Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1828192-The-Doctors-Birthday-With-Timaraka
Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #1828192
This is a story about BBC America's Show DOCTOR WHO. Original characters: Timaraka.
Doctor and Timey sat by the beach. It was a time of day with the orange sun folding itself up on the horizon.
“Time…” The Doctor paused for a few moments. “Is a magical wonder that makes everything equal.” Timaraka wasn’t quite sure if she had the same opinion herself. Time is a mystery. She would think.
“Doctor? Why did we come here?” Timey looked up at the Doctor. He seemed to be lost in deep thought.
“We came here because…” The Doctor sighed. I can’t tell her… She wouldn’t understand it. The Doctor thought. “I wanted to show you this beauty.”
“Oh…” Timey stuttered. She was almost sure there was a much more… emotional reason. “Are you not telling me something?”
“I am, restraining myself from telling you.” The doctor said. “You wouldn’t understand quite yet.”
“Oh.” She felt as though she had uncovered a small, growing secret with him.
When they walked back into the TARDIS, Timey walked by where the coordinates were set. She quickly, barely noticeably, glanced at it. She promised to remember the destination forever. Forever is a long time. And I will remember. Remember the Doctor. My daddy Doctor. Timey claimed in her mind. Forever.


It has been 4 years. 

“Come on! Let’s go, sir!” Timaraka said with sheer delight. Today was a very special day. It was a day that Timaraka would never forger. The Doctor was slow to wake that morning. He had a full breakfast, made by Timaraka herself, but was still half asleep. He had adorable TARDIS slippers, and wore a scarf to keep him warm in the unheated TARDIS during the early hours. The scarf, he claimed, was actually a very special memory. Timaraka wondered just HOW could a scarf be a memory? But that was no matter at this time, he was out in his bedroom getting dressed. Timaraka went unsuspected to the control room. The TARDIS blinked delightedly at Timaraka’s presence. Timaraka wasn’t in the mood for flashing lights, she was sidetracked. She made a few seconds to say “Good Morning” to her. She began setting several coordinates. Each one had it’s own purpose, for example, the month. But she cared more about the location than year. So she typed in a random number and went to work. Once she had everything set, she stood back.
The white vines stretching themselves from the bottom of the TARDIS were just as beautiful as when she’d first seen them. The glass floor was still perfectly clear and unscratched from all the feet that had walked upon it. The control board gleamed with buttons and levers, going this way and that.  It was the most beautiful thing Timaraka had ever seen.
“Come on then, Timey.” The Doctor pushed on sleepily as he entered the room. “What in all the stars and planets are you doing in here? Come out with the truth, Timey.”
“Timaraka! My name is Timaraka! No longer a silly little Timey name. I’m in here to take you somewhere. Somewhere very special in your heart.” Timaraka said gently.
“Well come on, then! What are the coordinates?” The news had woken the Doctor from his sleepy state. Timaraka took full action and covered the board with the coordinates. “What’s wrong?” The Doctor questioned.
“It’s… A surprise.” Timaraka found herself saying.
“Alrighty then…” The Doctor replied suspiciously. Timaraka pulled the lever, and the TARDIS began to make it’s usual traveling noise. The pressure of the earth and it’s time cruised forward, into the future. “Where are you taking me? Hmm, Time- er… Timaraka?”
“Just where you’ll love it.” Timaraka said with a smile. In a few minutes of the Doctor’s guessing, they arrived. Timaraka was so excited. She ran to the door with the Doctor following in a Doctor only pattern. Timaraka reached for the door handle, overwhelmed with happiness.

Her reaction now was not to follow.

