Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1824150-Discovered---Chapter-1011--Epilogue
Rated: 18+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1824150
Based on Star Trek The Next Generation - Deanna Troi is forced to leave the Enterprise.
Chapter 10:

"Jean-Luc, I obtained your report on the Helikin incident. I must say I'm not surprised by Lepec's treachery."
"Why is that, Admiral?"
"Let's just say I've found out something very interesting about Deanna Troi's trial. I can't tell you what I know, but I will be with you soon. We'll get this whole situation sorted out. Counsellor Lepec will stand trial when I arrive. Osan out."

Admiral Antonio Osan materialised on the transporter pad accompanied by six officers. Three of them were the Lieutenants that had been on the jury for Troi's hearing and the other three seemed to be security
"Admiral Osan, it's good to see you again."
"Likewise, Captain." Answered the white haired man, shaking Picard's hand.
"You remember Commander Riker and Doctor Crusher?"
"Of course, Captain. Where is Lepec?"
"She's in the Brig, Admiral."
"Very well. Have both Lepec and Ambassador Troi brought to the conference room. We'll get this done and over with as quickly as possible."
The Admiral turned to leave the transporter room, when another voice spoke up.
"Admiral, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but there is something you need to know."
"That's quite alright, Doctor, please tell me."
"Its Ambassador Troi, sir. Her health has taken a turn for the worst, so I do not believe that medically she should be involved."
"Your medical objections have been noted, Doctor, and I will not involve the Ambassador unless necessary. However, I do believe that if Deanna is anything like her mother, then she will want to be involved."

"Please, just tell me what's going on?" said Deanna, as Beverley Crusher and Will Riker led her down the corridor.
Deanna was dressed in a fitted mauve dress, whereas Riker and Crusher were dressed in Starfleet dress uniforms.
An hour before, Deanna had been in Sickbay, when Riker and Crusher, already dressed in their formal uniforms, woke her up and took her to her guest quarters, there she was promptly dressed and led out again.
Deanna stopped still, taking her arms back from the crooks of Crusher and Riker's elbows. They too stopped walking and turned to face her.
"Come on, Dee, we'll be late." Pleaded Will.
"We're not taking another step until you've told me what's going on and why you're both in such a rush!"
Riker and crusher exchanged a quick glance at one another.
"Alright, Deanna, you win. Admiral Osan is on board. He'll be judging the hearing on Lepec and apparently has some news about your trial."
"Will, I sense your happiness at this, but don't get your hopes up."
"But, Dee," retorted Beverley, "if all goes well you could have your job back within hours."
"All I'm saying is, don't get too excited, okay."
There was a short silence.
"Come on, or we'll never know." Said Will, taking hold of Deanna's hand.

