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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1826039
Pluto's blood scarab bites Bedelia on the boob.
Image of the Character Bedeila in my Fantasy, Essence and the Stones

Opposites attract in so many ways and the first time can be unusual. Let your imagination go and have fun! by Amay

The Odd Couple

It would be hard to imagine a more unlikely pair than Pluto and Bedelia. He was huge for an elf, standing six-foot three, and weighing well over two hundred pounds. He was the product of a program called "Bloodline Enhancement" which meant a pairing of a Witch and a Blue-Blooded Elf. The term used to describe the progeny was "Elvenhume" and they were bred in an effort to ward off extinction.

Bedelia was a Simian… a cross between a Golden (Mountain Elf) and a Wizard. Simians had amazing telepathic properties, four times that of a pre-puberescent Blue Blood female. She stood five foot two and weighed right at a hundred pounds. They were matched together, as a team in the Home Defense Course, only after repeated failures with other partners. Amazingly they clicked in the battle simulations and went on to rattle off three straight victories. This was called the “Hat Trick.” and only happened once in a blue moon.

Anyway, Pluto finally got up the nerve to ask Bedelia for a date and a ride in his horse drawn livery. He promised to teach her how to drive. He arrived at the Woman’s Barracks promptly at Seven O’clock. His "Battle Buddy" was waiting. She was wearing her SOF uniform, with badges of rank and awards and decorations. One was the Cross of Gallantry, but what surprised him was that her hair was fixed and she was wearing lipstick. He assisted her into the seat and taking a place alongside, handed over the reins.

“You said you wanted to learn," he smiled encouragingly.

"Oh I do, I do," she replied. Taking them in her hands she gave a nervous shake. “Giddy up.”

The pony stepped off with a jerk and they were soon clipping down the road.

"We’ll turn up here at the corner. Pull on the left one…, that’s it, just so Garibaldi gets the idea.”

The pony eased into the corner and continued trotting.

“This is fun," said Bedelia, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Take a right down here at the intersection," instructed Pluto, "Pull back a little, that’s right, slow down a bit, now a gentle tug and around we go.”

Garibaldi straightened out and continued stepping along.

“Want to see where I live?” he asked

“Oh yes,” she said.

“Up here is our house, pull back easy, slow down, that’s it, now turn left into the driveway. That’s a girl, now ease 'er back… that’s it, and stop."

She looked about awe struck at the Mansion and the beautiful grounds.

“Mom and Dad are away tonight at the Opera. Want to come inside?”


He clamored down gathering the reins and secured Garibaldi to the hitching post. Then he went around to Budelia’s side and taking her by the waist lifted her to the ground. He paused a moment before reluctantly releasing hold.. She looked up at him with adoring eyes. Taking her hand they walked up the stairs and into the drawing room. She began looking at all the knickknacks scattered about. There were porcelain figurines and beautifully crafted bronze sculptures. Pluto sank heavily into the leather cushion of one of the chairs. He was more interested in the sway of her buttocks.

Bedelia walked about in sensory overlaod, never in her life having seen so many beautiful things . As she felt the woven silk tapestries and ornately carved furniture, he watched the heaving of her breasts move up and down.

“This is awesome” said Bedelia. “Show me the rest of the house.”

For the next half hour they walked about from room to room. The quilt collection hanging in their glass cases made a particularly big impression. Pluto watched out of the corner of his eye, wondering what it would be like to be married to this girl he was falling in love with.

As he showed her around, she seemed far off, taking it all in.

“What do you see that you like most?” he asked at length.

Your thoughts….about my butt, my breasts….mostly wondering what it would be like to be married…”

His breath hitched and he knew he’d been discovered.

“I won’t deny it,” he answered with resignation. “I thought about all those things. I know you don’t want me to say the “L” word but it describes how I feel… and yes I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

“So what's this fixation about seeing me naked? ”

"It must be a guy thing, and since I can't conceal my thoughts, I won't deny it."‘

She gave him a scrutinizing look, shaking her head.

“Why?, What have I done wrong now?" He said defensively, “You told me to be honest…those were your exact words, that I shouldn’t try and hide my feelings…”

“You think I’ve changed my mind?”

“I can’t help what I think…and I’m sorry you had to find out.”

“What if I told you I wasn’t offended?”

“…thinking and doing are two different things….Huh?”

What she just said finally sunk in… “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“What say we make this an evening of discovery?“

"I'm not sure what you're implying, but it isn't necessary.”

“I think it is, “she answered. “I've a huge advantage being able to read your mind. If there’s something about you I want to know all I have to do is look. Now there’s something about me you want to find out and there’s no reason for keeping you in the dark.”

His heart began to pound.

“That and I want to check out your bedroom… I want to visit where you spend your time when we’re not together…I’ve seen glimpses but I want to walk around it and feel the drapes and the texture of the wood, to lay down on your bed.”