Timaraka turned the handle, and pushed open the door. She rushed inside the TARDIS, heartbroken from the Doctor’s words. She had never ever seen him so  angry… Well, only once, but that was when she refused to go out of the TARDIS. But even that wasn’t THIS bad. Her tears filled her face, and her cheeks flushed red. She didn’t plan it like this… ever. She didn’t know it could get that bad. Timaraka the twelve year old hid in her room, under her covers.
What had happened was Timaraka opened the door. She had set the coordinates to the beach, where he felt deeply that one summer evening. The Doctor stared out the door, as Timaraka flung it open. Her focus was on the Doctor though, and she didn’t see the scene. He looked so… empty inside. The feeling in the room turned cold. Even the TARDIS was cold. Timaraka dared to turn around.
The scene was gray. Flat out gray. The mist was thin, and the dark clouds covered the sky. The sand was now black, like it was burnt. A war field. Thye rocks were chipped by the seaside, and the ocean… oh, the ocean. It was filled with pollution and muck. You could see the ocean stretch on for miles, but yet it was still filled with gunk. The beautiful spot they once sat on was now… dead.
The Doctor stepped out almost lifelessly. Each step echoed in the darkness. He looked so dead. Then he knelt on his knees. Timaraka ran to his side.
“What is this place?” She said desperately. “What happened here? Why do you care so much--”
“I care because you killed it! You killed everything! You’ve killed me, and my last bit of life. You killed.
Timaraka was heartbroken… She did as she did and hid under her covers. The strking memory played in her head. What happened at that beach? Why did it matter so much to him? Why… Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud cry of the Doctor outside. He seemed in pain. Timaraka swallowed her fear, and went out to see if anything was wrong.
But nothing was. It was just him crying and sobbing. Timaraka tried to comfort and bring him To his senses once more, but her answer was hollering.
“Doctor, I can help you. Just tell me what happened here…”
“NO! Everything happened here! And you did this! You’ve killed it all! Take my TARDIS and leave me be… NOW! GO!” The Doctor was crouched over and seemingly dying. His strained and pained expression killed Timaraka. It really did.
“Fine! I will find out what happened here. By myself!” Timaraka tried to shake off tears, but her method didn’t work. She made her way through the now thicker fog to the TARDIS. She had a spare key, so she opened it. Very nice inside, but that didn’t help. “TARDIS, What happened where we landed? Take me to the time with the answers. Please. I need to know. Or else I won’t be able to help him.” Timaraka pleaded. The TARDIS set its coordinates by itself, and printed out a paper with words at the other side of the platform. Timaraka read it aloud. “Ahem, The time I’m taking to you doesn’t reveal what happened, because even I’m not sure. But I am sure If you find a ginger named Amelia Pond, who is married to Rory Williams, she will have what you need. Have a safe trip, our time lord in training!” Timaraka smiled and looked at the ceiling. “Thank you.”
The two landed in England, in a smallish town. There was a big park they landed in. Timaraka stepped out, locking the door. If she didn’t, somebody like her could have wandered in. Timaraka reviewed her letter from the TARDIS. She was looking for a ginger… And her name was Amelia. Hmm. She figured she might as well start as an innocent little girl. She walked up to a tall man.
“I’m looking for miss Pond, sir. Do you know her?” She said with big eyes.
“Yes… She lives over there… What are looking for her for?” The man questioned.
“Thank you!” Said Timaraka, distant from his question. She walked to the house he had pointed to. It was kinda big, so she knocked loudly on the door. A man answered.
“Who is it?” The door opened up a bit slowly. The boy saw her and opened it up more. “Are you a girl scout?” He asked.
“No, but are you Rory Williams?” Timaraka returned his question.
“Yes..? Who is it you’re looking for? I’m sure you have the wrong house.” Rory said to her, a bit scared. So classic. The bigger on afraid of the smaller one.
“Amelia Pond.” She said. Rory closed the door, but didn’t leave.
“Amy! Some little girl is out looking for you!” She could hear the muffled voice say. In a minute or two, a Scottish woman arrived at the door.
“Who are you, and how do you know me?” Amy questioned.
“I’m Timaraka. I have a few questions for you.” Timaraka said with delight.
“What? Who?” Amy was puzzled.
“Timaraka. And I’m here to ask you about… The Doctor.”
“Look, I don’t know how you knew, but you did. What was he like? Was it scary?” Amy said as they sat in the backyard.
“No, it wasn’t scary. He was pretty freaked out though. Anyway, do you know what happened on that beach? Did he tell you anything personal?” Timaraka was ready for findings.
“Well, a long time ago. I remember he got sick while we were traveling. He sent a telepathy thought to me. I saw images flash by, but I remember one. It was him. On a beautiful, sunset glazed beach. He was kissing someone… Rose. Rose Tyler. That was the love of his life. That moment. That place.” Amy finished.
“I see. Well thank you, I hope me and the TARDIS can straiten him out.” Timaraka got up from her woven seat.
“The TARDIS?! May I see it? It’s been to many years since…” Amy’s voice drained.
“Oh, uh sure…” Timaraka felt a feeling of jealousy. She was so new, Amy had been traveling with him for years. It was so unfair. But she let her anyway.
In the park, Amy was wandering around inside the TARDIS. She went up the stairs leading from the platform to the rooms. “Is this your room? It used to be mine!” Timaraka rushed in. She found Amy laying down on her bed. Now she knew she was a guest, but to Timaraka that was just plain rude. And time wasting. And awkward.
“Look, I know you haven’t been in here for a while, but this is my bed! And the Doctor is in trouble! Can you please leave now?” Timaraka said with a hint of annoyance.
Amy must not have caught it, because a spark in her eyes lit up. “Can I come? It’s been forever since I traveled through time in the TARDIS! Please?”
“NO! This is the Doctor’s TARDIS, not mine. This is an emergency about him! You just aren’t taking this seriously! I can’t believe The Doctor put up with you so long! Get out, NOW!” Timaraka was startled by her anger, but it felt like it had a good purpose. Amy also became angry, and refused to leave. Timaraka’s patience was wearing thin. It was just too frustrating. When Amy refused to leave a second time, Timaraka warned her. But at last, the third time Timaraka broke her level of patience. She twisted her hand this way and that, With Beam, a.k.a. Zezo, appearing from it. Beam jetted towards Amy, spun around her up and down, and used his force connected to Timaraka to push her out of the TARDIS. Amy was fed up, but she had no power against a Time Lord in Training. Finally, when she had a second to herself, Timaraka set the coordinates of the Doctor. She arrived soon after and ran outside the TARDIS, where the Doctor was curled in a ball, asleep. Timaraka must have been gone hours, because he was all cried out, and sound asleep. No one was on the Earth she stood upon, so she lied down, and slept with the Doctor, as if she had had a nightmare.
The next morning, Timaraka and the Doctor were best buddies again. He had told her everything, and apologized several times. As Timaraka made him breakfast for the day, she thought to herself…

“I just love my daddy.”
© Copyright 2011 Kaitlyn Serpent (wolfnite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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