Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1824109-Discovered-STTNG-FanFic---Chapter-45
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1824109
Based on Star Trek The Next Generation - Deanna Troi is forced to leave the Enterprise.
Chapter Four:

Three Days Before:

`Deanna, Little One, stop mopping around, I need to talk to you.'
`What is it mother? I'm really busy.' She sent back.
`Busy being depressed when you could be working. You're not helping your condition by confining yourself to your room…'
"Mother," said Deanna aloud, as she came down the stairs from her bedroom, "my condition is fine. What is it you need?"
"Your mother is in a bit of a muddle. I've got a conference here in three days, but Starfleet and the Betazoid Council also want me to lead trade agreement negotiations between Betazed and the Helikin. If I stay here, will you mediate the negotiations?"
"Alright, when do I leave and where am I going?"
"You leave tomorrow to join the Helikin Ambassadors on the Enterprise."
"The Enterprise! Mother, I can't…"
"Yes, you can. It's about time you went back and talked things through with William."
With that Lwaxanna Troi turned on her heel and left the room leaving Deanna with no choice, but to return to the Enterprise and face William. T. Riker.

"Captain, the Helikin delegates are now resting in their quarters and the shuttle carrying the Betazoid delegates has just docked in Shuttle Bay 2."
"Thank you, Mister Data. Commander Riker will you join me. Picard to Doctor Crusher, could you meet myself and Commander Riker in Shuttle Bay 2."
"Acknowledge, Captain." Came Beverley Crusher's voice, as Picard and Riker entered a turbolift.

Beverley Crusher was already waiting for them as Riker and Picard strolled down the corridor. In silence they entered the Shuttle Bay. The small shuttle's hatch had just opened with a hiss. Three Betazoid males exited the shuttle and nodded politely at the three officers before turning back towards the exit. A small, young-looking, blonde Betazoid woman stepped down from the shuttle with a helping hand from one of the men. She turned back to the exit without looking at Picard, Riker or Crusher. She offered her hand to the last figure in the shuttle. The figure was obviously unsteady on his/her feet. To the three Starfleet officers' delight, Deanna Troi emerged from inside the shuttle. Stepping off the shuttle, into the Shuttle Bay's light, Deanna looked pale, tired and weak and all three officers noticed. Her purple robe flowed down to her ankles and, though it was not fitted, it was obvious that Deanna had lost quite a bit of weight. Finally Deanna looked at them.
"Captain Jean-Luc Picard may I introduce my fellow Ambassadors; Chancellor Triand,"
The middle aged, white haired man nodded.
"Chancellor Triand's son, Chancellor Bix and their aid Sen'nax."
The two younger dark haired men nodded in turn.
"This," she motioned to the young blonde Betazoid, "is my Aide, Ryla."
Picard bowed graciously to each of those being introduced to him. He turned to his own officers.
"For the benefit of your party, Deanna…"
Troi raised her hand to stop him,
"Please, Captain, I'd prefer it if you would address me as Ambassador on this trip."
Riker and Crusher exchanged glances with one another. Picard, ever the diplomat, merely smiled,
"Very well…Ambassador. For the benefit of your party may I introduce my First Officer, Commander William Riker and my Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Beverley Crusher."
Riker and Crusher bowed as they were introduced.
"May we show you to your quarters, Ambassadors?" asked Picard.
Triand, Bix and their aid Sen'nax nodded with appreciation as Riker and Crusher led them away.
"Ambassador Troi may I take you and your aid to your quarters?"
"That won't be necessary, Captain. I took the liberty of having Mister Data forwarding me the location of my quarters. Ryla will stay with me so you can keep her quarters vacant."
"As you wish, Ambassador. The introductory gathering will be in the `Ten Forward' lounge at 18:00 hours. I hope you will join us."
The former Counsellor of the Enterprise nodded and then, holding tightly onto Ryla's arm, she left the Shuttle Bay leaving behind a bewildered Picard.

"If you ask me, Will, she didn't look well." Commented Beverley, as they walked away from the last Ambassador's quarters.
"No she didn't." Came Riker's short reply
"Wasn't it strange that she wanted to stay on formal terms?"
"No, not really. It's her way of telling us that this visit is strictly business."
There was a few moments silence before Crusher spoke again.
"I didn't know Deanna had an aide."
"Nor did i."
"Do you think she'll come to `Ten Forward' tonight?"
"She will, but only because she has to."

