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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1823633
I attempted to combine the Old Kingdom with Megaman ^^;
Abhorsen Axcess

By: Mitchel Gallett

Battle Network One

The New Charter Darkloids of Long Ago

Chapter 1 Heal Abhorsen

Abhorsen Access
Year 2XXX

This is story of a normal 10 year old boy from ACDC Town. A normal boy, who does not know, that he will be a famous netbattler like his idol, neighbor, friend, and soul brother Lan Hikari. He was left out of all of the video games they made and the show. Well now it my turn to tell his side of the story. That boys name is Gannon Sirinal Falco.

Gannon starts out with the normal pink navi named Sabriel. Neither know of their destiny (but The Clair have ideas) that they will be online and off The Abhorsens. Both have it in their DNA as well as their father and Sabriel was made from their DNA.

Gannon’s father works side by side w/ Dr. Hikari (Lan’s dad). His name is David Esgarooth Falco. His navi’s name is Mogget a Heal Navi.

Today Dr. Falco and Hikari have asked Lan and Gannon’s friends as well as their navis to the Lab for a Surprise. Everyone showed except Mushrambo and Crimzon who were out of reach at the time.

“Today is Gannon & Lan’s birthday everyone. Be sure not to spoil the surprise we have for Gannon.” Dr. Hikari said.

On the net side…

“Ok everyone today is Megaman and Sabriel’s birthday.” Mogget said without any enthusiasm. Both of the Doctors were excited about the navi upgrade for Sabriel.

“Um Dr. Hikari? How can we spoil the surprise when don’t even know what the surprise is?” Mayl asked.

“I know what it is!” Yai said. “I funded this project with my allowance.”

Everyone’s mouths dropped except the Dr’s. Lan’s birthday present was to have the whole week off with his father without being bothered by Scilab.

1 hour passes…

“Ok everyone Lan & Gannon will be arriving soon.” Dr. Falco announced.

On the net side…

“Everyone Megaman and Sabriel will be arriving soon.” Mogget said with a little bit sarcasm. 30 minutes pass. Lan and Gannon are in the elevator. Net side. Megaman and Sabriel ran to the next warp because the firewall there did not look very sturdy.

In the Real World...

When they got off the elevator the room was dark. When they turned the light on they almost had a heart attack.

“SURPRISE!!!!!” everyone screamed.

Gannon passed out and woke up some 15 minutes later.

“Is he all right?” Mayl asked.

“Yes, I think? He just doesn’t like to be surprised.” Dr. Falco said.

“What are you trying to do give me a Heart Attack.” Gannon yelled.

“You always were a fragile boy.” Mogget giggled,

1 hour of net battling commences. Gannon and Lan wanted to open their presents and they knew that they would only get 1 presents. Dr. Falco showed Gannon his present and Lan grew impatient because he did not see his till his dad explained. Just then the alarm goes off.

“Intruder alert. Unauthorized Virus attack.” Sabriel says. “Um, is it too late to point out that we saw a firewall weakening.”

The navis all look at Sabriel except Megaman.

“Gannon install that upgrade we may need it. The others will fight off them as long as they can.” Dr. Falco ensures. The others try to fight them off as long as they can but normal attacks just phase right through them.

“Ghost viruses!” Mogget hissed. “I’ll handle this. Take cover.”

Everyone was surprised but yet not surprised. Mogget hated violence but if Sabriel was in danger he would be the 1 cat 1st line of defense.

1 hour passes…

“Upgrade downloading. Program Abhorsen running.” Gannon said.

“Wow this program is so powerful it is actually overwriting my own program.” Sabriel announced.

“Yes this program is reacting to you bloodline of the great charter and turning it pure.” Dr. Falco said.

“Now I’m not a normal navi anymore! Thanks a lot dad.” Sabriel said with both glee and disappointment.

“Why are you disappointed?” Gannon asked.

“Because I was the only normal navi in the officials and I was second in command as a navi.” Sabriel explained.

“Helloooooooo! In need of a little help over here.” Mogget said hissing at the white viruses.

“Sabriel your bandolier holds 7 bells. I will say their names and effects on the Dead proudly. Starting with the 1st and smallest bell going down to the 7th and largest:

Ranna the sleeper: puts all who hear call into a deep sleep.

Mosrael the waker: Brings the listener into life and the wielder into further into death. This bell is used by Necromancers and Necromancers only.

Kibeth the walker: Makes the listener walk were the wielder wills; but in an unsteady hand Kibeth can make the wielder walk were they normally would not.

Dyrim the speaker: Dyrim can give back speech to the speechless dead; but in an unsteady hand Dyrim can still a toung that moves too freely. Hardly ever used by an Abhorsen. Be careful this bell likes the sound of it’s own voice.

Belgaer the Thinker: Can restore long lost memory; but in an unsteady hand Belgaer can wipe a mind clean of all memories. Hardly ever used by an Abhorsen. This one likes the sound of it’s own voice as well.

