Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1823681-The-peaceful-monastery
Rated: E · Other · Horror/Scary · #1823681
a monastery is peaceful and quiet all the time
The monastery at the top of the hill lay silent like always. It's walls crumbling from age. Some local children curious as to it's mystery decided to explore So they passed through the rotten doors and wandered around. The youngest boy billy silently asked "Why do you think they abandoned this?" The second oldest Josh said "They probably ran out of money to keep it running" but the oldest boy Tom stepped on a newspaper that answered all there questions. Tom read aloud "All priests of a local monastery found dead by janitor a lady in white supposedly seen haunting the monastery. That's when it happened the doors behind them slammed shut and when they ran to the door it was locked. The turned around and saw the lady in white rise from the floor. Tom trying to be brave asked the figure why she was haunting the monastery and did she kill the priests. She answered " I did kill those priests and the reason i did was their ancestors killed me on this very land," Tom asked "Why did they kill you?" The women explained that the priests ancestors were a group of vandals who went village to village killing everyone they could. She looked at the boys closely and said "You won't get out of here alive." and as soon as Tom could blink the other two were dead their heads dismembered from their bodies. Tom got up and started to run but as soon as he got to the door his head fell off and his body slumped down stone cold dead.
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