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Joe comes home to find several surprises for his homecoming- Sensual Moments- first place |
Homecoming ** Image ID #1819066 Unavailable ** Joe fidgeted in his seat. He’d been in airports and planes for the last 24 hours. His excitement grew each time the second hand ticked on his watch. He couldn’t wait to get home. It had been the longest year of his life and the last few hours had seemed just as long. He looked at his watch again, maybe twenty more minutes of flying time, and hopefully the closest runway to the terminal, and I’ll be home. Trish and Mrs. Donaldson were waiting in the baggage claim area. Every three minutes, one or the other of them would check the board to see if the arrival time had changed. They couldn’t wait for the plane to land. Joe would be home, finally home. It had been a hard year for both women. Mrs. Donaldson had faced Joe Junior’s first deployment with her husband of thirty-five years. This time she’d had to face it alone, almost alone. Her new daughter-in-law had moved in the day before Joe Junior deployed. Trish had one glorious honeymoon week with her new husband before he deployed for his second tour. The day he left had torn her apart, the thoughts of a whole year without her best friend and lover was almost more than she could bear. She had made it, with the help of her mother-in-law. Now these final minutes each ticked away like hours. The two women had lived together and worked diligently on their surprise for Joe’s return. Their covert operation had started the week after Joe departed. Mrs. Donaldson was watching one of her favorite television shows House Hunters International. She suddenly stood up, put her hands on her hips, looked around the room, and told Trish, “This house is too big for me.” She rubbed her fingers over her lips, in her thinking mode, examined the room and its details. “Yep, that’s it.” Her decision was made. “I’m going to find a smaller place and we’re going to use our know how to re-do this place for you and Joe Junior.” Trish didn’t know what to think. It was such an amazing gift, but what know how? She didn’t know the first thing about renovations, but apparently she was about to learn. The year had zoomed past for the two women. Each day was filled with their normal day jobs; each night and was filled with projects to make the old homestead into something brand new for the man they both loved with all of their hearts. Every Skype call and phone call had been a challenge to keep the secret, but both women were determined to make Joe’s homecoming a grand event. Trish looked at the arrival board again. The plane had landed. Her heart pounded in her chest. She couldn’t sit down. She couldn’t stand still. She was a jittery mess. Mrs. Donaldson recognized the signs. She’d been the same way when her Joe had come home from deployment. She wrapped her arm around Trish. “You know, honey, he’ll be coming just as fast as he can. Let’s just sit down here and breathe, in and out, before you hyperventilate.” “I know, I just can’t wait!” “I know, I can’t either, but we have to.” Mrs. Donaldson knew that her son would stop at one shop before he left the concourse. The bouquet would be ready, just like he ordered two weeks ago, but there wasn’t any reason to spoil his surprise for Trish. Masses started coming down the escalator. At six foot five Joe wouldn’t be too hard to find. Where was Joe? The crowds thinned out, while the throngs gathered around the conveyor belts to pick up their luggage. The beeps started and luggage filed around. Still no Joe. Trish fretted, “What if he missed his last connection?” Mrs. Donaldson was as cool as a cucumber watching the escalator. “He would have called.” Joe ran down the stairs on the opposite side of the baggage claim area. Since the florist was on Concourse A he had to make a slight detour anyway. This way his bride would be looking in one direction and he could sneak up, tap her on the shoulder and surprise her. He saw her sitting on the edge of her seat facing the stairwell he probably would have come down. He could see her squirming, he knew she was anxious. The hallway seemed to grow with each long stride he made. “Trish, you’re going to wear the seat out on that chair if you don’t stop wiggling. You’re as bad as a toddler in church.” Mrs. Donaldson caught a glimpse of her handsome son striding forward. She didn’t make a motion or sound of recognition. His eyes were on his bride, so she turned her head to watch the steps that wouldn’t bring her son to her daughter-in-law. Two fingers lighted upon Trish’s shoulder. She jerked up and around in one swift motion. Her arms were around Joe’s neck; his arms were around her waist, the two bouquets fell from his hand when he pulled his bride closer. They were locked in that- first welcome home kiss, that- I haven’t seen you in forever moment. They were totally unaware of anyone around, the flowers, or his mother. His mother stood, watching the love emanate from them, holding the flowers as her son’s hands roamed down Trish’s back and over her rear end. Mrs. Donaldson suddenly felt like the two needed to get a room and get