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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1821869
She runs trying to escape from the grips of men who want her dead. What now?
Pushing through the trees I screamed out. "Help me! Someone please!" Tears streamed down my face. Holding a stick in one hand I pulled up my prom dress which was ripped and tattered. "Please help me! He's right behind me!" The city lights shined through the slight opening, I smiled pushing myself foward.

Stopping dead in my tracks I screamed into my hand. Somehow he had managed to get infront of me, his knife laid to his side, a grin plastered on his sweaty face. " Did you honestly think you could out run me?" I cried and looked behind me, another man stood but with a bat.

"Let me go! I didn't do anything! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" It was pointless. Wiping away smeared mascara I got on my knees. "Please don't kill me...I....I....please.....I didn't.....what.....what did I do to deserve...this?" The man rubbed the knife against a tree. I panicked and fell backwards.

"Tania, really? You think I'm just going to forget that you killed my brother?" I looked at the one with a bat his green eyes shining. "You do still remeber Tony right?" I shook my head and looked at my options.

I could try to run but I would most likely get stabbed. Looking at the ground I found a stick and clutched to it like a life preserver. I could fight but I knew that would end badly. I slowly got up.

"Tony? I....I don't remember a....Tony!" The one with the knife stepped foward and stabbed my arm. The one with a bat stuck his hand out to support me.

" Darren stop, you said we weren't gunna hurt her." I looked into his green eyes and smiled. He grinned but it made me sick.

" Right, right. Well lets let her off with a little, I don't know, something to remember us for." Closing in on me they slowly began to take off my dress. Oh. My. Gosh. They were gunna rape me!

Turning towards knife boy, I kneed his groin leaving him crying in pain. Sliding the rest of the dress off I ran into the city in my bras and underwear. The one with a bat didn't dare chase me, I grinned. Crying out I ran to the police station.

* * * *

Running through the glass doors I suddenly became self-concious. All the men turned towards me lust in their eyes. I looked straight ahead to the main desk. "May I ask where in the WORLD was the damn forest patrol!" The man stared at my breast until I repeated myself. His gaze snapped up to meet mine. His face bright red.

" Well ma'am, forest patrol moved its area more North....um....would you like to leave....uh a....uh a complaint?" His eyes kept wandering down I slapped him.

"Ya are you blind man! I'm half-naked and I've been crying! I was almost raped back there!" Pointing towards the Star Forest a man in the back whispered something. I only caught one brief sentence "That lucky bastard!" Turning to look at the man I took him in.

He stood at a short 5'3 and about 200lbs. He had dark brown hair and almost grey eyes. I stomped over to him. " Would you like to shar with the rest of us what you just said to this nice man next to you?" He shook his head. " Oh well I think you really should." Stomping my foot the man looked at me and smiled.

"Okay sweet heart." Taking a breath he stood up. I towered over him by over three inches. "I said that I would rape you too if you came into the wood looking like that. That lucky bastard got what I can't. " I punched him square in the face causing his face to bleed.

"Say that again about me and I swear to God you will wish you were dead." Police officers went to help the man and hopefully throw him into prison. Running my fingers through my auburn hair I strutted confidently up to the front desk. " I would like that your forest patrol doubled and now. I kneed a man back there and I'm pretty sure he hasn't recovered. " Smiling I slipped on someones shoes that were way to large and grabbed a police officers coat and retreated back outside.

* * * *

Running back towards the woods the man with green eyes sat on a tree stump talking to himself. I hid behind a bush merely a few feet away. " I can't beleive he talked me into that. I would never hurt Tania. It wasn't even her that killed his brother. Darren killed Tony at the river." I stepped closer and clutched to a tree.

Stepping on a branch his eyes found mine, mask off I gasped in horror. " Adam?!"
© Copyright 2011 Dreaming_Pisces (pyschoticangel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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