Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1822903-Jamis-Dream-working-on-title
by Krissi
Rated: · Other · Other · #1822903
Just a short story based off a dream my little sister had
Jami sat straight up. Cold sweat lined her forehead. The room was pitch black. What had awaken her? Had something makde a noise? She was sure that she heard a scream. Maybe it was just her dream – Her dream! What had it been about? It seemed so real… Someone was trying to tell her something very important. And then there was that… that… what was it? *Knock Knock*
“Jami, wake up. It’s your birthday. You are almost 15.” Phebe, Jami’s 18 year old sister, and Wendy, her mother, walked over to her bed .Still trying to recall what was in her dream, she mumbled a thank you.
“It’s a wonder how you can ever see anything in here.” Phebe said as she yanked open the curtains that seemed to be specially designed to snuff out any ray of sunshine that signaled that it was morning. Wendy frowned as she looked at her young daughter.
“Jami darling, are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost”
“Hm? Uh yeah. I mean no. I mean… It’s my birthday! I forgot!”
Phebe giggled. “How can you forget your birthday?”
Her mother smiled and stroked Jami’s hair. “Yes. It is a very important day. And tonight at 10:05 we will celebrate the moment you were born, just like we have always done.”
Phebe seemed to be bouncing with excitement as she pulled her mother out of the room. Winking at Jami she left and said “You better hurry! We have a special breakfast for you and an extra special surprise tonight.”
Jami stood up and walked across the room to her mirror.
“15.” She thought as she closely examined her reflection. “I don’t feel different… I don’t look different.” Sigh. It was like this every year. Each time her birthday came around she closely inspected herself looking for… something. Something different. Something that proved she had changed. “I guess age really is just a number… I guess I haven’t really changed at all.” She walked out of her room and as she reached to close her door, a tingle of excitement rushed through her entire body. A sudden thought came to her, as if she had heard it rather than thought it. “This birthday is going to be different, going to be special.”
When Jami walked through the kitchen door the first thing she saw was a crazed 5 year old tackling her to the ground in a huge bear hug. Jami groaned and rolled Liza off of her stomach. Liza giggled and started singing Happy Birthday. Liza was actually Jami's cousin but her mom died and her dad was having a hard time so Jami's parents offered to take her in for a while. She had been there for two months but no one was really used to the situation yet. Liza bonded quickly enough but it was just too much for her sometimes. She would often wake the entire household up with her screams when she had a nightmare. It would take the entire family nearly three hours to calm her down every time but it would always end with the sweetest little smile you have ever seen, a bear hug, and a 'I love you' for everyone when she trudged off to bed. Now she was chattering about some of the day's plans, more excited than even Jami was about the birthday.
© Copyright 2011 Krissi (lostwriter2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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