He gulped…

“Put your mind at ease, big Guy. That activity is definitely not on for tonight. You can look all you want, but no touching once we‘re down and dirty. Touching leads to hugging and hugging leads to you know what and that is something I intend to save for my husband.”

“I agree one hundred percent,” he stammered.

"Well don’t just stand there, show me your bedroom."

He pointed upstairs. She gripped the banister feeling the warm texture of the wood and began ascending the stairs. At the top they turned down the hall. At the end was Pluto’s room. It was huge, like something out of a fairy tale. Long flowery drapes in yellow and orange, hung from windows that were ten feet from sill to cornice. There was a rack with a wide selection of antique weapons along one wall and a set of bookcases along the other. Next to a bay window was a large secretary and on the floor was an oriental carpet that ran the length of the room. It smelled ancient but not musty. At the far end was a huge four poster bed and the head board was ornately carved with the heads of sprites, gargoyles and other legendary wood creatures. In delight she ran towards it and leaped into the center. Then she stood on the mattress jumping up and down before throwing herself backward in childish abandon.

“I always dreamed of having such a room and frolicking on the bed.” she told him, “not that I intend for us to do any frolicking… at least not tonight.”

Pluto closed the door.

There was a pause while they looked at one another.

“Are you ready to proceed?” she asked.

“Have you a particular plan in mind?” he answered.

“You take off and I’ll take off… that seems like a fair way.”

He sat down in an overstuffed chair and unlaced first one boot and then the other. Bending his knee he took off one and the sock and repeated the process with the other.”

“While he was about it she removed her own, taking off her socks and rubbing her toes. ”That feels so good,” she said. “Sometimes Albiana and I rub each other’s feet…Hmmmm.”

He stood, unbuttoned his shirt, pulled his arms through, and laid it on the chair.

She undid her blouse, slipped out of it and put it on the bed next to her. She had a cotton T-shirt beneath with short sleeves.

His undershirt was cotton too, but open at the shoulders and held by a folded seam. He took it off exposing a broad hairy chest that tapered down to his hips. Around his neck hung a methril chain attached to what appeared to be a ball of finely wrought filigree. It dwarfed the braid necklace she had given him yesterday.

She removed her under top, pulling it over her bushy golden hair. She shook her head back and forth and it swooshed falling to her shoulders and down about her hips. Her breasts were cupped by a bra, and they looked to be the size of plumbs.

He unbuckled his belt and looked over at her. She nodded for him to continue. Starting with his big waist button he went down the seam undoing the smaller ones. When he finished he stepped out of his britches revealing a loose fitting pair of under shorts. He straightened up and while she shouldn’t have been surprised, the power of his body was clearly evident. His biceps were well defined and his legs were solid as tree trunks.

She stood and unhooked the fastener on her belt. She was wearing a wraparound wool skirt which buttoned on the right hem. She undid the three fasteners and laid it aside. Her panties were cotton and fit snugly about her buttocks and waist. Her legs were smooth and matched the complexion of her face.

They stared at one another for a time, before she stepped closer and motioned for him to do the same.

She reached behind and unbuttoned her bra. Pulling the straps over her shoulders she let it fall over her arms and through her wrists. It dropped to the floor. Her breasts caught the moonlight pouring through the window. She turned into the flicker of lamplight to give him a better view. Her nipples were disproportionately large, each encircled by a brown areola.

She nodded, indicating that it was his turn.

He hesitated, and while she couldn’t see his blush she felt the heat of it…and his resolve wavered, something holding him back. She could read in his mind the cause of distress and showed him no pity.

“Take them off,” She said.

“But I have a….”

“A hard on? What did you expect?”

“Maybe if I wait a minute.”

She walked up to him and looked down. It was like a tent pole, poking out the fabric of his shorts. Rolling her eyes she reached down and thumped it with a hard snap of her fingers. It sagged.

“Gee willikers!” he cried out, grimacing. “Why’d you go and do that?”

“Because that’s not part of tonight’s entertainment,” she answered. “Now are you going to keep me waiting?"

He pulled his shorts down and let them fall down about his ankles.

She did the same.. Turning around several times she gave him a complete view, front, sides and rear. Her buttocks were full sized and muscled in contrast to the rest of her sculpted, well toned body. She walked to the mantle and picked up a lamp. She held it below her breasts.

“Seen enough?”

“You are drop dead gorgous." he replied. "How about you?"

“Not quite,” she said going down on one knee and looking closely at his manhood. “I've always wondered what one of these "peckers" looks like.”

“I feel like a prize bull at the fair.”

She reached out and touched the tip. It was wet. She licked her finger..."salty!"

Pluto's jaw dropped. "I don't believe you just did that."

“It's bigger than I expected,.” she giggled.

“Anything else you want to check out?"

"No that was the part I was most interested in, however...."

