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A young girl with budding hormones and ideas of romance from fairy tales and such. Enjoy. |
She was a princess. Like any girl her age, and social standing she was being auctioned off like cattle by her father, a peace between kingdoms. Alliances made by marriage and marital right. She was tormented. A girl of sixteen, with hopes of love and honest devotion. She longed for a handsome prince and a happy ending. She longed for romance. Adventure. Excitement. A love affair like the fairy tales and myths she was taught. She sat in her garden, watching the sun disappear from behind the castle walls of her home. She laid upon the fields of flowers day dreaming as the sun disappeared. Her golden wheat hair sprawled out in to the flower bed. Her skin pale and white against the dark green bed of grass. She tittled a rose in her hand playfully. She watched the sky darken with her abnormal lavender eyes. She never understood how she got them. Her father had eyes of chocolate and her mother the eyes of the deep blue sapphire. She relished in the fact that she had such a difference. It made her more exotic. More cherished. All the suitors were wary of her eyes. Many thought her cursed. Others found her a rare object that they must add to their collection like some trophy. She had just grown into her womanly body. Her breast round and full. An impressive size for a girl in her kingdom. A small waist pinched by the binds of a corset. Her thighs full and a perfect ass. She knew that it was against her fathers wishes to stay out past sunset. She loved the night. All its mysteries. All its beauty. All her life was spent in the glory of a blinding sun. She had always wanted to venture out in to the night. Bask in the beauty of the moon light. She wanted to dance in the fields after the sun had disappeared. She debated long and hard and had finally decided to go inside with her wretched family. She ran across the field. Kicking up her skirts. She ran through the door and straight in to her bed chambers. She undressed slowly, going over the thoughts she had today. She slipped into the bath. A warm and soothing bath. Rose petals littered the water. A milk bath with rose petals. She sat back against the brim of the bath tub and continued her day dreaming. She was lost in to a world of lust, happiness, and a 16 year old girl's idea of a happy ending. She saw herself, skin glowing in the moonlight. A ever blessed light radiating off of her. She was dancing in that clearing of trees. She danced and laughed a girlish laugh. A freedom of sorts filling her. She was free. As free as any animal amongst her. She heard footsteps within in the woods. Heavy boots hitting the earth braking twigs as he came closer. She watched from where she stood. She couldn't run or hide. There was nowhere for her to go. She didn't know where he was coming from. She stood still, scared and nervous. She looked around. She wondered if she could still run home. She knew she wasn't far from her home. The footsteps drew closer. She didn't have time. She ducked behind a large bush. Hoping it would hide her from sight. She watched the dark cloaked figure emerge in to the clearing. Her heart racing with fear and excitement. He wore a dark hooded cloak that hid his face in shadows. She watched him stoop down on bended knee and touch the ground gently with his fingertips. “Someone has been here recently.” He whispered to the air unknowing that she was also there. He stood up tall and straight. Broad shoulders gave the cloak an impressive shape. She saw in the moonlight strands of hair escape the shadows of his cloak. He began to untie the cloak. He pulled the hood down. His face was beautiful. If ever a man can be described as beautiful, it was him. The moon glowed, illuminating his silhouette. He laid the cloak on the ground gently and slowly stooped down to sit on the green earth beneath him. He laid back, resting on his elbows. He bowed his head back and basked in the moon's glorious glow as if it were the sun. As she watched, she felt a longing to touch his skin stir inside of her. She stooped low to the ground to a more comfortable position to better watch her fantasy lover. She was careful not to make a sound so she wouldn't be discovered. He slid off his boots and laid them in a pile next to his little spot of relaxation. He laid down fully, hands behind his head. She saw his golden hair sprawl itself around in a halo of pure gold. His skin pale and perfect in contrast to the brilliance of his hair. She watched as he laid there. Hours must have past as she heard him snoring lightly. She figured now would be a good time to get a closer look at him or go home. She didn't know what to do. She was drawn to him. She wanted to touch him. Taste him against her lips in a lingering kiss. She wanted so much to be closer but knew he would hear her. He would surely be upset that she had trespassed on his privacy. She couldn't bare the thought of him angered with her before she had a chance to do all that she had hoped. Her final decision was to go home. She tip-toed away from the clearing. Her heart broken to have left him alone. Unknowing of the admirer he had in the bushes. As she made her way home in the dark, she payed no mind to where she was going. Her head back in the clouds. Day dreaming. Now she had a face to put in her fantasies. Someone to wonder about. She was no longer lonely even though he probably doesn't even know she