this report, I bet my parents will be interested in the report.” I asked him, “Then lets go than.” He said to me. I nodded and followed him, while walking across the base platform, I looked towards Adrian and asked, “Adrian... Do you think the Republic should know about our you know what?” He stopped and turned around to me, “No... I believe the Republic shouldn’t know about our marriage, a General of the Army married to the daughter of the royal family.” He told me, “But...” “But nothing Haylin...” He interrupted me, “If the Republic knew about our marriage than it would be blarred across the galaxy, also Military forces like me are not allowed to marry royalty like the Senate, or the Royal Family, I would be demoted or worst removed from the military, I worked too hard to lose my position here in the Republic.” “I understand Adrian,” I told him, “Lets just head to the Office now.” He told me. After walking across the platform again, we reached the Central office of the platform, Adrian went behind the desk and opened up the drawer. This platform was particularly busy, its patrol route encircled Tower’s Plaza, so the paperwork was always big. He kept searching and searching, at first I giggled at this, but it was normal, unfortunately for Adrian, he wasn’t used to this, he always worked up in the actual Space Station of SAFB. The paperwork there was always filed by his assistants the major files were always given directly to him, which was half of the reports they get. Back then, Adrian always had the good life in the station, not much paperwork to do, but with the rising power of Oltanians however, it made the reports near and from the Capital Planet hard for him, patrols come in and report of “strange” forces beyond the Crescent Belt, or Hologram Planet. We always expected that the Three Suns System would always be protected but we didn’t expect much. After nearly a half an hour of searching, Adrian managed to find the file report. He pulled it out of the filing cabinet and gave it to me. “Here, your parents should be able to find something about this. The report stated that a small patrol force entered Platform 02, what distinguished the patrol was that they were in a non-Republic formation. According to one of the guard tower posts, the “patrol” entered near Hangar 11, where the new Hellfire “Prototype” Fighters were. Before the guard towers could sound off the alarm, an explosion rocked Hangars 11-13, and 6 Prototype Fighters left. It made it more clear that the perpetrators were Oltanians because their launch sequence was their style, Republic standard is always VOTL and a slow rise, these perpetrators used a quick VOTL and immediately sharp incline upward, the Standard Oltanian way to enter battle. “Why would Oltanians steal Hellfire Fighters?” I asked him, “Well there was there was this project we have been secretly working on...” He told me. “What project?” I asked, “Well... we were testing out the Hellfire Armor, we replaced the standard Republic Armor and used the Platinsteel armor.” He said, I gave him an empty look, I looked at him and said, “You put one of the heaviest armors on fighters?!, and now they are stolen!!” “It wasn’t as intentional as we thought, we suspected that they wouldn’t work but they did. Well after the success we wanted to dismantle them, but the date for the dismantling was too late, the fighters were stolen.” He told me, “So we are dealing with several stolen Hellfire Fighters that has been equipped with Platinsteel Armor and you have no idea where they are!!” I yelled.
“Its not my fault!! We were going to scrap the project! and stop yelling in my ear!!!” He yelled back,
“What do you expect to be doing! You let several prototype fighters fall into enemy hands!!” I continued to yell. But before he can say anything, there were sirens blaring off. I looked out a window to see that my fears came true. I saw explosions, all across the city....

Burning... debris... everything was on fire... I saw several Oltanian Cruisers enter the capital. They were literally blasting apart Sectors One and Two. I saw whole skyscrapers fall into the city below, fearing of the many citizens that were caught in this violent onslaught. What happened next seemed like forever. The cruisers began to attack the many floating platforms, it was like playing a game, where you had to escape or tried to stop the enemy from destroying your station with this bomb.
The cruisers annihilating several other platforms began focusing on the platform we were on. We kept running, trying to escape, each blast tore holes into the platform, huge chunks of the platform itself began to fall into the Lingermend Bay. It was a horrible event, both me and Adrian saw everything, debris flying everywhere, I saw whole people skimming across the platform floor falling into the bay, it was a horrible scene, just watching this event would scar me for the rest of the my life. Adrian grabbed my hand and we got onboard the Vergence, he got into the pilot seat and started the engines. Soon the platform began to tilt and fall taking the Vergence with it. He kept pressing the Ignition but the ship wouldn’t turn on. Soon the ship began to slide along the tilt. I grabbed a nearby handle and braced for impact. Then came a miracle, the engines turned on with a loud hum, Adrian grabbed the controls and launched the Vergence. It a quick second the Vergence took off from the capsizing Platform 02. Soon, we got a transmission about the city’s anti air defense system coming online. Soon several hundred turrets scattered across the cityscape turned on, and in an array of colors the Anti Air Defense system came online, but they didn’t even penetrate the shielding it was hopeless. One cruiser managed to hit the power source of the defense system, and the explosion rocked the entire sector. As we came closer to Chancellory Towers, the bombardment stopped. We were puzzled about why they stopped. Just as soon the Vergence came to a landing at Chancellory Towers, the Oltanian Cruisers aimed their turrets at the Northern Tower, the shining icon of the Galactic Republic. The event happened so quickly, as if time slowed. Each blast from the turret echoed across the city, and each impact taking apart whole sections of the Northern Tower. They kept firing at the tower, it was another horrible scene to see. When the attack stopped, the tower’s infrastructure just gave away, collapsing down into the city below. When the tower collapsed, the entire city was quiet, not even the attack on the city made a noise, it was like all life died here. The cruisers after achieving their goal fell back and moved outward from the Capital, they began attacking the extended portions of the Capital, debris raining down in Bastu, firestorms engulfing Velvettrone, it was a horrible day for the Republic, a horrible, horrible day indeed....

