Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821565-Whats-Goes-Around-Comes-Around
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #1821565
A women named Melanie is set up to be kidnapped & murdered.
“Now class, finish page 115 in your text books for home work, and I’ll see you on Thursday.” I told my class as the time had almost run out. I was teaching my GED class, as I have every Tuesday and Thursday for eleven years. Everyone is flooding the doorway. I am the last one out and I turn around to lock the door behind me. I walk across the hallway to my husband, James’s office to meet him for lunch. His secretary, Sarah, is standing over his desk looking at a bunch of files. They are whispering quietly, I can’t make out what they are saying. I walk over to see if he is ready to leave and I see a familiar face inside a file sitting open on his desk. I just had him in my last class, it was Jack Carlson. I thought to myself, Wonder what he did? He is always so quiet in class; never hear a mean word come out of his mouth. I wait until they are done whispering, then I ask, “Are you ready to go to lunch?”
“Can we just eat at home today?” he said.
“Well sure, if that’s what you prefer,” I replied. I wasn’t happy about it, it’s the same thing every time we make plans. What’s next? Can Sarah join us?
“I’ve got to get back here quickly because I have a lot of paperwork to do, before the end of the night.” He explained.
“That’s fine honey, what do you want me to make you for lunch?” I asked.
“Just a sandwich with some chips would be great. Do you mind if Sarah joins us too? She didn’t bring a lunch today” he added.
“Well I guess so, if she wants to.” I said politely, even though I didn’t want her there.
“Thank you so much, Melanie! It means a lot.” She snapped quickly.
“Anytime Sarah” I said softly.
We all headed back to the house and I fixed our lunch. I made lunch meat sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and mayo; on the side were some potato chips. They were really good if I do say so myself. James and Sarah headed back to the office and finished the paper work that had to be done. While he was at the office I went to the store to buy some groceries and came back to clean up the house. It was getting late and I was wondering where the heck he was. I mean ten-thirty and still not home? That’s not normal and the paper work couldn’t have been that important. Maybe he just fell asleep in the office, or maybe he’s mad at me? But for what, It’s not like I told her to eat lunch by herself. I will just head to bed, he’ll have to come back home sooner or later.
I woke up the next morning and walk down stairs. It looks the same as I left it but James is passed out on the couch with the same clothes as he had on the day before. When had he come in last night? I didn’t hear him enter the house. I walk into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee and get a bowl of cereal. The coffee aroma fills the whole first level of the house. James stumbles into the kitchen and grabs two coffee mugs then pours a cup for him and I. He gently sits my cup in front of me. The whole house is silent except for the sound of the cereal crunching after every bite I take.
Finally he says, “Good morning Mel.”
“Morning hon.” I replied
“Did you sleep well last night?” he asked
“I guess so. Where were you all night?” I mumbled
“I told you, Sarah and I had a lot of paper work and stuff to do.” He snapped
“Really, so much that it took all night long?” I snapped back
“Yes Mel, when you run a whole prison there is going to be a lot of paper work to do. I can’t just snap my fingers and be done with it...” He said harshly
“Alright James I don’t need the attitude, I just asked!” I raised my voice.
“I’m sorry honey, I’m just really tired.” He said back
“Then go to bed!” I yelled.
He said nothing. I walked my bowl and coffee cup to the dishwasher and started a new load. James has a big speech today at the prison. I walk up stairs to take a shower and get ready to go to the prison yard while he gives his speech. I dress in my new coral sundress I bought yesterday. It’s a nice spring morning so it’s a little chilly; I top my dress off with a brown cardigan sweater and a pair of brown heeled sandals. I am ready to go, but is James? Surprisingly he was all dressed and ready with his shoes on standing at the door. That’s a big step up for today…I guess I can’t complain.
We walk in to the prison and head to James’s office. I turn the corner and smack! All of the papers in my hand are all of over the hall way. I look up; Jack Carlson is standing over me while I am trying to gather the papers, he smiles and starts to help me.
“I am so sorry, I should have been watching where I was going better.” He said
“It’s okay, it happens.” I said back
“Still I feel bad.” He said shyly
“Don’t its fine.” I replied
“Well if you don’t mind me saying, that dress looks beautiful on you.” He said sweetly
“Thank you” I smiled back
“Carlson!” James said roughly.
“Yes sir?” he asked
“Meet me in my office.” He ordered.
“James it wasn’t a big deal, he apologized.” I defended him
“Stay out of this Mel.” He demanded
They went inside his office for a little while. I finished picking up all of the papers then waited patiently outside until they were done. Finally they walk out of the office and we all head down to the prison yard for his speech.
“What was that about?” I asked James.
“Just a misunderstanding with another inmate here, he was reassigned to do work around the house and stuff if we need it. He needs a break from being with everyone. It will keep him out of trouble better this way.” He explained
“Oh okay. Well that is a good thing then I guess.” I assured pausing as we walked down the steps to the main office.
“Are you ready for you speech?” I asked.
“Yeah, but I’m a little nervous” he said
“You will do fine honey.” I assured him
He finished his speech and I walked to the parking lot to head home. I get to my car and realize that my lesson plan book is back in the classroom. I walk to my classroom and get my book. James is staying for a while to catch up more paper work. Who knew there would be so much? I walk past his office and I see Sarah sitting on his desk like it’s some lounge. I understand she is his secretary but does she always have to be at his side? Is she trying to get with him? Alright, think I’m just being paranoid now.