"Deanna, I'm glad to see you again." Came the older man's voice.
"Like wise, Admiral." Answered Deanna as she shook the Admiral's offered hand.
"I've got some interesting to tell you, Deanna, but it can wait until we start Lepec's trial."
With a nod, Deanna took her place within the spectators.
Antonio Osan took his seat in front of them all. Beside him sat the security personnel and seated next to Lepec were the three Lieutenants.
"We'll forget all the standing and formalities and simply get on with this hearing. Counsellor Kitana Lepec, you are charged with insubordination and treachery against the Federation. How do you plead?"
Lepec stood, her long blonde hair fell across her face.
"Not guilty, Your Honour."
A small smile spread across Admiral Osan's face.
"I have read Captain Picard's report and have been shown the communiqué you sent to General Bek'Lax of Helinkinus and yet you still plead not guilty?"
"Yes, sir."
"Would you care to explain how you came to the conclusion of your innocence, Counsellor?"
"Sir, it is my belief that Captain Picard and his crew treated me unfairly, because I replaced Deanna Troi, as Ship's Counsellor. My work was continuously scrutinised, even though many of my patients recovered in a much quicker time frame than Ambassador Troi predicted. I believe that the crew of the Enterprise were biased towards me…"
"Objection, Your Honour!" interrupted Deanna, standing up amongst the crowd.
"The court will hear your objection, Ambassador." Answered Osan, with a slight nod of his head.
"Never have the crew of the Enterprise put their personal preferences above their duties to Starfleet. The idea is preposterous! We all know that when we join a ship that we may be transferred at any time. I object completely to the idea of these Starfleet officers being biased." Troi sat back down.
"Thank you, Ambassador." He turned back to face Lepec. "There is, however, a graver reason for your guilt, Counsellor, one that you thought you had hidden very well."
Osan looked quickly to his computer PADD and then back up to Lepec and the Lieutenants beside her.
"It has been found, Counsellor, that you, along with Lieutenants Dominic, Trailan and Benson, agreed to rig Ambassador Troi's hearing, so that you would all find her guilty even if the evidence proved otherwise. Now I ask each one of you, is this true?"
The three lieutenants stood up beside Lepec.
"Sir," spoke up the tallest of the three Lieutenants, "I have been chosen to speak for all of us."
"Very well, Lieutenant Benson."
"We were approached by Kitana Lepec, two days before Ambassador Troi's trial and were told that if we did not agree to her terms then she would find us psychologically unsuitable for duty and threatened to suggest our expulsion from Starfleet. We, therefore, agreed to her demands and found Ambassador Troi guilty, even though she was clearly
innocent of the charges brought against her."
"I object, Your Honour, I would not…"
"Objection, denied. Do you know of the reasons why Counsellor Lepec wanted Ambassador Troi discharged, Lieutenant?"
"We believe it was for her personal gain, sir."
"Thank you, Lieutenants. You may be seated."
The three officers did as instructed.
"Ambassador Deanna Troi, please step up to the bench."
Deanna stood up and walked away from the crowd. She stood beside Kitana.
"The Federation Council, after reviewing the evidence and in light of the new discoveries, have pardoned you of all charges. You have your full rank and position aboard the Enterprise, with our sincerest apologises."
"Thank you, Your Honour." Smiled Troi, who felt like screaming in delight, but remained professional.
"You now have the opportunity to suggest charges for those who have violated your rights to a fair trial."
Deanna Troi looked carefully at each one of the four people beside her. From the Lieutenants, Troi sensed nothing, but guilt and remorse for their actions. From Kitana, however, she sensed nothing, but malice and hatred, all directed towards her. Deanna turned back to the Admiral.
"It is my opinion that these three Lieutenants were manipulated and blackmailed by this woman and they should therefore be suspended for one month to undergo psychological evaluation."
"Very well and what about Counsellor Lepec?"
"She has falsified evidence, used her profession to her personal gain, sabotaged a mission and endangered her ship and crew through treachery, that much is obvious, but I do not believe her sentence should be decided by me. I leave that in your capable hands, Your Honour."
"As you wish, Ambassador."
He turned to face the other four officers.
"Lieutenants Dominic, Trialan and Benson, as with the Ambassador's wishes you will be pardoned for your actions against her, but you will return to Earth with me where you will all undergo psychological evaluation for a period of one month. You may be seated."
The three Lieutenants sat down, each one giving Deanna a quick nod of thanks.
"Counsellor Kitana Lepec, your actions over the past five months have put many lives at risk and you've broken your oath on several occasions, therefore you will be stripped of rank and position and I sentence you to five years in the Penal colony on Renance IV. Court dismissed."
As Osan signalled the end of trial with the traditional hitting of his hammer on his desk, a loud cheer emanated from the crowd. Osan came forward to Deanna Troi and shook her hand.
"Congratulations, Ambassador…or should I say Counsellor?"
A wide smile appeared on Deanna's face,
"I believe I like Counsellor better, Admiral."
In a surprising motion, the Admiral embraced Deanna, as he did so he whispered,
"I did say you'd be back if you appealed, didn't I."
Deanna hugged the older man back, tears springing from her eyes.
"Thank you." She whispered.
The two people parted as the senior staff made their way towards them. With a quick nod to Picard, Osan left the room followed by the three security guards, the three Lieutenants and Lepec. As Lepec was led out of the room she called back,
"You will regret this, Deanna, I swear it!"
Two of the security guards pulled her quickly away.
"Congratulations, Counsellor, it's good to have you back." Said Picard, shaking her hand.
"Thank you, sir. I'm ecstatic to be back."
After congratulations from various other crewmembers, Beverley Crusher took Deanna back to Sickbay.