“And after a sneak attack from the Oltanians, the Galactic Capital and surrounding cities are rebuilding after yesterday’s suprise attack. The attack by the Oltanians has caused almost trillion of morgians just in the Capital City alone. Surrounding cities like Velvettrone, Bastu and Blackwater have been damaged aswell, but not as bad as the Capital. The death toll from this whole disaster is still being calculated, but from the estimated guess from Sector One is almost at 7.9 million. This whole disaster made a major impact on the Republic specifically here in Sector One, when the Oltanians destroyed the most prime icon of the capital, The Northern Tower. In just a brief 10 sec bombardment the Northern Tower collapsed into the Sector One underworld, possibly taking the lives of almost 1.2 million. The Supreme Chancellor and Queen of Chancellory along with Galactic Senate were in the Capital at the time of this attack, and with the destruction of most of the Capital, the Senate are attacking the Royal Family to push for war against the Oltanians. Currently the Senate is in session at the remains of the Senate Building, where they are pressuring the Royal Family to declare war on the Oltanians. As for now this has been your Capital News.” The news woman said, “So it’s finally happened, the Oltanians finally made their appearance, but why? Why attack us? We were their allies, we helped rebuild after the System Wars and this is how they repay us?!” I said to myself. I was really grateful for Adrian, if he didn’t react intime than we wouldn’t be here today. “Haylin! Haylin Dear lets go!” Mother said to me, “Coming!” I replied, I turned off the holo-TV and got into the Elevator towards to Grand Chamber of the Chancellory Towers. I met up with my parents and we took the hover-limo to the Senate Building across Towers Plaza. As we entered the hyperlane to the Senate Building we saw the cityscape damaged, shells of former buildings that were once skyscrapers filled the area, whole sections of areas were reduced to flatten landscapes. Smoke bellowed from the impact marks from the bombardment, the city security and fire departments scattered across the whole cityscape rescuing the millions that were caught in the attack. But the destruction left a bright new light for people, even though they lost their homes they still had each other. They were helping out others that were out, others were helping the reconstruction, it was a happy moment. A city that always lived in a nuetral harmony was actually coming together as one. It was a grateful sight to see. We made our approach into the Senate Building, which took severe damage than the rest of the city. The grand chamber dome collasped into itself while other parts of the building collapsed onto the plaza. Luckily the floating landing pads managed to survive the bombardment. As the limo came to landing, the pad connected itself to the Senate building. We were greeted by the many senators that survived, and we were dragged and pushed inside the Senate Chamber for the Chancellor’s Speech on this reaction. After entering our podium stand, we rose up into the lit Grand Senate Chamber, above we saw the hoverlanes, and the occasional bogwing that scampered across the sky. The Senate a bustle with the chatter of the bombardment filled the chamber with arguments, hates, and insults. It was one of those special events that the Senate held everytime something bad would happen. The Podium stand came to a stop in the center, and the Senate came to a slow but quiet halt. My father stood up from the stand and gave his speech. “My fellow senators, Dear loyalists to our Grand Republic! The Empire as we know has returned!” He said before being interrupted by the Senate. “Silence!” My mother said, and the chamber grew quiet. “The Oltanian Empire, the sole destroyer of our Capital City, has made their first move, we cannot return in the warfare after our harsh actions we did to them back in the System Wars, but they attacked and destroyed our beloved Capital City, and for that! We shall return their offer and declare war! War against our old foes the Oltanian Empire!! They will learn their lesson again, the Oltanians will pay for their destruction of our Capital City. With our combined effort, the Republic will teach those Oltanians to destroy the Oltanian Empire once and for all!!” He shouted into the chamber, and with sudden loud approval, the Senate cheered loudly with my father’s speech. It was a horrible event that the Oltanians did to us but we cannot let them continue an attack like what they did here in the capital. My mother and I lowered our podium while my dad’s podium stayed, I never saw such anger such confidence he did. Normally the Senate would never all agree on one subject, but today the Senate the whole Senate actually came and agreed on this declaration of War. But than again, We never had a large scale war like this before. “Its the first of the many wars the Republic will face in the future” I said to myself. From below in the Chancellor Chamber, we heard my dad talking about the war, and gave it is name. From the holo-TV we saw, he yelled to the Senate Chamber, “And so the Intergalactic War has officially started!” The name would later ever scar those that survived this war. I have fear that this war would be much like the System Wars, but much more deadly. Lets just hope we won’t relive the harsh actions we did at the conclusion of the System Wars....
