Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1826274-Unhappily-in-Love
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Teen · #1826274
Based on a small-town boy and city girl, who never admitted it, but knew they were in love
Carson was speechless. She didn’t know what to say to that. Finally, she found her voice.
         “Hawaii?” Carson faintly whispered. “Are you kidding me?”
         Carson couldn’t say anything more. She was completely ignoring her parents, as they were explaining the situation. All she could do was thinking about everything. Anything.
         Why are we moving? How am I going to tell my friends? Does my family know? What am I going to do? Can I have a party before I go at least? When are we moving? Where am I going to go to college? Should I even tell my friends? Should I just leave? I don’t know what to do!
         Carson hesitantly dialed Jordyn’s number. Waiting nervously as the phone rang, she wondered how she was going to break the news to her two best friends.
         “Hello?” Carson was very nervous at the point.
         “Hey, dial Peyton; I have something to tell you guys.”
         “Uh, okay, one minute,”
         “Hey, what’s up?”
         “Okay,so there’s something I need to tell you.”
         “Okay? What is it?”
         “I’m moving.”
         “Where are you moving?”
         “Hawaii,” Carson said quietly, awaiting their response.
         “HAWAII! Are you kidding me?”
         “I know right? I was so shocked when I found out. I wasn’t sure what to say. I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys, but I knew that I had to.”
         “But, what about us though?” Peyton asked sadly. “How can you leavee us?”
         “I don’t know,” Carson whispered. “I don’t think I have a choice. I’m sorry.”
A week later
         “Hey Carson, Peyton and I are throwing you a going away party,” Jordyn said, “But you have to try to act surprised okay? We couldn’t keep it from you.”
         “When is this going to be?”
         “We haven’t chosen a specific date, but in about two weeks, okay?”
         “Perfect! Thanks so much Jordyn! I am going to miss you so much!”
Two weeks later
         “We’re going to miss you so much, Carson!” exclaimed Jordyn. Peyton and Nikki nodded in agreement.
         “Why do you have to go?” asked Peyton.
         “Why did you choose Hawaii to move to?” added Nikki. “That’s like in the US! Gross!”
         “I don’t have to go guys! I chose to.”
         “Buy y-,”
         Carson interrupted. “I’m going to miss all of you more than you even know.”
         “You better!”
         “Okay,okay,okay. Let’s stop talking about me leaving, and let’s start celebrating memories. What do you say?”
         “Let’s do it!” shouted the crowd in unison.
         The night continued with laughs and giggles and smiles. Until - emotion decided to join the party.
         “Jake!” Carson motioned for Jake to join her in the corner. Jake walked over to Carson, not knowing what to expect.
         “Hey Car, what’s up?”
         “I....I need to tell you something.”
         “Uh, okay? Should I be scared?” Jake asked cautiously.
         “Well, unless you’re afraid of emotion, then no.”
         “Kay, shoot.”
         “I don’t know how to tell you this but...”
         “I..I’m...I think I’m...in love with you.”
         “But Car,” Carson burst into tears.
         Jake awkwardly hugged her.
         “No, let me finish, Jake, please,” Carson pleaded. “Just let me get this out.”
         “I know I sound crazy okay. I’ve only know you for five years and we’ve never dated, so how can I possibly be in love with you right? But remember before I was told I couldn’t talk to you anymore? We were best friends! You called my Dad, Dad for goodness sake. You spent the night at my house. You were the only one who would go with me to meet my real father, even though you knew that when my Dad found out, he would hate you. You still went with me, because you knew it was important to me. And how about when you and Calin came over the one day? Remember that? I told you not to go into my room, and you did anyways. When my Dad banned me from being friends with you, I can honestly say, I was broken. It broke my heart. You were my first real guy friend.”
         “Back to my point, you’ve been good to me, even with the small little fights we’ve been in, and the stupid rumours that you believed. I liked you in grade nine, and even though I said I moved on, I never truly moved on. I’ve always liked you, but I never admitted that I loved you until recently. Now I know, you’ve made it very, very clear that you don’t feel the same way a-,”
         “I never said that,”
         “About me. But I am leaving in a week and I had to tell you before I left, otherwise I would never move on.”
         “So, if you want to talk, you know where to find me.”
A week later
         Carson wondered why, still after a week, she had not heard a word from Jake at all. She wasn’t sure what to do.
         Do I call him? Do I wait for him to call me? I’m so confused!
         Confused, amd deep in though, Carson started packing for her movie in two days.
         It was the day she had been both waiting for, and dreading. Two days had passed and Carson had still not heard from Jake. She decided to call Peyton and Jordyn. It would the last time that she could hear their voice without it being long distance.
