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Arthur has a day out and gets himself into a little trouble. |
Ch. 8 The next evening Arthur is surprised when he wakes up to the smell of coffee and heads down stairs to investigate. Walking into the kitchen, smiling Carlo informs him. “Good morning Arthur, your wife thinks you earned another award.” And he hands Arthur a cup of coffee. “Good morning and thanks.” They both sit down at the small table in the kitchen to talk as they drink their coffee and eat some of the cookies that Alice had sent over the other day. “These are good Arthur, we will have to thank that wife of yours. Do you have a letter for her yet?” “Yes, it is up in my room.” “Good than I will send it to her later, if you give it to me,” Carlo adds with a smile. “I would appreciate that,” Arthur answers as some others start coming in and in no time at all they go through all the coffee that they had. Jasmine taking the last cup says “I have the recipe that she uses to make the coffee. I will need someone or her to buy the beans, and that also opens up some new jobs that we will be having around here. We will need cooks, crop framers and people to harvest and new things to store all of it in. We may have to redo the kitchen to accommodate all the new things that this will allow us to do. It will take time but I think that this could be a new beginning for us.” Arthur trying to keep his voice under control cautiously ask, “And what exactly do you mean by that Jasmine?” Jasmine looking at Arthur calmly explains, “Arthur I wrote a note for Alice asking if she could do our shopping, vampires are not welcome in other stores, she should have gotten it by now. She has asked to help in any way that she can and will try out new recipes for us. If we all like them than I will add them to the book I have already started. This is just a small thing but is very important to her. there’s no reason she can not do this for you along with the rest of us. She only wants to feel that she is apart of you, and I for one agree with that. She will not have to come here. We have a meeting place already in mind for all of this. She will be in no danger at all, and I will start leaving her an envelop with a grocery list in it.” Arthur getting up still trying to control his temper answers, “If anything happens to her there will be no place on earth safe for you, I do not know if I like all of this.” Arthur adds with much concern. “That is exactly how we feel Arthur,” Carlo calmly replies to him. The others all eagerly agree to help pay for the things Alice will be bringing. Not knowing what else to say and making a plan on his own to make sure his wife and child stay safe Arthur leaves the Kitchen. Arthur starts work and really concentrates on how to control his new abilities. while secretly making plans to kill Erick for setting his group up. He had talked with one vampire that knew about the set up. So now he knows the truth and was planning his revenge. Alice had agreed to the arrangement and started dropping off new items along with the recipes to make them. Arthur still dose not know where Jasmine and Alice meet and what all goes on there. The new spark in Jasmine is refreshing, She is always humming or singing. They have delivered the new stove and she is always in the kitchen cooking or working on her new cook book. She has also hired a cook for the warehouse. Only a few of the vampires live inside the warehouse. Most of them have their own places and everyone seems to want the new cook book. About three days pass and Arthur decides to sneak a peek at his wife. He wakes up very early and finding his door locked in a fit of rage he punches it, only managing to hurt his hand. He walks away to start his daily exercises and hearing someone unlock it he quietly goes to see who it is. Arthur is not surprised to see Carlo, who smiles saying. “Good morning Arthur you’re up early.” With anger Arthur answers, “You lock me in every night!” “Yes, I told you we couldn’t risk anything” Carlo calmly replies and smiling he ads “would you like some coffee?” “Of curse why else would I be up.” Arthur answers in annoyance. Side by side they walk into the kitchen together. Carlo handing Arthur the pot says, “if you fill the pot I will get the coffee ready.” “Alright,” Arthur answers as he takes it and walks to the big metal sink to fill it up. After this is done they both sit down at the small table. “You know Arthur if you let me get a small blood sample, I will let you call her.” Arthur now very alert asks, “Why do you want one?” Carlo calmly answers, “Because you are, the first sorcerer vampire that I know of and I would like to see the difference in our blood, if there is one.” Smiling Arthur answers, “I will give you that sample, if you let me call my wife and show me the results afterward.” “Yes, I can do that.” Carlo says as they pick up their cups and head out. “follow me please” Carlo says as he walks out of the room into Living room. Arthur does so. They walk through the living room going toward a small room. Arthur stops dead in his tracks asking, “Why are we going in there?” Turning to Arthur Carlo calmly explains, “This is where I would like you to wait for me. I