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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Friendship · #1823245
Sorry for any typos, it's about a girl her wants to be somthing she's not

The In Crowd
By: Kyo Henderson Wolf
There, the preps, jocks, emos, skaters, stoners, dancers, and the geeks, you name it, my school got it. Their, all the same, a diffrent group for eveyone. Except me. I wish I could be apart of something, but I can't. Hi, I'm Kyo Wolf. I'm not actually sure what I am. I just want to be in the in crowd!

Summer is over, which means school. Great, another place where people have no idea I exsite. Don't get me wrong, I have two great friends, but just two.
"Hey, Kyo!" A tall-ish guy with green eyes, and short black hair said.
"Hey, Mitchel." I said, writing in my journal.
"What are you writing?" Mitchel asked, trying to see what I was writing.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Nothing, always mean something." Mitchel said and took my journal.
"Hey! Give that back!" I yelled at him throwing my pokemon pencil at him.
"Oh, Kyo, has a crush on a cute guy with green eyes." Mitchel said winking at me.
"It's not you." I said.
"Then who?" He asked.
"Nick." I said.
"Jock Nick?" Mitchel asked.
"No, Nick from Canada." I replied sarcasticly.
"You know jocks like him just want one thing." Mitchel said.
I started to talk, "Yeah, but maybe he's diffrent."
"Dout it." Mitchel said giving me back my journal.
"Whatever," I said eating my ham sandwhich, "Hey, I thought you said you were going to wear a short sleeve shirt?"
"I um, changed my mind." Mitchel said.
"Dang it, I really wanted to see you in one. You won't even wear a short sleeve shirt in the summer." I said smiling.
"Hey! Kyo! Mitchel!" A short girl with purple hair and grey eyes yelled.
"Hey! Kelly!" Mitchel and I said together.
"What are we talking about?" Kelly asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"Oh, okay." Kelly said feeling like she was left out.
Kelly, is a beautiful sixteen year old girl, who can get her feelings hurt real easily, but Mitchel and I are to busy to even notice. Mitchel, is the same age as me, so fiftheen, and he's always hiding something.
"So, I have a question, can you get anymore sluttier in that outfit?" I asked Kelly.
"Yes, but I don't want to." Kelly said.
"Oh, wow." I laughed.
"Oh no! I forgot about homecoming!" Kelly yelled.
"So, it's not like I'm going." I said.
"Your a jr.! Your going." Kelly said.
"No, I'm not." I replied.
"No, your going with, me and Mitchel!" Kelly said, using inproper english.
"Fine." I said.
"Good, just us friends forever." Kelly said.