I walk into my house and deactivate my security system. I turn around to find a familiar face looking straight at me. It was jack Carlson, but how did he get into my house? He just is looking straight at me. I turn around to hit the alarm system but he pulls me backwards this time I see him he is pointing a gun at me.
“No, you will not press that button.” He whispers.
“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked
He completely ignored me. “Now here is the plan, you are going to change your clothes and put casual clothes on. Go now.”
I get up and walk to the bed room and grab a sweat shirt, a pair of my comfy jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes. He gets into James’s closet and picks out some clothes that he can wear too. He throws his orange inmate suit on the floor then goes into the closet and gets a duffle bag. He goes in my dresser and grabs some clothes for me and him. He also throws his orange suit in the bag too. We move to the bathroom and he grabs my toiletries items. He turns his back for a minute I grab the nearest thing I find and attempt to smack him over the head with it. I reach back and catches my hand and takes the object.
“Melanie, you making this harder than it has to be.” He said holding onto my hands so I can’t move.
“Let me go now!” I shouted
“No you are not behaving.” He replied
“Well normal people don’t let themselves get kidnapped.” I said
“Trust me this isn’t a normal situation.” He said unsteadily
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked nervously
“Just forget about it, let’s go.” Said softly
“Ugh” I said while he was dragging me out the door.
“Get in the car, in the driver side” he says as he puts the duffle in the trunk.
“What are you going to do to me?” I asked
“Just drive, get passed the guards and go down to the park at the end of the street” he replied as he was sitting on the floor, invisible to anything outside.
I waved to the guards and stopped at the end of the road where the park is. He got out and took the license plate off my car and switches it with two other plates that were there. He obviously doesn’t want anyone finding me. The weirdest part was he wasn’t being mean or nasty when he talked to me. Maybe that means he won’t hurt me, I thought. When everyone leaves the park he tells me to get into the trunk. I didn’t argue because I didn’t want to make him any madder then he probably was. I noticed we stopped a couple busy places; he got out a couple times, probably to get a map or something to eat. I just stay still and wish I was at my house again.
We finally reach our final destination for now anyways. He lets me out of the trunk and guides me into a log cabin in the woods only God knows where at. He takes his jacket off and puts our duffle bag down on the ground. He walks into the bathroom and turns the water on incase I need to use it. He digs through the duffle bag and pulls out the gun, some cash, and a pair of sunglasses. He puts the stuff in his pocket and heads out the door.
“Um, where do you think you are going?” I ask him angrily
“I need to go to the market, we need to survive here. Do you want to eat sometime today?” he replied calmly
I said nothing. He walked out the door. I waited until he was out of sight. I tried my hardest to get out of the cabin, but I couldn’t. I was beginning to get a little aggravated. I still have unanswered questions. Does anyone know I’m missing? This is getting to be out of hand now. I sit and wait for him to return and pray to God he doesn’t kill me. I took a shower and put comfy clothes on. Finally he returns from the store with a couple big bags of groceries and electronics. He puts the groceries away and takes a shower, and then he comes out and sits down beside me.
“Alright, I brought you here because I didn’t want anyone else to.” He said shaky.
“Um, why would anyone else bring me here?” I asked confused.
“Listen to this” he pulled a tape player from the bag of electronics.
“What is that?” I asked.
“Melanie just listen to it!” he said impatiently.
He pressed play.
James: “Here is the code for my alarm system to my house. It is 37652”
Jack: “Why do I need this code to your house? I don’t want it”
James: “You will take it, because you are going to kidnap my wife and you are going to get rid of her. And when I say get rid of her, I mean gone.”
Jack: “Why?”
James: “Fine ill just fine someone else to do it, maybe it will be worse for her then.”
Jack: “No I’ll do it.”
James: “I figured you would, I could see how much you liked her from the very first day. Have fun with her…”
Jack: “Yeah, I’ll get right on that”
James: “Good.”
I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I was so shocked I felt shaky, like I was going to pass out. I felt nauseous; I ran to the bathroom and vomited. I was furious at him, but I was also thankful jack was the one that “got rid” of me rather than someone else. Is he still going to kill me? I head back out of the bathroom. He is looking straight at me and I am nervous now. Tears run down my eyes and I just on the floor with my head on my knees. He comes over and sits beside me and looks at me. He put his hand on my leg and smiles.
“I wasn’t going to let him hurt you.” He says comforting me.
“I don’t understand.” I cried more.
“He’s cheating on you with Sarah and he didn’t want to tell you, I seen them and I confronted him.” Jack explained.
“I’ve been having that feeling lately that he was cheating on me.” I said
“He’s a sick person, I can’t stand to be in the same room as him” he said as he stands up
“I just can’t believe he would do something like this.” I said sitting there
“I took you away from there to save you; I couldn’t let anything happen to you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” Said replies ask he pulls me up and wipes the tears from my eyes.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked with a smile
“Because you don’t deserve what James was going to put you through.” He said softly
“I don’t even want to know what his plan was.” I said
“Yeah, your right you don’t. But don’t worry I’ll keep you safe.”
I just wrapped my arms around him and for once in a long time I actually felt safe. I changed into my pajamas and headed for bed. I still felt sick to my stomach and my head was pounding. I had nightmares all night long. I woke up every two hours screaming at the top of my lungs. I am deathly afraid of everything now. I don’t understand why this has to happen to me! I have always been a good wife to him.
This short story is about a woman named Melanie whose husband James plans her kidnapping and murder. But what she thinks the outcome is, there is a shocking twist
© Copyright 2011 FHS_2011 (fhs_2011 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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