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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1828814
My 3rd reality

By: Kyo Hederson Wolf

Hey, remeber me? Kyo Wolf. My boyfriend is Kendall. Well, even if you don't, I am Kyo wolf. If you remeber all the drama I had before, just wait until you read this.

Death in a Family
"Hey, Kendall! I didn't get to talk to you this morning." I said running up to him.
"Sorry, I didn't know that you wanted me to drive you." Kendall replied.
"No, it's okay, I told you Bree was going to drive me." I said.
"Sorry, I didn't get you any breakfast." He said.
"It's fine," I said, "Are you okay?"
"No." Kendall said.
"Are you still upset about Noah?" I aksed.
"No." Kendall said.
"You can tell me anything." I replied.
Kendall signed, "My little brother, Jay."
"What happen?" I asked.
"He died." Kendall started crying.
"No, wait how?" I asked hugging him.
"He was murdered." Kendall said.
"Do, you know who?" I asked.
"No." Kendall said.
"Kendall, should we tell someone?" I asked.
"No, I want you to help me." He said.
"Now?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
I went to the counsiel and asked her if I could use the room. She said yes.
"Why do you want me to help you?" I asked.
"You had a twin brother right?" Kendall asked.
"Oh, you want me to help you, because I know how you feel." I said.
"Yes, please." Kendall has tears falling down his face.
"Well, I didn't mope around, I did stuff." I said.
"Kendall?" A police officer asked.
"Yeah, did you find him, my brother?" Kendall asked.
"We found him, brutaly stabbed to death." The police said.
"What?" Kendall was getting aggresive.
"Didn't we tell you he was stabbed?" He aksed.
"No!" Kendall said.
Kendall ran out.
"Kendall!" I yelled.
Kendall left.
"You are an awful police officer." I said.
"Yeah, I am." He said and left.
"Bree," I whispered in math class, "Did you see Kendall anywhere?"
"No." Bree said.
The door shut.
"Kendall glad you could join us." Our teacher said.
"What's wrong with him?" Bree asked.
"His, little bro died." I said.
"Stop telling people." Kendall said.
"I only told Bree." I replied.
"Just don't" Kendall said.
I saw the fear and sadness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Kendall, Kyo do you have something to say?" Our teacher asked.
"Yes." Kendall said.
"Then tell us." The teacher said.
I saw that Kendall was scared to tell everyone, so I helped him.
"I said, that your stupid and ugly, and Kendall was trying to tell me to stop." I said.
"Detention, Kyo and Bree." Our teacher said.
"What did I do?" Bree asked.
Our teacher said, "You tend to get in trouble."
"True." She said.
"Sit down all of you." Our teacher said.
Class was over. Kendall came up to me and hugged me.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Thanks." Kendall said.
"Any time." I replied.
"He was stabbed." Kendall said.
"I'm sorry, are you going to his furniral?" I aksed.
"No, I can't." Kendall siad.
"That's what I said, but every single day I reget, and every birthday I go to his grave," I said, "I just don't want you ending up how I did."
"Will, you go with me?" Kendall asked.
"I would love to." I said.

