Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1824112-Discovered-STTNG-FanFic---Chapter-67
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1824112
Based on Star Trek The Next Generation - Deanna Troi is forced to leave the Enterprise.
Chapter Six:

"Mrs Troi, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time?"
"Of course not. It's Doctor Crusher, isn't it?"
"Yes, ma'am, it is."
"What can I do for you my dear? It's not Deanna, is it?"
"Yes, Mrs Troi, it is. She's obviously unwell, but she refuses any help from us and will not reveal her condition to me. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to inform me of what exactly is wrong with her?"
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Doctor. Deanna is the only one who can tell you."
Lwaxanna Troi watched as the Doctor's face contorted in defeat.
"However, I can forward you her medical records. That way you found out yourself and not through me. I want you to do everything you can for my daughter, Doctor."
"You have my thanks, Mrs Troi, and my word that I'll do everything I can for Deanna. Enterprise out."
A few moments after her screen went blank, she received Deanna's medical files. After reading them she wished she hadn't.
"Riker to Crusher."
Beverley jumped slightly.
"Crusher here. What is it, Will?"
"Are you going to join us, Doctor?"
"Oh, for drinks, I totally forgot, I'll be there in five."
"We'll still be here, Riker out."
Beverley Crusher filed Deanna's medical report away for later reading and then left for the 'Ten Forward' lounge.

As Riker, Crusher, LaForge and Data sat drinking and chatting between themselves they heard the door to the `Ten-Forward' Lounge hiss open. Geordie stood up and called to the person who had entered,
"Ambassador, over here!"
Deanna Troi walked over to them, looking slightly nervous, but quite striking in a simple aqua dress, one that looked very familiar to Riker.
"I was under the impression that the other delegates would be here."
"No, not tonight." Answered Geordie.
"Oh, well…um," she said nervously, "I'll leave you be then."
"Ambassador, please, have a seat." Said Riker.
"I don't want to intrude."
"I believe we invited you, Ambassador, therefore you would not be intruding." Pointed out Data.
Deanna smiled at the android.
"Alright, you win, Data."
Space was made for Deanna between Riker and Crusher.
"Glad to see you up and about, Ambassador." Commented Riker.
She gave him a quick, nervous smile. Though it was quick and nervous, it beheld warmth in it that captivated Will.
"Is Ryla not with you tonight, Deanna?" asked Crusher from Deanna's right.
"No, Bev, she wanted to explore the arboretum."
There was a short silence. Geordie got up and grabbed Data's arm to stand him up.
"We'll get drinks."
With that they left for the bar. There was another uncomfortable silence.
"Deanna, I know what's wrong with you." Blurted Beverley, unable to withhold that information from her, and finally breaking the silence
"Oh, Bev. Look, I'm still here, so..."
"Deanna, you know how serious your condition is, but I don't understand why you never contacted any of us!"
"Bev, I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you!"
"Oh, Dee…" she said, tears falling from her eyes.
Deanna took her best friend in her arms.
"Come on, Bev, I'm all right. I'm here aren't I?"
Bev nodded as she broke from Deanna's embrace. Will stood up and left the `Ten-Forward' Lounge without a word.
"You need to tell him, Dee."
"I know, I just…" she shook her head unable to find the words.
"Go and talk to him. Do it now."
"Yes, Ma'am." Replied Deanna, standing and giving a mock salute.

The corridor was empty and there was no sign of Will Riker.
"Computer, location of Commander Riker?"
"Commander Riker is in his quarters."

