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a story is about a boy who shares a life story about his bestfriend who dies from drugs. |
My name is Murray Stevenson. Do you think drugs are cool? I’m twenty three years old and I think they are completely stupid. But if you think they are “cool”, I’m going to share a true story with you that will change the way you look at drugs. My best friend at that time was James (Jimmy) Conner. We both went to Swag Squad High School. We also lived in the same neighborhood. He was three months older than me, taller than me, and had more friends than me. He even had a bigger nicer house than I did. It was three stories high. Mine was one. He had 4 bathrooms and 6 bedrooms. I had 1 bathroom and two bedrooms. I envied him so much for those things. He was way more popular than me. I always felt like a burden because I would always tag along with him everywhere he went. He was like my older brother. But there was one thing that I hated about him. He thought it was cool to do drugs. Like I said I think they are stupid. Always have and always will. The good thing about it is that he wasn’t one of those druggies that always would be smoking, shooting up, or snorting drugs. He would only do it occasionally. He would do them at parties or when he was mad about something or stressed out. He also liked to drink alcohol when he did them. I don’t know why but he did. It was kinda strange. I’m not saying I never drank before because I have but I don’t anymore. I had my first drink when I was 17. I know what your think, I wasn’t twenty one and I was underage. It was my decision and it was a bad one. I was just caught up in the moment. It was a crazy night and a story I hate to tell, but I guess will share it with you. It was all six years ago. Me and Jimmy were invited to a party at his friend Seth Roger’s house. He was 2 years older than us and graduated. He was also Jimmy’s dealer. He got him drugs and alcohol whenever he needed it as long as he paid him. I just knew him through Jimmy. He was pretty cool. Now, back to the story. Seth’s parents went to New York and Seth call everyone he knew and told them that he was having a party over the weekend. So Jimmy was all hyped up and I really didn’t even wanna go but come the day of the party I went. Jimmy drove over in his dads brand new 2005 BMW. It was only three days old. The exterior was black with a red trim. The interior was all black leather and had 3 rows of seats. When we got there was already twenty other cars. Jimmy told me before we got out of the car that he had a bunch of beer and drugs. So I just said ok and we went in. When we walked the smell of beer and weed smacked me right across the face. There was at least 200 people in Seth’s house and another hundred in the backward. His house was a little bit smaller than Jimmy’s. He had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and it was only two stories. Seth was already high and drunk when we got there. So was about half of the other people there. So I saw my other friend Jesse there and I went with him and Jimmy and Seth went to the garage. Me and Jesse sat on the couch and talked for about thirty or forty minutes. Then we went to the garage to see what Jimmy and Seth were doing. When we walk in the garage there was smoke everywhere in the there and both Jimmy and Seth had a beer in one hand and a joint in the other. There was like ten other kids smoking too. It smelled so terrible in there I was coughing and it felt like I was about to puke. “You look sick dude” said Jimmy. To which I replied, “I’m okay dude, just a little woozy” Then he said, “you know what will make you feel better dude?!” “What” I said. “A nice joint or pill dude” “No dude, you know I don’t do that stuff” I said. He just looked at me then walked away. I knew he was mad cuz’ he always wants me to do that stuff but I never do. Like I said, to me it’s stupid. So I just shrugged my shoulders like whatever. Me and Jesse walked into the house out of the smoked filled garage to the weed and beer smelling house. Twenty two people were passed out and about 30 were making out. It was totally out of hand. I was scared something was going to happen. Me and Jesse looked out the window and Jimmy and Seth were swimming in Seth’s pool. They were both making out with girls. Jimmy’s girl was naked. Seth’s was wearing a bikini. They crazy thing was they both had girlfriends and those two girls were defiantly not them. They were really bad people. It made me mad sometimes but I don’t get mad over stupid stuff. Me and Jesse walked away from the window then went upstairs to Seth’s room. When we got in there, there was beer cans, cigarette buts, joint buts, and lighters all over the floor. “I can’t believe Seth through this party” said Jesse. “I know” I said. It was so wild there we just wanted to leave but everybody would make fun of us. We just knew they would. They always do it. I guess it un-cool to ditch parties. This was my first party and I didn’t want to ditch it. We probably sat there for like an hour or two. We watched The Hangover than just chilled out. Right after that all we heard we screams. Seth came running up the stairs with Jimmy screaming “THE COPS, THE COPS, THEIR HERE, THEIR HERE”!!!!!!!!!!! After we heard that we all freaked out. We had to jump out of Seth’s window. It was two stories high. Luckily we all landed in a bush. It still hurt though. After we landed we just all stood still. Quietly, not even moving for twenty minutes we waited. Finally The cops were all in the house. Then we dashed to the Jimmy’s dad’s car and we all hoped in and drove away. He parked in front of his house and told us to be quiet and that he would be right back. He walking into his house and was in there for at least fifteen minutes then finally he came out. He was carrying a big black duffle bag. He got in the car and just started driving. I asked him what was in it and he never responded. He would just turn the radio up louder and louder every time I asked. He was acting super weird. But I didn’t care. After driving for a while he said “grab me a beer out of my bag dude”. So I got it then he opened it took a sip then set it down. Then he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pill bottle filled with a bunch of different pills. He took out fourteen put them all in his mouth took a big gulp of beer then set the beer down. We were driving for a while and I was so thirsty so I took a couple sips of beer. I hated the taste so much. It tasted like throw up. He then, out of no where, turned on to main highway. He looked so out of it. He started swerving. There was barely any cars driving on the highway. Then just like that he passed out and drove straight, head on with a semi truck. We swung out of control then we hit a telephone pole. Jimmy was ejected from the car, through the windshield, from the impact. Me, Seth, and Jesse were okay. We were just in shock. As soon as I brought myself together, I called the cops. They said they were going to come as soon as possible. They found Jimmy’s body in a near by wooded area. He has all bloodied and bruised. They took the rest of us in separate ambulances and drove us to the hospital. We were met there by all of our parents. They put all of us in the same room, well, except for Jimmy. Jimmy sadly didn’t make it. They doctors said that he would have had a chance of surviving, but the pills he took all sent him into cardiac arrest which caused him to pass out. That’s my story. And to think that if he wouldn’t of took those pills. He would still be here with us. My best friend was taken that day. The thing is that if he never would of ever smoked a joint, popped a pill, shot up, or snorted any drug, he wouldn’t of even wanted to take those pills. Drugs claim millions of lives every year. Friends, family, or just random people. It will take anyone. It isn’t cool to kill yourself is it? I don’t think it is. My best friend got addicted to pills I can’t look at him in his eyes or talk to him anymore, you don’t know how that feels mentally. And trust me you don’t want to. I prayed that he would make it, I wished we could go back cuz’ honestly all the times that we had those be the best memories… |