Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1821496-Resurrection
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1821496
Dev the demon fighting magician will have to see if he has what it takes to save everone
I could feel a presence in front of me. Garyl’s I thought as I ran through the long corridor. I couldn’t tell how many there were, three maybe, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I could hear the screaming from a mile away. The door is right is right here, but I can’t open. It took me a second the realize that they charmed the door. I have to teleport into the room, so much for a big entrance. When I get into the room I can’t believe what I see.
Oh wait, I didn’t introduce myself. My names Devereax, but everyone calls me Dev. I’m very good at what I do, and what I do is save everyone. Now let’s get things straight, I don’t like you and you don’t like me, got it? Anyway, I work for clan known as the Dark Phenom, but were not, only someone with great magic potential gets to join. Don’t ask where we get magic from cause I don’t know and I don’t care. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to the story.
When I get into the room I see hundreds of Garyl demons. Ya, I was way off, but if that wasn’t bad enough, from what I could tell, humans were here, not much left but blood and guts now. I was thinking about calling in backup, but they would probably just get in the way.
”Hey Garyl’s”, I screamed as I ran towards one, “You still hungry, well come and get me”. As I expected they wouldn’t come, all of them sensed magic in me. See Garyl’s, although demons, aren’t dumb. Well I guess it’s my time I though as I pulled my sword out of the holder. I sprinted right at one swinging at random.
Up this close really puts your mind in to perspective of how ugly these things are. With rough brown scales, at least seven feet, and a face a mother would slap, I don’t see how they live with each other. My sword collides with one right in the neck, I know he’s dead so I keep going. Just then three of them ran at me.
“So now you want to play?” I chuckled while I countered and killed them with ease. They started to run, apparently I was grubs, lucky me cause if those were full grown, they might have had a chance.
I thought I’d kill a few more before they got away, but the door flew open and five magically inclined people ran through the door. I could tell right away it was the Light Phenom. Though they kill demons too, we hate each other. They don’t steal, kill humans, or have fun, I don’t even call that a life. I immediately recognize the woman in charge.
“Well if it isn’t Sandra Light, we meet again.”
“Shut up Dev, you know I’m here to kill you and you mock me, that’s not a smart move.”
“I mock you because you still don’t know your place in this world, you have great potential and you waste it in the pitiful group, may I ask why?”
“Nothing I do is wasted, I work for this group to stop you criminals from surviving.”
“So much talent and yet so misguided, this could be your last words for a long time Sandra, say goodbye.”
Before she could even think about it I bind here with magic so she can’t move. Before she could get help I killed all of her assistants and teleported out of the room. When I was home I realeased the binds and teleported her back home, I couldn’t let her stay there forever.
While I’m watching TV, I already know my partners behind me trying to scare me, so teleport behind him and scare him.
“My god Dev, just give me a heart attack why don’t you?”
“Haha, sorry Nail, but you know you cant scare me.”
“Whatever Dev, I will get you one time, and I will be great.”
“Keep dreaming Nail, anyway are there any new sightings that we should take care of?”
“No, not since that one that you just took care of, any trouble with that?”
“Not at all, but I had to take care of a few Light Phenom, I met Sand to while I was there, she still won’t give in.”
“That’s too bad, she could change the world with our help.”
“We will get her, it’s just going to take more time, anyway you need to go, I’ve got sleep to catch up on.”
Before Nail could even think about responding, I sent him away to god knows where. I was not in the mood to deal with Nail problems that I’m sure he was about to tell me about. I figured that I would just go to sleep, rest up cause tomorrow I have plans.
I woke up around five in the morning, that’s about the usual time for me to wake up. I head straight to the fridge and grab a beer, who needs coffee? I figured I’d check in with Nail to make sure I didn’t send him to the demons realm. Turns out I sent him to his yard and he was to lazy to walk into his house cause there he was, crashed out in the yard.
“Wake up Nail, we’ve got things to do”
“This better be good, I was about to tell you something until you flashed me out of your house.”
“How about going to get our girl, I know exactly where she is.”
“How’d you know that?”
“My powers are growing a lot faster than before.”
Because I’m still young, I don’t possess all of my powers, yet I’m still the biggest badass in the Dark Phenom.
“That’s good, maybe soon you won’t be so cocky.”
“I’m cocky because I’m the strongest person alive, and no one will beat me.”
“You’re not going to think that when you meet our next target.”
“Target? I had a big day planned, we were going to get Sandra, and we have to work?”
“Ya, We got to take care over a few demons, reports say one is very high power.”
“Let’s just get done and get out of there, she will help us in the long run.”
We made our way to Paris. Sure I could just teleport us to Paris, but where’s the fun in that? While we were on the plan I came up with a plan that would finish this within a matter of minutes. The plane landed around noon.
“Ready Nail?”
“Are you kidding, I’m always ready for Paris”
We walked for about an hour waiting for the report, but nothing came. No big deal I thought to myself. We stopped at a restaurant figuring the office was just running a bit late. While I ate something came to my attention. No one was even at the office, because of my magic I could sense any presence anyway I chose to search. The office was completely motionless.