The gathering in the `Ten Forward' Lounge was already in full swing when the Betazoid Ambassadors arrived along with Deanna Troi and the aides, Ryla and Sen'nax.
"Ambassadors, so glad you could make it." Came Picard's voice, as he and his senior staff came towards them.
As Picard introduced Data, LaForge and Lepec to the other Betazoid ambassadors, Riker tried to involve Deanna in conversation.
"It's good to see you again, Ambassador."
"Like wise, Commander." She replied without feeling.
"Can I get you a drink at all?"
"No, thank you, Commander."
`Ryla, could you see if you can find us a table? I not feeling all that well.'
`Alright Deanna.' Answered the blonde girl, bowing slightly and moving away.
Riker watched the exchange suspiciously.
"I'm glad to hear that accent again."
"You've been on Betazed for quite awhile you've got your accent back. I like it."
Deanna looked shyly to the floor, a small, self-conscious smile began to form on her lips, but it was quickly hidden and she looked squarely and sternly at him.
"Commander, I don't mean to be rude, but I am only here for my mother. I'd appreciate it if we could keep this strictly professional."
"Don't you think we should talk, after all it has been four months…"
"Yes, that is true. It has been a while, but I'm only here until the end of these negotiations."
"What if the appeals go through?"
"Is your new Counsellor not good enough then, Commander?"
"Well, actually, she's not settling in all that well."
"What a pity. Please excuse me." She said without feeling, as Ryla saddled back up to them and gripped Deanna's elbow.
"By all means, Ambassador." He replied with false politeness.

As Deanna and Ryla moved to a secluded table, Beverley Crusher saddled up to Will.
"You okay, Will?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just wish she'd give up this professional bullshit."
"Can't be easy for you."
"Trouble with the ambassador?" Came another feminine voice from behind them.
"That's none of your concern, Counsellor Lepec."
"Of course not, Commander." She smirked and turned back to speak with Chancellor Bix, whom she already knew.

"Ambassador Troi, I'm sorry to disturb you."
"Captain Picard, please, sit down." She gestured to the chair opposite herself and Ryla.
Picard also gestured to a woman and a man beside him to sit down.
Their yellow tinted skin was shiny and smooth and their noses were ridged like a Bajoran's.
"May I introduce Ambassador Kelic Binax," the man nodded, "and Chancellor Andrana Tellon."
"Andrana! By the Gods, how long has it been?" cried Deanna, as Andrana bowed down to hug her old friend.
"Far too long, my friend, far too long."
They separated from each other's arms,
"You look unwell, Deanna."
"Oh, I'm fine, nothing to worry about, just a slight Betazoid bug!" she laughed.
"You know each other, Andrana?"
"Yes, Kelic. Deanna's mother and my father were very close. They were involved in the very first Betazoid-Helikin treaty." She smiled with nostalgia.
Another figure joined the table.
"Hello, Deanna."
"Kitana, how are you enjoying my Counselling position?"
"It's been fine. Actually, several of your former patients have healed much quicker than you predicted them to."
"Funny, I heard you were having a few problems settling in."
"Listening rumours? Deanna, that's so unlike you."
"Some people change…and others remain the same. Please excuse me." She said, motioning to Ryla, who helped her up and led her one of the central windows.
Other than that one incident, the rest of the evening was a success, but the hardest part would begin in the morning- the negotiations, when old friends, and new, would become only professionals.

Chapter Five:

