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Rated: 13+ · Other · Sci-fi · #1824097
honest opinions of my work so far please
Eucadia was once a strong and powerful nation, a nation governed by 3 simple rules. Freedom of speech, democracy and religion, its citizens lived safe and happy lives. It was as close to paradise as one could hope to achieve.
This way of life soon spread to the other less stable nations, who happily accepted the stability it brought. After three decades it was decided that all nations should be brought under one flag, to rid the world of war and bring peace and stability to the globe, this was accepted by all but one nation, the nation of Valbourne. The people of Valbourne were a harsh race, whose civilization was built on brutality and dominance, its leader was a general who seized power through a military coup, he now holds the country in a vice like grip with the help of his secret police and eradicates all who speak out against him and his ideals.
The peace loving nations distanced their selves from Valbourne, preferring to focus their attentions on all things demorcratic. This gave the general the opportunity to build his military might and begin his quest to eradicate all who opposed him.

                                                The golden city.
Ten years have passed since the union of the free nations and despite rumors of massive military activity from Valbournes borders peace still reigns. More so than anywhere in the city of Green Port, the city is the crown jewel of the united nations, it consists of sprawling country side as far as the eye can see, massive industrial and financial sectors surrounded by beautifully constructed residential areas.
Morning had arrived in the city of Green Port and Karl a gun smiths son was sound asleep, only to be woken by a loud crash, Karl jumped from his bed and raced to the window to see if he could determine the cause of the commotion, upon leaning out of his window Karl noticed two government peace keepers sprawled out on the concrete, next to a upturned market stall, it became apparent to Karl that Fulke the neighbourhood drunk was the cause of the disturbance, his must of lost his footing stumbling home from another night of heavy drinking, I’m glad I wasn’t the one who broke Fulke’s fall Karl thought to him self, Fulke was a beast of man, standing at least 6’5 , with broad shoulders and tree trunk arms.

Karl was about turn away from the window when he noticed one of the peacekeepers was back on his feet and dusting himself down, Karl opended the window to obtain a better view of what was sure to be an interesting sight. The rather pasty looking peacekeeper then turned to his partner and lifted him back on his feet, Karl knew from the many government information leaflets he had read that peacekeepers where trained not to use violence against citizens unless absolutely nessacery, but as Fulke dragged himself up from the concrete to face the peacekeepers Karl saw a look in the eyes of the smaller of the two peacekeepers of a man who was desperate to dish out a good beating, Karl clasped his hands together and prayed to the goddess Shea, that the upcoming confrontation would involve some sort of violence, Karl wasn’t a lover of violence but his life had become so stale and uneventful that any form of civil disruption or unrest was a welcome break.
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