         “Hey Carson,”
         “Hey,” Carson said quietly. “Today’s the day. I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad.”
         “Both. Why not? I mean, you are leaving all of your family and friends, and, well, and Jake, but on the other hand, you are moving to Hawaii. So, I’m not sure either.” Jordyn giggled.
         “Are you two still coming with me to the airport?”
         “Of course!” Jordyn exclaimed.
         “Yes ma’am,” said Peyton.
         “Good, so I’ll see you in....a half hour? I want to leave a little bit early so we can talk.”
         “See you then!”
         Maybe I should call Jake. Maybe he will come to the airport too.
         She dialed Jake’s number, and after three rings, she got the voicemail. She hesitated leaving a message, but left one anyways.
         “Hey Jake, it’s me. It’s Carson. I, I uh, I just wanted to call and tell you that I’m leaving today. If you want to come to the airport, you can. I haven’t heard from you since the party. I have a 2 o’clock flight. Gate 42. So maybe I’ll see you there.”
         As she got ready to go to the airport, which she was dreading, she wondered if Jake would show up. Would she be stood up? When she got to the airport, she found her answer. She has said her goodbyes. Hugged her friends and her family. And as the intercom came on, and they announced that Gate 42. Flight to LA, connecting to Honolulu, Hawaii, was boarding, Carson lost all hope.
         The flight to Hawaii was very long and boring. Carson had forgotten to connect wifi, so she had no internet connection, which meant she was out of luck for advanced entertainment. When they arrived in Honolulu, she was very excited at this point. She could not wait to start school. To meet new people. To start her new life.
         After visiting baggage claim, she caught a taxi and made her way to her new condo by Diamond Head. When she finished unpacking, she introduced herself to her new neighbours. By the time she was done socalizing with her new neighbours, it was time for her to go to sleep and prepare for the next day.
         Carson woke up early to prepare for the day ahead of her. It was the day she was going to see her college for the first time. She had so much to do before she left for her tour. The most important thing though, was that she had all of her ID with her.
         During her personal tour through Kapi’olani Community College, she was informed about her schedule, timing, locations, rules, etc. Carson was already on the college’s good side, as she had already paid her full tuition including books, equipment and other necessary fees.
         All through the tour of her college, all Carson could think about was Jake. Jake this. Jake that. She started to think that she did something wrong. That she was the problem. She started crying on the way back to her condo. When she finally made it back home, she was hit with a huge surprise. She had not expected this.
         “JAKE?” Carson exclaimed “What are you doing here? Why are you here?”
         “I’m here to do exactly what I should have done five years ago.”
         “Shh,” Jake covered her mouth. When she finally gave up trying to talk, Jake looked down into her deep brown eyes, leaned down and kissed her like he had never kissed before.
         After a few seconds, Carson had the strength to talk. “What was that?”
         “That, was the right thing to do.”
         Jake and Carson were awkwardly silent for what felt like an hour, but was really only 10 minutes.
         “Jake, if that was what you “should have done five years ago”, then why didn’t you answer my phone calls? Why did you stand me up at the airport? Why did you let me think that it was all in my head? Why did you make me think that you and I were never going to be we? Why would you do that? If you really loved me, you wouldn’t have done all of that.”
         “Carson, I do love you.”
         “Then why did you make me think you didn’t? I spilled my feelings for you, and you didn’t say anything. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Why?”
         “I don’t have an answer for those questions, bu-,”
         “But, I can prove that I love you, and always have since I laid eyes on you.”
         “By this,” Jake said as he got down on one knee.
         “Carson Taylor, will you marry me?”
         “Oh, oh, ohmigod. Do you really mean it?”
         Jake nodded with a huge smile on his face.
         “YES! Yes, I will marry you Jake Davis.”
         Carson never expected this. She never expected that Jake would actually admit his feelings, to anyone, let alone her. She was so surprised. She couldn’t get over it. Also, not only did he admit his feelings for Carson, but now they are engaged.
Two years later
         “I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride.”
         The guests cheered and clapped and whistled as the newlywed couple made their way back down the aisle together. Following the newly married couple, the bridesmaids looked gorgeous in their long deep purple dresses.
         Following the ceremony, at the reception, Jake and Carson were sharing their first dance as a married couple.
         “Is this everything you dreamed of Mrs.Davis?”
         “It’s everything and more.”
         “I was hoping it would be.”
         “I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I love you, Jake.”
         “I love you too, Carson.”
© Copyright 2011 HeatherMcG (hmcgrego2186 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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