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The battle of a dying language, our tool of expression and education. |
INTRODUCTION: So.... This is where I've finally found myself. Trying to express one of the things that I feel most passionate about. I've always wanted to write something interesting, something with meaning that might strike a chord with someone, somewhere. Over the years, I've considered many possibilites as to what I might try and write, but I've never really found the one thing that I was so passionate about that I could devote all of my time studying and researching, ensuring that all of my ducks were in a row in regards to that particular topic. Now I'm sitting at this desk, attempting to find the right words to start my bantering that just might captivate you enough to want to keep reading. So where do I start? Do I pick a topic that I've read most about throughout my life because it's what I like? Do I come up with some fantastical story about dragons and dwarves, barbarians and drow, simply because I've read a number of Salvatore's books and happen to love the imagery that he can put in my mind? To be honest, I'd love to. He's an awesome writer and I'd love to create a character so large as Drizzt Do Urden of Menzoberranzan, that might have people decades from now on the edge of their seat as they read, picturing every swing and slice of his magical scimitars. It's not that I don't think myself capable, but moreso that I realize the amount of work and dedication that an author like Salvatore put into such a character. Frankly, I simply do not have the time to go and study every race, land and every other little detail that goes into creating such a realm so fantastical. As much as I would love to, I just could not create a work of that nature with the accuracy that it deserves. So what exactly do I write about? It's simple, I look within myself and find something that burns deep, that actually means something to me and that I can deliver a strong message about that will be both accurate and penetrating. I might not create a memorable character, but I can still convey my message with power and paint a very vivid picture of what that message contains. It's the beauty of what my message is, the very reason that I'm sitting in front of this computer, trying to draw you in and hold your interest just long enough so that you'll want to read on. It's what's mightier than the sword and why you can hear my thoughts. It's the ability to read what I'm writing and understand this lovely language we've created, called English. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Now that I've caught your attention, I'll start by telling you a little about myself. I'm a twenty five year old soldier who lives in Germany. I'm married and have no children, at least not yet anyway. We're working on that part. I'm a college athlete drop out who blames his failure on his ex girlfriend when really, it was a lack of self application that led to my joining the Army. I've got a few years in now, more than five, less than ten, but it really doesn't matter how many. I was born and raised on the East Side of Saint Paul, Minnesota, where I still proudly call home. I grew up rough, spent my time running the streets and figuring things out on my own, until I was taken in at the age of fifteen by someone who actually gave a damn. By then, I'd had my share of drugs and mischief and spent plenty of nights sleeping from couch to couch, with friends or family, to include the occasional garage or pop-up camper in someones back yard. Yes, I said Minnesota and yes, it made for a lot of very cold nights. After all the bouncing around though, I finally found a place that I could call home. I had an opportunity to turn my life around and I assure you, I did not waste it. I may not work for NASA right now, but I like to think I'm doing alright. Having dropped out of college or not, thankfully, I can say I made it that far. Of all things then, why would I choose to write about English and writing, this tool of communication that I admittedly only know so much about? I assure you, I'm by no means an English Major, or anything close to it. I just happen to love what of the language I do know, and appreciate it for that and all of the things I don't. I try to write within my means. Maybe a little beyond that, but not too far. It starts to become too hard to understand when people start babbling on with words that it seems they only write to try and impress really smart people, and extrememly discriptive sentences that become too hard to follow. I can use big words and create imagery that will confuse you, but I choose not to. It makes it all easier to understand, and taking my message in a bit smoother. I'll save the confusing stuff for a little later on in my career when I'm ready to write about elves and magic. So, why then is this my topic of choice? Simply put, because I care. I care that the English language is a tool of communication, a means of expression and an essential part of education. I care that so many people don't know how to use it as a tool, to express themselves or be properly educated. I care that the individuals who do know how to use this tool, do not care enough to ensure that the children of today, this generation and every generation there after will know how to effectively use it as well. As I said, I am far from an expert. But, I know enough to form my own opinion and express it clearly, in hopes that at least one person will carry on my message. If that is all I am able to accomplish, then hopefully that one person can carry my message further and find a better way to express it than me. -More to follow- |