it quick. She cleared her throat, once, no reaction. The second time a little louder, still no reaction; finally she bumped into the two, pretending that she was picking up the flowers. She smiled trying to act so innocent as she stood up with the two bouquets, “I think you dropped these, son.” She handed both bouquets to Joe Junior who proceeded to hand the two dozen red roses to his wife with one more brief kiss. Then he returned the dozen pink roses to his mother, hugged and kissed her cheek. She felt the strength of his father in his arms, she felt such a great pride, and yet a sadness that a special time of her life was coming to a close. She patted him on the back. “Well, son, I guess you’re ready to get home. Your new bride and I’ve been keeping the home fires burning while you’ve been gone.” She winked at Trish. “I’m sure you won’t mind if we have your welcome home dinner early so I can get some rest. This girl has just worn me out fidgeting around waiting for you this morning.” “Mom, we can go out, if you’re too tired to cook.” “No, no, no son, everything is just about ready, just got to heat a few things back up. You know, I always believe in being prepared. I’m just glad you’re home. I know Trish is glad you’re home, too. Let’s get your bags and head on home.” Joe and Trish walked hand in hand to the conveyor. Most of the crowd from the plane had already left. Three bags drifted around slowly while the couple snuggled in each other’s arms. Mrs. Donaldson sat and held the roses thinking about Joe Senior’s returns from deployment, the excitement of being able to touch each other, to look into each other’s eyes, the loving that would ensue, and the thankfulness that she wouldn’t have to be in the house with the two love birds standing across the way. “What are you thinking, Mom?” “Never you mind, young man. Are you ready to go home?” “I sure am,” Joe replied. “Let’s go.” They headed out of the terminal, Mrs. Donaldson in the lead. Trish handed Joe the keys to his car. He popped the trunk and put in his bags. He opened the door for his bride, and with a gentle kiss, she slid into the passenger seat. He strode around to the driver’s side and opened the back door for his mother. She got in; smiling to herself, more of his father was shining through. The three headed toward the old homestead, Joe asked a million questions trying to fill in what had been going on since he’d left. He turned onto the street where he grew up, and saw his mother’s car parked on the road in front of the house. “Mom, why did you park….” He saw the big red bow on the front door. “What the…..” Trish and Mrs.Donaldson were both watching his expressions as they went from confusion to questioning, to flabbergasted. “Welcome to your home Joe.” Joe pulled into the driveway, put the car in park, turned around to face his mother. She had a set of keys to the house, all tied up with red, white and blue starred ribbons. “Welcome home, Son,” she said as she handed him the keys to the house. Joe stared at his mother, then his wife, then back at his mom. He didn’t know what to think. This was her parents’ home. Why would she leave her home? “Mom!” She’d already opened the door and headed toward the front porch. “Trish, what’s going on?” “Your mother moved out eleven months ago. Come on, you’ll see.” She leaned over and kissed her husband. “Come on!” Her excitement was contagious. “Okay,” he said warily as he got out of the car. He walked up to the front porch, where his ladies were waiting for him, grinning like Cheshire Cats. He was afraid a house full of people would scream surprise as he unlocked the door. The lock clicked and he pushed the door open. Nobody screamed, nobody was there, but where was the tiny living room he’d grown up with, the old comfortable furniture, Dad’s Lazy Boy? Walls had been knocked down and a massive great room created. His mom’s small kitchen had been opened up and the new room filled half of the first floor. It was so sleek, and modern. Who would have thought an old farm house could look so different. Trish and Mrs. Donaldson watched him as he walked into the room. They could tell he was impressed. Trish grabbed his hand and said, “Come on, let me show you the rest.” They went upstairs, through each bedroom. She delighted in telling him about everything she did, and how his mother had taught her so much. She led him to the master bedroom, their bedroom. He stopped at the door. “That’s Mom and Dad’s room.” “Not anymore.” She flung the door open to reveal her masterpiece. This was the one room where she used all of the skills Mrs. Donaldson had taught her. She made all of the choices and with the help of a kind plumber in the neighborhood, created an en suite that made both women proud. Trish beamed as he walked around the room. A soft tap on the door frame, interrupted the young couple’s moment. “I’m getting ready to go to my place. I just have one thing I need to do, first. Trish, Son, here is the copy of the new deed. The house is yours now. Your dinner is in the oven on low, it will keep for a while. Now, give me a hug and I’ll be on my way.” Joe and Trish both encircled Mrs. Donaldson with their open, loving