need to go get the stuff to do the blood test, it will not take long and I do not think you would like to go down to the lab, I make the Nuckales there.” Arthur had almost said boy would I, but quickly changes his mind and instead answers, “you are right about that. Why can’t I wait for you out here in the living room?” Smiling Carlo replies, “This room is better for you right now. We do not want you getting yourself into to much mischief. If you do not like that then I am sorry, you will not be able to call her.” Arthur reluctantly walking into the room answering, “I will wait here for you than.” Carlo smiling answers. “thank you Arthur” After Carlo closes and locks the door Arthur mumbles, “You’re not welcome.” then takes a eat at the small metal table that is in the center of the room. A few minutes later Carlo comes in caring a small brown leather bag that opens from the top. After the blood test is done Carlo puts the stuff back into the bag, asking, “Arthur what are you hoping to learn from this? I only want to know so that there is no false hope.” “All I am hoping to find out is what I am Carlo and that is all. Look at me and I am sure you can tell I am not just a sorcerer and to answer your unspoken question. I hold no hope of finding my parents as far as that goes, I have never hoped for that. It is not possible, so I have been told many times as a child.” Looking down at the silver band on his finger, he adds “this ring is all I have from them. I was told it was given to my mother by her stud; he gave it to her for the unborn child. I have tried many times to find out more about the crest and where it came from however no one even knows what house or family it belonged to. All they know is that it is ancient. My only family is my wife, son and brother Lanis. That is all and if you harm any of them there will be no place safe from me. I would hunt you like a dog. I also feel the same way about my friends, if you harm Adolfo you would be in almost the same boat. You had best keep that in mind while you plan your scams.” “Arthur your family is safe from us. I will be by your side if not in front of you if any should harm Alice or Billy. I may not feel the same about the others but they would never be hurt by my hand or anyone in this clan. The first to attack Alice will face not just you and me, but we will be hard pressed to beat Jasmine. You will come to see that one day. We would all die for the three of you.” “Time will tell and what you plan for us will all come out in time. Everyone that I know has some plan for me. It is just the way it is. Like always my only goal is to keep my family safe.” “I have no plans for you Arthur other then to be a friend. You are the one to make your plans here. In time you will see that. The test results will take a few weeks to process. At that time I will get with you and we can go over them together.” “Thank you Carlo, I am glade we had this talk, I will see you around.” Arthur answers as he thinks, He seems sincere but without my ability I feel so blind, I do not know how people can live like this. Not even having the slightest hint on who to trust and not to. It is driving me crazy. Carlo interrupts Arthur’s thoughts saying, “let’s see what she brought for us to try today.” They head back into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen Jasmine is there with a basket of food and a letter for Arthur. She hands him the unopened letter and starts to take all the things out of the basket. They are all labeled and the recipes are placed on top of the dishes. There is one that smells really good with the label of blood gravy on it. Arthur start to open it up to taste it and like Alice would do, Jasmine slaps his hand away saying. “Oh no you don’t you will wait just like the rest of us until dinner time.” Smiling and shaking his hand like it was hurt Arthur answer. “Owe that hurt.” Laughing Jasmine answers, “You will get over it son, here you may have some of this. It is an omelet.” “What does it have in it?” Arthur asks as he takes the plate and smells it. “I am not sure yet, but here is a fork, try it.” It smells good and Arthur takes a small bite of it. It is very good he can taste the onion and blood in it along with peppers and mushrooms. He gets a good size helping of it and paces it on to Carlo saying. “Here you should try this it is scrumptious.” After they are done Arthur tucks the letter into a hidden pocket in his cloak and asks. “When can I make that phone call Carlo?” Placing his plate in the huge industrial size dish washer Carlo waves for Arthur to follow him. They go into the office and as before Carlo supervises Arthur’s call to Alice. Therefore they only talk about small things that are going on. When Arthur hangs up the phone thanking Carlo and opens the door to leave Carlo asks. “Would you like to see a real lab?” Arthur not quite believing what he heard pauses still holding the door answering, “I thought you made the stuff down there?” “I do but at one time my lab was in the game room. You see it is all movable. We could bring some of it back up here, if you would like to be my partner and do studies with me. I will mentor you in this area as well if you would like.” Trying not to