"So, you see, Ambassador Troi, the trade agreement will benefit both our worlds in both financial and political ways." Concluded Andrana.
Deanna Troi leaned forward in her seat for the first time since the meeting had started over two hours ago.
"Chancellor, I'm not interested in how this may improve our financial assets, you've evaded my question. Does your government, your whole government, agree with this treaty or not?"
`She's still good.' Thought Picard who sat at the head of the table along with Riker, Lepec, Crusher, LaForge and Data.
"Well, I…"
"Ambassador Troi," interrupted Kelic, "why should it matter if all the government officials agree or not, surely us having the backing of a few of the Chancellors counts for something?"
"No, I'm afraid it doesn't."
"May I asked why, Ambassador?" Came Picard's voice.
Was it his imagination or did Troi seem very cold and non-negotiable towards most people at the moment?
"I'm not willing to risk Betazed, just because a handful of Chancellors are in agreement about this treaty. The chancellors have no real power on Helikinus; it is a military-led government. Those military leaders are still very xenophobic when it comes to telepaths and empaths, which does not go down well with me, Captain."
"But surely, Ambassador, that it shows the willingness of the Helikin people to change their ways?" asked Riker.
"Unfortunately Commander Riker, it does not." She paused, looking suspiciously at the Starfleet officers. "I'm confused also by the presence of Starfleet during these negotiations. What exactly is Starfleet's purpose here, Captain?"
"We are to convince your party to agree to the Helikin treaty."
"It is not my party that you have to convince, Captain. I am the one who makes the ultimate decision, you must convince me."
"Very well." Said Picard after a few moments silence. "I believe a break is in order, we will adjourn until tomorrow."
With nods of agreement they rose from their seats with a collective sigh. San'nax tended to his charges and Ryla immediately helped Troi from her seat and brought her a glass of cool water. Picard noticed that Deanna was shaking slightly and that her face was slightly paler than it had been yesterday.
"Ambassador, are you well?
"Yes, Captain, I am fine." Picard again noticed, with an inward smile, that Deanna's stay on Betazed had brought back the slight accent in her voice that she had had when she had first begun to serve under him on the Enterprise-D.
"Well, please let us know if you do feel unwell."
Deanna inclined her head slightly.
"Why do you not tell them Deanna. It is obvious, even if I was not a telepath, that they care very much for you?" said Ryla, speaking out loud for the first time.
"Yes, they do, Ryla and I for them, which is why I cannot tell them for it would worry them so greatly."

From where they stood, Crusher and Riker, standing with Andrana and Kelic, heard the conversation between Deanna and Ryla.
"Doctor, may I have a private word with you?"
"Of course, Commander. Would you excuse us, Chancellor, Ambassador?"
"By all means." Answered Andrana, as she and Kelic moved away to speak with Triand and Bix.
"You heard what I heard I take it?" Asked Beverley.
"Yes and I don't like it."
"You're going to like that even less." Answered the Doctor, inclining her head towards Deanna and Ryla, who had just been joined by Kitana Lepec.
"This can't be good." Muttered Riker.

"I do hope you are alright, Deanna…or should I call you Ambassador? You always did like being above everyone else, didn't you, Dee." She said bitchily.
"Grow up, Kitana." Deanna answered, feeling the colour drain from her face and the feelings of nausea she'd been feeling for the past two months returning.
`Please not now.' She thought to herself.
`Deanna?' asked Ryla sensing the symptoms return in Deanna.
`I'll be alright, Ryla.'
"Grow up? Is that all you can come up with? Oh, Deanna, you must be sicker than I thought for you not to come up with anything more."
Those in the room were becoming very aware of the argument and were now listening to the bickering, although the Betazoid Ambassadors were very aware of Deanna's increasing symptoms.
"I'm just sick of running into you everywhere I turn. What's the matter Counsellor, weren't you pleased with just trying to stop me from getting this position, that you had to steal it from me two years later?"
"Accept it, Deanna, the better counsellor won."
She leaned closer to Deanna's ear whispering so that only she could hear the exchange.
"I plan not to stop at your career."
As Lepec pulled back her eyes shifted slightly to her right, Deanna's eyes followed and saw Riker standing beside Crusher, both with concerned faces. Deanna immediately knew what Kitana meant.
"Don't even think it."
The room began to tilt slightly. Before Deanna could resist their help, Ryla, Bix and San'nax were at her side, having sensed the increasing deterioration of her condition. Triand turned towards Picard before exiting the room,
"Please, do not be concerned."
Before they were out of the door, Kitana shouted at Deanna,
"Don't be too unwell, Deanna, it would truly be a shame if you weren't around to at least try to take your position back!"
With a quick, disorientated glance at Kitana, Deanna was led out of the Conference Lounge.
"Counsellor, a word, please." Said the Captain, when the Helikin delegates had been led away by LaForge and Data.
"As you wish, Captain." She answered coyly.
"I don't know what you thought you were doing, Counsellor, but I will not have you speaking to Ambassador Troi like that! One more personal outburst like that and you'll be relieved of duty until she leaves!"
Picard didn't know whether he felt angry or embarrassed by Lepec's actions, but he was, for the first time in his career, beginning to think that maybe this particular officer did not deserve any more chances. She should have adjusted to the routine of her life aboard the Enterprise after four months, but he seemed to get nothing but complaints about her still!
"Captain, I was just….."
"No more excuses, Counsellor!" he retorted, as he, Riker and Crusher stormed out.
"Time to begin, I should think." Kitana said to the empty room, a gleam of malice shone in her blue eyes.