The Funiral
"So, we're hear." I said.
"Yep." Kendall said.
"Your shaking, are you okay?" I asked.
"I'm just scared." Kendall replied.
"Don't be." I said.
Kendall started to talk, "I can't help it."
"Hey! Kendall!" A tall kis with black hair and gold eyes said.
"Zeke, what's up?" Kendall asked.
"Nothing much," Zeke said, "Who's this fine lady?"
"Oh, this is my girlfriend Kyo." Kendall said.
"Darn it you said girlfriend." Zeke replied.
"Yeah, who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Zeke, Kendall's older brother." Zeke said.
"Where's Adam?" Kendall asked.
"Over there," Zeke replied, "Good luck. I haven't seen a single tear since Jay died."
Kendall went over to Adam.
"Who's Adam?" I asked.
"Kendall's and I little bro, and Jay's twin." Zeke said.
"Adam must be really sad." I said.
"I really don't know," Zeke said, "He's, well, I don't know how to explain him."
"Let me guess," I said, "Adam, is really smart, super shy around people he doesn't know, doesn't know how to show feelings, himself around people he likes and knows, really bad around people he hates, and he didn't want to come here."
"Yeah, exatly, how did you know?" Zeke asked.
"I'm just like him." I said.
"What, how are you just like a five year old?" He asked.
"I had a twin brother and when I was fourteen he died, I'm super smart, and I didn't go to my brother's funirel." I said.
"Wow, but Adam came." Zeke said.
"He's going to try to escape." I said.
"May everyone take their seats." A guy said.
"Kendall, where's Adam?" I asked.
"He left." Kendall said.
"Ugh, I'll be right back." I said.
"Where is she going?" Zeke asked.
"To get Adam." Kendall replied.
Zeke just rolled his eyes.
"Hey, there you are." I said.
"I don't know who are," Adam said, "Kendall said not the talk to strangers."
"I'm Kendall's girlfriend." I said.
"Why did you come?" Adam asked.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Only, family and friends who know Jay can come in." Adam replied.
"I was the one who made Kendall come, you know I'm just like you." I said.
"How?" Adam asked.
"We'll talk about it over, ice cream!" I said.
"Ice cream, really?" Adam sounded excited.
"Yep, any flavor you want." I said.
We got ice cream, and we're eating it.
"Are you going to marry Kendall?" Adam said.
"I don't know, why?" I asked.
"You would be the best sister-in-law." Adam said scarfing down his sundae.
"Thank you, be careful, you don't want to get a brain freeze." I said.
"I'm not going to get one." Adam said.
"Whatever." I said.
Adam got a brain freeze.
"Ow, why didn't you warn me?" Adam asked.
"I did, let's go back." I said.
"I don't want to, I want to spend time with you." Adam said.
"Trust me if you don't go, you'll regret it, just like." I said.
"What?" Adam asked.
"My twin brother died when we were fourteen." I said.
"Oh, that's why you came," Adam said, "Let's go."
We were walking.
"So, why did I come?" I asked.
"Your making up for not going to your brother's funirel." Adam said.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"I know things." Adam said.
We came back in, just in time. The guy was calling up the brothers. Oh, "the guy" is their uncle.
"Come up the brothers of Jay Brandon Jacobson. First, Zeke Henery Jacobson. Next, Kendall Tyler Jacobson. And finally, Adam Clyde Jacobson." Their uncle said.

Back at School
"How was it?" Bree asked.
"Hmm, okay." I said.
"Cool." Bree said.
"How was school yesterday?" I asked.
"Good, I guess. How's Kendall?" Bree asked.
"Look at him, he's letting people bully him without doing anything back." I said.
"Oh, you should hang with him." Bree said.
"Well, it's going to be lunch, so why not." I said.
"Have fun." Bree said.
"Hey, Kyo." Marcus stopped me.
"Oh, what do you want?" I asked.
"Here, your file." Marcus said.
"How did you find this?" I asked.
"I found it in your bag." Marcus said.
I slapped Marcus, "You idoit!"
I walked away.
"Kendall!" I yelled.
"Hey." Kendall said, like he was depress.
"Cheer up! I'm going to hang with Adam today, if you want to hang?" I asked.
"No." Kendall said.
"Yes." I said.
"I'm not going to be any fun." Kendall said.
"I'll make you have fun." I replied.
"Your going to force me to do this right?" Kendall asked.
"Yep." I replied.
"Come on I really don't wanna go." He said.
"I don't like sad Kendall, even thought your super hot when your super sad." I said.
"Look, nothing is going to cheer me up!" Kendall yelled.
"Well, you are raising your voice, that's a step up for be happy." I said smiling.
"Cut it out, I'm not in the mood." Kendall said.
"I don't care what mood your in, your going to hang with Adam and I." I said.
"Fine, but I'm not going to have fun." Kendall said.
"Fine, whatever, I'll get mentaly in your head!" I said.
"Okay, that's just wierd." He replied.
"Who said I wasn't weird?" I asked.
"True." Kendall replied.
"So, come on after school, you, me, and Adam." I said smiling.
"Fine." Kendall said with a straight face.