Saraneth the Binder: binds the dead to the wielders will. The most commonly used bell by both Necromancers and Abhorsens alike.

Astarael the Weeper: aka the Sorrowful: Astarael sends all who hear her mournful call in to death and beyond the 9th gate. Never use this bell unless all is lost. Hardly ever sounds of it’s own accord.

You also have a sword called Abhorsens Sword. “Are these viruses of the dead?” Sabriel asks.

“Yes. Of the lesser, but none the less of the Dead.” Dr. Falco answers.

Sabriel then pulls out Kibeth and everyone automatically jacks out. Then she rings Kibeth.

“All of you. Return to death and walk to the 9th gate and beyond to your final rest.”she announces.

The viruses vanished into thin air and Sabriel then sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Gannon asked.

“This is harder than it looks.” Sabriel said

Chapter 2 First Tournament

“Beep, beep, beep! You’ve got mail!” P.E.T sounds.

“Gannon you’ve got mail. I’ll read it. It says, ‘Today starts the prelimes for the Den Dome tournament. If you wish to participate come to Den Dome and apply.’” Sabriel announces.

“Oh boy a way to test our new skills and the 6 bells…” Gannon was interrupted.

“7 bells.” Sabriel said. “I know there are 7 bells but dad told us to never use Astarael remember” Gannon then explained.


Astarael the Weeper: aka the Sorrowful: Astarael sends all who hear her mournful call in to death and beyond the 9th gate. Never use this bell unless all is lost.

Flashback End…

“Ya, ya, ya. I remember.” Sabriel said in disgust.

“Well then let’s go and apply for the prelims.” Gannon said.

1 hour later the two finish the preliminaries and at the same time made a world record for finishing the preliminaries. The first pair ups have been chosen.

“Team Mega is paired up with Team Abhorsen, Team Necro is paired with Team Ghost, Team Guts with Team Sci, Team Jammer with Team Hammer, Team Burn with Team Top, Team Toad with Team Magnet, Team Knight with Team Shadow, and Team Search with Team Number.” Gannon reads of the pairings.

“Well, well, well. It looks like we are paired up.” a voice said from behind.

“Lan!!!!” Gannon said.

“Listen your father told me everything about you and Sabriel. I actually thought I knew you. I even know about the charter and your blood line and your great great great great grandmother Sabriel. I now know what my purpose in life is…” Lan cut himself off.

“And that is???” Gannon said.

“To protect you and be your teammate Sabriel.” Megaman said at the last second.

“Well then your Protection may be needed. Our first round match is against Team Necro a team of online and off Necromancers’, and Team Ghost. This team is from Death Yuko and her navi Ponta may have been brought back by the Necromancers.” Sabriel explained.

“These Necromancers are very powerful. To defeat them I must use Saraneth and Kibeth, but they are too strong, you Megaman as well as Lan must recite this song:

‘5 Great Charters knit the land together linked hand in hand.
1 in those who wear the crown.
2 in those who keep the Dead down.
3 & 5 became stone and mortar.
4 sees all in frozen water.’”

“That’s all?” Megaman asked.

“That’s all.” Sabriel answers.

1 hour later Sabriel and Megaman are facing the Teams.

“Alright Ponta time you and Yuko were to be sent beyond the 9th gate. I am the new Abhorsen and I distaste all Necromancers.” Sabriel exclaims.

“Oh really?” Necro is the one to make the first move and he uses the Free Magic Sword.

“Woh!!! Gannon!!!”Sabriel says.

“Right. Abhorsen’s sword Battlechip in download.” Gannon downloads the chip. The swords clash and free magic sparks.

“Mega!!!” Sabriel then looks at Mega and he nods. Then he chants the song Sabriel taught him the Necromancer navi actually got weaker than Sabriel thought he would. Then she took her shot (WideShot that is) and deleted the Necro navi.

“And don’t come back!!!” Sabriel exclaimed. Little did Sabriel know that the shot she took actually sent him flying to the 9th Gate.

“It must have been my presents there. With the any Great Charter blood lines around the song must get stronger for every navi that holds the 5 Great Charter bloodlines.” Sabriel said. “I guess we are the most dangerous thing to the Dead and Free Magic beings alike.” Lan said.

“The 1st round matches have all been completed these are the teams that moved on: Team Abhorsen, Team Free Magic, and Team Hammer and Jammer. Team Shadow Knight and Team Number Search did the impossible they performed a double deletion and will be put in the record book. Team Hammer & Jammer automatically advanced.” Gannon read the teams off.

“Looks like we will be facing dad and Mogget.” Gannon did not sound Enthusiastic Gannon knew Sabriel could not face Mogget because the only chip they had that could do damage was Abhorsens Sword. Mogget being a Free Magic being could not be effected by the bells. He already had a bell that had a strong hold on him: Saraneth, the binder.

