Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1828162-Just-a-Small-Town
Rated: · Fiction · Activity · #1828162
Skye Marks decides to host a sleepover since schools out. A door closes but what shut it?
As the bell rang ,me and my friend Bambi Woods, with her long brown hair, blue eyes, wearing a jean skirt and a white blouse, she adjusted her backpack. Me on the other hand wore jeans and a black tank top. I have short black hair and the darkest green eyes out of everyone. My backpack was slung over my shoulder and the contents inside moved about.

"Skye what are you going to do this summer?" Shrugging, we walked down the hall and waved at our teachers. "You should have a sleepover!" I shook my head.

"Nah, I heard that Roxy was throwing one." Bambi frowned. Exiting the building I looked at the mountains and listened to kids scream over some bug that had landed in a little girls brown hair.

"Funny how she never told me this." Looking over at Bambi she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. I walked slowly forwards, Bambi followed.

Roxy was a very secretive girl. The only people she talked to were people that she thought were worthy and that would understand that she had a huge phobia of shadows that she had apparently seen in her house. Roxy was 5'6 and had light auburn hair and gorgeous caramel brown eyes. Roxy always wore a sundress that had flowers on it.

"Really? Weird. Roxy told me she told you." Suddenly a small hand clutched onto my arm. Turning I found Roxy with a smile plastered on her face. "Roxy! We were just talking about you!" Grinning Roxy waved at Bambi, Bambi huffed.

"What's your problem? Tonight we shall party!" Roxy giggled wildly until she noticed that Bambi still frowned at her. "What?"

"You didn't even invite me!" Coming to a standstill Roxy scowled and re-adjusted her bun that sat on her head.

"Of course I did! Even look on your hand!" Looking down at her hand Bambi's mouth formed in an O shape. Written roughly on her hand was the invitation that read : Party at my place! Sleepover so bring a pillow, blanket, and extra clothes! XOXOXO-Roxy *Smile* Laughing we continued towards our houses. Mine was on a hill a ways but Bambi's and Roxy's are right next to each other (lucky)!

"So...what time is the party again Rox?" Squinting against the light Roxy looked at her hand.

"Starts sometime round six tonight..why?" Shrugging Bambi stopped to let her little sisters catch up to her. Their names are Bonnie and Bunnie. They are twins and never leave each others sides. Bonnie and Bunnie had long brown hair but they had two different eye colors. Bunnie has gray colored eyes while Bonnie has what looks like indigo colored eyes. When they saw me their eyes got huge.

Shoving past their sister, Bunnie and Bonnie tackled my legs. "Skye!"

"Bunnie! Bonnie! How are you girls! You look just as pretty as your sister!" The girls giggled and hid behind their long hair. Cute.

"Girls leave her alone! She has to get ready so come on!" Bambi waved and took her sisters by their hands and led them away. Roxy sighed and turned to me, her caramel eyes bore into mine. Something bad was going to come out of her mouth I know it.

"Guess what I have planned for tonight's activities." I shrugged and sped up, Roxy didn't notice and grinned wildly. "Ghost hunts and my favorite, Ouija Board." I stopped and turned to stared into Roxy's crazed eyes. Was she serious? Ouija Boards are not games and cannot be taken lightly. Second of all, Roxy knows how terrified I am and if she is so afraid of shadows then why invite ghost and demons into her house? I sighed.

"Roxy, are you serious? You know those are not to be taken lightly. Why can't we just rent that new movie with Lilian Junior. I know you have been wanting to see that forever." She shook her head. I guess that's a no? Rubbing my arm I was tempted not to go full jog and get away from this lunatic I called a friend.

"Come on Skye! What is the worst that can happen?" I was about to respond when I turned and realized that Roxy was already inside her house. My face fell and I turned away and ran. "See you tonight Skye!" I waved good-bye but didn't stop.

* * * * * * *
Slowing myself to a complete stop I entered into my yard. The grass was green and cherry trees blocked your view of the small wooden cottage inside. A bark indicated that my dogs heard me. Just like I thought two blue heelers (Romeo and Juliet) ran towards me their tails wagging. I waved and pet each one on the head before opening the door and stepping inside.

My walls were painted a deep blue and our floor was mahogany. The smell of pizza filled my nose and I set my bag on the floor. Romeo and Juliet raced passed my feet and into the kitchen. "Romeo! Juliet! How did you get inside!" My mom. Following my eyes fell upon my mom with her long black hair and blue eyes. She wore grey sweats and a pink tank top. Her tiny frame made even the skinniest girls feel fat. "Skye there you are! Your friend Roxanne called reminding you that her party is around eight and I suggest you get your bags packed before you eat." Smiling I hugged my mother and left to pack my bags. I had a bad feeling about tonight.