"Hello, Data, may I sit down?"
Data looked up from his computer PADD into the face of Kitana Lepec.
"Of course, Counsellor."
"I'm not disturbing you am I?" she asked sitting across from him.
"No, Counsellor, you are not. Is there something you wish to discuss with me?"
"Well, actually, Data, I was wondering why Deanna is liked so much here?"
"I believe it is her familiarity and the trust that the crew has in her. You seem surprised, Counsellor. You did know her in the past did you not?"
"Yes, Data, I did and that's why I am surprised at your answer."
"I do not understand how that could come as a surprise, Counsellor."
"Let's just say I know things about, Deanna, that perhaps it would be best I didn't disclose, as it may tarnish the crews' perception of her."
"Does Ambassador Troi have some form of personality defect that we do not know of?"
"I guess you could say that, Data."
"Would you tell me what that is?"
"Well, let's just say she isn't entirely truthful when it comes to the true extent of her empathic and telepathic abilities."
"Please elaborate, Counsellor."
"How do I start?" replied Kitana, smiling inwardly.

Ryla greeted Picard, Riker and Crusher when they arrived at Deanna Troi's assigned quarters.
"She is resting, Captain."
"Ryla, it's important that we speak to her. Please?" said Crusher.
"I'll see what I can do. Deanna is quite stubborn at times." She smiled. "Please wait in the living quarters."
"We understand." Answered Riker, as they entered the dimly lit quarters and Ryla went into the bathroom.
"Ryla? Ryla, I need you!" came Deanna's call from the bedroom.
Instinct took over Riker, Crusher and Picard as they raced into the bedroom.
Deanna lay on the bed, sweat covered her forehead and tears trickled down her cheeks. She held her abdomen, as if in pain.
"Deanna?" said Beverley, as she knelt beside her and put her hand to her friend's burning forehead.
Deanna opened her eyes and moved quickly out of Beverley's reach. She also noticed Riker and Picard standing at the foot of her bed.
"What are you doing here?"
"We were concerned about you, Ambassador and we heard you call for help whilst waiting in your living quarters." Explained Picard.
"Deanna, will you come to Sickbay?"
"I do not wish for your care, Doctor, that is why I have Ryla here."
Her professionalism was back in play.
Ryla entered the bedroom, at that moment, carrying a tray. On the tray, Riker spied a hypospray and a bottle of blue liquid.
"It's alright, Deanna, I'm here now."
Ryla laid Deanna back onto the bed and then injected Troi with the blue liquid.
"Yes, but not much."
"Your system's becoming immune to the Trixanta."
Deanna nodded slowly and was soon asleep.
"Trixanta? Ryla that's only used…"
"Doctor Crusher, we are very aware of Trixanta's uses, it's also necessary in the Ambassador's case. Now, please, Deanna needs her rest before the negotiations tomorrow."
Picard and Crusher nodded and left with Ryla close behind. She turned back to see Riker still staring at Deanna.
"Commander…" she stopped, reading something in his thoughts and emotions. "Alright, Commander, you may stay for awhile."
"Thank you, Ryla." He said, walking over to Deanna's bedside and took hold of Deanna's hand.
"Imzadi." Came Deanna's whispered voice, through the drug-induced sleep.
Will smiled at her first acknowledgement of him.
"I'm right here, Imzadi. I'm not going anywhere."
Ryla came back in.
"What's wrong with her, Ryla?"
"I'm afraid she is the only one who can tell you, but I can tell you that she's been in this condition for two months and it's worsening."
Riker shook his head sadly, why hadn't she called him for his help?