2nd round…

“Megaman you remember the formations we told you and Lan right.” Sabriel asked.

“Yes, of course.” Mega said.

“Well then Formation BQ Alpha!!! GO!!!!!” Sabriel announced (Formation BQ Alpha is where Sabriel takes on one of the enemies who is not a Free Magic being).

Sabriel pulled Saraneth the binder and bound Gutsman and since Megaman was too into his fight he could neither her nor feel the power of the bells. Sabriel then used Program Advance: Giga Cannon1 and deleted Gutsman with one shot. Meanwhile Megaman was wearing down Mogget or so he thought then Lan decided he was fed up with Mogget playing around and used some newly made Cannon Charter chips. Gannon was surprised to know this as much as Sabriel was to be surprised that Megaman was able to use them. Mogget was deleted and then Megaman’s soul synced with Moggets and Megaman got the Free Magic Soul. 3rd round will be even harder.

“Now we face Hammer and Jammer.” Gannon said. “Well Gannon our dad said that Free Magic Soul allows us to be immune to the power of the bells.” Lan explained.

“I hope I am immune to the next bell. Good you will need it.” Gannon said firmly.

Sabriel touched her hand on the bell Astariel. The bell’s charter marks pulsed under her touch. The bell began to try and sound of it’s own accord.

Round 3 Team Abhorsen vs Team Hammer and Jammer. While everyone is jacked in Gannon realizes that these punks are apart of the gang Jammer.

“Lan these punks can copy almost every ablility we possess. Everyone of them except Sabriels sword and Bells and Mega’s Syncro Souls.” Gannon explained it all carefully.
“Right Free Magic Soul Navi chip in download.” Lan downloads Mogget Soul. “I feel the Free Magic Flowing in my data.” Mega says now Full Syncro with the Soul.

“My Father said , ‘Astariel can be used with you as the sacrifice but only if you are a true follower of the Charter.’ My father has never crossed me before and I believe him now just as I did before.” Sabriel then pulls out Astariel. “Now I call upon the powers of ASTARIEL!!!”

Sabriel then rings Astariel then Hammer and Jammer are deleted and are beyond the ninth gate. Then Team Abhorsen win the Den Dome Team Duel Cups, but Sabriel felt weak and Gannon took her to their father.

Chapter 3 The worst to come

“You used Astariel didn’t you.” Dr Falco looked at Sabriel.

Sabriel could only nod for she could hardly lift a finger. She had used Astariel for the second time in her Abhorsen career. Most Abhorsens could not survive one use of the bells power.

“Will she be ok Dad.” Gannon looked worried.

“Once we get some recovery chips in to her she will be fine.” Dr Falco looked unsure though.

Gannon did not want to lose Sabriel for he would lose his sister again. Right now they are in a dimentional area Hospital room for navi’s.

“Gannon don’t worry about me…” Sabriel was cut off by a sudden jack in.

“Protoman!!!” Gannon said with surprise.

“Will she be alright.” Protoman asked.

“Yes she will. Once they get some recovery chips in to her.” Gannon told him looking over Protoman’s shoulder he see Chaud outside.

“He cannot come in because the ports are outside.” Protoman explained.

“Well he can come in now.” Gannon pointed out.

Chaud comes in and sits down nearest to Sabriel. Protoman sits down right beside the bed. Then Protoman recites a couple of romatic poems to Sabriel and she smiles.

“Well, well, well. Looks like Protoman has a softside for Sabriel.” Gannon points out. Protoman looks at Sabriel then at Gannon. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone. What is said in here stays in here.” Gannon reassures Protoman.

Then Protoman told Gannon, Sabriel, and Chaud how it all happened ( when he fell in love w/ Sabriel). Oddly enough it was when she first applied for the posision of second in command.

Then 2 hours later Sabriel goes flatline. Gannon and Protoman were asleep. Chaud was the first to respond with a manuel resperator.

“Gannon!!! Protoman!!!” Chaud wakes them both up with great haste.

“SABRIEL!!!” Gannon and Proto both said.

Then Dr Falco reacts and brings a person that is an expert at navi medicine: Jasmine and her Navi Meddy. They immediately give a daiagnosis.

“Her Data is being consumed by the bell Astariel.” Meddy explained.

“But how Astariel was used perfectly.” Gannon explains.

“Only a true master of the bells can weild Astariel but not without a price.” Meddy said concerned.

“Am I going to lose Sabriel?” Gannon said ready to cry

“Not if she gets enough health chips into her. Astariel takes at least 600 HP. We might beable to stabilize her.” Jasmine explains.

“I do not want any mights Jasmine I want promises and for them to be kept…” tears start to form in Gannons eyes. “Sabriel is all if got.”

“Don’t cry Gannon. Jasmine is the bast there is.” Protoman said. “Plus Sabriel did not make to #2 for nothing. She’ll pull through.”