My room had a lighter blue for the walls and short white carpet. All that lay inside my room was a small bed, a desk, two oak drawers, a lap top, and my t.v. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out my fleece pajamas, spare underwear, a few shirts, and jeans. Blindly I reached for my tooth brush on my dresser and pulled my comb from under the bed. Juliet wandered over to me and shoved her white nose into my armpit.

Juliet was all blue and no grey. She was just a pup but was well behaved for her age. Her green eyes gazed into mine and I kissed her forehead. "Good girl Juliet. Mommies going to be gone for a while but I'll be back I promise." She moaned and I exited my room.

My mom sat at our table eating a slice of cheese pizza. Her blue eyes seemed far away. I couldn't stop myself from going to her and planting a big kiss on her head. "You okay Mom?" She nodded and I knelt beside her. "Claire Jane Harp, don't lie to me. What's the matter?" Shaking her head my mom laughed.

"Honey I'm fine. I just wish your father were around more but hey, at least he's not having an affair right? He wouldn't do that to us right?" Nodding numbly I shook at the mention of my dad. My father, Gale Harp, has always been away on trips to foreign countries with his secretary, Mary Lin, who he met at some meeting. My father is a telemarketer and isn't home more than two times a year. This doesn't bother me since when my dad is home he beats me. My mom is unaware and that's how it's going to stay.

"Of course not. Can you drop me off at Roxy's now? I'll probably be last to arrive." Nodding she set down her pizza slice and grabbed her keys. Romeo lifted himself from her feet and followed her heels. "Romeo, Juliet, stay!" Obeying, I led my mom to the car and checked my reflection. Still me.

* * * * * * *
Arriving in front of Roxy's house I heard the music blaring even inside the car. Kissing my mom's cheek I gently climbed out and onto the porch. I know I didn't need to knock but it was polite. Knocking, I waited patiently and heard the music shut off. Without warning the door flung open and to my surprise Jackie Helen stood in front of me.

Jackie Helen is one of my least favorite of the girls in 8th grade. Jackie had platinum blonde hair, deep brown eyes, perfect eyebrows, big boobs, and the rudest person you could ever meet. She was shorter than me by one inch at 5'5. I scowled and that brought a grin to her flawless face. I wish I could just die right now. Luckily Roxy popped out from behind.

"Skye! I didn't think you would come! Jackie, Skye. Skye, this is Jackie." Extending her hand I brushed by muttering about how her hand was probably poisoned by some stupid germ. Childish, I know. "O-kay." I smiled at the sight of Bambi, Macy Lewis (a kind brunette with green eyes, she has always been a favorite of mine), Haidee Smith (best friends of Macy, she has red hair and brown eyes. Her pale skin made her ghostly), and last but not least Riley Jones (friend of Jackie and just as bad too, she has dirty blonde hair and the palest blue eyes I've ever seen.) Scowling at Riley I took a seat beside Bambi.

"What's with Barbie and her side kick Ken?" Haidee laughed and whispered back, "Hopefully it's to freeze their bra's and write LOSER on their foreheads." Hearing this Riley frowned and went to join Jackie and Roxy in the kitchen. I laughed.

"It's so weird, I've been picked on by these girls since ever." Macy commented. I nodded and faced Bambi. Bambi looked close to tears.

"What's the matter babe?" All eyes turned to Bambi. Shaking her head Haidee took her hand. "Come on you can tell us." Everyone nodded and sat patiently.

"I hate Riley so much. I got here before anyone else and I was chatting with Roxy when she showed up. Roxy left to go talk to her mom about having them leave for this whole weekend. While we were left alone Riley said that ' If you ever try to get between me and Roxy, I'll kill you.' She even flashed a knife in front of me!" Macy gasped and everyone followed. Who did Riley think she was?

"What a bitch. I'm go punch her freaking teeth in that whore!" Rising from her chair everyone reached out to grab Macy. "Don't try to stop me!" Just at that second Jackie, Riley, and Roxy walked in holding a box. I shot a glance at Bambi who showed no trace of crying. Macy reluctantly sat down and Haidee twitched restlessly.

"Time to talk to the dead." Haidee gave a look to Macy who shrugged and moved to the floor. Bambi took my arm and pulled me to the floor. Riley and Jackie sat down slowly, keeping their distance from Haidee
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