Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1826367-Kindred-Spirits---a-story-of-a-timeless
Rated: E · Fiction · Nature · #1826367
A short story of ever lasting love pg 1 - 15
K I N D R E D S P I R I T S 


Change pg 1

Toby watched through the cracks of the ancient oak beam barn as the family drove off in their new horseless carriage. This was only the beginning of many changes soon to come to this quiet little farm.
~ Nestled deep in the hills Of the Smokey Mountains ~
pg 2

Soon to go would be the Saturday night bath and grooming. Then the extra scoop of precious grain to keep his coat rich and shinny. 
Toby always stood proud among the other horses as they waited outside the tiny log church by the stream in the glen.
The savings in milled feed contributed little towards the expensive fuel for the fancy new car. But it was still a savings, and every little bit went a long way when living off the land.
The time previously spent on Toby’s grooming was put to better use. Every minute must be used wisely to support the farm and all the souls that depended on it to survive

~ Days in the field would be much longer now ~

pg 3
The proud steed no longer had reason to look forward the Lords day of rest. He now felt like just another common work horse that could be found all through the mountain valleys. Plowing the fields, toting the loads, and some, still proudly taking their masters to the church on Sunday. 
His best friend Jacob tried to keep up with his grooming. But there was usually more critical chores to take his time.
Even with the tough fighting Scot-Irish blood running through his veins, there was only so much one man could do. 
~ And then ~
In what seemed like a very short time, he too would be gone.

pg 4
His timeless wiser soul that knew only of Love and Compassion accepted that change was the way to the future in the nature of things. But the current earthly manifestation of that Spirit could only feel the bite of pain and rejection through his body.

Toby watched helplessly every seventh day as his family went down the lane. Hoping the machine might break down, or that he would be missed. But mostly, just wanting the pain to go away. 
There would be many more trips down that rocky lane
pulling the old dusty buggy for the ever changing family.

pg 5
Along the tree covered country roads that he knew by heart.
Up and down the valley’s crooks and hollers thru creeks and marshes. Toby did as he was asked and never gave up. It was usually when the fancy machine would not start, or there was no money for fuel. Toby would be hooked again to the outdated buggy. A few more times as the years past by, Toby proved his worth and loyalty to the family. Finding his way through the rain, mud and snow that no machine could endure. To patiently wait outside the doctors cabin as bones were mended and babies were born. 
Once again on that sad and lonely day he was hooked to the old cart. As Toby took his best friend Jacob for their last ride together.

pg 6
To board the train for the coast. Along with many more of the brave young men from the surrounding valleys, Jacob followed the call to arms. To be part of “the war to end all wars” was the goal of this optimistic generation.
They and their elders that sent them had no idea of what lay in wait on the other side of the ocean. In another world that had gone insane.
And this beautiful valley tucked away in the mountains of East Tennessee would never be the same again. 
But the special magic that Toby had felt all his life was gone now. Evaporated in one moment, as he gazed out from the security of the old barn.

pg 7
The Spirit Of The Old Barn watched over Toby and all the other precious souls within it’s mighty oak timbers.

Cut long ago from the trees that grew where the barn now stands. The 200 year old wood radiated the wisdom and the confidence of the cosmos.

The creator felt Toby’s pain, but knew that this experience was part of his path. It was important that he experience this loss at this time. For it would play a vital role for him and many others in his next life.

Reflections pg 8

Jacob walked with his cane around the old dusty barn. 
The smell of the hay and the sound of the squeaking hinges brought back a rush of precious memories.
He gazed through the wooden door into Toby’s stall.
For just a moment, he saw his old friend as he was over fifty before. 
~ Patiently waiting ~

pg 9
For the rooster to crow and Jacob to appear through the morning and pull his harness off the wall. 
Then to head off together to cultivate the tiny patches of fertile soil carved out of the steep rock infested land.


The two were born within days of each other.
A colt named Toby, and a boy child named Jacob.
By the time that Jacob was big enough to ride, Toby had matured into a strong , well trained and trusted steed.
He was gentle in his nature, yet strong in heart and build.
This would be said of both as they grew, worked and explored their mountain world together.

pg 10
Jacob’s parents trust in Toby grew over time to beyond that of a common work horse.
Often in his youth, the youg Irishman with no fear found himself lost. Exploring the virgin wilderness that surrounded home was his passion. And every time, it was Toby’s good sense that eventually brought their son home.
As the sun dropped over the west ridge, the lamp was fired and hung on the porch until Toby brought Jacob home.
Even during the war years, the lamp was filled with precious coal oil.

A sign to all of their faith that their only son would make it back. Even for the two years that the letters stopped, the lamp glowed across the barnyard.

~ Adventures ~ pg 11

Jacob’s greatest childhood memories were of he and Toby wandering through the backwoods of his Smoky Mountain
Always finding something or somewhere new to explore.
In the summer it was searching for the best blackberry patches scattered through the woods. Planted generations ago by thieving blackbirds, always on the lookout for an easy meal. 
The fruit from the gardens of the earliest pioneers was an easy heist, then the seeds were unknowingly spread over the mountains.

pg 12
They both loved the taste of the fresh fruit, and often there was little in the bucket at the end of the day! 
~ Finally they came to an agreement ~
A hand full for Toby, And three for the pail.
That was the deal!
The spring brought longer days that first warmed the south slopes. 
First to pop up among the earliest spring flowers were the mushrooms. Jacob was anxious to be in the woods at this time of year.

pg 13
Often cutting short their duties on the farm!
They harvested The allusive sweet morals and renewed their spirits in the synergy of the coming to life forest.
Their favorite time of all was when the cooler north winds signaled harvest time.

The woods were aglow with the colors of the rainbow. As the leaves from the spirit filled trees fell to the ground. Revealing even more previously hidden secrets of the forest!

~ And they were there to discover them! ~

pg 14
Many a cool autumn night was spent along a rocky river of fast moving crystal clear water.

With a belly full of fresh mountain trout cooked on a roaring fire. ~ These were the best days of their lives! ~

~ Enlightenment ~

Jacob remembered when he was ten, spending some time with an old traveling gypsy.

He noticed a special bond between the old man and the horse pulling the wagon with his belongings. Much like he and Toby had.

pg 15
He responded to questions about “souls” and other matters of interest to a curious young man. “Yes” animals do have a soul. Continuing that all living creatures play a special part in the magic of life. They are in our lives for a very good reason.
From that day on, Jacob enjoyed a special peace. Knowing that he and Toby’s souls were part a a bigger plan.
Though their lives on this earth at this time were together, he knew the time would come that one would be alone.

But he had faith that they would be together again.

~ And indeed they were ~
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