Meddy and Mogget start the procedure to heal Sabriel past 600 HP.

3 hours later…

“The procedure is a success you can go in and visit now.” Mogget notified them.

“Thank you Mogget.” Gannon replied. Gannon went in and he embraced Jasmine. “Thank you Jasmine. For everything.”

Chapter 4 The DNA merge.

3 days after Sabriel went flat line. Everyone meets at ACDC square. Sabriel has a look of anger on her face.

“Gannon has gone paranoid. He won’t let me battle anymore.” Sabriel explained. “I had to wait till he fell asleep to get on. Thanks for meeting me.”

“No problem. So just how is Gannon.” Megaman asked.

“Like I said he is paranoid.” Sabriel told him. “He won’t even let me battle Metaurs. He keeps saying how I am the only pieces of his sister left. What is he talking about? Am I not a Netnavi?”

“Well you are the remnence of his sister Zelda and he hates to see you in pain because you are his little sister.” Mogget explained.

“But still he was so… Out of it. The last time we battled we could not Sync.” Sabriel said.

Then a voice out of no where said, “Then maybe the Officials should handle this, eh, Sabriel.”

“Protoman!!!” Sabriel said.

Protoman appears with Meddy.

“Not only are Jasmine and I good at navis we also good at Psychotherapy. Come to your fathers’ lab tomorrow he wants to talk to both of you in person Jasmine, Proto, Chaud and I will be there with your dad and Mogget. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Meddy insures Sabriel.

Sabriel jacks out suddenly.

“I guess he woke up. He always was a fragile boy. More so than his sister.” Mogget said.

Everyone jumps in surprise.

“How long have you been standing there Mogget?” Mega asks.

The next day. Sabriel and Gannon come to a white room with their father.

“So dad Sabriel said you wanted to see me?” Gannon asked.
“Yes I want to figure out why you won’t let Sabriel battle. Your computer is full of viruses and you won’t liberate them.” Dr. Falco said.

A beam of light appears. Sabriel walks out.

“Yea dad and they are only Metaurs.” Sabriel remarks.

“What?!?! Gannon as your father I am telling you to get rid of those viruses.” Dr. Falco sounds upset.

“Yes, Gannon get rid of them. I have enough fun playing target practice with them.” Mogget said as he walks into the light.

“My buster does 40 damage each hit. They don’t stand a chance.” Sabriel explained.

“Yes but they get stronger everyday.” Gannon argued. “I hate to see you in pain.”

“Well if we defeat them together I’ll protect Sabriel.” Protoman emerges with Chaud.

“Gannon if want to understand Sabriels point of view and vice versa. Then use a portable virtual dimension and this Syncro Chip. To get even closer than before.” Dr. Falco gives them an orb and a chip.

“Fine then but how do I hook it up?” Gannon asks.

“I’ll show you how to do that later, with this uplink.” Megaman and Lan appear out of no where.

Later that day Gannon is walking and he sees dozens of Virtual areas people have up linked and even a bigger one.

“Looks like those guys have learned advanced link. You can link with other areas or create your own area all at the same time. I’ll teach you that later.” Lan says.

When Lan and Gannon get home they start the hook up right away. 3 hours later they have the whole thing hooked up.

“Now point the P.E.T at the orb like me and say Virtual link download. With Mega and Sabriel in there already we will see them soon.” Lan explained.

“Ok then. VIRTUAL LINK DOWNLOAD!!!!!” They both are warped as it seems to the net. Sabriel and Mega were waiting in a corner.

“Gezz these Metaur sure know there multiplication! We have to get rid of them Megaman.” Lan and Megaman cross fuse.

“Lan this would be my first time.” Gannon said concerned.

“Don’t worry just download any chip you may need and then download the Syncro chip like a regular chip.” Lan explained.

“Ok then lets try it. Rana bell, Mosrael bell, Kibeth bell, Dyrim bell, Belgaer bell, Saraneth bell, Astarael bell, and Abhorsen’s Sword Chips in download. Syncro chip in download.” But as she downloads the chip it seems as the chip has tremendous power flowing through it as electricity flies out. With the merger completed they start to wipe out the Mettaur viruses 12 x 12.

In 3 hours it is completed.

“Time to jack out till tomorrow.” Lan uncross fuses with Mega. But as Sabriel and Gannon start to uncross fuse they start to cry in agony.

“What’s wrong with the fusion Lan? It’s rewriting my DNA and RNA.” Gannon asked as he yelled in pain.

“I don’t know Gannon. I’ll get your Dad from the living room.” Lan rushes outside of the sphere. “Dr. Falco I need your help. Gannon is in terrible pain. He needs you to tell him what went wrong with cross fusion.”

They both rush to the scene.

“Jack in Mogget execute. Gannon!!!” Dr. Falco quickly jacks Mogget in and rushes to Gannon’s side.