"What now?"

“What has really caught my attention," she continued "is that piece of jewelry on your chest. Mind if I take a closer look?” The Mithril caught the moonlight and gave off a silvery luminescence.

"It's a relic I'm currently the steward of."

She examined it closely. “Tell me about it.”

“It’s a Scarab...very old….or so Squire Rogoletti told me. I’m custodian until Olivia can figure out what to do with it.”

“Turn your chest more into the light.”

Just above the solar plexus the Scarab lay attached. It had the appearance of a large black beetle and was set in delicate bands of gold that allowed it to breath but held it securely in bondage. Pluto reached down and took hold of it between his finger and thumb and began to twist gently. As he did the Scarab released its hold and with a gentle tug Pluto pulled it from his chest. Reaching behind his neck he removed the necklace that attached it. He held it dangling before her eyes, swinging back and forth. The large insect, twisted about on the end of its chain, its spiny legs moving uncomfortably, reaching out for a surface to cling to.

“Would you like to wear it? “asked Pluto, certain she'd refuse.

Bedelia stared at the beetle intently and extended her hands.

“What is it?" she inquired, taking the loop from his fingers. The insect became more agitated and appeared reaching out to her.

"A Blood Scarab," answered Pluto. “It’s a relic of the old school. The women of my family have passed this one along for generations.... over five centuries.”

“And it’s still alive?”

“What do you think?”

“For what purpose?”

“The legend is that it’s one of four, given by our forefathers to their wives before riding off to war. The story is that each placed his essence into one for safekeeping.”


“Blood sperm. Now-a-days an earring with a succubus leech is used, but back then they made do with these roach like scarabs. Supposedly they work the same way… a secretion is released that induces sperm to enter the bloodstream. The sperm differentiate and become long lived. When a suitable hostess is found the sperm spin a vesicle on her uterus and when an egg passes beneath… Gotcha!”

“Oh my goodness.”

“Put it on,” he teased.

“May I?” she answered eagerly.

“Aren’t you the least bit intimidated?” He asked, surprised by her boldness.

“I’m not afraid of insects. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.” Her voice was full of wonder. “You don’t mind?”

He was tempted to back off. The matter had gone further than he intended but his pride got the better.. After all, he assured himself, what harm could it do? The Squire had told him that the passing of the Scarabs was a right of passage for a young Witch and they were more symbolic than anything else. Plus all you had to do was give it a little wiggle and it turned loose.

“Go ahead,“ he answered, as she bowed slightly letting the necklace drop about her shoulders. Turning loose she allowed it to fall onto her stomach. The scarab immediately began to scurry upward as both watched with an amused interest. Suddenly it was burrowing between the cleavage.

“I think he likes me,” said Bedelia completely at ease... at least, until it bit her. “Ouch!” She grimaced looking down in dismay. She moved her breast aside and took the Scarab gently, twisting back and forth. The pain only increased as its sharp legs dug in and it pressed its maw, biting down still harder.

“That hurts!” She exclaimed, “That really hurts.” She winced, tears coming to her eyes. “It won’t let go….It won’ let go.”

Pluto was beside himself. He reached one hand, holding her breast to one side while attempting to wiggle the scarab free. She slapped his hand away. “Stop it! Stop it!” she cried as he turned loose.”

“I don’t know what to do,” he said, “Tell me what you want me to do.”

“Leave it alone!” she retorted, “Just leave it alone!"

Gradually the pain began to diminish. A rivulet of blood ran down.

“Oh my goodness gracious,” she exclaimed getting control of herself. “Did you see what that little skitter did?”

“What he did? How about what I’ve done?” groaned Pluto.

“Calm down Big Guy,” she said in a soothing tone, “Just calm down….I’m OK with insects...well most of them anyway. It will eventually turn loose the same way it grabbed hold. They always do. Are you listening to me?”

“Try wiggling it again.”

“When I wiggle, it just bites harder and burrows deeper. Maybe we ought to leave it alone for awhile.”

“Maybe we ought to tell Olivia,” said Pluto shaking his head.

“Right!” snapped Bedelia in disbelief. “I can hear it all now. Excuse me Aunt Olivia, I had Bedelia up in my bedroom, fooling around, and you know that Scarab of yours? Well it latched onto one of her boobs and won’t let go. “

“That’s not what I intended to say.”

“Then pray tell me...the words you did intend to use; words that won’t tear my honor to shreds and make me the laughing stock of the city.”

“OK, OK, I see your point… no need for us to panic. There's absolutely no hurry. I've been wearing this thing for over a year and nobody’s asked about it yet.”

“Now that's much better,” Bedelia reassured him. “I’m sure that before I get back from patrol, it will have turned loose. I'll wiggle it from time to time.”

“You do that,” said Pluto. “Now let's get dressed and we’ll take a ride around town.”

© Copyright 2011 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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