act like his son does on Christmas morning, as calmly as he can Arthur answers, “I have never seen a real lab before, and will gladly be your partner. When can we start?” Smiling and walking to the door Carlo answers, “Right now, let’s go.” They leave the room and spend the next few hours making room for the lab in the game room. Jasmine who has just finished putting everything away hearing the commotion goes to see what is going on. Entering the game room she stops just inside the door watching Arthur and Carlo rearrange the room. They have already cleared out half the room and just sat down the last of the six pool tables. Arthur is the first to notice her and signals Carlo with a nod toward the door. Looking guilty they both turn toward her, she can’t help but laugh at their faces as she walks further into the room. She informs them, “You would think I just caught you two in the cookie jar.” With her hands on her hips and smiling in a suspicious voice she asks, “Now what are you two up to?” In a rush they try to explain, “We are bringing part of the lab up here so we can both enjoy it” she chuckles, “I am glade you two are learning how to play nicely. I guess I can deal with two lab rats, as long as they remember to clean up their mess. You may want to petition that side off, so you can play in privet.” “Yes, that would be nice.” they both answer again. Jasmine laughing and shaking her head walks out of the room. Thinking, I can not wait to tell Alice about this one, we had both been a bit worried they would never rely get along. Arthur and Carlo look at each other nether understanding what is so funny they shrug their shoulders and get back to work. a few minutes later Jasmine brings them the bagels Alice had dropped off. The cream cheese on them is strawberry red and they booth enjoy another cup of coffee with them. When the others get down stairs Carlo has some of them help him bring up the stuff they want. Arthur stays up stairs and helps organize the stuff as it is brought up. After a while, Arthur has to go to work but as soon as he gets back Carlo and him enjoy the new lab, Arthur is a very cooperative test subject. The days turn into weeks and Arthur starts to fall into a small routine, in the mornings, he gets up and heads down stairs. Carlo and him fix coffee than head to the lab where they work on small experiments. As soon as it gets dark, Arthur goes to work on the farm, after work everyone that wants to can come to the warehouse and eat dinner. After that the game room is open for who every likes and some go back to work or their homes. The women take this time to get new recipes from Jasmine. Jasmine starts spending more and more time away. Arthur thinks she may be with Alice for every time she comes home she has more recipes and more things for them to try. Arthur and Carlo have found out that as long as there is blood in certain things they can eat them and will not have to hunt so often. It seems that the food somehow helps them maintain the blood longer. After two weeks, Carlo and Daron start taking Arthur out without the gauntlets on and letting him do small spells. They find out he dose not have to put as much energy into them as he used to. The transformation has strengthened his powers and abilities. With not having to wear the gauntlets so much, being allowed to use magic and eating more, Arthur start to gain strength and soon learns just how much the Nuckales can affect him. He has to be careful just how much he eats or drinks or when he goes inside or puts the gauntlets back on it makes him extremely week, dizzy, and gives him an unbearable headache. Carlo starts to trust Arthur more not knowing he has plans of his own, and Arthur concentrates on learning as much as possible in as short amount of time as possible. . . . . . . . . . . . . By this time Alice and Jasmine are spending many hours a week together. They are cooking and making new recipes all the time for the clan. Alice still wonders about the way Jasmine acted at the first time she saw herself and then again when she saw Billy for the first time. She just stood there and looked at him and very gently reached out and touched his cheek. She knelt down in front of him and handed him a toy truck made of wood that she told him Carlo had made just for him. Now every time she comes she has a new toy or book that one of the two of them have gotten him or made him. She keeps hinting around that she would like to take him out to play so that he can see Carlo. Alice is still unsure but is thinking next week will be good. She is having trouble with the daycare and Jasmine has asked to help. Jasmine and Carlos will come to the ranch to watch over Billy. It just feels so right to do this. Even though Alice knows Arthur will not like it. . . . . . . . . . . . . In the beginning of Arthur’s fifth week there, he gets up earlier than normal and finding his door unlocked, he goes down stairs. Not seeing anyone else down stairs and that coffee has not been made or has been drunk up already, he starts a pot. thinking, they have been being careful not to leave me alone and my door was open. . .He opens the door to see if anyone is outside, the sun light shins in hitting his arm, jumping