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Chris Nagi and Adam Sanju: Two duelists who are fated to meet - and become eternal rivals! |
Dedicated to my best friend Chris, who's dueling spirit is unlike any other I know.... Prologue - Second Year Begins Shinjuku, Tokyo Tuesday June 18th "Nngg......Ahhhhhhhh......" Chris Nagi stretched in relief. As sunlight gleamed at him from his bedroom window, he smiled at his newly re-structered deck. It was his second week back at Duel Academy - he'd missed everything about it. Despite this, he found being a second year at the new Shinjuku Duel Academy wasn't as appealing for him as last year. Now that he was in the highest year of the academy, most of the extremely experienced duelists had left - leaving him with a few other competent Ra Yellow's, many cocky Obelisk Blues as well as a soon-to-be array of new and inexperienced first years. Chris loved to duel, it was the one reason he said no to a formal education - as well as the reason his parent's disowned him from their utter disappointment that he refused the family business. But he followed his passion, which was greatly rewarded due to his high level of skill. "Oh yeahh! My deck just gets better and better!" he exclaimed as he chucked a Negate Attack back into his card tin. *beep beep* "Hello?" he picked up his phone instantly. "Hey come on down to the intiation tests!! Some of these duelists are freakin' hilarious!!" a voice burst out laughing down the end of the phone. It was Koyo-San, his dormitory roommate. Although they weren't the best of friends Chris had grown attached to Koyo throughout their first year together. He was the only guy Chris ever saw as a true best friend. Also - Koyo was very popular - which Chris always saw as a bonus. "Alright - let's see what these losers have to offer!" Chris spouted happily. Down at the trainee dueling arena...... *Crash!!* *Bang!!* *WOOOSH!!* There were duels going on left and right, monsters flying here and there, spell and traps shining out - behind all the action a bunch of well known exam proctors and many unfamiliar, yet equally terrified young duelists all hoping to secure a place as a new student. "I've gotta say! I'm gonna miss the past week we've had with just our year in the academy!" Koyo chuckled, brushing his hand through his black spiky hair. "Yeahh......makes you wonder why - even with our level of skill - haven't we been bumped up to Obelisk yet?" Chris stared at Koyo with the same blank stare he always made when talking about being put in Obelisk Blue. Koyo scratched his head, "Nahhhhhh not this again Nagi!!! Come on, you know we'd be worse off put with bunch of cocky little punks and rich spoiled brats!!" Chris let out a sigh of defeat - he knew Koyo was right, "Yeahh.....but SOME sort of recognition would be nice for a change..." "Guys.......guys!!" A tall figure was running towards them, although they couldn't quite make out who it was. Then Koyo was first to notice, "Oh....h-heyy Roki!!! Aha...haha...!". Shortly after Koyo, Chris then noticed the slim yet attractively curvy figure of Roki - Chris' other close friend. Her long, radiant red hair and busty attributes always had an effect on the colour of Koyo's cheeks, but Chris only ever saw her as a close friend. 'There's Koyo's familiar shade of red he turns whenever Roki is around!' Chris thought to himself, as he chuckled silently. Roki instantly wrapped one arm around Koyo and the other around Chris, "How ARE you guys?" she squealed. "I'm great Roki!! What about YOU, Koyo??" Chris smirked at Koyo, turning all attention to him. Koyo cursed Chris under his breath whilst smiling brightly at Roki. "Ummm...I'm good too Roki! Ahaha....!" Roki beamed at him. Only Chris knew that they liked each other, but neither was none the wiser to notice the other had feelings. He didn't understand why they didn't get together - they were a perfect match! Both tall and attractive, with the same sense of humour - both just as enthusiastic as the other! Roki quickly interrupted Chris' thoughts, "So did you hear about the guy from Hiroshima??" Koyo and Chris looked at each other and shook their heads. "Yeahh a second year is moving to our school because apparently what I heard is that according to the Principal he was in hi.........." Chris and Koyo were used to Roki's ramblings by now so they interrupted her with a simultaneous "SHHHHH!!". "So there's.....a new guy coming here?" Chris asked. "Y-yeah, that's about it! But they say he's really good!" Roki looked intrigued at the boys. Koyo chimed in, "Well I hope he doesn't become an Obelisk ass!!" Chris nodded in strong agreement. "Well his duels scheduled in an hour so we should go watch to see how good he is!!". Roki was looking excited now, as were the boys - Chris was secretly hoping for a strong duelist who could be put in Ra Yellow. Chapter 1 - A Diamond in the Rough One hour later.... *tap tap tap* Koyo was tapping against the railing upon which he was leaning - the trio looked extremely bored watching who were clearly the new Slifer Red's duel. Instead of grabbing lunch like Koyo and Chris suggested - Roki made them both wait so as not to miss a single second. Roki finally broke, "N'awhhhhh COME ON already!!" She shouted towards a random crowd of duelists down below. Suddenly - as if it were upon Roki's command - a figure emerged from one of