Gym class. Now, we have gym with the guys, great.
"Okay! Everyone, we're going to play tackle football." The gym teacher said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Now, I'll choose the teams." The teacher said.
She chose the teams, and like always I'm with Mtichel and Kelly, except this time Nick is on our team.
"Alright! Since I'm the school's football team captian, I'll be this team captian." A kid with green eyes and short blonde hair said.
"Nick, that isn't fair." Another guy with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and glasses said.
"Jasper, I don't care." Nick replied.
"But." Jasper said.
"No buts." Nick said.
I can't believe I'm about to say this.
"Jasper's right." I said.
Everyone on my team looked at me.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Nick asked.
"I'm Kyo Wolf." I replied.
"What's your label?" Nick asked again.
"I'm, not sure." I replied again.
"No label, no decision." Nick said.
I got shot down, by Nick! We are all on the football field. Kelly, Mitchel, and I are all walking together.
"I'm  so sorry, Kyo." Kelly said.
"For what?" I asked.
"For making a fool of yourself." She replied.
"Thanks, you just boosted my confidence even more." I said.
"Hey, thanks, Kyo right?" Jasper asked.
"Your welcome, but aren't you two like bestfriends?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, he's just a jerk, and he's dating Tiffiney." Jasper replied.
"I wish I was her." I mummbled to myself.
"What?" Jasper asked.
"Nothing." I replied and Jasper left.
"Kyo!" Nick yelled throwing the football.
I turned around, and the football nailed me in the head. I fell to the ground.
"Ow." I said laying on the ground.
"Kyo!" Mitchel yelled.
"Is she okay?" Jasper asked.
"Ow." I said again.
Mitchel helped me up.
"You alright?" Mitchel asked.
"Yeah, I think, maybe a concusion." I said.
"Mitchel, take her to the nurse." The gym teacher said.
"Yes, mam." Mitchel said holding on to me, to make sure I don't fall.
"Jasper." Nick said.
"Yeah?" Jasper asked.
"She, should of caught the ball." Nick said holding Tiffiney's hand.
"Yeah, it's her fault." Jasper said sarcasticly.
"I knew you would agree with me." Nick said.
"Are you sure your okay." Mitchel asked.
"No." I replied.
"I'm telling you, Nick is not worth it," Mitchel said, "And, I heard you say, that you wish that you were Tiffiney."
"I need a label, I need to be in the in crowd." I said.
"No, you don't." Mitchel said.
"No one even knows that I excist." I said.
"Jasper does." Mitchel said.
"Yeah, but that's Jasper, no one knew him, until he won a football game by himself against the Foxes." I said.
"Then, you need to do something, that everyone will remember you for." Mitchel looked at me smiling and noding his head.
"What?" I asked.
"Come on." Mitchel said picking me up and taking me to his car.
Oh, the legal age for driveing in Wolf city, is fifteen.
"We're skipping?" I asked.
"Yep." He replied.
"I can't skip, what if my Uncle finds out?" I asked.
"He won't." Mitchel said starting his car and turning on the radio.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Anywhere." Mitchel said.
"Well, anywhere is where we'll go." I said.

My phone went off.
"Who is it?" Mitchel asked.
"My Uncle." I said.
"What, pick up." Mitchel said alittle freaked out.
"Hey, Uncle." I said.
"Where are?" My Uncle asked.
"Uncle, I'm anywhere." I said.
Eveyone calls my Uncle, Uncle.
"Well, get back to school." Uncle replied.
"Um, Mitchel wants to talk to you." I quickly gave my phone to Mitchel.
Mitchel looked at me.
"Hey, Uncle." Mitchel said.
"You, know we have security camrea's." Uncle said.
"When did you get those?" Mitchel asked like Uncle and him were "pals."
"Yesterday." He replied.
"Of course." Mitchel said.
"Get back to school." Uncle said and hung up.
"Well?" I asked.
"Well, we're in trouble, and have to go back to school, now." Mitchel said.
"Great, and I just wanted to hang out with you, just me and you." I said.
I knew Mitchel since we were in preschool.
"Really?" Mitchel sat up excited.
"Yeah, I wanted to figure out away for me to be in the in crowd." I said.
"Oh, right." Mitchel said less excited.
We're back at school.
"Kyo, Mitchel, to your Uncle's office." The lady at the front desk said.
"Right." I said and we went to Uncles office.
"Hey, Uncle, what's up?" Mitchel asked.
"Sit." Uncle said looking at us, like he was ready to kill us.
"Uncle, I'm sorry." I was interupted.
"Save it, now I'm going to call Derek, and Brittney." Uncle said.
"No, please not my older sister!" Mitchel pleaded.
"And not Derek!" I said.
"Oh, yes, now get to class." Uncle said picking up his phone.
"History we go." I said.
Mitchel was smiling.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, it's just that, today was the best day ever," Mitchel said, "I mean besides the first day I met you."
"The first time I met you, I kicked you in the shin." I said.
"Yeah, and I still have that bruise." He replied.
I laughed and he laughed too.