back and looking at it, thinking, that should’ve burned me. He looks and to his surprise there is no burn. He then sticks his arm in the light and leaves it a bit longer just to see what will happen. To his surprise nothing happens, so out the door he goes. The first place Arthur visits is Erick’s house. He knocks on the door, no one answers so he easily picks the lock slipping inside. Walking through the rooms of the small one story log house he comes to a picture with a strong spell on it. Protecting himself he moves the picture finding what looks like a plain wall behind it. Using his powers to reveal what is there the wall vanishes and a small safe appears. Easily opening this he finds some money and a folder of papers using magic he makes a copy of the papers putting them in his robe. Thinking, I will look at these later when I have more time. the guards are sure to be on the way and I do not want a run-in with them yet. He leaves the money and locks it back up making sure it is all back to normal and he walks away never looking back. he knows for a fact no one will know anyone was ever there. The alarm he had purposely triggered, they will all think a cat or something triggered it. It was on the door and he set it off as he left. There would be no signs of any type of intruder as one of his many talents is the talent to hide his magical mark, they would not find one there. This is another talent only Arthur has, as far as he knows. Walking away from the house he thinks of ways he can get to Erick without being caught in the process. Making my presents known right now would not be good, but I am hoping to scare Erick into making a mistake so I can have a few words with him before I finish him off. I haven’t been tempted to drink anyone’s blood, so I will try a couple more places before going to visit my wife and son. He thinks as he telaports to the local magic shop, it looks a lot like an old trading post. To walk through this town you would think you are going back to the old west. That is one of their decoys, when someone comes across it. They think they have found a ghost town. The shop is open so Arthur walks in; behind the counter is George, a small bald, older wizard. Looking at Arthur in shock not quite sure what to think George trying to sound casual says, “Hi Arthur you’ve changed.” Smiling pleasantly Arthur thinks; we used to call each other friends. As Arthur walks around looking at different items he answers. “You are not the first to tell me that. I am only here to pick up a few things. Do not fear I will be good and pay for them than go. I will not harm anyone and be on my way to leave you in peace when I am done shopping.” “Yes, I guess vampires need things too.” “I do.” Arthur answers and gets a small bucket of toys, some candy, and a ball for Billy. He always tries to get him something before he goes home from his trips. This will have to do. For Alice he gets two dozen roses that change colors every so often and will live for about two months, a card, and a box of chocolates, this is his make up gift for being bad today. Arthur then finds the necessary herbs and cauldron kit he came in for, a new spell book, another pair of sun glasses he needs to hid his eyes that seem to unnerve almost everyone. Arthur then gets three black robs he will wear in remembrance of all his comrades and their companions that died in battle. When Arthur goes to the counter, Gorge looks at all the stuff knowing that Arthur and Alice never bought anything they could make or grow and definitely never more then one or two items at a time, cerise about this Gorge comments. “I didn’t know vampires earned enough to afford this.” “I can afford it all and do not fear my son and wife will not be joining me, they will live.” “I am delighted to hear that. However, after this I would appreciate it if you didn’t come in anymore.” Smiling Arthur answers. “I have known you for a long time George, and I have helped you a few times. Now I would like you to return the favor. I appreciate you letting me buy things today, and will be careful not to show up when you are not alone. However, I would like you to supply me with certain things I will still need. Just think, you can get lots for doing this little favor for me. I will only shop here, and if you have, issues with some non-paying customers, just think how useful I can be. Of course I do not drink people’s blood; I prefer wild animals, just so you know.” “I am relived to hear that, and you do have a point Arthur, but I will only do this for you and as long as no one finds out.” “Thank you.” Arthur answers and hands him not only the money for the things he got, but also a 20-dollar tip. “You are welcome” Gorge answers gladly taking the money as Arthur picks up the bags and leaves. Thinking, I had not been tempted by him either Arthur goes to the ranch and the first house he goes to is Lanis’s, and sets an envelop with some money in it on the doormat. He knocks than goes up into a tree to watch. Lanis answers the door and as he picks up the envelop he looks around but can not see Arthur. Lanis seeing the golden shield on the envelop opens it, finding the money with a small note that reads. Back pay for a job well done. Even