A Day with Adam
"Hey, Adam." I said.
"Hey! Kyo! And Kendall.?" Adam sounded confused.
"I invited Kendall to make him happy." I said smiling.
"Uh, okay." Adam said.
"So, what are we gonna do first?" I asked.
Kendall started to talk, "Woah! Wait, you came here to hang with Adam and you don't even know what your gonna be doing!"
"Yeah, pretty much." I said.
"I'm going." Kendall said.
"No, no your staying, for me." I said.
"Why, it's not like we're going to have any fun!" Kendall shouted.
"Yes you will, trust me." I smilied.
"Fine." Kendall said.
So, we had a great time, Kendall actually smilied. I'm glad.
"Ha, you smilied." I said.
"That wasn't smiling." Kendall said.
"Yes, it was." I said.
"Fine, I smilied, but doesn't mean I'm happy." He replied.
"Yes, you are," I said, "Now come on, we're going to bring home Adam, then alittle time for you, and me."
"Hmm, I like where this consations is going." Kendall smilied in a flirty way.
"Ew, let's go." Adam said getting into the car.
"Looks like he doesn't get romance yet." I said sitting down in the passenger's seat.
"Okay, we will see you another time, Adam." I said.
"Wait, your not coming in?" Adam asked.
"Well, I just told Zeke that we were taking you out for fun." I said.
"Oh, okay." Adam said and put his head down.
I started to talk, "Wait, we'll come in." I said.
"What?" Kendall whispered.
"Come on, please." I said.
"Fine, you owe me." Kendall said.
I kissed him on the lips, "Anything for my love."
"Ha, cute." Kendall grabbed the keys and we walked in.
"Hey, I thought you were just taking Adam out." Zeke said.
"Yeah, he said we should come in." I said.
"Adam, Kyo and Kendall have to go home now." Zeke said.
"Aw, but." Adam was interupted.
"No buts," Zeke said, "Oh, Kendall don't forget to come back here early tomorrow, your sister is coming."
I looked at Kendall.
"Look, I'm bissy tomorrow." Kendall said.
"Well, if you get the chance." Zeke said and went back into the kitchen.
We left and we are back home.
"Sister?" I asked.
Yeah, I forgot to mention her." Kendall said.
"No, no you didn't." I said.
"What's that supose to mean?" Kendall asked.
"Oh nothing, got any other secrets your keeping from me?" I asked.
"I'm serious, I forgot to mention her." Kendall said.
"Sure." I said.
"Isn't trust one of the importance of a relationship?" Kendall asked.
"Why didn't you mention you, truth, now." I said.
"I forgot, and I don't talk to her anymore." Kendall said.
"I'm I accused you of being a lier." I replied.
"It's okay, I find it cute when you get all accusy." Kendall kissed me.