School's over for today.
"I can't belive you skipped, Kyo." Kelly said.
"Neither can I." I replied.
"I can't believe we got caught." Mitchel said.
"Hey, my bro is picking me up, love you guys." Kelly said, and walked to her brother's car.
"So, you need a ride?" Mitchel asked.
"Please, and let's avoid taking me to my house." I said.
"So, you want to go to anywhere?" Mitchel asked.
"I would love to." I replied.
"Hey, Kyo!" Jasper yelled.
"Hey, Jasper." I said.
"Nick's having a party tomorrow, and I need a date." Jasper said.
"Yeah, it's not my fault I'm the only girl who talks to you." I said.
"No, will you go with me?" Jasper asked.
When Jasper asked me, I thought this would be my chance to get closer to Nick.
"Yes!" I said with no second thought.
"Well, your going to be needing a dress." Jasper said and took me to his car.
"Seeya later, Mitchel!" I said walking away.
"Great, I guess I'm going anywhere by myself." Mitchel said to himself.
Mitchel picked up his phone and called Kelly.
"Hey, Mitchel!" Kelly said.
"Hey, did you know that Nick is having a party tomorrow?" Mitchel asked.
"Yeah, you want to crash it with, Kyo?" Kelly asked.
"Kyo is already going to be there, you and I just have to crash it." Mitchel said.
"Wait what?" Kelly asked.
Mitchel hung up.
"Hello, Mitchel?" Kelly was talking to her phone.

It's Saturday, and I'm at Nick's party! Me, I'm finally something.
"I love your outfit." Jasper said.
"Thanks, but I got some help from my date." I repled.
"Thank you." Jasper replied.
"Ah, Jasper, you actually have a date." Nick said.
"Yep, and it's a real girl." Jasper said.
"Jasper, can I talk to you for a second?" Nick pulled Jasper to the side.
"What is it?" Jasper asked.
"Don't say stupid things at my party." Nick said and patted Jasper on the back.
"But, how am I supose to act?" Jasper asked and Nick ignored him.
"Ready to go in, Kelly?" Mitchel asked.
"You bet." Kelly said.
"Hey! Eveyone! Sorry we're late!" Mitchel walked in like he "owned" the place.
"Hey, isn't that your friend?" Jasper asked.
"Yes, what is he doing here?" I asked.
"Rooster, what are you doing at my house?" Nick asked.
"You know, just making this lame party, totally rock!" Mitchel yelled.
Mitchel's last name is Rooster.
"Mitchel!" I yelled, and pulled him aside.
"Yeah?" Mitchel asked.
"What, why, I can't belive you." I said.
"What, I'm saving you from total darkness." Mitchel said.
"This is finally my chance to be in the in crowd, don't ruin it for me." I said.
"So, what you want to be in the in crowd?" Mitchel asked.
"Get out!" I pushed him out.
"Come on, Kelly, I see where we are not wanted!" Mitchel yelled.
"So, who want's to party?" I yelled.
Everyone went back to dancing.
"Woah, good thing your not friends with that idiot." Nick said.
"Well, what would happen if I was friends with him?" I asked.
"I would kick you out of my house, and out of this crowd." Nick said.
"Yeah, good thing I'm not friends with him." I said.
"yeah, good thing." Nick said and walked to Tiffiney.
"Hey, go after your friends." Jasper said.
"Why should I?" I asked.
"Because, at one point, I was just like you." Jasper said.
"You were a girl?" I asked.
"No, I had two great friends, and then Nick took me under his wing." Jasper said.
"So?" I asked.
"So, I lost my two bestfriends, who were always there for me, just to have a label." Jasper replied.
"Now they hate you?" I asked.
"Yeah, I had no label, but I wanted to be something, and now I hate it." Jasper said.
"Then, would you mind if I look for them?" I asked.
"Your going to be needing a ride." Jasper winked at me.
"You have a car?" I asked.
"No, but Nick does." Jasper showed me Nick's car keys.
Jasper started Nick's car, and drove off.
"Tiff, go check on my car." Nick said to his girlfriend.
"Yes sir." Tiffiney said and went to his car.
Five seconds later, everyone heard a scream.
"Tiff? What's wrong?" Nick asked.
Tiffiney just pointed.
"Someone took my car!" Nick yelled.
"Wow, a 97 mustang." I said.
"Yep, it's his favorite car." Jasper said turning up the radio.