"Doctor Crusher?"
"What is it Doctor E'Len?"
Beverley turned to the Vulcan woman who sat on her left.
"Doctor Pentax and I," began the Vulcan indicating to the Human male on her right, "believe we may have a theory on the virus' origins."
"Excellent, please continue."
"We already know that it effects certain parts of the brain and nervous system and that most ideas had already been covered. However, there had been no investigation into the possibility that it originated from some form of plant or animal life."
"Why would we look at that option?"
"We know that some forms of plant and animal life contain poisons that affect the victim's brain functions and nervous system. Your own Commander Riker was infected with such an illness, according to your mission logs, from a plant."
"That's very true. Are you both suggesting that this is something similar?"
"Yes, Doctor, we are. We are at this moment reading through all know plant and animal life forms that have these capabilities on Betazed and on any of the planets Counsellor Troi visited before her dismissal."
"Very good. Is there anything else?"
"Yes, Doctor, there is." Began Pentax. "I think your predictions of the three stages are wrong. According to my research and the after looking at Troi's brain scans, I believe there are only two stages; coma and death. Unfortunately a time frame is still hard to predict."
"Thank you, Doctors, please let me know what you find." Beverley stood up and walked to her office door. She rested against the doorframe and looked out into Sickbay. It was empty save for Deanna Troi, who was speaking to Lieutenant Benedict. Beverley felt an immense sadness fill her, as she watched her friend. Even now, on the verge of an uncertain future, Deanna Troi was still there for others, still Counselling when she should be resting. Beverley didn't have the heart to tell Deanna to stop working, because she knew that Deanna couldn't just be there and sense their pain, but had to be there to stop the suffering she sensed in those around her. Beverley, with a small sigh, turned back to her desk and began her work

Chapter 11:

Beverley Crusher sat in a sombre mood in the `Ten-Forward' lounge; she stared at the stars, not really seeing anything.
"Mind if we join you, Doctor?"
Beverley looked up to see Jean-Luc Picard and Will Riker standing over her.
"Sure." She said, indicating to the chairs either side of her.
The two men sat down.
"Are you okay, Beverley?"
"I don't know what to do, Jean-Luc. My calculations were way off."
"Calculations? I don't understand."
"Remember I told you that there would be three stages in Deanna's illness?"
"Withdrawal, Coma and Death. Yes, I remember."
"I was wrong, there are only going to be two; coma and death. I feel like such an idiot."
"Don't think that Beverley, you're not an idiot." Replied Will.
"I agree. What about a cure? Have you found anything?" asked Picard.
Beverley shook her head.
"No cure, but two of the doctors believe that they are close to an origin. Will, remember when you were infected by that virus from that plant?"
"And Doctor Palaski had to use negative emotions to counteract it? Yes, I remember that one very well."
"Okay, well, they believe that Deanna may have something very similar, though emotions are not going to help in this situation. We're researching into the possibilities of plant and animal life on Betazed and on some of the planets we were on before she left. It's a long shot, but we've run out of any other options."
There was an awkward silence while the two men digested what had been said.
"Ogawa to Crusher."
Beverley tapped her commbadge.
"What is it, Alyssa?"
"Doctor, we're loosing Counsellor Troi! She's starting to slip into a coma, we can stop it!"
"Do whatever you can, no matter how unorthodox, I'll be there A.S.A.P! Crusher out."