K-dog's Sis
"Get up!" I yelled.
"Hmm, what time is it?" Kendall yawned.
"Noon." I replied.
"What time do we have to go to my brother's house?" Kendall asked getting out of bed.
"Eleven am." I said.
"Why go then, we're already an hour late." Kendall said.
"Haha, we're going!" I slapped Kendall in the back of the head.
"Ow! Fine we'll go!" Kendall yelled putting on his shirt.
I stood there and looked at him.
"What?" Kendall asked.
"Your going to wear that?" I asked.
"Yes, this or I'm not going." Kendall said.
"Fine." I said walking out of our room.
"Oh, so your going to wear that?" Kendall asked.
"Haha, atleast I bothered to put on jeans." I said walking up to him.
"Hey, these are comfy." Kendall kissed me on the cheek.
"Cute, now get out to the car." I pushed him out the door of our room.
"Come on then." Kendall said as we both walked out to the car.
We made it to Zeke's house.
"Hey! Zeke!" I shouted as we walked in.
"Hey, you got Kendall to come?" Zeke asked.
"Oh! Is Kendall here?" A girl with brown, straight, long hair, and blue eyes asked.
"Hi, Ashley." Kendall said as she ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"Oh, you must be, Kyo." Ashley said wanting to know more about me.
"Hi, and yes I am." I said as we shooked hands.
"Well, it's nice to meet you!" Ashley said.
"Nice to meet you too, Ashley." I said.
"Oh, you can just call me Ash." Ash said.
"Um, okay." I said.
"Can we go now, Kyo?" Kendall asked.
"No, stay for me." I said.
"Ashley, is crazy." Kendall said.
"So, my brothers and Bree are crazy." I said.
"That's not the point." Kendall whispered in my ear.
"Oh, flirting?" Ash asked walking by.
"Yeah, that's what I was doing." Kendall said as Ash grabbed his hand and made him sit.
Kendall stood up and said, "Look, I have to go.
He left.
"Wow, he hasn't changed." Ash said.
"What do you mean?" I asked sitting down.
"He was always weird around me." She said getting her and I tea.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." Ash said.
"I'm gonna go look for him." I said.
"Didn't he take the car?" Zeke asked.
"No." I said as walked out.
"Is Kyo here?" Adam ran out of his room.
"No, not yet," Zeke said, "Go back to bed."
"Fine!" Adam yelled and went back into his room.
I was running and found Kendall, at a park sitting on a bench, feeding the birds.
"Kendall." I said walking up to him.
"Oh, hey." Kendall said.
He sounded sad.
"What's up with you around, Ashley?" I asked.
"She would always ruin my relationships, so I don't get close to her." Kendall said.
"What do you mean by 'ruin?'" I asked.
"I mean when we were in Ohio she would always keep me to herself." Kendall said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah, even when I was five!" Kendall yelled.
The birds flew away.
"So, you never had a decent relationship?" I asked sitting down next to him.
"Nope, I mean except for you." Kendall said resting his head on my shoulder.
"She's trying to take you away from me." I said.
"Bingo." Kendall signed.
Let's go back to Zeke's house, and I won't let you go." I said.
"I hope that works." Kendall said lifting his head.
We smilied at eachother.

"Hey, I got him." I said walking into Zeke's house.
"Kendall! Never run out like that again!" Ashely yelled trying to pull Kendall awy from me.
"Kyo!" Adam ran out and hugged me.
"Hey, Adam." I said.
"I need to show you my room!" Adam yelled trying to pull me away.
"I can't, I wanna stay, with my boyfriend, Kendall." I said.
"Boyfriend!" Ashley and Adam yelled.
"Yes, we happily in love, and no one can seperate us!" I said happily.
"Yep! We are so in love." Kendall said.
Zeke walked out of the kitchen, he saw us, and smilied.
"Their not giving up." Kendall whispered.
"Don't worry, I have a back up." I tooked out my phone and text Bree.
Bree texted that she'll be right over.
"What did you do?" Kendall asked.
"You'll see." I smilied.
The door slamed open.
"Hey! Having a party without me?" Bree shouted walking in.
"Smart move." Kendall said.
"Thanks." I said.
"Okay, so I brought my ipod, so we can listen to good music!" Bree shouted.
"Oh, I love your hair." Ash said walking up to Bree.
"Thanks, I just got my hair done yesterday." Bree smilied and then winked at me.
"Alright, well, Kendall and I have to go." I said backing up to the door with Kendall.
"No! You need to stay!" Adam yelled.
"I'm sorry Adam, Kendall and I really need to go." I said opening the door.
"No! Kendall needs to stay, but you can go!" Ash yelled.
"Okay, it's offical, your family is crazier than mine." I said running out the door with Kendall.
"Told you." Kendall said starting the car.
"So, home we go." I smilied.
"Home, home sounds about nice." Kendall said driving away.