"Hey, there they are." I said.
Jasper pulled over.
"Wait, I mean there he is." I said getting out of Nick's car.
Where was Kelly?
"Mitchel!" I yelled running up to Mitchel.
"Oh, here to defriend me?" Mitchel asked.
I could tell he was still a little mad.
"No, I'm here to apoligize." I replied.
"Better be glad, I can forgive you." Mitchel said.
"Thank you, I'm so sorry, it's just that I wanna be someone." I said.
"Wow, I knew you couldn't change in less than five minutes." Mitchel said and started walking off.
"What did I say?" I asked.
Mitchel just ignored me. He kept on walking, not even looking back.
"Jasper, what did I do wrong?" I asked.
Jasper was gone, and so was the car.
"I'm all alone," I said to myself, "Jasper was right."
I called my older brother, Derek to pick me up.
"Thanks for picking me up." I said getting into Derek's car.
"Anytime, but why can't Kelly, or Mitchel take you home?" Derek asked.
"They hate me." I said trying not to cry.
"What did you do?" Derek asked starting his car.
"I wanted to be in the in crowd." I replied wipping the tears off my face.
"Are you?" Derek asked.
"Yes." I said looking out the window.
"Then what's wrong with that?" Derek asked.
"I lost the two greastest things to me." I replied turning on my phone.
"Kelly, and Mitchel." Derek said.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Well, that happen to me." Derek said.
"Really?" I sounded confused.
"Yeah, but at the end I got my real friends back." Derek said.
I sarted to talk, "How?"
"I went to homecoming, and sung a song to my friends. That's how I ended dating Lisney." Derek replied.
"Thanks, tomorrow at homecoming, I will sing." I said getting out of the car.
Derek is five foot nine, he has long brown hair, and brown eyes.
"No problem." Derek said turning off his car.

"Derek, thanks for driving me." I said getting out of his car.
"Anytime." Derek said and drove off.
"Okay, Kyo, ready to sing?" I asked myself.
"Alright everyone!" The dj yelled, "We got one student who wants to sing!"
I can't believe I'm doing this.
"Following in her brother's footsteps." The dj yelled.
"How does he know my brother?" I asked myself.
"Fifteen year old, Kyo Wolf!" The dj yelled.
I walked on stage, everyone was quiet and staring at me.
"When ever your ready, Kyo." The dj said.
I sang the same song that my older brother sang, when it was over, I went off the stage and was searching for Mitchel and Kelly.
"Hey." Jasper said.
"Hey, why did you leave me?" I asked.
"Nick found out I took his car, and now he hates me." Jasper said.
"Did you see Mitchel or Kelly anywhere?" I asked.
"Kelly is sick, and Mitchel is over there." Jasper pointed to a kid sitting in the corner of the gym.
"Thanks." I said.
"Good luck." Jasper patted me on the back.
"Um, Mitchel." I said.
"Great, what do you want?" Mitchel asked getting up.
"You, to be my friend, again." I said.
"I don't think I can forgive." Mitchel replied.
"Please, I know I am an idiot, and I know I can't fix the damage." I said.
"Your right, you can't, and I'm sorry, but I can't be your friend." Mitchel said walking away.
I ran up to the stage and grabbed the mic.
"Mitchel Noah Rooster, I know you hate me right now, but, but," I felt like I couldn't finish that sentence, but I did, "I love you. I mean I love you more than just friends!"
Everyone looked at me.
"Why, I didn't tell you earlier was because I was to much into Nick, who's a total jerk, I don't want to be in the in crowd," I yelled, "I wanna be in your crowd."
Everyone was just looking at me.
"Please, I love you, Mitchel!" I yelled.
I got off stage and ran up to Mitchel.
"I'm sorry." I said.
We were in the middle of the gym.
"You better be glad your cute." Mitchel said.
"Kiss!" Jasper yelled.
Then everyone started chanting Kiss.
"Well, you hear what everyone wants." Mitchel said.
We kissed. It was like fireworks, my first kiss with my bestfriend.
"So, you want to go anywhere?" Mitchel asked.
"I would love to." I said walking to his car.