When Crusher, Picard and Riker arrived in Sickbay, it was in an uproar. Nurses and Doctors were attempting to find anything to stop Deanna falling into a coma. Ogawa, Pentax and E'Len crowded over Troi.
"You best wait over here, out of the way." She said to the two men beside her.
They nodded their understanding, as Crusher strode confidently over to Troi's beside.
"Okay, people, we need some organisation here!" she bellowed. "Split yourselves into groups of three or four and research into any area you can think of. If it's an unorthodox method, I want to hear of it, if it has a chance of working. Alyssa, you stay with me. Pentax and E'Len, please continue your research into the virus' origins, we don't have much time now."
With nods from all over Sickbay, the medical staff quickly got on with their tasks.
Beverley turned her attention onto the silent Troi. Beverley quickly scanned her with a tricorder and then began to manually examine her.
"Deanna, it's Beverley, can you hear me?"
Deanna's mouth moved as if she was speaking, but Beverley could hear what she was saying.
"Deanna you need to speak up, I can't hear you."
Again, Deanna spoke. Hear voice was a little louder, but Beverley still could not make out the words. She indicated for Riker and Picard to come over.
"Perhaps one of you can make out what she's saying."
"Deanna, it's Captain Picard, can you repeat what you just said to Beverley for me?"
She murmered again.
"She's delirious, I think." Picard said, a look of confusion clouding his face.
There was a short silence between the three before Beverley spoke up,
"There's nothing either of you can do here. I think it's best you both leave. I'll let you know if there are any changes."
Picard nodded and left. Riker on the other hand was obviously split on whether to leave or stay with Deanna.
"Will, I promise, you can come back this evening, okay?"
Riker nodded and then reluctantly left Sickbay.

"Doctor Crusher, we've found it!"
Pentax's excited voice rang throughout the Sickbay. Beverley rushed into the office where Pentax and E'Len sat.
"What? What have you found?"
"It's from a plant, Doctor! A Betazoid plant from an area known as Jalara."
"This helps immensely, Doctor, we now have the information we need and so it will be easier for us to find a treatment." Commented E'Len.
"Let me see that." Said Beverley, sitting at a computer terminal. "The Conectra flowering plant." Read Beverley. "Generally harmless, but if it becomes distressed it will attack anything with a powerful venom-like substance. There's nothing else here about the venom, Pentax."
"We already know the rest from our scans of it. We'll get right on with finding a cure."
"Good, let me know when you find anything." Answered Beverley, as she left the room.
She felt a small glimmer of hope, until she laid eyes on Deanna Troi.
They had been unable to stop her from falling into a coma for more than an hour, finally she had succumbed. An hour ago they almost lost her completely when she stopped breathing. Now Deanna was being kept alive by a respirator and intravenous tubes. Beverley glanced at the chronometer and realised that the evening shift was about to end, that meant Will Riker would be here very soon.

"What's happened to her?" exclaimed Will, when he laid eyes on Deanna.
Her skin was deathly pale, her arm had tubules extending out of them and a mask covered her nose and mouth.
"Calm down, Will. She'll be alright, we've made a lot of progress…"
"Progress! Bev, look at her!"
"I know how it looks, Will, but we've discovered the origin of the virus and now we're trying to find someway of treating her."
"Where is it from?"
"A Betazoid Conectra Flowering plant, it grows in a place called Jalara."
"Jalara!" replied Will in surprise.
"You know that place, Will?"
"Yes, there's an area of dense jungle there. Deanna and I used to visit it quite frequently."
"Ah." Replied Beverley with a knowing smile, as she walked away from him.

Will made his way to Deanna's bedside and sat in the chair that had been left for him. He took her pale, limp hand in his own and stroked it gently with his strong fingers. He watched as her chest rose and fell as she was forced to breathe by the computer.
"Deanna, its Will. I don't know if you can hear me, but that doesn't matter. I'm here for you, Imzadi."
What had Deanna been doing in Jalara by herself? Had she gone to Janara Falls? Had she been alone when she went there?
"I know we've not had much time alone together, Deanna, but when you wake up I promise we're going to have a long talk. At least you're back on the Enterprise now."