"Kendall, wake up." I said shaking him back and forth.
"Mmm, what time is it?" Kendall asked.
"Time to get ready for school." I said putting on my bright orange skinny jeans.
"I'm sick." Kendall said lying down.
"No, your not." I said taking him out of bed.
"Fine, I'm not, but I don't wanna go to school." Kendall said giving me a puppy dog face.
"That face doesn't work on me." I smilied and threw Kendall's clothes at him.
He looked at me for five seconds, and then change his shirt.
"I'll be in the living room." I said walking out.
Kendall got changed and came out.
"Aw, you look cute." I said.
"Thanks, do you have my keys?" Kendall asked.
"Yeah, let's go." I said pulling out the door.
"School, great." Kendall said.
"Did you 'forget' to do your homework?" I asked.
"Yes." Kendall said.
"Well, can I drive?" I asked.
"No." Kendall laughed.
"Oh, but it seems so easy." I complained.
"Sorry, you need a lisence." Kendall smilied.
"Fine." I crossed my arms and turned so I wouldn't look at him.
"I'm sorry." Kendall said.
I started to talk, "Well, if your sorry, then, I forgive you."
We looked at eachother and smilied.
"I love you." Kendall said looking into my eyes.
"I love you too." We kissed.
Kendall started the car and we drove off.
"Off to school!" I yelled like it was an adventure.
We got to school and the first person we saw was Ashley.
"What is she doing here?" Kendall asked freaked out.
"I don't know!" I replied a little scared to.
"I'm not getting out of the car until she leaves." Kendall said.
"Drive around to the back," I said in a panic, "Now!"
"Okay." Kendall drove around to the back.
"What are kids doing back here?" The janitor asked.
"Sorry, we're just getting away from a stalker." Kendall said getting out of the car.
"Dention, both of you." The janitor said.
"Please, sir, just this once, I promiss." I said walking up to him.
"Fine, but if I catch you two kids again, dention." He said.
"Yes sir, we got it." Kendall said pulling me in.
"That was close." I said as we were walking to class.
We made it to class, but we were late. And when we opened the door, well, we saw, Ashley. We both yelled.
"Sorry! Wrong class!" Kendall yelled and shut the door.
"What, is she doing in there?" I asked freaked out.
"She enrolled here." Bree said.
"Are you ditching?" Kendall asked.
"Yeah, come on, it's not safe being out here.
"Ashley, is a stalker!" Kendall said.
"I know, she followed me home, and she also followed Dustin and I to your house." Bree said.
"Wati our house?" I asked.
"No, Derek's house." Bree said.
"What happen?" Kendall and I asked.
"Dustin cursed her out," Bree said, "And the she ran away, oh nice blue plaid shirt."
"Thanks, Kyo got it for me." Kendall smilied.
"Guys, pay attention!" I snapped.
"Okay, why don't we call the cops?" Kendall suggested.
"That could work." I said.
"Hey, you kids, where are your hall passes?" The janitor asked.
"You can give us dention now." Kendall said.

"Don't you just love dention?" Bree asked.
"Kendall, why did you have to get us a dention?" I punched him in the stomach.
"Okay, first, ow! And second we can plan our escape from Ashley." Kendall said rubbing his stomach.
"That's like the best idea I have ever had." I said.
Kendall looked at me like I stole something from him.
"Fine, our idea." I said.
Kendall just looked at me.
"Fine! Jeez! Your stupid plan!" I yelled.
"Thank you." Kendall said.
He kissed me on my cheek. I blushed.
"Um, is this dention?" Ashley asked.
"What is she doing here?" Kendall spazed.
"Aw man." I said.
"She's afraid of Dustin." Bree said.
"Yeah, but I don't see Dustin." Kendall said.
Bree took out her phone and texted someone.
"Hey guys." Ashley said.
"Hi, Ash." We all said.
"Hey, little brother." She said staring at Kendall.
"Uh, hi." Kendall said sqeezing my hand.
"Ow," I whispered to him, "I guess this is what I get for punching you.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late!" Dustin yelled walking over to us.
"Oh, I have to go." Ash said and went to the other side of the room.
"She is scared of you." I said.
"She saw my huge biceps." Dustin bragged.
"Now, I'm your girlfriend, why are you lying to me?" Bree asked.
"Fine, I sweared at her like mad crazy." Dustin said sitting next to us.
Dention was over.
"Hey Kendall, Bree and I walked to school, can you drive us home?" Dustin asked.
"Sure." We all got into Kendall's car.
I sat in the back with Bree, and Dustin sat in the from with Kendall. Kendall dropped off Bree and Dustin. I moved to the front.
"I'm sorry." Kendall said driving away.
"Why?" I asked.
"I got you into a mess, that I can't even handle." Kendall kissed my forehead.
"It's okay, I still love you." I said.
We made it home.