“Hey Nail, were alone in this.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s no one at the office, they’re either dead or on vacation, and we both know they don’t get a vacation.”
“Who got to them?”
“I don’t know, but I have a feeling our old friend had something to do with it.”
Leaving Nail to check up on the office, my thoughts were confirmed. Bodies were scattered across the white tile floor. Blood soaked the once blue walls. I could tell that this happened recently because there is still a faint trace of someone once being here. My friend John was long dead, his brown hair thrown into a bloody mess, and his red sleeveless shirt having a gaping hole in it, I couldn’t save him now. Before I go back to Paris there’s one thing that I have to do. I teleported to the bar, I knew Sand would be here. Before she even noticed me I pulled her into the back room.
“What are you doing?” she screamed as I locked her against the wall.
“ I know what you did and I’m not happy, but I’ll put that behind me if you help me with something.”
“Why would I help you.”
“Because if you don’t, everyone dies.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I found the report in the office after you killed everyone, the demons are constructing a portal to their realm which they will use to bring their entire race. If that happens there’s no way we can stop them, we will be over run.”
“Fine, but if you think that this means I’m joining you, you’re way off. I will do this to protect humanity from being destroyed.”
“Whatever floats you boat, now if we don’t hurry were gonna die so grab my hand”
As soon as she grabbed my hand we were back in Paris right next to Nail.
“Hey, you got her,” He said as he saw her horror stricken face.
Things have gotten a lot worse for us, they have already begun making the portal. I have to get to the Eiffel tower right away to stop this. I cannot teleport or the demons will know I have magic and focus all their attention on me. Nail grabbed my shoulder when I started to run.
“Were a team man, you’re not going anywhere without me,” Nail said as he made his way there.
“Wait for me,” Sand said as she ran to catch up.
Oh yeah, this is going to be a fight. We were about half way to the tower when we heard the demons make a high pitched screech noise. It seemed so loud that it shook the sun. We had to attack before something could happen.
“Hey guys, you ready for this,” I asked before we reached the tower.
With determination on their faces, they didn’t even bother to answer. Immediately reaching the tower, the demons prepared themselves to attack. They couldn’t risk much so they sent their drones to do the work while the rest finished the portal.
“Bring it on,” we all screamed while they flew at us.
Unsheathing my skull ridden sword, I cut through three demons with such ease it must be legendary. Sand was battling seven while Nail was working on more than a few. They’re strong enough to handle themselves I thought to myself as I moved on. The demons attacked me, but with no success. Barely lifting a finger I repelled them with magic blasts.
“Too easy, I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Just then an adult Garyl came at me. Good, a challenge at last I thought as a made the first attack. Easily it countered my attack, and landed a claw on my face. That actually did some damage, I’m bleeding severely right below my right eye. Not enough to stop me though. I launched a magic bolt out of my hand, as the bolt hit I teleported behind him at sliced through it’s rough skin. It screeched loudly at the hit. It collapsed on the ground with a loud smash.
“Pathetic,” I spitted as I advanced up the tower.
One adult was working on the portal, the rest were now fighting. Looking down, I noticed the battle raged between the demons and my team. Nail barely had a scratch on him while it took everything of Sand to continue fighting. I really don’t care at this point, the objective is to destroy. There’s time to grieve later.
I’m almost at the top of the tower, this is how it will end, either I die or I save the planet. This world we know could stay the way same or become a dismay filled demon apocalypse. I can see the demon creating the portal at this point. I lunge for him at get my blade to connect. Unfortunately it is not a fatal wound and he has time to fight back. Knowing my skills are too great for his, I charge head on. He blocks a few of my attacks, for a demon his fighting skills are fantastic. I’m the greatest warrior this world has seen, and I won’t be beaten by something that’s as ugly as him.
“Let’s dance”
I threw my sword at and pierced its skin but didn’t kill him. It made a move that would have killed me if I was a little bit slower. I used my magic to burn him from the inside out. Time to destroy the portal. I’m not sure how I will do it, but I need s to be something powerful. Glancing back I see Nail and Sand are still standing, pretty impressive they aren’t dead. I hit the almost complete portal with wave after wave of magic, but nothing’s working. Then a great explosion hit me with a force so incredible I smashed into the ground. I blacked out for what feels like a million years, turns out it was three months. When I woke up I was back home, my house was completely spotless.
Looking around I found Nail and Sand making a dinner that smelt delicious.
“Hey guys,” I said as I got off the couch.
“Hey Dev,” they said simultaneously walking toward me.
“So what Sand, we friends now?”
“Ya, me and Nail had a long talk about it, and we going to be a team of three now.”
“So what happened with the portal?”
“We don’t know, all of a sudden it just exploded,” Nail sighed.
“Then we win?”
“Ya, we do.” Said Sand flipping the pizza.
Good the fight is finally over. Humanity has prevailed and the demons are no more. This is the end of my legend.
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