"William .T. Riker: Personal Log: It has been three days since Deanna fell into a coma…seems a lot longer than that. Doctor Crusher along with Doctor's E'Len and Pentax believe that we have two days to do anything for Deanna. After that any cure will have no affect and we'll loose Deanna. There is a positive side to this situation and that is that the medical staff is very close to finishing a cure. All the research is done and all there is to do is to run a few tests on Deanna's sample cells…she could be back with us within hours!
I speak with her everyday, but it's not the same. Sure, she can't argue or disagree with me, but we do need to talk desperately. I said things before she left, things that obviously hurt her more than I realised. She seems to have forgiven me, but still the unspoken things need to be said, hopefully I'll still have the chance…"

"Deanna's doing okay, Jean-Luc. We administered the first dose of the cure this morning, we don't know how long it will take to take affect, but it looks hopeful, according to the test result."
Picard and Crusher strolled across the arboretum talking quietly between them as the botanists worked.
"And Will, how is he holding up?"
"Much better than he was when Deanna first fell into the coma."
There was a few moments silence before Beverley's commbadge beeped.
"Ogawa to Crusher."
Beverley tapped the insignia above her left breast to activate the comm-link.
"Crusher here. Go ahead, Alyssa."
"There's been a change in Counsellor Troi, I think you're going to want to see this for yourself."
"Alright, I'm on my way. Crusher out." She tapped the commbadge and then turned back to Picard. "Duty calls, Jean-Luc."
"Indeed it does. Would you mind if I accompanied you?"
"Not at all."

Picard and Crusher were met by Riker and Ogawa when they entered Sickbay. The smile on their faces told Crusher that the news was positive. Alyssa handed Beverley a computer PADD. After reading the information twice she looked back at the oriental nurse with a frown.
"Are you sure this is accurate?"
"Yes, Doctor. I thought it was strange so I tested it twice and then got Doctors E'Len and Pentax to check them too and we all got that result."
"Is there a problem, Doctor Crusher?" asked Picard.
"No, sir. It appears that in these few short hours Deanna's made nothing more than a miracle recovery. The virus has completely disappeared from her system and, although she's not woken from the coma yet, the tests are very positive. I was just surprised at how quickly the cure actually worked."
"Well, that is good news. I will inform Admiral Osan, Lwaxanna, Ryla and the Betazoid delegates of the news. Excuse me?"
When Picard had gone, Alyssa and Riker turned to Crusher and in unison said,
"Well done, Beverley."
"I'm not the one to thank, it's E'Len and Pentax who should be thanked."
"Oh, don't worry, Beverley, Commander Riker has already thanked them, profusely!"
"Well, then I guess as long as they've had thanks then I guess I should too. Now where's this patient of mine?"

