Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821786-I-Think-Your-Lying
Rated: · Fiction · Other · #1821786
A weird and creepy story.
I’m Joe Melvik. I love photography and I own my own business “Photo’s by Joe” and I wanted to go farther in my career with it, but I never had the chance. But I want to tell you that you should never let your emotions against someone else get the best of you. I lost my wife Reina, and along with her, my business that I had a passion for. Now I’m in jail and I basically ruined everything I had going for me.
It was just an ordinary Thursday evening. Every Thursday, we make spaghetti and stay home the whole evening. Reina was starting dinner when I got home. I thought I would help so I started making the bread. Everything was going fairly well. But then, she started nagging at me.
She said, “You should have been home an hour ago.”
I said, “Honey, I know. I had to photograph a family of thirteen. They made me do several individuals of all of them. It was ridiculous.”
“I think you’re lying. Are you sure there isn’t someone else?”
“Reina I’m not,” I said, “you always think I’m cheating on you when I get held up at work.”
She started to stir the spaghetti really roughly.
“It’s becoming a habit of you to be late.”
I asked her “Why don’t you trust me?”
“There are way too many attractive women that come into your work.” She said.
“I can’t take you not trusting me anymore!” I yelled.
“Whatever! I don’t know what’s happening to us these days!”
I threw the bread across the counter, grabbed my keys, and left. I got in my car and went for a drive. I was so sick of Reina. I hated her, she could never trust me! She has been saying that I’m cheating on her for a while now. I just don’t want to be around her anymore! But, I don’t hate just her, I hate all women. They’re all the same, they all act the same way. Oh, how I would just love to kill her. I’m done with all women! Then that night, I slept on the couch at “Photo’s by Joe” and didn’t go home the next day.
Now it’s Friday. So I just stayed here because customers would be coming in shortly. Friday’s were always pretty busy for me. My first customers were these three very beautiful women. They were sisters.
“Hi, I’m Sarah.” said the oldest looking and prettiest one. “We want a picture to give to our mom for her birthday next week.”
“Okay, let’s get started then.” I said.
Mind you, I’m still in a terrible mood from yesterday evening, and even though Sarah was so beautiful, she reminded me of my wife and I started to get pretty angry towards her. But I didn’t show it. As I was taking pictures I was building conversation with them.
I asked, “So where are you ladies from?”
Then after they left, I decided to close early. I was looking up Sarah’s address when my phone rang. I looked to see who it was, and it was Reina. So, I just ignored the call and turned my phone off. But then, my work phone rang. I picked it up and it was Reina.
“Where are you?!” she asked, hysterically.
“I’m at work. Leave me alone” I said, “I don’t want to talk to you.”
She said “But, Joe, I…” Then I hung up. I was so done with her.
I was looking on my computer to find Sarah’s address. Then I found it. She lived about ten minutes into town and it wouldn’t talk me long to get there. So I started planning on what exactly I would do to kill her. I thought of many things. Shooting her would be quite easy. But that’s no fun. Maybe I’d kidnap her and leave her somewhere, or maybe poison her. There were many things I could do. Then I decided, I would break into her house. Take her, put her into my truck and take her somewhere that was mostly deserted, somewhere that most people wouldn’t find her. I’d poison her and leave her to die.
