Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1827210-The-Robot-That-Refused-to-Be-Robotic
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1827210
A robot that thinks she is very human
Stefani dabbed the powder puff on her nose and despite what the mirror told her, that the powder merely looked like it had fallen on an unused object, she believed that she looked quite beautiful. “This shade fits me nicely” she mused turning her head to the right and to the left; she ignored the loud creaking that her neck joints made. Against who she called her ‘roommate’s advice to stay away from the misty bathroom she lingered long in the doorway to calculate the scent of lavender causing her to have to apply a dab of oil here and there to cure the squeak. “I must get in there, I am going to be late” Stefani had argued at the mist in the bathroom.
“Late for what?” her roommate replied “We have to be in the lab today you know that”
“I have a date”
“What?” Franky’s head popped out from the shower curtain, “You? A date? How did you manage that you know you’re not allowed out of the lab” Franky indulged her robot invention on human commodities ever since she had begun to apply human looking flesh, to her face and most of her arms. But the rest of her was wire and metal, very electronic looking, much like the guts of an old and complicated computer. So with the little bit of skin of course she let her dress herself in human clothes, wear makeup, and even go in the backyard for what Stefani insisted on for ‘fresh air’. However, Franky had explained many times that she was not to go outside of the property that it was just not safe.
“We met on the internet…” now the robot was applying eyeliner on her one fake fleshy eyelid.
“Don’t you think he’ll be a little disappointed when he sees you? Not that you aren’t lovely dear, but….he’s human and you’re not.”
“Well….you have a husband I cannot see why I should not have one as well.” She argued, pressing lipstick over her mouth which was very much like applying makeup to a Barbie doll. It did not absorb and seemed to lie about the robot’s skin, “I’m not getting any younger am I? I think I’m beginning to see crow’s feet!”
This was getting out of hand, Franky had been working on Stefani carefully, working in more human emotions but it was getting to the point where she forgot quite regularly that she was made of wire, latex and metal, not blood and flesh.
“You’re not going on a date Stefani; I’ll start working on creating a mate for you alright? I promise.” She said firmly pulling on her sweater.
“What a strange thing to say, create me a mate? I will meet one like every other person, what a silly girl you are. I’m off!” and perhaps not meaning too she pushed away her insistent creator and threw her to the floor. “Oh dear…” she paused for a moment and as she reached down to check for a pulse but then she saw her chest rise. “Well, thank goodness…I’ll address this at another time I’m going to be late!”
With the loud clomping steps of her high heeled shoes she left out the front door into a world she had never entered. As she walked the side walk to the restaurant people ran screaming from her, cars swerved as driver’s lost their eye on the road to stare at the tall half-human looking woman.
“This dress was a good choice” she giggled to herself, “I do hope my date likes it as much!”
The restaurant was an outdoor one and she sat herself down under one of the umbrella covered tables with a loud creak which she quickly addressed with a dab more of perfume. She situated her large black and white hat and waited patiently for her date.
The waiter arrived and with the covering of her hat as well as the umbrella had no trouble asking to serve her which she shook her head promptly. “I’m waiting for my date” he gave her a nod and walked back into the building.
As the minutes passed by Stefani began to experience a new feeling, one that was very electric, it was nervousness. More time and more time passed and no show. She had tapped holes into the beige colored table.
“Why isn’t he here?!” she shouted out loud, “We are meant for each other, he should be here, why would he say he is coming but does not arrive?”
People in the restaurant turned and stared at the screaming woman, the outside Christmas tree kind of lights popped on in a dreamy pink glow and the robotic woman was revealed. There was an instant panic; people were running in all directions as the in-human woman now stood her eyes narrowing in bluish rage. What was this new feeling? It made her want to do different things, images flashed in her mind like great swipes of white light. She began destroying the outside of the café, throwing chairs and tables with the greatest of ease.
She began to cry as well, great globs of oil running from her one human like eye down her cheeks, ruining her white dress. She ran for home, her hat falling from her blond curls. She ignored the constant barrage of screams that met her on the street. She swiped at her slick black tears causing sparks as she arrived in her own front yard. She searched her data on what was the next right thing to do.

Franky found the robot non-responsive, a carton of icecream at the table where she sat unmoving and sparking. So caught up in what was appropriately human Stefani forgot her circuitry and that it could be shorted out by liquids. So Franky began to clean her up, despite her bandaged head, and returned her back to the lab. Franky shook her head, “Love isn’t easy, not even for robots.”

Word count 996
© Copyright 2011 Sara A. Mosier (saramosier1031 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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