“Don’t go any closer his DNA is being overwritten and being replaced by his sisters DNA.” Mogget quickly got everyone a safe distance away.

“Look those Mettaur are getting too close.” Lan pointed at some viruses.

“So what they are viruses. They will come back anyway.” Dr. Falco pointed out for Lan.

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Gannon cried out in pain and agony. A white light engulfed him as he walked out of the light.

“I’m okay now.” Gannon points out.

“Not so for those viruses.” Mogget pointed out that the viruses were not in the trash but deleted permanently.
“Such power.” Dr. Falco whispered to no one in particular.

“Better keep an eye on my boy Mogget. I’ll need you monitor his every movement once night falls.” Dr. Falco was not going to miss whatever happened to Gannon.

“Yes David. I’ll keep close eye on Mistress Sabriel and Lord Gannon. If anything happens i’ll let you know.” Mogget nodded his little cat head.

The next day Gannon awoke with 2 things surprising him. One of them being the area was still up and Mogget was staring at him.

“Cup of tea Mistress Abhorsen?” Mogget asked him.

“Mistress Abhorsen?” Gannon said noticing his voice pitch was rather high for a boy his age. Then the other surprising thing he noticed actually happened. He became his sister overnight. “Mogget what happened to me. This better not be your doing.”

“Relax mistress. I didn’t do anything. This was the work of that chip you used.” Mogget explained.

“The Syncro chip? But We used it perfectly.” Gannon said.

“Yes too perfectly I’m afraid. You and Sabriel were both too in sync so you have become what she is not. You are you in mind but not in body.” Mogget tried to explain. Mogget chuckled as he had said something he thought was funny. “Try saying that 3 times fast.”

“Huh!!!” Gannon said confused.

“Let me try to explain better. You are what your sister is not, human. So her desire to live in this world forced the chip to turn you in your human sister, Zelda.” Mogget explain in simple terms.

“She did this to me.” Gannon asked. “She did it unconsciously. She had no Idea she was doing it. She probably still has no idea how or why she did what she did.” Mogget tried to calm the new Gannon down and he did calm her down for a bit.

“Where is Sabriel? I must see if she is okay. If she is still alive.” Gannon rushed to Sabriel’s PET.

“Don’t worry I’m right here.” Sabriel said as stood up from the bedside.

“Oh good you didn’t change.” Gannon started to cry.

“Oh Gannon don’t start the waterworks.” Sabriel said running to hold of Gannon.

“Do I sense sentiment in you Abhorsen?” Mogget asked.

“Mogget please not now Gannon is crying.” Sabriel fired her Megabuster at Mogget’s feet. Mogget howled of course and lept onto the bed.

“Mettaur are coming. Gannon get up we have to get rid of them.” Mogget said.

“I’ll get rid of them with this. Asteroid3 Battlechip in download. Sabriel for my old body.” Gannon downloads the battlechip and Sabriel launches the assault.

“What a weird way to get revenge for ones own self even if you are not you anymore.” Mogget chuckled while whispering.

“That’s it for them.” Sabriel said.

“Now Sabriel we have to tell Dad.” Gannon said.

“Don’t bother your father is telling your mother everything as we speak.” Mogget said. “I told him when it happened and he said he would check on you in the morning.”

Chapter 5 The Advanced Net Meeting.

“Dose Lan know?” Gannon asked.

“Yea he knows.” Dr Falco said. “I called him not 10 mintues ago. We are going to see him now Gannon.”

“You sould not call me Gannon anymore. Call me Zelda. For one I’m not even male anymore. Second I look like my sister so shall I take her life that she could not lead.” Zelda said.

“Yes Mistress Abhorsen.” Mogget said.

"That sounds funny for some reason." Zelda said.

"Maybe because he never said that to you before." Sabriel said. “Up till now he use to saying it to me. But now you are a girl and the Abhorsen too.

At ACDC park Zelda is with her father when she sees Dex, Lan, Mayl, Yai, Dracon, Ace, and Chaud are all there to welcome her. She got a little shy for some odd reason.

"What's wrong Zelda?" Dr. Falco asked.

"I don't know it's like I’m me and her and she does not want to go." Zelda explains.

"Don't fret that will pass." her father tried to calm her down miraculously it worked.

"Ok dad." Zelda began walking again.

"You were right Lan. Gannon has changed a lot." Ace looked surprised.

"That's im-poss-ible." Chaud says as he looks around to see Zelda and he begins to blush.

"We can't talk here lets hook up. Zelda do you have the Ol (Orb Link)?" Lan asks.

"No my father has it." Zelda replied. Dr. Falco gives Lan the Ol.

"Everyone jack in your navies!!" Lan orders them. "JACK IN. POWER UP." Every one but Sabriel in jacked in.

"JACK IN! SABRIEL!! HOOK UP, DOWNLOAD!!!" Zelda has to hook up to the squirrel comp.