"So, what did I miss last night?" Kelly asked walking up to Mitchel.
"Nothing much." Mitchel replied.
"Oh, there's Kyo, are we talking to her again?" Kelly asked.
"Yes." Mitchel replied.
"Okay, good, I can't talk to you, about cute guys!" Kelly said running up to me.
Kelly, hugged me.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked alittle uncomfortable.
"Oh, nothing much." Kelly replied, smiling.
"Hey, Mitchel," I walked up to him and hugged him, "What's up?"
"Woah, Kyo, hugging Mitchel, and Mitchel isn't even freaking out." Kelly said.
"Yeah, I like hugs, from a girl." Mitchel said.
"What's going on!" Kelly yelled.
"Mitchel, you didn't tell her?" I asked.
"Oops, sorry." Mitchel said.
Kelly started to talk, "Tell me what?"
"That Mitchel and I are dating." I said.
"No way!" Kelly yelled.
"Yeah, the whole school knows." Jasper came out of nowhere.
"What? And I didn't! How?" Kelly asked really excited.
"Well, I dissed Nick, and found out I actually have feelings for Mitchel." I said eating a banana.
"You! Dissed! Nick!" Kelly yelled in shock.
"Yeah." I replied.
Nick walked by.
"I hope, you like your lame boyfriend." Nick said.
"He's not lame, he's hot." I said.
"And, to think I was going to ask you OUT." Nick said like he didn't care about me.
I know he's jealous.
"Too, late." I replied.
"Come on, Jasper, let's leave these losers." Nick said starting to walk away.
"No!" Jasper yelled.
"What?" Nick asked.
"I'm sick of you, I can't take it, because of you, you made me loose my two bestfriends!" Jasper yelled.
"What, those two av geeks?" Nick asked in a bullying tone.
The two av geeks were right behind Jasper.
"You call them geeks, I call them friends." Japser said.
"No way, you really feel like that?" A girl with brown pig tails, glasses, and braces asked.
"Really?" A guy with black hair, bright blue eyes, braces, and a t-shirt with a robot on it asked.
"Yeah, I do." Jasper replied.
"Fine, leave, everything that you have!" Nick yelled.
"No, everyting that you have." The two geeks said.
We all laughed at Nick. Nick left.
"Wow, what a loser." I laughed.
"Yeah really." Kelly giggled.
"So, Jasper, who are your friends?" Mitchel asked.
"Um, the girl is Anna, and the guy is Ryan." Jasper said.
"Cool." Mitchel replied.

At my house.
"I can't belive your dating, Mitchel." Kelly said.
"Come on, it's been a week!" I said getting sick of Kelly's cmplaining.
"I don't get what you can see in, Mitchel." Kelly said eating popcorn.
"What's that suppose to me?" I asked.
"I mean, he's diffrent." Kelly said.
"Diffrent?" I asked.
"Yeah, like he's Special, but not, so like not cute." Kelly said.
"Really?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, I mean, he's not my type." Kelly said.
"Oh really, what is your type?" I aksed.
"Av geeks." Kelly said.
"No way!" I yelled.
"Yeah, and I do like Jasper." Kelly said.
"Wow." I said softly.
"But, Mitchel is ugly!" Kelly complained.
"I"m right here!" Mitchel yelled.
"Oh, Kyo, why talk about your boyfriend like that?" Kelly asked acting like she had nothing to do with it.
"Shut up." I giggled.
"That's not a nice word." Kelly said.
"No, your right, but i do know alot of others." I said.
"Oh, I love you guys." Mitchel said.
"But me more, right?" Kelly asked.
"Sure." Mitchel said.
"Ha, in your face!" Kelly said.
"He was being sarcastic." I replied with a straight face.
"Oh, I know that." Kelly said.
"Wow." Mitchel and I said together.
"I like this." Kelly said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Just us, friends forever." Kelly winked.

Well, looks like everthing turned out just fine. I found out that I don't need to be someone, just to fit in. Mitchel learned that Kelly does get her feelings hurt real easily. Kelly learned that if you get dressed like a slut, you'll be treated like one. Nick learned that he's not the only kid with a problem Finally, Jasper learned that he only needs real friends to be happy. So, I guess everyone learnded something. And, Nick, well, I still feel like he could change. But oh well, aslong as I'm happy with Mitchel, and my friends, it's all good. What can I say, friends forever.
© Copyright 2011 Kyo Henderson Wolf (chimchim22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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