existed or that she was there when he relaxed in the hopes of privacy. She thought about that. She thought to make it a point that if they ever exchanged words she would apologize for invading his privacy. She skipped home merrily. Humming to herself. As she entered her home, carefully not making a sound, she climbed the stairs to her room. She closed her room door quietly behind her. She laid in her bed and imagined that he lay next to her, cradling her in his arm. Holding her the way a lover would hold her. She slept with a smile and a new dream. She awoke the next morning, cheerful and bright. She had thought long about going back to see him. Hoping he would return. She thought about making herself known to him in some small way. She thought she would build up their introduction. She thought about leaving him a rose in the middle of the small field. Letting him know she was there. See what he would think about it. Maybe he would welcome her to share in those quiet moments. Become friends or even more. She hoped for more. Maybe they would run away together. Have a small home that was their own castle. Build their own walls. Build their own family. But first, to find the perfect rose. She went in to the rose bushes. She saw so many. They were the same. Their wasn't anything different about them. Normal roses. She wanted to find something special. Abnormal like her. Rare but beautiful. She looked deeper in to the rose bush. Hoping maybe there was one hidden within them. She found it. A beautiful rose. A rose unlike the rest. A black rose. Fully bloomed. She carefully picked the rose from its place and rushed back in to her room. She wanted to add something personal of her own. She found her favorite color scarf. A black silk scarf and tied it around the stem of the rose carefully. She carefully placed it on her dressing table and began to prepare for their meeting after the moon has risen and the sun had gone. She had a bath ran. She dressed in her best night gown. A pure white to complement her skin and hair. Giving her the look of a feral eyed angel. She made sure to every detail that everything would be perfect. All that was left was to go to him. Her heart raced as she ran through the woods. Excitement and fear building up inside of her. She found the spot easily. No worries about losing her way. She could never forget where she had seen him. She placed the rose in the glow of the moon. Knowing that he would have no trouble in finding it. She paced the ground around the rose. Nervous and excited. Jumping at every sound. She wondered whether he would come. It felt like hours had passed. Her hopes diminishing as the time passed. She was about to give up hope and go home, when she heard the familiar footsteps. She quickly ran behind the same bush. Ducking as low as she could. He emerged finally. He walked up slowly to the rose in the middle of the clearing. He pulled back his hood. His face illuminated by the moon. She took in a sharp breath of air. He bent down to pick up the rose. He held it to his nose. He smiled sweetly. She smiled. He liked it. He took hold of the scarf. He held it up to the light. “It seems I have an admirer. I wonder where she might be?” He asked out loud. A deep velvety voice. The kind that caresses you with every word. “I wonder if my admirer were here right now? Share my night. Indulge me with her company.” He asked out loud. She wanted to go to him but not yet. She was still nervous. What if he didn't like her lavender eyes? She couldn't take his rejection. “I guess she is shy.” He whispered to himself. He began to drop the cloak on to the ground. He began to take off his shirt. His skin gleamed in the moonlight. She noticed something she hadn't noticed before. From his back was a long mane of golden hair. Soft waves of his hair rippled the length of his back to his waist. On each of his shoulder blades, wings hung. Beautiful white feathers. She looked stunned. He looked more like an angel now. He had the wings to match. She stood up straight. She looked at those magnificent wings. She walked up timidly. He was just as abnormal as she was. Maybe more so. She slowly walked up to him. She was afraid he would fly away. She was close to him now. Close enough to reach out and run her hand along the softness of those feathers. Instinctively her hand rose toward his wings on his back. He turned around quickly. A wide grin on his face. “Ah, so she isn't shy. Just shocked.” He laughed. “I'm...I'm...I'm sorry.” She whispered. “For what? Its a beautiful rose. Unless you want to take it back? Is it my wings? I know not many woman can be with a man with wings.” He said, his smile faltering. He thought she was rejecting him. “Those are such beautiful eyes. I have never seen them in lavender.” He whispered. His hand coming up to my face. “You're beautiful.” She whispered. She let his hand cup her cheek. His hand was warm. Blood flowed there. Warm and alive. He was alive. This wasn't her over active imagination at its best. “Thank you.” He whispered. His lips drawing closer to hers. They touched briefly. That one quick touch was enough to have her faint in his arms. She was overwhelmed. She wanted this so much that she was overcome. She opened her eyes again, she was in his arms. Being carried by him. She looked up at him. His face a blur. She rubbed her eyes. They were moving. She saw the sky moving fast behind them. She looked at his face. It was solemn. She looked in to his eyes, they were gold. Just like