After a 5 minute break to sync they start to plan what they are going to do for the day.

"Ok Chaud wants to map out the parks squirrel comp so we can have the advantage against Nebula. Protoman and Sabriel will take the far left, Gutsman and I will take the closer left, Cyberman and Blademan will take Closer right, finally Crimzon and Mogget will take the far right." Megaman explains the plan.

"Hey you know the far right has virus galore, and you know I dislike fighting." Mogget complains.

"Fine Crimzon and Dracon you 2 take the far right. Mogget and Cyberman will take the closer right." Lan changes the plan to suit Moggets Battle less strategy.

Chapter 6 Far left corner

“Alright let’s go everyone.” Lan went to the close left hand corner with Dex (everyone is synced so everyone will be named by the Netop).Zelda and Chaud went off the far left hand corner.

“Alright let’s go Chaud!!” Zelda gets Rana and WideShot at the ready.

“Right there may not be a lot of viruses here but they are stronger than the others.” Chaud gets the map maker and his Life Sword ready. Then Metty’s (advanced Mettaurs) started popping up.

“Get ready, set, and go!!!” Zelda read the book that was with Sabriel the night before which was titled: The Book of the Dead. She read everything that was linked with the bells. She knew how to wield them better than Sabriel herself. She drew Rana and rung it in the 8 spiral motion that the book showed her. The viruses were frozen in their tracks. “Now let just see if they can respond to my WideShot.”

Zelda let Sabriel take over because Sabriel knew how to use WideShot better than Zelda. Chaud looked amazed and surprised at how they have actually made a strategy linked to their new form. Chaud and Protoman still have a few bugs to work out. Now they had to prove they were the best against what Sabriel and Zelda have.

“Muhahahahahahahaha. You 2 are going to be my supper.” A voice said. “Shademan show yourself. I’ll finish the job I did finish at Ewl Tower Comp.” Zelda demanded.

“Shademan you cannot hide!!!” Chaud demanded.

“I see my food hates to wait but I want a full course meal. Having the Abhorsen is not a full course meal if I don’t have her friends.” Shademan chuckled.

“That’s it I’m glad I have Yai for friend. Plusar3’s Battlechips in upload!!!” Zelda decided “If he won’t come out peacefully. He will come out in pieces.”

“Plusar3’s battlechips in download.” Chaud downloaded his Plusar3’s.

“PULSAR BLAST!!!! PROGRAM ADVANCED!!!” They both shout and the blast erupts the entire field. When they are done Shademan is found and Chaud deletes Shademan with his LifeSword.

“GAAAAAAAAAAAH! I’ll come back. You cannot stop me.” Shademan yelled.

Chapter 7 Close left corner

Once Lan and Dex are through the jump gate they see Mettaur. At least 12 waves coming there way.

“Alright Dex lets get them.” Lan uses some of the cannons he has.

"I'll take care of this Lan. Zelda showed me a Program Advance I can perform with Gutsman." Dex gets ready to perform the P.A.

"Ready Gutspunch, Guts Cannon, Guts Machinegun."

“Program Advance!!!" The computer said.

"Guts Machine Cannon Punch!!!!" Dex launches the attack he takes out 2 waves with the Punch then 7 with the Machine Gun Cannon and he was still going. Suddenly he just stopped.

"What power! I never even thought Megaman and I could have such power." Lan thought.

"Hey Dex do Zelda and Sabriel know any for Me and Megaman?" Lan asked.

"Oh yea she told me to give you a new soul and with it a new power. Up loading now." Dex told Lan.

"Wow, Abhorsen Soul." Lan loved it. "ABHORSEN SOUL DOWNLOAD!!!!"

Lan was engulfed by a white light. When the light dissipated he was wearing Sabriel’s armor, Bells, and Sword. More viruses were coming.

"Now try the new power you have." Dex advised.

"Rana Abhorsen shot." Lan just uploaded his new power. In a split second they were overcome by the bell Rana fell asleep and at the same time he launched the attack with the same power that Dex and Gutsman had, at the same time he heard Sabriel’s voice.

"The P.A. you just used can only be this powerful if the navi and operator are bonded by love, friendship, and my fathers Syncrochip. It has not been mastered for since the program for it was created.

“Then I’ll be the one to master it.” Lan said when he slowly regained consciousness.

“Woh Lan you blacked out on the first bell. That’s weak dude.” Dex said.

“Well why don’t you try it.” Lan suggested.

“Thanks but I can’t. The program’s made by Sabriel and Zelda are only meant for the people she gives them to.” Dex explained.

“Oh well then let keep going.” Lan moved on as if nothing ever happened, but right behind them virus outlines were being deleted from the immense power used against them.

“Woooooooooosssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Master Regal will be pleased if I kill you both.” A voice menacingly said.

“Blizzardman!!!!” Lan knew who the voice was coming from.

“Blizzardman?” Dex was confused.