This city was a disaster, I saw my hometown destroyed, its former skyline mere shells of their former glory. I walked around the surviving levels, I can see bodies, lifeless corpses covered in dust and blood, while others were injured or barely holding onto life. It was like tornado ripped through Shanksville. The road lanes were clogged, full of emergency vehicles or abandoned cars. The cloud dust from the collapse was so high it reached all the way to the level I was on; Level 45 one of the highest levels in the city. I looked around to see that all I knew was gone, while my near-death survival on Platform 02 was almost real, I was fortunate to be alive, while others around me were misfortunate, others were crushed by falling debris, or fell to their deaths it was horrible. Everything changed when an SPD squad car comes dashing through the smoke, its sirens blared across the echoed city. The squad car comes to a complete stop infront me, I can still see the flashing red and blue lights through the dust. One police officer stepped out of the vehicle and aimed a light through the dust. From what I can remember at that moment was that, “Was I in trouble?”, “General Solanos.” The man called out, I moved my hand over my eyes so the light wouldn’t blind me. “General Solanos, is that you?” He called out again, “Yes! Its me.” I replied back. “Oh thank the Clentoi!, the SPD was looking everywhere for you!, when we heard of the disaster at the platform we feared the worst!” He yelled out through the dust. “Thats great officer, but how exactly did you find me?” I called out. “Easy, you’re the only one thats trailing water across the level, and the green jacket sticks out.” He answered back. I look at him dumbly, but my face was barely visible. I could’ve gave him an despicable face and he wouldn’t see. “Ok now what officer?” I called out again. “The Royal Family requests your presence at Chancellory Towers!” I looked at him or what I could see, and I blindly walked to the SPD car, the dust was thick, and that it was starting to turn my jacket it grey, I got into the car. The officer got into the driver’s side and turned it on. The police car suddenly took off from the ground and dashed out of the debris cloud. I looked over the window, to see the city. I gasped, to see the destruction. The dust cloud from the collapse, covered all of Sector Two and One, smoke was rising all over the Capital. I looked towards the bay, and I saw was whole chunks of Platform 02 smoking and slowly sinking. “Hardly believe they made the first move.” The officer told me. I looked at him, “I know.. After all these years, they’ve been helping us and we’ve been helping them, and this is how they thank us?” I told him. “I agree, but the capital will recover, like the Republic did before, we always recover.” He said, I looked at him, to me, he was a true officer of the republic, only true patriots like this officer would support the Republic no matter how much disaster affected it. This officer was like me, back when the System Wars happened, I always supported the Republic, and when I was old enough to enlist I was glad. I was in the very Republic that I supported. This officer reminded me of my youth, despite my young age, Its always nice to see people like him. The police car dashed through Sector One, and began its approach to Towers Plaza. The plaza took a major beating, I saw whole parts that was once the plaza was all craters or holes in the plaza. It was a memory that I wouldn’t forget. The police car came to a slow decent to one of the remaining roads that lead to Chancellory Towers, through the dust I saw people who were injured, covered in duist, others were looking for the loved ones, fearing for the worst. This has been the worst disaster since the System Wars. It was the first time in a long time the capital had been the center of all action, ever since the Centenial City Disaster i n 2304. As the cruiser dashed across the street, emergency personnel scattered across the capital with the best efforts trying to give aid to those in trouble. After nearly 10 minutes of traversing the wrecked city, we approached Chancellory Towers, the tower managed to escape the damage that already destroyed almost the entire capital. On the outskirts of the divided plateau that held Chancellory Towers, we saw many citizens gathering trying to get in. Normally the tower would open up to allow the weak in, but only if in times of needs. But the tower’s shields prevented all non Republic Personnel from entering the tower. Something must’ve happened inside to prevent these citizens from entering. As we approached, the wall of citizens parted ways the gap was large enough for the police cruiser to pass. The holo-bridge turned on, closing the gap and connecting Chancellory Towers with the rest of the city. For some reason, the citizens didn’t try to swarm the bridge unlike they usually do. Something was all weird going on. The police car departed the bridge and headed towards the colossal Chancellory Towers. After entering the parking garage for SPD officials we got out and headed towards the elevator, by the time we approached the Grand Entrance, we saw that the whole floor was full of military personnel, and office workers, they were scrambling around trying to figure out what was going on, but we didn’t stop there, we approached upward, pass the Grand Senate Chamber, and pass the Cabinet offices, eventually we reached the Chancellory Office, there we headed towards the office of the Supreme Chancellory and Queen. As the doors opened, I was immediately grabbed, I couldn’t reconcile the moment, when I finally had time, I realized it was Haylin. She was relieved to see me. “Adrian! I thought I’ll never see you again!”, she said to me while giving me a bear hug. “Haaaayyylllliiin!! Can’t breathe here!” I tried to say with little available breath I had. She eventually let go, “Why are you so wet?” She questioned me, “Funny story... After I dropped you off, I went to use the weapon systems on the Vergence to fight off the Oltanians and help join with the remaining air force to stop them, but one cruiser shot the engine clear off, I crashed landed in the bay. By the time, I got to shore, the Oltanian forces left the city in ruins. After roaming the city, I was brought here. So why bringing me here?” I asked,