his hair. His lips were soft. They left a lingering caress from the kiss. I watched the sky it moved in a blur. “You're awake. I thought I had hurt you.” He said. She stood quiet. She was stunned. “Was that your rose that you left for me?” “Yes.” She said almost in a whisper. He smiled. She looked down. They were high up above the ground. She couldn't see the ground. Just clouds. She threw her arms around his neck out of fear of falling. She tightened her grip on him. Accidentally scratching too deep in his back. He winced then smiled. “I wont drop you. I promise.” He whispered. She felt comfort in his words and promise. She loosened her grip on his neck and watched as they flew above the clouds. “Do you want to touch one?” She looked at him, unsure. He flew lower to the cloud and stopped. They hovered just above the cloud. She reached out and brushed the cloud lightly with her fingertips. She had made a hole in its marsh mellow shape. She looked through the hole to see the ground. “Where are we?” She whispered. “Nearing your home. This is the city right outside your walls.” “I had never been outside my walls in to the city.” She whispered. “You were sheltered?” He whispered. “Yes. My eyes aren't normal. It was to avoid slave traders and hungry men, my father says.” She answered. “Well then, they didn't shelter you from the night. Or me.” “I had to sneak out. No one knows I'm here.” She whispered. “Then maybe we should take you back before we are found out.” He said smiling. “I don't want to go home. Its the same thing. There is nothing there for me. I want wings like yours. They are magnificent. How did you come by them?” “I was born with them.” He said smiling. “I can't have wings?” “You can but I promise you that they're going to hurt.” “I don't care. With wings I can go anywhere I please and be up here. Free.” She whispered. “I can give you wings child.” “Oh could you? I want to be up here with you. Make me like you.” “Alright.” He said flying to a place high up. It was a field of beautiful flowers. He put me down gently. She stood and waited for him to speak again. He was taking his belongings and putting them in a pile in a corner. He walked up to her. Arms outstretched. She took his hands. He pulled her in to an embrace. She watched his face. It held a look in his eyes that a man gives you. It was all serious and all lust. He brought her lips to his. The simple kiss took her breath away. She felt faint and dizzy again. She didn't fall this time. She held on to him. “Are you real? Or just a figment of my girlish imagination?” “I'm quite real, love. Quite real. I can soar above and through the clouds. I sleep with the angels.” “I want to be with you forever.” She whispered to his hungered lips. “Then you shall. I shall grant you wings like my own and we shall fly through the night together.” “That would be wonderful. We can marry. The stars as our witness to our joining forever.” “First you must say goodbye to all you hold dear to you. You can never walk amongst humans normally ever again. They would name you a demon. They will hunt you down and do horrible things to you. I watched many of my race meet the same fate. I am what is left. I will be alone no more.” He said a smile across his face. “I hold you dear, My love. I wish never to say goodbye to you ever.” “Is this you fondest wish? What it is your heart desires?” “To have a love like no other is my fondest wish and here you stand before me. A love like no other.” She whispered leaning for another kiss. She took no care in thought about her parents. All the people that loved her. All she thought about was him. The line of his body pressed against her. She ran her fingers along his skin. Smooth and soft. His hands wrapped around her waist. His fingertips gliding along her back. Small tingles followed his gentle caresses. She moaned softly in his mouth. Feeling his tongue explore her mouth. She felt his hand come up the back of her neck. He played with her golden hair. Hair that matched his own. He pulled lightly, exposing her neck. He kissed the soft skin, she shivered and moaned. He laid her down on the soft grass. “Where are we?” She asked looking up to him. He came down to join her on the grass. “This is my secret place. Its where I come to hide from everything. I believe I am here a lot.” He whispered. He laid her back. The ground was cool and damp. She smiled up at him. He pressed his lips against hers. Her hands found his wings. The soft feathers tickling her palm. He reached down for the end of her night gown. He pulled it up to her waist. She wrapped her legs around his waist. The tips of the feathers tickled her legs. She giggled in the middle of the kiss. He raised his wings, pulling them away from her skin. “You never told me your name.” He whispered. “My name is Marie.” She whispered. “It is a lovely name Marie.” He whispered in response. He kissed her again. She felt him breath life in to her with his kisses. She felt him grow swollen against her sex. Her sex wet and hot. She felt his hand reach beneath him, between her legs. He played with her sex till she moaned. He continued to taunt and tease her. She moaned louder and louder. Unable to keep her voice low. She bit her lower lip. She cried out as he played with her clit mercilessly. She tightened her legs around his waist feeling the climax creeping up on her. It finally hit her. The orgasm washed over her and swallowed her whole. She cried out, her voice dying down as the moment of the orgasm