Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821562-The-Flashback
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1821562
a story about a person that gets KO and wow i have like no space for the description
The Flash Back

Nick Barker


The last thing I remember before waking up is my patrol squad going into a vast forest to scout. We do not know who or what our general wants us to look for but we all know it is very important. We woke up earlier this morning stationed in Florida, after waking up we were almost immediately shipped out. It took about an hour and a half of convincing for our squad leader to tell us where we’re going. Our orders are to scout and report on any unusual activity I n the rain forest. Oh, and my name is Thanatos by the way. I know it is a strange name, you wouldn’t believe what high school was like. The squad consisted of me, I’m the survival expert of the crew, and without me they would’ve been dead for a long time. My right hand man john, we’ve known each other since grade school. Timothy is our weapons expert; he was actually the guy who recruited me and john. No one really knows our sniper’s true name, but the squad leader just calls him “Duke.” The strange thing about him is that I, john, and Tim have never seen his dog tags. We asked Anthony, the squad leader about him but he never wants to talk about it. Oh, and FYI we all have nicknames, everybody calls me Than. I’m pretty sure you’ll get the rest of them. No matter what mission I’m going to write a little note and tape it to my dog tags so if I ever were to die I would have a little note to tell everyone how I truly feel about them. Anyway back to what I remember. It’s around 3 p.m. and we just got Ant (Anthony) to tell us where we’re going. ”alright everybody saddle up.” Ant said. Not 10 seconds after everyone was done preparing the plane landed. When I stepped out the scene was breathe taking. Green blanketed the landscape; there were so many noises and colors I thought I’d pass out. “Amazing isn’t It.” said Duke in a raspy voice. I was surprised, that was the first time I heard him talk loud and clearly, he mostly just grunts. We went directly in the forest after we got off the plane. “I want a 10 meter spread.” Said Ant. That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

When I woke up I had a horrible headache. I sat up and looked around, dazed and confused. I was inside some sort of makeshift hut. When I walked outside I couldn’t believe my eyes. all I saw was ash and a few small fires in the distance I turned around and realized the “hut” was actually a makeshift bunker purposely covered with ash. I looked up and realized the sun was a lot smaller than I remembered. That’s when I noticed a small patch of green on the horizon so I started walking.

By the time I got to the green patch it was complete darkness but I knew I was there because of the soft touch of the fern leaves. I turned around and saw lights on ground level. But the fires have been out for hours suddenly the lights started moving extremely fast to the west. Seconds later there was a huge explosion were the lights were in the first place. So I ran to what it see ms like the remaining part of the forest.

Life is found were water is. The basic necessity of life without it there is nothing.

I made myself a hammock high off the ground to sleep in, the only thing I was dreaming of was Ant bursting out of a nearby bush and screaming RUN! So everyone started running. Just as we were about to reach a bunker something grabbed Ant and dragged him backwards into the brush. Then Duke ran back to try and save Ant and disappeared into the brush. I was Slowly falling behind until we heard screams and a terrible ripping sound. Then it was complete silence for a few seconds. Until we heard something running towards us Tim and John were about to take off running ‘till I said. ”wait, what it’s Ant or Duke.” “and what if it’s not?”just then Duke came limping out of the bushes. He looked like he was mauled by a bear, then a lion, then a tiger. That’s when he held something up. His right arm looks like it’s having a seizure. The whole group looked horrified when we realized that his left arm was missing. ”do you think the army gives workmen’s compensation?” he chuckled lightly at the sick and twisted joke. Out of no were a sword at least 6 feet log went straight through his stomach. Blood started to seep through the wound.”Is that all you got.” Duke said to himself. That’s when Ant came out, his hands on the sword and said “actually no.” and that’s when I woke up. I couldn’t fall asleep, just the thought of Ant betraying everyone made me sick. An hour or two lying in the hammock I heard footsteps and voices below me. I look down and see two individual flashlights. When the sources of the lights are directly below me I jump on top of them. The second I touch it I realize it’s a decoy and almost immediately at least a dozen soldiers surrounded me. “Are you a Nest,” said one of the soldiers.

“He’s probably infected,” said a lower ranked soldier.

“What’s a Nest,” I finally spoke up.

”see, he is infected” said the same lower class soldier

“Infected with what,” I said over all of them

“he doesn’t know,” said the lower class soldier

“he’s lying,” said the leader

“What if he isn’t,” said the soldier

“We do need everyone we can get, alright we’ll bring him, but he needs to be tested immediately,” said the leader.

“Ok,” said the soldier

Five soldiers had a gun to my head and there were more surrounding me making sure there was no way of me escaping. I don’t know why they didn’t ask my rank. Normally whenever you meet someone new in the army you either ask them their rank or you know their rank. I find that very strange. I tried asking everyone what happened and each one of them asked the commanding officer “if he was infected.” The commander said that he doesn’t know. About an hour after going through security checkpoints we reached a vault like door.

“How bad is it going to hurt,” I said

“How bad is what going to hurt,” said the officer

“The tests to see if I’m infected,” I said

“How did you know about the tests,” said the officer

“You mentioned me getting tested as soon as we get inside the base,” I said

“We just need a blood sample.” said the officer as he strapped me down to a bed

“You try to run and you’ll be shot,” said the officer as he closes the door

There was only one other person in the room besides me. The doctor has a needle in one hand and a .357 Magnum in the other. I could tell the second he showed his face he was nervous and wanted to get it over with. The test was fairly short; all he did was take blood and leave. I was left there for about an hour. I was trying to remember what happened to me and my squad when suddenly John walked in the door.

“What happened,” I said

“Long story,” said John “I’m glad that you’re alive”

“I thought the mission wasn’t life threatening,” I said

“To our commanders it wasn’t,” John exclaimed

“So where’s everyone else,” I asked nervously

“I’ll tell you everything,” John said

“So can you let me out of this thing,” I said with relief.

“I can’t let you,” he said sadly

“Didn’t the test results come in,” I asked nervously

“Yes,” he said while his face is turning red. “You’re infected,” he said

“Can you at least tell me what happened” I exclaimed

“Sure,” he said

The first half an hour he was explaining my dream with exact detail. After Ant stabbed Duke, he pulled out his 1926 Winchester single shot. He put the gun to his chest when I realized that’s were Ants head is.

“Wait, why,” said Tim.

“I work for the higher power” said Ant

Tim said America is the highest power and-

“America used to be the highest power” Ant exclaimed as he cut Tim off

“Then what country is better than America,” said Tim, super angry

“It’s not a country, it’s a militia force called WOT,” Ant said proudly.

“What does that stand for…Wimps of Tomorrow,” Tim said.

“It’s actually Warriors of Tomorrow,” said Ant.

Tim said “Wow, I got more than half ri- BOOM!

That’s when Duke shot himself and Ant. Ant dropped instantly taking Duke with him. Duke was surprisingly still alive and he said “Wow Hollywood lied, I don’t see a light.”

“Duke your still alive” said Tim as he rushed over to his aid

“Oh, that explains it” said Duke

“Explains what.” Said Tim

“The purple elephants” Duke said. “HA! Made you look!” Duke said

“Since when were you so funny,” John said sarcastically.

“Since I’m about to die,” Duke said.”Oh, and tell my wife and kids I love them”

“Duke you’re not married, you don’t have kids, and there are no purple elephants,” said Tim.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…they’re green now!” said Duke hysterically

That’s when people started shooting at us. Tim started to pick Duke up when Duke said “leave me, I’ll slow you down.” so we left him. Me and my team will live another day. Well, the rest of my team. Me and john eventually found Ant. He was trialed then executed for his betrayal of America

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