Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821725-My-Pokmon-league-Challenge
by Snivy
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1821725
The journeys of Nolan, Ryan, and Jake, three Pokémon Trainers with big dreams of victory.
My Pokémon League Attempt

I awoke that morning with knowledge, knowledge of what that day was; it was my 16th birthday, and that meant that my brothers Ryan, Jake and I were starting our journey as Pokémon Trainers. Our mother had requested that we wait until I was 16. Well, here we were, and my father, who had divorced my mom years earlier, had come to our house too see us off.

My mom had called on Prof. Cedar to give us each a Pokémon. She had asked us many questions, and wrote them down on a slip of paper, saying, “This is going to help me determine what Pokémon you will receive.” So we all answered the 37 questions without complaint, and she left with a goodbye. Within the next month, she had come back, on my birthday no less, to give us our Pokémon.

“I have thought long and hard about these Pokémon you are receiving,” she said handing us our Poké Balls, “and decided that you should receive these. Nolan, since it’s your birthday, you get to throw yours out first.”

“OK,” I said tossing it up with practiced energy. “GO! POKÉ BALL!”

With a flash of light and sparkles, out popped a cute, dinosaur-looking Pokémon, with a fiery tail and golden skin. A Charmander! “Oh! It’s sooooo cute!” I said cuddling it. However, it didn’t seem to like me, it whacked me in the face with its fiery tail. “OW!” I screamed, withdrawing myself from it.

“Oh, it doesn’t seem to like you much,” said Prof. Cedar, with worry in her eyes, “I hope that changes. Ryan, you’re the first child, throw yours out next.”

“OK.” He said, holding it gingerly, “Go! Poké Ball!” Out popped a Pokémon that looked like a small snake-like blue-green furry animal. “Aw, man that is cool looking,” he said, rubbing its head. How it cuddled up to him, happily showing its respect for him. “As you all can see,” said Prof. Cedar, “I have given Ryan a Snivy for his Pokémon. Jake, I see that you’re itching to see yours, go ahead and throw it out.” “Go! Poké Ball!” Jake said as he threw his Poké Ball into the air. Out popped a Pokémon with a yellow body and fiery feathers on its head. Jake had received a Torchic! Jake hugged his Pokémon, and his Pokémon returned the hug.

“Now, I’m going to give you all these,” she said handing us little red boxes, “This is a Pokédex, you don’t have to fill them, just use them on a Pokémon you haven’t seen before and it will tell you what it is.”

We all thanked her, and walked to the next town, known as Viridian City. “Here we are,” I said, looking at both of them, “We’ll rest our Pokémon at a Pokémon Center, then, we’ll battle!” They agreed, and we all got our Pokémon healed by a Nurse Joy.

About an hour later, we were behind the Pokémon Center, ready for a fight. “We’ll flip a coin to see who battles who first.” We flipped the coin, and as it turned out, Jake and I were to battle first.

“You ready?” I asked, twirling the Poké Ball on my finger like a basketball.

“Yes,” he said, ready to throw his out.

“Go!” We shouted in unison.

Out popped the Pokémon, eager to fight. I checked Charmander’s moves; they were Scratch, Growl, Ancient Power, and Belly Drum. I told Charmander to use Ancient Power, but it had other plans, and instead used Growl. Jake’s Pokémon used Blaze Kick. Charmander dodged it, taking no damage, and used Growl. Jake’s Torchic continued to use Blaze Kick, and Charmander continued to use Growl, no matter how I yelled at it to do Ancient Power. Finally, Charmander decided to listen to me, and used Ancient Power. The ground shook, and Charmander threw gigantic rocks at Jake’s Torchic. Torchic was face-down in the ground when the dust cleared.

“Yay! Good job Charmander,” I said, hugging, it. For once, it returned my happiness by hugging back. However, Jake’s Torchic was trying to get up when Jacob softly scooped it up from the ground, saying, “Sorry Torchic, we’ll get you to Nurse Joy right now!” He dashed off.

         “Well, Nolan,” Ryan said, turning to me, “want to battle me now?

         “Sure, but, how’s your Pokémon?” I asked.

         “It’s fine, Nolan, stop stalling.” He said.

         “GO!” we both shouted and unison, like Jake and I did. Ryan’s Snivy looked absolutely AWESOME!

“Snivy! Use Glare!” Ryan shouted. Snivy looked menacingly at Charmander, and Charmander stopped moving altogether.

“What happened?” I asked, worried.

“Glare Paralyzes the target, your Charmander can’t move.” Ryan explained, with a cunning spreading across his face.

“That’s mean! Charmander, use Belly Drum!” Charmander beat at its belly in the cutest way ever; smiling like it was having loads of fun.

“You don’t know do you? Belly Drum maxes Attack, but halves health. Snivy! Use Tackle!” Snivy charged Charmander, and took it down to the ground. Charmander was still standing, though, and used Scratch. Charmander ran up to Snivy, the scratched it with sharp claws. Snivy was face-down on the ground when Charmander stepped away, or so it seemed… Snivy whipped up from the ground and used Tackle on Charmander again, this time bringing it down.

“Aww, I lost, but just barely.” I said, picking up Charmander from the ground. It looked okay, as it tried to hit me with its flaming tail.

“Alright, we won!” Ryan said pounding it with Snivy, who seemed joyful at winning, hugged Ryan with a jovial expression on its face.

Ryan lost his battle with Jake very quickly; one use of Blaze Kick, and it was down. So, at this point, we were all tied with one win.

Then, a Nurse Joy approached me, “Excuse me, are you Nolan?”

“Yes,” I said, “what is it?

“Professor Cedar wanted to speak to you.” Nurse Joy said.

“Oh, okay,” I turned to Ryan, “I’ve gotta go.”

“Alright,” Ryan said cheerfully, “I’ll be in that forest if you need me.” He rushed off before I could even reply.

Inside the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy handed me a phone. “Here you go, she’s on hold.”

“OK.” I replied, “Hello? Professor Cedar?”

“Hi, how’s it going?” she asked, but before I could answer, she said, “I figured out why Charmander doesn’t like you, it turns out that that Charmander was supposed to be someone else’s, but you keep it, I already gave them another one. But, I have your real starter right here.” She said, holding up a Poké Ball.

“Ooh! What is it?” I asked, suddenly excited.

“It’s a Piplup, a little penguin Pokémon, and it’s all yours, I’m sending it over now.” She said, putting the Poké Ball in a little machine. The Poké Ball appeared on the table right next to me; I picked it up and threw it. Out popped a small penguin with sea-green feathers. It hugged me as soon as I sent it out. It was really, cute, but, Charmander immediately tried to attack it. “No, Charmander, this is your new friend, Piplup!” Charmander didn’t listen, and tried to attack Piplup again. Piplup used Hydro Pump on Charmander, instantly making it faint. “No guys stop it. Please get along better than that! I know, we could train you guys together against wild Pokémon!”

Around a half hour later, we were still training on Route 12 when I was rushed by a man wearing a shirt with a big red “R” on it. “You!” He shouted, “Give me your Pokémon or else!”

“Or else what, you’re going to use rocket science on me?” I said, sarcasm layered in my voice.

“No, I’ll beat you up and take your Pokémon by force!” He said, challenging me.

“Tch, you’re probably a pushover who saw me training and want to battle me because you want better Pokémon. NO! THEY’RE MINE!”

“Fine,” He said, “I’ll pummel you!”

End Ch. 1

© Copyright 2011 Snivy (snivyyoshi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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