Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821985-It-Finally-Happened
Rated: · Other · Other · #1821985
Mrs. Slagle was fired!
It finally happened, Slagle was fired. Mr. Thompson stormed in her room and scream, "Mrs. Slagle, you are fired! Get out now!' "But, but what?!", she cried. "Aaron Hyman told me what happened in the bathroom, what you did! That's a little boy, you can't do that!" "But, Mr. Thompson, you don't know the whole story!" "I'm listening.", he snapped back. "Well, it started like this. Aaron constantly e-mailed me. First, it was random question about the going- ons at school, and then he found me on Facebook. I accepted his friend request, because I knew him to be sweet, smart, and thoughtful. But, then he started bringing me gifts, sweet things like apples and chocolate, but then came the thongs and the whip." " Why would he bring you these things?", Mr. Thompson questioned dumbly. Slagle shot him a stupefied look. "The boy is in love with me!" Slagle said in an exasperated voice. "Ohh honey-bunch!" came an excited voice from the door, "Where have you been?" I haven’t seen you since our delightfully romantic 2nd period together. I have missed you like a drought misses rain." "Aaron, I told you, I'm not your honey-bunch." Mrs. Slagle said. She silently looks at Mr. Thompson, pleading with him to help her. "Oh, Mrs. Slagle, don't be ridicules." Aaron proclaimed. " Fine, how about I call you.." "No, Aaron, call me Mrs. Slagle!", she said through her clenched teeth. Mr. Thompson clearly did believe her and grabbed her by the elbow. He snatched her away toward the stairs. Aaron followed them and began to yell "No!! You can't take her away from me!! I'll save you my little honey bunch!" Aaron ran after them, begging and pleading for Mr. Thompson to let her keep her job, and also begging for Slagles love. he didn't know what he'd do without his honey-bunch, his true love.
© Copyright 2011 Amy Daniel (ald94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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