passed. He pushed himself up from her and crawled down the line of her body. Her legs fell away from him. They felt heavy as they were planted to the ground. She watched as his face disappeared between her legs. She felt his tongue play against her already sensitive clit. Her hips twitched after every movement. He kept a firm grip on her hips, anchoring her to the ground. His tongue played delightfully. Bring her to another climax. She braced herself better for this one. She still had a scream tear through her. She cried out till her voice was hoarse. She had never felt anything like it. He crawled back up the line of her body, pressing his wet lips against hers. Her body heavy while her head remained light and dizzy. She was lost in the euphoria of the orgasms. They rolled over each other. It was a lot easier than she had thought it would be to get him on his back even with his wings. She kissed his smooth bare chest. Moving down the line of his naked body. She caressed his soft stomach with her tongue. She reached his waist. The soft skin of his sex rubbed against her. Bobbing lightly with his pulse. It was an impressive size. Then again it was the first one she has seen up close. She stroked his member. Feeling it throb in the palm of her hand. She closed her mouth around it. Moving up and down. Caressing it with her tongue. He moaned with the motion. He cried out under his breath. Calling her name with each breath she took. His hand rested on her head. She looked up the line of him. He was watching her through eyes closed to slits. He threw his head back, laying it back on the ground. His hips moving from below me. I sat up. Wiping my mouth clean. I pulled the nightgown up and over my head. Throwing it to the side. He took me and laid me on the ground roughly. I laughed with him at his clumsiness. He smiled and looked in to her eyes. “Can you feel me Love? Can you feel the heart that beat for your love for so long? How it broke when I had not found you till now?” “Yes my love. It shall break no more. I am yours. Now and forever.” She whispered sweetly. A tear began to fall down the line of his beautiful face. She brought his cheek down to her lips and kissed the tear. “Oh my love how I wished to be that tear. Beginning in your eyes. Dying upon your lips.” She whispered. He smiled. He pushed inside of her slowly. A pain like no other seared through her. She cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. She felt him push deeper and deeper. Almost able to touch things that no other has ever touched. She felt her face grow flush as she cried out and clung to him. His lips hushed her cries and soothed her in to the medley of pleasure he had intended it to be. He held her close to his heart. Pushing in and out of her. Pumping his long awaited lust into her. He pumped harder and harder. She cried out. Almost in pain. The pain that bordered that edge between too far and just right. She wanted him to take all his frustration out on her body. Mercilessly he pounded in to her. Digging her deeper and deeper in to the ground. Her back pushing up towards the sky. He slowed down to a stop. A smile only the devil himself could give. All lust. All pleasure. All animal. There was nothing human about him now. He turned her around. Those golden eyes gone feral and hungry. He pushed her down on to all fours. Grabbing her hips roughly. He pushed in to her roughly, now all pain. A pain so exciting and strange she refrained from begging him to stop. He pumped in to her roughly over and over. Pulling her hips towards him meeting his thrust. She heard him pant and gasp. Moan and groan. Whispering something under his breath. She cried out so loud that she couldn't hear a thing. Nothing but the sounds of her skin smacking against his. The blood racing in her ears. She threw her head back, flipping her hair against her back. He grabbed a fistful, twisting it slowly in his hand, never once losing rhythm or ferocity in his thrust. “Oh God!” She screamed over and over. “God has nothing to do with this love.” He whispered pulling her up to his lips. He dropped her again. His hands resting on her shoulder blades. He was whispering again. This time his voice in more control. His voice was steady and echoed in her ears. It became all she heard and nothing at the same time. She felt something penetrate the skin of her back, pulling something out. She screamed out. The orgasm came and hit her like a tidal wave. A wash of it filled her, and drained her. She collapsed on to the green gentle earth that lay beneath her. He stood up above her. Blood covering his face. He looked the role of the monster but his beauty never faded. He didn't turn in to a demon. He remained flawless. A beauty that surpasses all others. “Now my love, you have wings to fly with me.” He whispered. “What is your name my beloved?” “If I tell you my beloved, will you promise me again, you shall never abandon me?” “My beloved, never. I promise.” She swore again. Her eyes looked upon him with the longing and devotion of a woman in love. “Lucifer my child. You have become the bride of the fallen angel.” “Than I shall relish in this moment as a happy bride should. I am with you. We are together. That is all that matters. You are my beloved. I am yours.” She whispered kneeling before him with open arms, awaiting a longing embrace. His eyes bore tears. He shed them openly. He wept in her arms. She kissed those tears away. He was hers now. She was his. They belonged to the night. |