At 9:30 pm was the time when I did something that was the start of ruining my life. At 9:30, I left my work, with the utilities I needed, and went to Sarah’s house. I had my headlights off and stooped along the sidewalk in front of her neighbor’s house, so it wouldn’t be too obvious that I was going to her house. I got out of my truck with a rope in one pocket, and a rag in the other. I then started walking around looking for how I was going to get in. As I walked around the back, a cop was strolling by in his car. I thought for sure I was going to get caught. But I ducked down behind a bush and he never noticed. Then as I was walking to the back of the house, I noticed something. The basement window was left open. I used all my strength to pull it open so I could fit. I got it and I hopped in. I was being as quiet as I could. I started up the steps, and then I heard something. I froze in place but it was just a cat running past me. As I walked up the stairs I started to think I shouldn’t do this. But then I imagined that Sarah was my wife and that’s what helped me go through with it. I got up into the kitchen. All the lights were off in her house. I then I was creeping up to the next floor where her bedroom was and stopped in front of a semi opened door. Through the crack of the door I could see her. She was reading a book. I was watching her for a good five minutes and I could not help but admire her beauty. But I knew what I had come here to do. I pulled the rag out of my pocket, clenched it tightly in my fist. I was nervous for a second, but the feeling eventually left me. I then took a deep breath and ran into the room. She screamed and I shoved the rag into her mouth as well as I could. This way she could not scream for help. I pulled out the rope and tied it tight around her feet to her hands. She was completely helpless at this point. I picked her up and carried her down the steps. She was squirming so viciously trying to save herself, but she couldn’t. I took her into the basement and I managed to pull her through the window with me. I carried her to my truck and set her in it.
I started the car and we drove off. I had put her in the passenger side with me so I could monitor everything she did. I buckled her in and she was freaking out. I could see the fear in her eyes when she looked at me.
“All of you women are worthless!” I screamed at her. “But, I’m sorry I really have to do this.”
Twenty minutes into our ride, she calmed down. I could tell she wanted to beg for her life. But I didn’t give her the chance. We got out of town and were in the middle of nowhere. I drove down a one lane road deep into the deserted woods. It was dark and gloomy here. I could barely see, even with my car’s headlights. She was looking around, trying to figure out where we were. Then I slowed down and stopped. I opened her door and pushed her out as she hit the ground. She tried to get up, but it was no use because she was tied up. I sat her up and looked deep into her eyes.
I said “Now I’m going to take this rag. But when I do, you can’t scream.”
I removed the rag and she yelled for help.
“Shut up!” I yelled, “Nobody can hear you anyways!”
“Why are you doing this to me!” she cried.
“Why not?” I told her. “I hate all you women anyways. And now, I need you to do something.”
“What?” she asked nervously.
I grabbed some poison I had put into a water bottle.
“Drink this.” I told her. “If you don’t, I’ll kill you.”
She was so scared, she drank it. I looked at her and laughed. The liquid I had made her drink was poison. It would cause her hallucinate. Then I got into my car and slowly turned and drove away. As I looked back, I saw a bear come towards her. Then she was trying to get up and it attacked her. As it was biting her, I drove away very fast. I didn’t want to stay to watch the bear finish her off.
I decided to go home after that. It was then 10:30. I pulled up and could see Reina through the window. She was sitting in the living room crying. It reminded me so much of Sarah, I laughed. I walked into the house. Reina looked at me with hatred in her eyes. She got up and stood there for a minute.
“Where have you been!” She yelled. I could tell she was very angry.
“You don’t need to know! You won’t believe me anyways!” I yelled back. “I hate you Reina! I hate you!”
“Well good!” she said. “I’m divorcing you! I never what to see you again! You left me wondering where you were! I love you and I was so worried about you! But I’m sick of how you treat me!”
“Do you think I care!?” I screamed. She was making me so mad now.
“I want to know what you’ve been doing since you were gone!” she said.
“I killed someone!” I told her.
“I can’t believe you would even think to say something like that! It’s not a joke Joe!”
“I’m serious!”
“Goodbye!” Reina yelled to me as she threw a bag of clothes at me.
So I walked out the door, got into my car, and left. I spent the night at my work that night, and even many nights after that. I never got a call from Reina until she called to have me go and sign the divorce papers. Then I went back to “Photo’s by Joe” and turned on the TV. There was an announcement saying that Sarah Regals been murdered. The worst feeling washed over me.
The news reporter said: “Sarah Regals, age 35, had been found in the woods outside of Austin. She had been tied up and had poison in her system. An animal had also attacked her…”
I changed the channel. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn’t even move from the chair. As days went by, I was feeling more and more depressed an unable to live with myself. I got into my car and went for a drive. I went to the police station.
I walked into the door and screamed “I killed Sarah Regals!”
© Copyright 2011 BillLopez (billlopez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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