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Alien invasion force vs man's best friend |
"Captains Log...We are currently in my shuttle being pulled to the surface of Earth by a power we can not determine. I was on orders to come to this planet and claim it for our King and yet despite the humans lack of any technology that can be used against us...we could not attack. Our weapons went off-line just after I gave the command to attack. From what we can determine...something is keeping the people of Earth from even seeing us. We have over 1,000 ships in orbit and yet something is rendering us invisible to the radio, radar and visual images we display. The humans have no idea we are here and yet...there is something here on this planet and it knows we are here. I received a text message directly to my com unit telling me to assemble a landing party and to include myself. Something or someone wants a face to face talk with me. I put together a team and we boarded my shuttle and instantly life support systems came on line and my shuttle was whisked out of my ship! We are about to land in what the humans call, "San Antonio, Texas". End of log". The shuttle was quietly placed on the ground and the captain quickly strode out, "Who demands my presence?". The wind blew through the trees quietly as the 5 man crew followed the captain. "Captain", the science officer said, "There is a presence here with energy readings beyond what my instruments can measure." "Understood", the captain said as he waved his men to fan out in search of what ever might be in this small human yard. The area was fenced in with a domicile in the center. One black dog stood in the yard and quietly watched as the men walked through the trees and gardens searching...for anything. One of the men stopped at the dog and studied the large, stocky creature. He reached out to touch the thick coat when suddenly she barked. The bark seemed to vibrate the air to the point of making the men feel as if they were underwater and they all were tossed backwards as waves of sound reverberated through the yard...and to their shuttle. It instantly cracked and caved in with a tremendous implosion. The dog quickly padded her way to the shuttle and barked even loudly at it...and it vaporised to dust. "KILL THE BEAST!!!", the Captain shouted as he and his men scrambled to their feet. To their credit, the Captain's men were quick enough to actually get their hands to their weapons...but that's all they did...before..."HALT!!!" The sound came from everywhere and no where and none of them were able to move...at all. The dog came over and sat in front of the Captain. Suddenly...images flooded his mind and he knew that this beast was known as the, "Queen Bitch of the Earth Pack". The queen spoke into his mind, "In the beginning, God created the Earth and his chosen: Man. Dogs were chosen to be the protectors of man and each dog generation has one Queen Bitch of the Earth Pack...and that mantle falls to me now. We protect man from himself and from other creatures in this world...and outside this world." She looked him dead in the eye and growled, "I smelled your stench from the other side of Pluto. You will tell your invasion force to leave...or else". The captain laughed! "I admit, you are a very power creature, Queen Bitch, but we are quite resourceful and we will find away to get our weapons back on line and when we do...". "Have it your way", the Queen turned, looked up into the sky and barked once. The captain's attention turned to his com that had beeped in distress. "This is the Captain", he said...and his eyes went wide. "Yes captain...10 percent of your fleet is now floating dust. Shall I bark again?" The captain's eyes narrowed..."No, I'll send for another shuttle and we will leave your world at once". Suddenly, the captain and his team were back on his ship in orbit about the Earth. The queen spoke into his mind, "I can't stand your stink long enough to wait for a shuttle, leave quickly now and don't ever think of returning". "GET US AWAY FROM EARTH NOWWWWW!!!!" ************************************************************************************************** Bill got out of his car and saw Heidi in the front yard. "Heidi? How did you get into the front yard?" She just smiled a dog's smile and looked up into the sky. Word count: 758 |