if we didn’t win there is always a next time. Get well soon my brother and friend. After he looks at it a couple of times front to back. Lanis laughs and shacks his head saying, “Arthur you old fool, I know this is from you. If you are still here why not come in?” Arthur dose not answer him, though it is tempting. he still has lots to do before dark. Lanis not hearing a reply knows when Arthur is ready he will come for a visit, so he says, “I do not know were you come up with this, but thank you. You old fool; I hope you are doing well.” With that, Lanis’s enters the house shutting the door behind him. Arthur thinking, I will come back to see Lanis after I visit with Alice and Billy. He goes to the guest house that is off to the right of the main house about 50 yards away. When Arthur knocks Alice answers and stairs in disbelief for a moment, Arthur smiles saying, “hi honey, I am home for a visit.” Alice throwing her arms around Arthur wants nothing more then to hold him, they have been apart to long. Arthur thinking the same way very carefully hugs her as they both say. “I love you it is so good to see you again.” After a few thousand kisses, they both go inside and Alice asks. “Does Carlo know you are here?” Arthur smiling mischievously answers, “He will soon enough, I just couldn’t stay away any longer. You are so close but so far away and there is much we need to talk about.” Arthur hands her the gifts, “here I got you a little something to make up for my bad behavior today.” Alice takes the bag and flowers answering. “It is not me you have to worry about it is Carlo dear.” “No, it is only you I would give the world for. Any punishment they give me is worth it just to see your smile and be with you even if it is only for the day.” Alice hugging Arthur smiles answering, “Don’t try that sweat talk on me” Billy comes running in through the back door yelling, “Daddy!” As Billy wraps his arms around Arthur, he picks Billy up, gives him a huge, and kiss saying. “hi little man” Arthur carefully tosses Billy into the air and catches him. Billy laughs, “Wee. I missed you daddy.” “I missed you to son.” Arthur answers as he puts him down and hands him the bag of toys. Billy eagerly takes them and heads into the living room, where they sit and play for a while. After lunch Alice and Arthur put Billy down for his nap then go into the kitchen so they will not wake him. There are many things they need to talk about. Arthur taking a seat asks, “What are you doing with Jasmine?” “We are making new recipes for everyone and we are working together on them.” “What I want to know is where are you doing all of this. We do not know if they can be trusted.” “We work here, she has signed the treaty and so has Carlo. They are both very good with Billy and always bring him new toys. You should see them with him. They are like new grandparents. He also has grown very fond of them. You should have seen the first time Jasmine and Billy met. It was a lot like the first time we met. Once she held him it was like she would never let go of him. Carlo was the same way.” In a voice of concern, Arthur asks, “You trust them with Billy?” . “Yes I do. I do not know what it is but I feel no threat at all when they are here. I feel like we are all family. It is hard to explain.” “I will let it be for now, but if anything should happen I will do what needs to be done,” Arthur sternly replies. “You will see Arthur they are very nice and will do nothing to hurt any of us. I just feel it. I was not wrong about Adolfo and look at the two of you now. It is the same.” “Only time will tell. You be careful for now. I also do like both of them. In time we can be sure.” Arthur, Alice, and Billy spend the rest of that afternoon talking and enjoying their time together. Before it gets too late Arthur fires up the grill and cooks a very early super. Meanwhile back at the warehouse they spend the first part of the morning searching for Arthur but he is nowhere to be found. They quickly figure out that some how he has managed to leave, though it is morning and the sun is out. They come up with a search party and make plans to leave at dusk. Carlo is not happy at all, and decides to make some things they may need, just encase Arthur does not cooperate or they are too late to save Alice and Billy. For Carlo believes there is no way Arthur could resist the craving to drink human blood for he is still a changeling. . . . . . . . . . . . . Back at Erick’s the guards search the house and notify Erick of the incident after he checks everything and confirms that nothing is missing he sets up a watch around his house, just to be on the safe side. He then goes back to work hoping that it really was just a cat or something that triggered the alarm. Besides if it had been Arthur he would not have triggered it unless it was a trap and it had not been. That slave is probably dead, I am just being paranoid, there is no way Arthur could have survived that battle. He thinks as he heads back to work. . . . . . . . . . . . . As the sun sits, Arthur gets ready to go back to the warehouse. Picking Billy up wrapping him in a hug and placing a kiss on his cheek, he says. “bye little man. I must go back with my friends to work. I