Will Riker watched the woman before him in fascination. Her face was still pale, her dark hair spilled across her pillow and her face had expression of peace. How could he have been so stupid to even think about denying his feelings for this beautiful and remarkable woman?
The word whispered in his mind. He closed his eyes and a smile spread across his face. There were no words to describe the feeling of her mind touching his own. It was like the feeling of cool summer rain on a heated body or a cool breeze in a warm summer evening, but even that wasn't anywhere near an accurate enough description of how it felt. Will looked at the computer display, according to the readings she was still in a coma. He clutched her limp, unresponsive hand in his own and concentrated on clearing his mind, as she had taught him so many years -a life time- before.
`Deanna, I hear you, come back to us. It's safe, the virus is gone, come back to us.'
`Imzadi…' Her voice whispered, sounding as if she were still very far away.
`Deanna, Imzadi, find my mind, follow my voice, come back to us and open your eyes.'
He watched as her face contorted in confusion, so he spoke aloud,
"Deanna, I'm here, I'm not going to let go of your hand. Find my mind, follow my voice and open your eyes."
She stirred. The instruments around her beeped and Beverley Crusher came over from her office, as Will urged Deanna on.
"Come on, Imzadi, your almost here. Open your eyes."
Still she stirred, but did nothing more, she moaned slightly. Will looked up at Beverley. She nodded and mouthed the words, `try again' at him.
"Imzadi, open your eyes!" he urged one last time.
This time her eyes snapped open. She blinked a few times till her eyes adjusted to the light of Sickbay. She smiled slightly at Beverley who gave her shoulder a quick squeeze and looked across Deanna. The small Betazoid followed her friends gaze and stared at Will Riker, her smile widened to one of pure joy.
"Imzadi." She whispered, as she sat up slightly and her took her in his arms.
"I thought I'd lost you…" Will confessed, as he held her tighter.
"No…" Deanna replied breaking from his grasp and held his face in her hands. "No, you will never loose me…Never."
Her tears of relief began to fall. He took her in his arms once more, as his tears began to fall too. Will was not a religious man, but at that moment, with his Imzadi, his Beloved held securely in his arms, he looked to the ceiling and whispered a silent prayer, one that was simple, but effective. Looking at the ceiling he imagined, as he had done as a child, an old man with a long, white beard, sitting on a throne of gold, staring down and smiling at the two reunited lovers. Will whispered one word to the man, to the God of Christian people,
"Thank you."
He buried his face in her hair and allowed his tears to fall and their sobs of relief and thanks sounded throughout the empty sickbay.


Four Days Later…

Will Riker stared at the stars from where he sat on the grassy floor. Around him was silent, as all the creatures of the jungle slept. It was silent, except for the slight rustling of trees in the summer breeze, the sound of water crashing onto rocks and the sound of breathing coming from beside him. He looked from the stars to his side. Deanna slept her head on his chest and wrapped in his arms. She was naked, but then so was he and they were alone in the place it had all started twelve long years before, where they had become `Imzadi.'
They had arrived on Betazed that morning after Jean-Luc Picard had granted Deanna recuperation leave. He had urged Will to use up his left over shore leave; Riker hadn't needed a second suggestion.
They had been greeted by a large welcome party at the Troi Mansion. It had been a double celebration; for Deanna's recovery and for her getting her position back on the Enterprise. Late that afternoon, Will and Deanna had set off for a journey with the idea of visiting Janara Falls, needless to say they had forgotten to leave.
"You shouldn't stare, Imzadi." Came her whispered voice, as she opened her dark eyes.
"How can I not when I have a real life `Sleeping Beauty' sleeping naked next to me?"
He leaned down and kissed her forehead, tenderly brushing some stray strands of her hair from her eyes. She reached up pulled his face towards her and kissed him. Then she smiled and lay her head back on his chest. She loved to hear his heartbeat, to feel it as his chest rose and fell as he breathed. Absently she played with the dark, coarse hair on his chest.
"Deanna, answer me one question…why did you came here?"
"Because I'm on leave…"
"That's not what I meant. I meant after your dismissal."
"I came because I needed to think and this was the best place to think about `Us' considering we have some many memories here and this is where it all started."
Will took her hand from his chest and kissed it, savouring the soft feeling of her skin.
"I've been thinking too."
She felt his heartbeat quicken and felt the shift in his emotions…he was nervous about something. She lifted her head to look directly at him.
"What is it, Will?"
"I don't know, Deanna, maybe you want to, but if you don't, you know, we could wait for a while…"
"Imzadi, you're rambling." She pointed out.
"I know." He took a deep breath. "Marry me, Deanna?"
She was stunned, she hadn't expected that to come from Will.
"You, the commitment phobic, are asking me to marry you?" she asked in an amused tone, trying not to let the shock take over.
"Deanna, I love you, I don't want to be with anyone else. I want you and only you."
Deanna didn't answer, she pulled him over her and kissed him fully.
`I will marry you, Imzadi…I love you!'
The sun rose without them, as they expressed their love for each other in the way they always did when they came to this special place…

© Copyright 2011 Ayla Skye (aylaskye82 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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