Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1825101-Kiki-in-Wonderland
Rated: E · Novel · Animal · #1825101
When young Kiki Knight follows a rabbit in a hole her life changes forever.
Chapter 1, A birthday, a kiss, and a trip

         I sat down in the cool grass. My friend Timmy beside me. At the moment he was talking about the many ways to build a paper airplane. Not to exciting to me. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kiki, I'm is sixth grade, and I am an average height with long black hair and purple eyes, my mothers name is Alice, when I was little she always told me the stories of Alice and Wonderland, it was a very nice story but she would tell me things deeper into the story. Well anyway back into the story. "So what do you think, should we go into town I mean today is your birthday and I forgot to get you a present." Tommy said. I blushed a deep red, "No, well not right now.... Do you mind if we stay out here just a little bit longer," I asked in a small yet gentle voice. "Oh yeah sure... Um listen I have to tell you something and I am a little embarrassed about it." Tommy said quickly. I smiled which only seemed to embarrass him more. "Yes, what is it?" I asked kindly. In a moment he quickly kissed me on the cheek it was short but gentle. After a moment looked away. "Er... Sorry. I kinda like you allot." i smiled my cheeks were quickly turning red I could even feel the tips of my ears grow hot. "I'll be right back, I have to get you something, be careful," He said and ran off. I sighed as soon as he was gone and looked around. In a moment I saw something in a way confusing. What I saw was a man in a suit with rabbit ears and a rabbit's tail. "Hey wait! Please," I called out to him but he wouldn't stop he only kept running. In a moment he disappeared inside a hole. I crawled in I couldn't see anything in the pitch black hole. After awhile I saw a glow meaning there must be a light ahead but I was wrong it was a large hole and clumsy me, I fell in.

         When I woke up there was a man standing over me he very handsome I might add. I blushed and stood up as I looked around I realized my dress had changed. Before it was a blue dress but now it was a black dress that went up just a little over my knees with red sleeves and red ruffles at the bottom. I looked closer at the man, he had cat ears and eyes and he had dark brown hair, he had the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen he also had on a black shirt and blue jeans. He glared at me which made me feel awkward. "Um, I'm very sorry for whatever I did," I said softly looking down at the strange grass, it was very long it went up past my knees. He hissed. "For what, you did nothing wrong." He spat in annoyance. I looked up at him with big eyes. "Where am I?" I asked awkwardly. "Why you're in Wonderland." He said with a smile showing two large cat like teeth. I stared at him and fell to the earth knocked out. Last thing I felt was the boy grabbing me and holding me.

Chapter 2, The meeting in the past

         Right now three people if you could call them that were in a large room in the castle. It was painted black and vases of roses filled the room, as they were the king's favorite flower, and the large windows were covered by large curtains and the only light was coming from a small window on the far side of the room, but it was enough light to fill the room. Meanwhile Jason also known as the cat was standing shouting at the king of hearts in the middle of the meeting. "She can not come here! Order Jay to stop going into the world above," it sounded as though he were about to kill someone there and then. The king of hearts who's name is Lee is also the son to the queen of hearts was the complete opposite from his mom. He rolled his eyes holding back all anger. He leaned back in the chair and frowned. "You out of all people should know what is becoming of Wonderland, it is slowly dying from lack of belief, if she can start believing in this place like Alice did it would be saved," Lee gave a sideways glance, "Besides your just afraid you'll fall in love again, but this time you wont be the full cat you once were." Lee glanced at Jay also known as the rabbit. "You will continue up into the real world and you will lead her here in one week, got that," Lee ordered narrowing his eyes slightly. Jay nodded quickly and stood up bowing, "I will do my best your majesty." he quickly glanced at Mason and looked away, Mason hissed and quickly and angrily said, "You bring her here I will hurt you," and he stormed out of the room he pushed the door open and it slammed against the wall as it opened. He gave one last glance in and slammed the door shut as hard as he could and he stormed down the hallway.

In the present

         I carried the sleeping girl tightly in my arms into my house. I kicked the door in and walked in. I walked in my and set her carefully on the bed. I frowned and looked away a tear slowly appeared and I closed my eyes and walked away into the small kitchen opening the fridge I grabbed out: carrots, peas, corn, and the last package of beef. I walked over to the stove and set the stuff down grabbing a knife I started dicing the carrots as soon as they were done I filled a pot full of water and set the heater on high a soon as it started to boil I put the carrots in along with the peas and pieces of corn. As soon as the vegetables were almost cooked. I set the meat on a pan and cooked it until I could take chunks out of it and stuck it in the soup and stirred lightly. I left the soup for a minute to grab and large bowl off the old crooked shelf. Grabbing a serving spoon I quickly filled to bowl with soup and walked back into my room. I sat down on the chair next to my bed where the sleeping girl slept I gripped the bowl waiting for her to wake up.
© Copyright 2011 Lily Day (qwerzxcvlkjh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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