the dueling exits. The sillhouette eventually developed into an average heighted duelist with the standard Kaiba Corp. Duel Disk strapped to his left arm. He looked confident, yet welcoming. "Woohooooo!!!" Roki exclaimed excitedly, punching a fist in the air. "Ughhh... finally!" Chris breathed heavily. "Here we go guys...", Koyo sounded anxious. Him and Chris both knew that the attitude this duelist displayed now, would define this guy as either an Obelisk Blue, Ra Yellow or Slifer Red. "Yo newbie!" An exam proctor shouted, "You'll be pitted against a second year proctor!! Please go to duel field five immediately!!" The new kid shrugged his shoulders, not in an ignorant way, but as if he was just going with the flow - as if he wasn't even bothered about being here, Chris thought. Not a single second was wasted after that. "DUEL!!" "I'll start!!", shouted the exam proctor as he drew the first card of the duel and added it to his hand. "I summon D.D. Warrior in defense mode!!" 1000 DEF The red-haired, armour clad warrior appeared, guarding it's own body. "Then I'll activate double summon!! Allowing me to summon another monster!!" The proctor was looking very confident in his first turn. "I sacrifice my D.D. Warrior to summon Golden Homunculus in Attack Mode!!" 1500 ATK Suddenly after the disappearance of the small warrior, appeared this giant golden statue-type monster. "......and it's not over yet!!" the proctor smirked. "I play one card face down and activate Card Destruction!!" The new kid snarled at the activation of this card, and reluctantly discarded his entire hand. As he drew five new cards, his annoyance turned to surprise - and eventually a smile spread secretly across his face. "Now I activate my face down, Soul Release!! By removing my two discarded cards from play, my Golden Homunculus gains 600 more Attack Points!" Golden Homunculus: 1500 ATK > 2100 ATK "Oh and I'll also remove three cards from YOUR graveyard, just in case!", the proctor smirked cockily towards the new kid. "With that I end my turn!!" He exclaimed The new kid, who'd been silent up until now, burst out instantly "Alright!! Here I go!!" he yelled. Chris, Koyo and Roki were in a bit of shock at this sudden exclamation. "I didn't think he'd be much of a talker!" Koyo said in disbelief. The new kid drew a card and added it to his hand. "First I activate Polymerization!!" He held the card up in the air before activating it. He took two monsters out of his hand and revealed them to the proctor, "To fuse Destiny Hero Plasma and Destiny Hero Dogma!!" Two massive monsters appeared briefly on the field before glowing white and melding together. *FLASH!!!!* ".......to create DESTINY END DRAGOON!!!!" ATK 3500 A giant, winged warrior appeared equipped with a stylish black sword and a dragons head for a shield. The Warrior's body was also a dragons head and he was armour clad with thick black metal with spikes protruding from it. The proctor looked stunned, "On his FIRST TURN?!". The trio looked on in silent awe at this new kid. "That's right! All thanks to YOUR Card Destruction! Now I activate Brain Control!! By paying 800 Life Points I'll take control of your Golden Homunculus until the end of the turn!!" New Kid: 4000 LP > 3200 LP And because of the three cards you removed from MY graveyard, he gains an additional 300 Attack Points!! Say goodbye to your Life Points!" Golden Homunculus: 2100 ATK > 2400 ATK The proctor butted in quickly, "I activate a quickplay spell from my hand!! Enemy Controller!! Now you're Destiny End Dragoon is in Defense Mode!! This'll keep me from losing! Nice try newbie!" Destiny End Dragoon: 3000 DEF Destiny End Dragoon retreated into a defensive position. Now all the new kid was left to attack with was the proctor's monster. Or so the proctor thought..... The new kid started to chuckle, "He...hehe.....game over!" "What???? But I've got 4000 Life Points! You're just bluffing!!" The proctor didn't sound so sure of his own words - his previously confident ego had now been shattered. "Oh yeah??? Tell it to my MEGAMORPH!! Since my Life Points are lower than yours, I can use Megamorph to double Golden Homunculus' Attack Points!!!!" The proctor was lost for words. As his monster grew to double it's size in front of him, he could only utter a girlish scream. Golden Homunculus: 2400 ATK > 4800 ATK "GOLDEN HOMUNCULUS!!!! ATTAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!" BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! Proctor's Life Points: 4000 LP > 0 LP "That's game! So, did I make it in?" said the new kid, smiling brightly. The trio watched from above in amazement. "That was AWESOME!!!" Shouted Koyo, "Hey KID!! HEY OVER HERE!!" The new kid looked up in sudden confusement. "Great work out there!! You're awesome!!" Koyo shouted down. "Yeahh you're really great!! Way to go!!" Roki joined in. "Thanks guys!!! Hey, the name's Adam Sanju!!! Hopefully I'll see you around sometime!!" He smiled brightly at all three of them, glancing slowly over to Chris - which then changed his facial expression. "Uhhh....I've gotta go to my registration now!! Catch you guys later!!!" Sanju walked off through a dueling exit, and vanished in the shadows. As Roki and Koyo were in deep discussion about what dorm he would be put into, Chris looked nervously at where Adam had just been standing. 'It couldn't be.......could it?' |