Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1826663-Turkey-Talk
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1826663
A contest entry
Turkey Talk

This Tom here you know Thomas T Turkey. I am down on the farm here waiting for some yahoo to pick me for their Thanksgiving dinner. You know something you don’t see anyone giving us any thanks. They sit there in front of this big meal; with all the trimmings.
What do we do all day long? We strut around all us Alpha males our chest out and our fathers high. We try to impress the hens and they just laugh at us. But there is something about being a male, around a bunch of hens. I guess I got off track.
These people and look at us pointing saying. “That is a nice big one he would be perfect for us.” The little kids want to touch us with their sticky hands and runny noses. I just want to run and hid.
“Hey Tom.” Tim Turkey yelled. “Tell us that story about the one great turkey.” “Do you guys really want to hear it again?” The all yelled yes.
“Ok gather round I will tell you of “The Great One.”
“Long ago there lived the greatest turkey of them all. You see he never was caught he would run and hid. He would watch from somewhere in the woods. He would sneak over looking for food and the hens would give it to him. The hens thought he was “Elvis” of the turkey world. Night after night he would come back telling the hens off his great adventures. Let me tell you something the Toms did not like it. The farm was becoming empty it was close to Thanksgiving. The farmer knew that he was somewhere out there; he was the perfect size for what be the farmer’s Thanksgiving. So the farmer set out to find him and he was gone for days. He came back no turkey with him. It looked like “The Great One” eluded another Thanksgiving dinner.”
Ok let’s get on with the day. Time to give the hens a run for their money, which of you is going to strut their stuff now? Come on guys we do this all the time.
They heard the gobble cry all the turkeys bowed their heads they knew they just lost one of their friends. No one felt like doing anything after that. The rest of the day was quiet.
Good morning all you Turkeys out there time to rise and shine. The gobbling started as the hens talked among themselves. The Toms were practicing for the Turkey Bowl. More people came and more of us were lost. Days came quickly and more of us left.
I stand up and say we are not going to take this anymore we have rights I call for a no Turkey law. It is not fair all day long people come, go, and take one of ours with them. Just so they can fill their bellies with us. This injustice no Turkey should have to go before it’s time. “Oh give it a rest Tom.” Tim said.
Don’t you see there are not many of us left. That is because Thanksgiving is tomorrow Tom. I know it is. The next morning it was quiet on the farm no Tom making is normal chatter. A little turkey walk over to a bigger one. “Uncle Tim, where is Tom?” Tim looked around and could not see him anywhere. “Well little T it looks like “The Great One” did not get away this year.” Little T looked up at his Uncle and they bowed their heads.
Word Count 594.
© Copyright 2011 Cath the Purple Unicorn (cath15001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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