Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1820771-THE-END-of-a-kiss
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1820771
love lost, heart break, missing

THE END (of a Kiss:)

A frostiness crept around the room as the curtains wafted and fluttered about in semi darkness. The cool breeze lapped chillingly around Leah’s limp body - numb to all her surroundings. She stirred. She shuddered. She reached out.. But, BUT he was not there. She longed to sleep again; to dream of Blake and her in a far off place. Together. Happy. Staggering to her feet in a drunken stupor, struggling to walk she swayed towards the windows and slammed them shut.

Shutting her eyes. Clenching her fists. Grinding her teeth. Leah choked back the screams within her head and shredded heart. Shaking hands fumbled for a stale drink. Picking up a pack of fags she swore at herself - it was empty- she screwed it up and threw it against the weathered wall. The wall was an insipid pale blue, like her eyes. They were opaque and glazed. Her mousy blond hair, once shiny, hung like string and clung to her haggard face. The wall was cracked with years of neglect as was her hardened heart (which went untended.)

Men still found Leah attractive; when she made an effort of getting her act together before venturing out - however that was a rarity now a days. She seemed open,carefree but wore an air of vulnerability. Men wanted to protect her from fellow competitors. She did need looking after, but only from herself. They all felt extra special around her and felt a certain bond. She had an ability to make people feel comfortable, close and most importantly loved.That was because she was a good listener and believed in the Oneness of all living creatures and felt a universal love to all. Beneath this once radiant facade resided a restrained desperate girl; who longed to be loved by him and only him...

A hollowed heart
A maimed mind
Marooned on a desolate shore
Far far away
Her heart her head
Had ventured out one summers day
To have only lost their way
When would they ever return?
If only he were here
To whisper in her ear
To gently guide her by the hand
And lay beside her on the sand
Then surely they would return
Trembling dancing with excitement...

Leah could see Blake clearly. Those mischievous eyes, school boy grin and husky voice whispering out her name. His image was tattooed upon her eyelids - open/ closed. He was constantly there. Awake and in her dreams. Never ceasing to give her a moments rest. Breathing in she yearned to feel his breathe upon her, to smell him, to taste him.. OH to hold him. Sighing out she wished him away and to be rid of him - the pain was unbearable - knowing he was close, so SO close and yet she could not go to him or him to her. The situation a bizarre desperate one. Holding on to a kiss - a stolen one at that. She had never felt quite so alive, the energy was electric, it shook her to her very core.

People often wondered what it was they shared. They could sense, see and almost smell it. For Leah knew what it was and she hope that Blake did to. (She thought he did although they never had time to discuss it.) What they shared was an eternal bond. Many many countlessly many lifetimes before they had met and would meet again and again forever more. But why did it have to be this way - this time round?

Pain and Time was all that she had. They were inseparable. Like twins. Plenty of Pain. Lots of Time. Time - lagging tediously behind her, wearily wearing her down, weighing her with the heaviness of Pain. How she longed to be free of them. Oh to speed up Time. To live again. That is when it slapped her in the face. She knew what she had to do, to start over. Without hesitating, jerking to her feet, heading to the balcony with a sense of purpose. She opened the window, looked down at the still silent sleeping city. Dawn was breaking. A new day. She smiled. A new beginning.
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