It's reality
"Looks like it's about to rain." I said.
"Yeah." Kendall said putting up the roof of his car.
We both walked inside.I went into the kithem and I screamed.
"What?" Kendall ran into the kitchen.
"How did she get him?" I panic.
"Stop panicing." Kendall said holding me.
"Hello, little brother." Ash said said coming out of the shadows, like it was a horror movie.
Kendall started to talked, "Why do you have a butcher knife?"
"I don't like your girlfriend." Ash smirked.
"Kyo." Kendall said.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Run!" We ran into our room.
Ashley didn't see where we went, because the lights went out.
I texted Bree to come over, and help us. Bree and Dustin ran into the house.
"Stop!" Bree yelled.
"Wait, she's scared of me." Dustin walked up to Ashley.
"I'm not scared of you." Ash said.
"What, but, you." Dustin was interupted.
"I was acting!" Ashley yelled.
"Aw man, I thought I was actually good at something." Dustin sounded upset.
"Now, since you got in my way, looks like I'm going to have to kill you two first." Ashley said walking towards Bree and Dustin.
"Hello, yes, I need the police." Kendall whispered into his phone.
Kendall told the police everything, and the police came as fast as they could.
"Freeze!" The cops ran in.
"What, I kept my eyes on you two, how did this happen?" Ashley yelled.
"I called them." Kendall said walking out of our room.
The lights went back on.
"Kendall? Why, what did I ever do to you?" Ashley asked.
"You were going to kill my friends, and then my girlfriend!" Kendall yelled scared.
"What, no, we were just playing horror house." Ashley tried to lie her way out.
"For all I know, you could have killed my other friends back in Ohio!" Kendall started crying.
The cops ran up to Ashley and handcuffed her.
"No! You can't take me to jail!" Ashley yelled.
"Stop." Kendall said.
"Oh, thank you litt." Ashley was interupted.
"Who else did you kill?" Kendall asked.
"No one!" Ashley yelled.
"Yes, you did, now who!" Kendall yelled.
"Fine, since nice girl isn't working on you, I killed Jay!" Ashley yelled.
"Damn you!" Kendall was about to puch her.
Dustin and I was holding him back.
"I hate you! I hope you go to hell!" Kendall yelled.
The cops took her out of the house, and to jail. An hour past.
"Okay, here is some tea." Zeke gave us some.
Zeke, Adam, Derek, and Tommy were all over at Kendall's house.
"Thanks." Dustin said.
"Yeah, but you don't have to do this." Bree said.
"Don't worry about it." Zeke said.
"Hey, where's Kendall, and Kyo?" Derek asked.
"Kyo is talking to Kendall in their room." Zeke said.
"Are you okay?" I asked Kendall.
"Yeah, I finally know who killed Jay, I'm perfect." Kendall said.
"You know I love you." I smilied at him.
Kendall got down on one knee and asked, "Kyo, will you marry me?"
Kendall showed me a beautiful real diamond ring.
"It was my mom's and now I want you to have it." Kendall said.
I hugged Kendall.
"So, will you?" Kendall asked.
"Of course I will!" I kissed him.

So, I did marry Kendall, but the wedding isn't going to be for awhile. Ashley confessed to ten other murders and got life, no parolle. Dustin and Bree are still both in shock, and won't be going back to school for awhile. Zeke and Derek are bestfriends now and so is Tommy and Adam. I would say this story is wrapping up quite nicely. Seeya soon.
© Copyright 2011 Kyo Henderson Wolf (chimchim22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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