"Okay, Doctor, what's the big secret of Trixanta?"
"Captain, it's only used on Betazed for certain illnesses."
"I don't know. I'll investigate into the possible illnesses that Deanna could have. I know that it isn't a cure for anything, more like a way of helping with the symptoms. It's very rarely used and can be fatal."
"Why is she rejecting our help?"
"That's something only she can answer, Captain."

The pain began to return and then abated as quickly as it had come, but it pulled her from her drug-induced sleep. She sat up slowly. The dizziness was a side effect of the illness that she should have been used to by now, but it still disorientated her every time.
She froze at the sound of his voice.
"Deanna, are you alright?"
"Commander Riker, I didn't realise you were still here."
"Deanna, there is obviously something very wrong with you. Tell me, Imzadi, please."
"It's nothing to be concerned about, Commander, people get sick all the time."
"Deanna, please, enough with the professional B.S. Just tell me what's wrong and why you never called for help?"
"Because there's nothing that could have been done here that wasn't already done on Betazed. Will, I need time, just give me time."
"Deanna, you've been gone four months now and there's not been a word from you, not to me, Beverley or the Captain, and then you arrive here obviously seriously ill."
"Please, Commander, you're overreacting…"
"Deanna, see it from our points of view, there's not a word from you and then you show up ill, how do you think that makes us feel?"
"Probably the same way I felt when you doubted that I loved you."
She sighed deeply and then looked back at him.
"I need to rest."
"Alright I get the hint, I'm leaving. Will we be seeing you this evening, Ambassador?"
"I'm not sure, Commander."
Will bowed his head slightly and walked out of the room bumping into Ryla. He looked up at Ryla; the sorrow showed clearly in his eyes, then he quickly apologised and left.
Ryla sat beside Deanna.
"Ah, Deanna. Just tell him, if not the others, then him. You are Imzadi aren't you?"
"You felt that?"
"Yes, Deanna, I did. Now I know I'm just your aide…"
"You're not just my aide, Ryla, you're a friend."
"Okay then, as a friend talking to another friend, I think you should tell him, if not him then Doctor Crusher."
"I've seen all the Doctors, Ryla, you know that. They can't do anything for me."
"Deanna, she's not just your Doctor, she's your friend. You'll need people like them and don't try to give me any of that psychobabble B.S, okay? Just say you'll think about it."
"I'll think about it."
"Good. Now what are you going to wear tonight?"
Deanna smiled slightly, as Ryla moved towards the closet. Ryla was right she must tell Beverley, but Will was a different matter.

"Deanna, can what? Data, don't be ridiculous, she can't do that."
"Yes, Geordie, apparently she can."
"Data, who told you that?"
"A reliable source who has known Ambassador Troi since childhood."
Geordie surmised in distaste. Something about their new Counsellor pushed even Geordie the wrong way. Perhaps it was because he was still pretty cut up about Deanna's dismissal, but there was more. Kitana Lepec had a suspicious air about her, like she'd kill her own mother to get what she wanted and the way she relentlessly flirted with Commander Riker was annoying to say the least.
"Data, I wouldn't put much trust in what she says."
"Geordie, I have noticed that your dislike of Counsellor Lepec is a feeling that is shared by most of the crew, yet I cannot find any reason for their reaction to her."
"Yeah well, nor can most of us. There's just something about her that makes everyone unsure of her, like she'd use any means to get what she wanted."
"I believe I did hear Commander Riker refer to her as a `Daddy's girl', but I am unfamiliar with that term."
Geordie had to try hard to keep himself from laughing.
"Yeah the Commander's right, she is. Someone who's described as a `Daddy's girl' is usually someone who charms people into getting what they want, when they want."
There was a slight pause and Geordie didn't have to wait long for the next question he knew was coming.
"I have also noticed that Counsellor Lepec is interested in Commander Riker. From Commander Riker's usual attitudes to women I had predicted that her advances would have been noticed 3 months and 3 weeks ago, however he has not. I do not understand why."
"The Commander is only interested in Deanna. He's not interested in other women."
"But Counsellor Lepec is his `type', is she not?"
"Perhaps in the attractiveness department she is, but not in the personality."
"Most intriguing."
"Come on, I said we'd meet Commander Riker and Doctor Crusher, five minutes ago in `Ten Forward'."
© Copyright 2011 Ayla Skye (aylaskye82 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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