“My father declared to the Senate earlier today, he announced war...” She said. That moment, the word War echoed in my very head, I haven’t heard the name war since I was being taught about the System Wars. I couldn’t believe it, the Republic at war, its been forever. Before I could say anything, I hear Haylin saying my name over and over, she looked worried. I came back to reality only to look at her. “Adrian? Adrian?!” She said, “Huh? What?” I reply back. “Are you shocked about this?” She asked, “What?” I reply again. “The War? The Republic at war?” She said. “Oh, I’m shocked, about the response though... The Republic after so many years of peace and tranquility finally enters a war that struck us at the heart. I think we should focus on the recovery first, before we actually go into War.” I said. “I wish we could do that, but my father declared it to the Senate that the Republic would go to war tomorrow.” She replied back, “Your father is smart to take action early, but we need to repair the capital!” I said, “He said, if we focused action on the capital, they might return and attack it again!, Its better to fight back while the Iron is still hot.” She told me. “I understand...., its just that, you never grew up here in the capital, I liked it to see it rebuilt before we take action.” I told her, “Adrian... I know, but we need to take action, if we don’t act now, the Oltanians could attack again and this time do even more damage than before.” She told me angrily while holding back some tears. “But Haylin..?”
“But nothing Adrian!, We need to focus now before something bad happens!” She yelled at me, I stood there quietly, I looked at her as she left the room. This was the first time ever Haylin actually yelled back at me, Sure we had fights here and now, but it was never to a point like this, usually we forget about the topic, I stood there looking at the first sun setting over the horizon. Knowing something happened to Haylin after I dropped her off. I wanted to find out more, but knowing the current situation, I might be called back into the city to help with the rescue efforts. I just know there something going on than just the war thats going to be planned ahead, the Oltanians maybe a high priotrity but right now, I must focus on saving my city.

---Imperial Royale Palace,Ruins of Gorda City, Oltanis, Oltani Cluster (M51b)--
Its been forever since I’ve seen Gorda City rebuilt, but even after all these years, the city around me has forgotten the true power of the Empire. They thought I maybe dead, they thought that their little democratic council would prevail in my absence but they are wrong! The Oltanian Empire shall not be defeated! No matter how many times they kill me I will always rise up and take my place! The Republic made a grave error at the conclusion of the System Wars, leaving me buried alive in the ruins of Gorda City, they thought the collapse would kill me but they were wrong! I remained in stasis healing in secret, only my true followers stayed while the rest of the Empire shambled and fragmented into warring factions that can’t even support themselves! Even though the previous emperor united the tribes and made the Empire, but it was I that made it into it was today, a powerful unstoppable force that no-one can mess with! It only took was the System Wars to end my legacy! A legacy that have not yet made a mark on history yet! This Republic will mark the day they ever messed the Oltanian Empire! They will!
“Excuse your highness!” A soldier interrupted. “Speak!” I said. “We got word all over the Republic Holonet, your execution of your plan went perfectly! The Republic is in shambles! Shall we begin our invasion?” The soldier finished, I looked at him, our invasion! OUR INVASION! You think I just let my soldiers just pilot such a execution like this!” I said to the soldier while choking him, “Nooo Siiir! Weweweee all follow the law annddd Rullle that is your leadership your highness, Iiii I am deeply sorry for this mistake!” The soldier said while trying to struggle for air. I immediately let go, I watched as the solider grasped his throat for air, he then gathered the strength and stood up. “Go tell the rest of the commanders and generals to execute Plan Crystal Light.” I said to him. The soldier fearing of getting choked just nodded and ran off towards the barracks. I walked towards the giant glass wall that overlooked Gorda City, I put my paw on the glass to remember the days when Gorda City was once a powerful capital with an impenetrable defense, now I look and see craters, full of memories when the Republic broke through and bombed the city out. But now the Republic would pay for their actions, they will regret they ever messed with the reborn Galactic Oltanian Empire.
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