“Blizzardman was a Darkloid that we defeated several times. Now he’s back again.” Lan explained.

“Now I’ll defeat you both.” Blizzardman attacked with a giant snowball. “Blizzard barrel!!!”

Then Blizzardman brought out a machinegun that fired for water damage.

“Look out Dex!!!” Lan warned him. Dex was able to dodge just in time.

“Now Program Advanced. G.M.C.P.” Dex readied his G.M.C.P.

“Now SARANETH ABHORSEN SHOT.” Lan readied his arm for the attack. This time though he did not black out. This arm had a WideSword and the inscribed markings of the bell Saraneth. When he fired the bell shall sound in the distance and the whole sword shall fire a WideShot doing electric damage to the enemy. Fortunately the G.M.C.P. can and will change it’s element to the enemies weakness.

“FIRE!!!” they both fired at the same time with double the power that they used against the Mettaur.

“The more powerful the target the more powerful the attack is.” Lanm heard Sabriel say.

“Holy Megabuster!!! That was powerful.” Lan exclaimed.

“Nooooooooooooooooo!!! Such power is impossible for navies to obtain. I’m being permanently deleted. Nooooooooooooooooooooo…!!!” Blizzardman could not finish his sentence because his mouth was deleted.

Chapter 8 The close right hand side

Once Dr. Falco and Ace went through the warp they saw no viruses what so ever.

“It’s quiet. Too quiet.” Ace said.

“Don’t waist it. I don’t like fighting as much as you crazed navies.” Mogget explain in a harsh tone. “I abore fighting with all my being. Abstaining from battle is always best.”

“Why Mogget are you scared?” Cyberman was chuckling while he said that.

“Wow was that your laugh of the year Cyberman?” Mogget said sarcastically. Before they knew it a giant asteroid came rushing at them. Fortunately they were able to dodge it.

“Cosmoman!!!” all 4 said at the same time.

“You are supposed to be dead. Sealed at the boarder of the 6th and 7th Gate.” Mogget hissed.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Yrael. The one who imprisoned me and the others.” Cosmoman said.

“Like Mogget said you are supposed to be wandering Death. Sealed between Gates 6 and 7.” Ace said.

“True evil never dies.” Cosmoman said.

“You got that right. I felt a presence here and in the other 3 portals. 2 are now gone. Looks like only you and your last recruit Cosmoman. Well finish you once and for all.” Cyberman’s tone was harsh and tense.

“I’ll take care of this Ace.” Dr. Falco stepped up.

“But what about Mogget not liking to fight?” Ace asked.

“Mogget is not in charge right now is he?” Dr.Falco said.

“No. No I’m not, and I’m glad, too.” Mogget said clearly.

“So what is your battle plan this time David. You going bind me to the River of Death. Because as you can see it didn’t work last time.” Cosmoman pointed out.

“I’ll try again. Because the spell will be more powerful now that me and Mogget are crossfused.” As Dr. Falco said that he was pulling up the symbols for binding. They shone brighter than before.

“That signals for me to leave before the Spell is complete.” As Cosmoman begins to leave something stops him. It was Ace and Cyberman holding him in place. Once the spell was complete they had to hit him hard enough so that he would be deleted and so that he could be bound before deletion.

“Memory saved and downloaded.” Cyberman said before shut down. As Ace took his sword and thrusted it into Cosmoman’s back he was beginning to delete.

“I call upon the power of the 7 bells.” David said.

At the far left corner.

“My bells are shaking. Father must have met up with Cosmoman again. That means the last one must be Cloudman.” Sabriel said. She was quite sure of herself.

Back at the close right hand side.

“Nooooooooooooooooo. Not again. I will not be held prisoner by this spell again. Remember true evil doesn’t die. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!” Cosmoman said at the last second.

With that Cosmoman was defeated and he was bound in Death. David about collapsed but Mogget caught him and took over the body before he fell.

“That’ll hold him. For a long time.” Mogget said chuckling.

Chapter 9 Far Right Hand Side

“Let’s go Shadow. Time to delete some viruses.” Dracon was as gear as ever.

“Fine. Crimzon wants to stretch his legs.” Shadow said.

As they enter the area they find the place over run with clouds and viruses.

“Look those Mettaur are very scared.” Shadow pointed out.

“Those aren’t normal Mettaur Shadow. Those Mettaur are the Mettaur from the Village of Harmless Viruses. We’ve got to help them.” Dracon points out.

“Need some help?” Zelda pops out of no where.

“You 2 have to stop doing that it’s unnatural.” Dracon said.

“Yea so you guys are going to run into a trap. I’ll set off the trap you take care of the Darkloid that pops out of it.” Zelda explains how Chaud and her ran into Shademan.

“If my calculations are correct you 2 will run into Cloudman. I’ll set off the trap and you guys kill him.” Zelda runs off to set off the trap.

“Hahahahahahahaha. You have run into my trap Abhorsen.” Cloudman pops up.