She breathed deeply to calm her nerves before pressing the door chime on the entrance to Will Riker's quarters.
"Come in." said his voice from inside.
The door slid open and Deanna stepped in and saw Will sitting on his sofa.
"Ambassador!" he said, surprised to see her. "Please, come in. I'm sorry I rushed off I just…"
"I know why you ran, Imzadi."
Will felt relief wash over him at the sound of that word.
"We need to talk, or rather, I need to talk." She continued, not missing the relief she sensed from Will.
"Sure. Please sit down."
She sat down beside him on the sofa. He looked at her and waited expectantly. She looked up at him, smiled slightly and took his hand in her own.
"Will, it's obvious you know I'm ill, but there's something else you need to know about my condition." She paused.
"What, what is it?" he urged.
"I'm…" She took a deep breath, "Imzadi, I'm dying."
Riker's face contorted in disbelief.
"No, you've got the medicine that Ryla gives you! You're not going to die! Beverley can help you!"
"No, Will, no doctor can help me, it's incurable. The Trixanta merely helps to relieve the pain."
Will stared at the floor. He opened his mouth and closed it again, as if he was trying to find a way to say the words that swam in his mind. Deanna squeezed his hand; he looked up at her, tears lining his eyes.
"Why, why didn't you call us when you found out?"
"I didn't know how to tell you. I wasn't particularly accepting of what the doctors told me at first."
There was another silence. Will ran a hand through his hair.
"How…how long do you have?"
"No-one can say." She shrugged her shoulders. "The Trixanta slowed down the virus' progress, but the doctors didn't know how long the virus would be affected by the Trixanta. My body's starting to reject the Trixanta's effects and the virus is becoming immune to it too. The bottom line is that I can't say."
"This is so surreal, like a bad dream or something."
"I know. Sometimes I don't want to believe it's happening."
Deanna, at that moment, in a very familiar movement, reached up and moved a lock of his hair from his forehead. A tear slipped from his eye and she wiped it away from his cheek with the pad of her thumb.
"Don't cry, Imzadi." Tears slipped from her own eyes. "See, you've got me started now."
Through their tears they laughed together.
"I've missed you so much, Deanna." He admitted.
"I wanted to tell you." Deanna confessed. "So many times, I recorded a message for you and every time I couldn't send it! Even after mother and I sent our appeals to Starfleet, I just couldn't do it."
"You appealed?"
"Yes," she nodded, "and then three weeks later I become ill. It happened so quickly and we were so unprepared…" she shook her head.
"Your mother took the dismissal badly I take it?"
"Yes and no. She rallied everyone together and the whole council and all the members of the `Houses' appealed against the verdict. I was so surprised."
"We all did too, you know. So did Admiral Osan."
"It's taken along time, hasn't it?"
Will nodded.
"But, hopefully, it won't be much longer and then you can come back."
He watched as she looked to the floor. He immediately knew what she was thinking.
"You will be back, Deanna."
"I hope you're right, Will."
"Bev's determined to find a cure, she won't give up on you. I won't give up on you."
Will slid closer to her and took her in his arms. She pulled back after a few moments and smiled.
"I needed that, thank you."
"Anytime, Ambassador."
He looked up at her with that famous and charming smile of his.
"I have to go. I have to get ready for tomorrow's meeting." She said, standing.
He stood up beside her.
"Ambassador, before you go, there's something I want to give you."
She turned to face him. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her, fully. He felt a renewed electricity pass between them and then in his mind, as with the first time he'd felt this power between them, he heard her voice whispering,
He broke the kiss and smiled at her. She left his quarters feeling needed and loved.

Chapter Seven:

"How else can we convince you, Ambassador Troi, that the Helikin people are ready for an alliance with Betazed?" came Kelic's frustrated voice.
"By showing me the evidence for your entire military government's approval of this treaty. I already explained to you, Kelic, that I will not put Betazed at the mercy of xenophobic military leaders!"
"Ambassador Troi, what about those names that Kelic has shown you, of the military leaders that do agree with this?" asked Picard.
"That's less then three percent of the whole government and those officials are of the lowest ranks and have absolutely no power in the government. These just aren't good enough, I'm sorry."
"Very well. We'll adjourn for now." Said Picard.
As the three parties stood from the table and began separating into smaller groups, Kitana Lepec spoke to Picard.
"Please, excuse me, Captain, I have to leave the negotiations for awhile."
"Of course, Counsellor Lepec. Don't let us keep you from your duties."
"Thank you, sir." Kitana left the conference room.
Picard turned back to Riker, Crusher, Data and LaForge.
At the other end of the room, Deanna spoke to the Helikin delegates.
"Please, Kelic, Andrana, don't think my rejection of your proposal is anything personal."
"Oh no, Deanna. We know it's nothing personal against us." Assured Andrana.
"I actually think that what you're suggesting is a very good idea, but you can see my point of view, can't you?"
"Yes, Ambassador, we do understand. Of course at the negotiation table we must put aside our understanding and concentrate on our tasks." Answered Kelic.
"I agree, Kelic. I did have an idea about your suggestions. If you cannot convince me during these negotiations then we could start up a programme, either on Betazed or Helikinus, which would convince others of your ideas. It might be a slower process, but it would be better in the long run. It's just an idea, mind you."
"It's a marvellous idea, Deanna."
"Sorry to interrupt." Came a voice.
They turned to face Jean-Luc Picard.
"Shall we begin again?"

"Computer, open a secure channel to the head offices for the Helikin government."
"Access code needed for opening of secure channel."
"Code; Troi, zero, zero, alpha, beta, four."
"Code authorised, channel open."
"This is General Bek'Lax, leader of Helikinus. How may I be of assistance?"
"General, I'm from Starfleet. I thought I should inform you of the activities of two of your people…"

