Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1827466-Face-a-new-life
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1827466
A man is lost in his regret and searches, in higher powers, for strength to change.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUqdN8_Gvk8&list=PL2CE96CBF70AF09EC&index=18&feat... (Song)

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3230/3051652984_62dceaaebc.jpg  (Image)

Twinkling, twinkling little star,
Let me see who you are,
Will you help me win the fight?
Overcome the dark night,
Will you help me go so far?
To be with you,
Where you are,
Will you be my knight?
Let me take comfort in your light,
Or do you only shine in the dark?
Where it is easier to hide,
Will you also shine in the light?
Stronger than I might,
Will you hold me up so tight?
Please do so, enchanted sight.

I will not my dear dreamer,
I will not for I am not that strong,
Your very desire makes me numb,
So I see not why I should here linger,
You are much more than you think you are,
You need not help to go far.

It is sad that I cannot invest my trust on you,
You know me not and you know not what I have been through,
It is sad to see such a beautiful being as selfish as you are,
I see your frown; this might not please you,
But we know it is true,
Suddenly I realize,
You were only here to entice,
But you cannot perform,
For cowardice is your norm.
I shall diverge from your place in the sky,
My once dearest star,
I must now pronounce “goodbye”.

Wise, oh wise moon,
May I ask for your advice?
I have sinned and am now troubled,
What can I do about my vice?
I ask you for you know it all,
You watch me every night,
If you could,
Would you please, bring me up to the heights?
So I can leave the “bad me” behind?
I want to know how it feels like to sit with the masters,
Of all that is holy and right,
So I can learn and become a better person,
Please let me into your site.

Your desire is truthful,
Clear and decisive is your mind,
I would make you fly higher than a kite,
If the power to do so was mine,
But I cannot help you,
And although I understand,
That being mortal means you can`t,
Thrown yourself upwards like a dart,
I still cannot aid you here,
But I can give you a start,
Tell you where to go, and who you have to know,
Wait until blue and yellow set in,
And then praise the mighty sun,
If it hears you, it will help you,
Good luck and have fun!

Thank you, grand moon.
Thank you for setting the white,
My mind was shady before,
But you, the one who controls the tides,
And the one I adore,
Have helped me certainly,
And so I am deeply grateful to thee!
Thank you, thank you, I can fall asleep now,
Tomorrow I will do as you told me,
And to the sun I shall bow,
Farewell and thank you for coming down.

I wake up feeling lonely,
I cannot see my grandiose friend, the moon,
But this is not at all the doom,
For when I pull open the curtains,
I will see for certain,
The amazing burning sun,
Blazing powerful like the shot of a gun,
And I will ask of it, do tell me,
How can I get closer to thee?

You are right,
With your assumptions,
I can help you with resumption,
Do not be startled,
I hear all and at all times,
I heard your wishing through the night,
I waited to see how sincerely you wish to reunite,
Yourself with the promise of a bright destiny,
Something which was once granted to thee,
It is good that you have come to your senses,
I am glad you have realized,
That the path you took in life,
This was that of rolling the dice,
Was naughty, naughty, naughty,
But I will help you to your delight.
Everyone should be granted a second chance,
Even you, who was filth and lies,
Hear me now,
Come about,
Turn around,
And face a new life.

*Dedicated to a special friend, you know who you are*
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