“Oh yea well I set up a trap my self. NOW!!!!” At that time Dracon and Shadow jump out at him.

“BLADE STRIKE!!!” Dracon rolls out into a ball rolls at Cloudman with unbelievable speed.

“CRIMZON FLASH!!!” A ball of black light is shot out of a Megabuster- like Cannon arm.

“Now to save the Village of Harmless Viruses. Wait this is The Village of Vaccines.” Zelda gets rid of the clouds and the vaccines rush to her and clean her systems. “Wow thank you guys. Aren’t you guys the cutest vaccines I’ve ever seen.”

As she said that the vaccines blushed. They began to shiver again.

“Time to delete some viruses.” Dracon and Shadow said.

“Don’t you dare harm them. They are vaccines that what to live with me. Don’t worry we’ll get you guys to fighting power in no time. We’ll make you so powerful you’ll be able to defeat both Dracon and Shadow. Maybe even advance you to your next level.” Sabriel said. They all rejoiced except Shadow and Dracon.

“Why you little. If you were not the Abhorsen and my friend I would delete you where you stood.” Mushra jacked out of the comps.

“Hey I’m stronger than he is so I can train with them. That is if you feel like bringing them back several times.” Dracon joked.

“Ok then I’ll breed them too so that we can have more vaccines like them to give out. The first set will be your’s Dracon. Then the others will be sold.” Zelda promised.

Chapter 10 Vaccine Training

The next day even Mushra showed up to see the new profession Zelda picked up. Vaccine Training.

“Alright Mettaur slam your picks down on the ground to make a wave of energy. Spikys you use your Heatshots like I showed you yesterday. Powies use your Quake like I showed you. Billies use your Electric Reel like I showed you. Finally my Favorite Larks use your WideShot like I showed you.” Zelda was the perfect teacher for these vaccines. They were the vaccine forms of her favorite viruses.

“Now my turn. Zomons uses Area Grab, then follow up with a weakened life strike. Swordies use long sword. Cattanks move forward and use Tank blow. Wind boxes blow and blow till I say stop. CanGaurds Markcannon. Now full on assult.” Dracon was the best with these vaccines. This was the same as the vaccines with Zelda. The bells then began to try and sound of their own accord.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!! This time you will not escape Abhorsen, Abhorsen- in- training, and Mogget. We will destroy you now while we have the chance.” as the words were spoken the area was covered in darkness.

“As I stand here The Abhorsen shall not move.” at the same time Zelda felt weak.

“As I stand here Mogget Shall not move.” Dr. Falco felt weak as the words were spoken.

“As I stand here The Abhorsen- in- training shall not move.” Lan felt weaker as those word were spoken.

“As I stand here the bells shall not move.” At the same time the bells stopped trying to sound as they had before.

“They are back. All of them.” As Dex said those words Cosmoman, Shademan, Cloudman, and Blizzardman appeared.

“Im-poss-ible. I sealed you away in death Cosmoman.” Dr. Falco complained.

“Yea. Shademan and Blizzardman’s outlines were destroyed by overpowered P.A.’s.” Zelda complained.

“Well we did not fair as well as you guys did Cloudman was able to resurrect himself. Sorry.” Dracon said.

“Great since Cloudman was allowed to come back he resurrected them all and freed Cosmoman. All of you will have to break the Free Magic that binds us.” Zelda explained that once they move from the spot they were at they would be able to move again.

“Fine then we’ll take care of this in no time.” Dracon rushes at Cosmoman and slices at him. He accually moved out of the way.

“My turn now.” Chaud rushed at Cloudman. He moved out of the way. The bells and Zelda were free.

“Now time to end this. Abhorsen blast!!!” Zelda used her ansestrial shot.

Cosmoman, Cloudman, Shademan, and Blizzardman all went to their previous forms. Cosmoman Meteor virus, Cloudman  Billy virus, Shademan Batty virus, Blizzardman Weather virus.

“Now vaccines in training its up to you. If you defeat these viruses you will be upped to true vaccine status.” Zelda and Dracon shout.

“Now Mettaur and Canguard viruses take out the Weather virus aka Blizzardman. Cattanks and Wind boxes destroy the Billy virus aka Cloudman. Zomons take care of the Meteor virus aka Cosmoman. Billies and Larks take care of the Batty virus known aka Shademan.” Zelda said.

“Oh $#!@. That’s not fair you took are true souls and used them to power up your bells” As Meteor said that they were deleted.

“Uh Sabriel, Zelda. Since I’m the apperentice and all could you please train me in the way of The Abhorsen so that I can be ready when I’m alone.” Lan asked the both of them. (They speak like twins sometimes)

“Sure we’ll train you, but it will be harsh do not take the training wisely and you will get deleted.” They both said directly in sync with the others tone of voice.

“I can handle anything. Don’t worry about me.” Lan said.

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