Beverley sat with Riker and Picard in the conference lounge. The negotiations had finished two hours before.
"We're failing this mission, Number One."
"I know, Captain, but you can see the point that Ambassador Troi is making can't you?"
"Of course, but our mission is to get her to agree to this trade agreement."
"What about the other Betazoid Ambassadors, don't they have a say?" asked Beverley.
"Of course they do, Doctor. I seem to remember Deanna explaining how Betazoid negotiations take place. The representative with the highest social status -in this case, Deanna- will have the overall say, but the other representatives will give their opinions to the `leader'. In the end the Betazed council trusts the decision of the higher-ranking representative. It's not a complicated procedure, but it works well."
"Deanna already seems pretty convinced of her decision, not that I can blame her, to be honest."
Before anyone could comment on the Doctor's opinion a voice interrupted through the commlink.
"Ogawa to Crusher."
"Crusher here, go ahead, Alyssa."
"Doctor, There's been a call for emergency medical assistance in Ambassador Troi's quarters. We tried to send some people, but she won't see anyone except you."
"Alright, thanks. Crusher out."
As she, Riker and Picard left the conference room, she tapped her commbadge.
"Computer, audio link to Ambassador Troi's quarters."
"Crusher to Ryla or Ambassador Troi, please respond."
"Beverley, thank goodness." Came Ryla's concerned voice.
"I'm on my way. What's happened?"
"Deanna's abdominal cramps have come back, she's in a lot of pain, but she's become completely resistant to the Trixanta. I can't do anything for her anymore."
"Alright, Ryla, I should be there within minutes. Keep her calm, it's important that she doesn't panic."
"Please hurry."
"I will, Crusher out."

"I can't take this anymore! Make it stop!" came Deanna's pleas, as Crusher, Picard and Riker entered her quarters.
"Deanna, please, just try to relax. Beverley will be here soon." Came Ryla's reply.
"It's alright, I'm here, Ryla."
She turned her attention to Deanna, who lay writhing in agony on her bed. Crusher knelt beside her friend and scanned her with the Tricorder.
"Deanna, can you hear me? It's Beverley."
"Beverley." She whispered, looking up at her friend. "Oh Gods, please, make it stop, Beverley, please!"
"Shh, Deanna, I'll do what I can." She replied, wiping the tears from her friend's cheeks.
She turned to the foot of Deanna's bed, where Riker, Picard and Ryla stood. She motioned to Riker to sit opposite her.
"Take her hand and comfort her, try to take her mind off the pain while I find something that will work."
Will nodded and took Deanna's hand.
"Imzadi?" she whispered.
"It's alright, Deanna, I'm here now. You'll be fine."
Another wave of pain shot through Deanna's abdomen. She arched her back and gripped his hand, while biting her bottom lip, resisting the ever-increasing urge to scream. Riker gripped her hand back.
`I'm here, Deanna.' He thought to her, not knowing how else to comfort her. `I'm not going to let you go. We'll get through this…Imzadi, I love you.'
She opened her eyes at that moment and forgot the pain. All she felt was Will Riker's love protecting her from everything. She stared at him. A smile tugged at her lips and tears of joy fell from her eyes.
`I love you, Imzadi.' She sent back.
Of all the spectators in the room, only Ryla was aware of what had passed between the two people who were now staring at each other and smiling, even though one of them should have been screaming in pain.
"Okay, I've got it." Said Beverley.
She injected a lilac coloured liquid into Troi.
"How do you feel?"
"Better, thank you."
"It should last longer than the Trixanta, but you'll become immune to this one very soon too."
"Well," smiled Deanna, "it's a start."
There was a short silence before a voice interrupted them.
"Data to Captain Picard."
"Picard here. What is it, Data?"
"Sir, sensors have detected a fleet of approximately twelve Helikin war ships on an intercept course with us. They are in attack formation."
"Red alert, shields up. I'm on my way."
"Aye, sir. Data out."
Picard turned to those in the room, as the red lights began to flash and the klaxon began to sound.
"Number One, Doctor, join me on the Bridge. Ryla, Deanna please stay here."

"This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard, of the starship Enterprise. How..?"
"Captain, this is General Bek'Lax, leader of Helikinus. You will lower your shields and prepare to be boarded." The gruff-looking Helikin on the viewscreen interrupted.
"I don't think so, General." Replied Picard. "At least not until I understand why you are threatening the Flagship of the Federation."
"You are housing two traitors aboard you're ship and are helping in negotiations between them and those Betazoids!" as he said the last word, he spat in disgust. "I will not tolerate this, Picard! Now lower your shields!"
"Captain," whispered Lepec, from Picard's left, "be careful how you answer. From his body and verbal language it is obvious that he's not afraid to carry out any threats he intends to make."
Picard nodded slightly to his Counsellor, but decided to say what he wanted anyway.
"I will not surrender my vessel to you!"
"Very well, Picard, you give me no choice…"
The Helikin nodded to someone behind him and Data's console began to beep furiously.
"Captain, they are inputting our shield's harmonic frequency codes. We will loose shields in…3…2…1…shields down, Captain."
Before they could react, heavily armed Helikin soldiers surrounded them. Bek'Lax walked to Picard.
"You should have surrendered, Picard."
© Copyright 2011 Ayla Skye (aylaskye82 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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