love you son, take care of mommy while I‘m out.” “I will daddy, I love you to.” Arthur kisses him on the forehead and place him back down. Alice and him share one last embrace and I love you. Then Arthur steps out the door and teleports back to the warehouse. Reaching for the door knob, the door bursts open and he is face to face with Carlo who is holding some chains and a collar. Carlo’s mouth falls open in shock and surprise. There’s a group of men with him all ready to leave and papered for battle. Arthur smiling at them all says, “Hi, Did you miss me?” Carlo recovering from Arthur’s sudden appearance answers. “What are you doing here?” Grinning Arthur answers, “I thought that I was staying here father. Though your errant son does have somewhere else that he would prefer to be, if you are asking me to leave.” “Get your Ass in here, I’ll give you an errant son,” Carlo says as he half pulls Arthur through the doorway. The chuckles erupt from behind Carlo and he says, “Every one dismissed!” As Arthur goes to follow the others, Carlo adds “Not you Arthur! Where have you been all day?” “Around and about.” “How with the sun out?” “Well Carlo it seems God has given me another gift.” “Follow me” Carlo replies, as he mumbles something under his breath. Entering the office Carlo says, “Take a seat” They booth do so at the same time and Carlo asks, “How are Alice and Billy doing?” “They are good, no mater what you chose to do I needed today and I have no regrets for it. Any punishment you deem fit I will comply with.” “Have you had anything to eat or drink today?” “Stake and potatoes with vegetables all done on the grill, there was also blood gravy, it was delicious you should try it some time.” “What is in those bags?” “Supplies that I need.” “What type of supplies?” Carlo asked with concern. “Just some new cloaks and a spell book.” “Hand them over.” Arthur reluctantly does as asked and taking the bag’s Carlo starts to look through them, as he informs Arthur, “you disobeyed the law and therefore I can not trust you. From now until you earn my trust back you will stay with Daron or myself and when outside you will wear this collar. I told you one of our laws is no leaving without my approval and you did not have it. I am letting you off easy because you did not hurt anyone and you did come back. If you had not done that the consequences would have been more severe. The Next time you want to leave just ask me first.” “I will do that. I do respect your laws and agree with them.” “I am glade to hear that, but you still will do as I have asked and will have to earn your rights back. Just to make sure you remember the laws. Here are your things and you are now dismissed.” Arthur takes the bags and with a nod leaves the office and goes to his room. A few days latter Arthur finely gets a moment to himself where he can look over the file he found in Erick’s safe. It is full of notes on plans to kill Arthur and some to enslave his wife and son. {indent}I will have to put extra guards on them. Alice is not going to be happy. I may have to take her out of work for her own safety. thinking not too fondly of the argument that is going to cause. he flips through some more papers, most are plans that he has already stopped. Thinking more to himself he realizes that Erick would not be foolish enough to mess with Alice or Billy while they are in the wizard’s town she works in. For they are accepted as a part of that culture and if any sorcerer tried anything there it would cause the truth between the two to be broken. That is good I will not have that fight with my wife. He thinks as he places the file in the hidden pocket of his bag. About a week later, Arthur ask Carlo. “Can we talk in your office?” “Yes,” Carlo replies and they both go to the office once seated Carlo asks, “What would you like to talk about?” “I would like permission to leave and go home to be with my wife and son. You know I am safe for people to be around me, and I do have a family to take care of.” Carlo takes a few minutes to think, he had been hoping on keeping Arthur there to form a good relationship with his son -in- law but he had no real reason to keep Arthur there and by letting him go it could show Arthur that he really did only want to be a friend. With this choice made Carlo asks. “How do you plan to get your supply?” “The same way my wife has been getting it and I would like permission to come and hunt.” Nodding in agreement to that Carlo answers, “Those are some good choices. I will let you go if your wife agrees and you give me your word that you will follow our laws and check in with me once a week. If you break the law again you know what the punishment will be.” “Yes, I can give you my word on all of that and I am sure my wife will be glade to have me home.” “I am sure you are right and what will you do about your job?” “I will work on the farm until I find another one that I like better, if that is ok with you?” “Yes that is fine, I am glade you are making better choices now. You have earned my trust do not let me down.” “I will do my beast.” Arthur answers and Carlo calls Alice who answers the phone saying yes she would love to have Arthur home. Arthur goes to pack and does just that. |