arms. “Alrighty now, I’ve got to go before you get me to tearing up,” as she rubbed their backs. She turned, walked down the stairway, looked back up at the couple on the landing and remembered the day her parents had given her and Joe Senior the house. She smiled, waved and closed the door. Trish took Joe by the hand and led him back into their bedroom. “What are you thinking?” “I don’t know what to think. But I know what I want.” “What’s that?” “I want to feel you next to me, touch your skin, hold you from now on. I don’t ever want to be away from you like this again.” His fingertips brushed her cheek, pulling her closer. Gently kissing her, butterfly kisses, light and wispy, allowing the sparks of tension to build, before he devoured her. His touch ignited flames within her, flames that hadn’t been quenched in a year. His hands slipped under her sweater, flicking open her bra with the slightest movement of his hand. He slid his hand around and massaged her breast, finding her nipple hard and sensitive to his touch. He pinched it lightly, while he pulled her even closer. His tongue danced with hers, her moans spurred him onward. His hands slid down over her ass. “You’ve got too many clothes on,” he whispered in her ear. His hands slid up out of her pants, grabbing the back of her sweater and pulled it over her head, tossing it and her bra on the chair. Once his hands were free he made short work of her pants, they hit the floor with the tiny and very wet thong. She stood before him, his mouth attached to one swollen nipple, his fingers playing with her g-spot, while her knees got weaker and weaker. Her sweet wine soaked his hand as she shuddered with the first orgasm. She held onto him while he continued to pleasure her. He stood up, keeping his hand pressing on her swollen clit, and his fingers plunging into her wet sheath. “Take me, baby,” was all she said. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down on the coverlet, and stripped as quickly as he could. His manhood had been straining in his pants. His erection popped free of his shorts, glistening with precum. She slid off the bed, kneeling before him. She licked the tip of his cock savoring him before she took his mushroom head into her mouth. She sucked and licked the throbbing shaft while she gently massaged his massive balls. His hands held her head as she sucked him further in her mouth. He moaned in delight as he felt his nuts tighten, and she picked up her pace. She grabbed his ass pulling him in deeper. She felt his cheeks clinch, as she slid her finger over his ass. He exploded deep within her throat. He couldn’t believe how far she’d taken him. He stood over her, watching her lick his cock completely clean of his juices. He pulled her back up to him, kissed her deeply tasting him on her tongue. Her fingers dug at his back while his fingers played with her ass. He turned her around, “Kneel for me baby.” She complied, kneeling on the edge of the bed, sending her ass against him. He fondled her dangling breasts, while he kissed her neck. It didn’t take long before her grinding motion on his penis had her friend standing at attention. His cock drove hard into her waiting sheath. Her tightness sent waves of power through him. He drove into her again and again, faster and harder. With each thrust she pressed against him and he pressed his finger against her precious rosebud. His heart pounding, he felt his sack of jewels ready to explode. He shoved his digit swiftly into her as his cock exploded sending them both over the edge with wave after wave of pleasure. Her orgasm clinched his shaft, milking him dry. They both collapsed in each other’s arms, spent and out of breath. Joe held Trish in his arms, letting their heartbeats return to a normal pace. Her fingers traced over his hardened nipples as she snuggled close to his side. Quiet whispers of ‘I love you’ filled the afternoon air. Trish fell into a peaceful, sated slumber. Joe didn’t want to disturb her sleep, but curiosity was eating at him. He wanted to see what his Mom and Trish had done to his father’s den. Trish turned over on her side, giving him the opportunity to get up without waking her. She slept peacefully as Joe, quietly walked down the hall. He opened the door and walked in. He couldn’t believe the changes they’d made, there was nothing left of his Dad. This room was all about him, his loves: classic cars, fast cars, designing, restoring, drafting, every tool that a guy could ever need to plan hot rod restorations was there. Tears filled his eyes when he realized the gift his wife and mother had given him. Everything he’d ever wanted as a teen growing up, everything his Dad refused to recognize in him was here, where his Dad would hide out and escape the 9 to 5 world. Trish joined her husband in his ‘man cave’ as she and his mother had dubbed it. She pulled him close comforting him, letting the emotion of his gifts swell and overwhelm him. All he could say was, “You did all of this for me. I love you so much.” 2840 words Prompt - picture I'd like to see some drama. Why is he crying? What happened that he needs to be comforted in such a vulnerable position? by Jéssica |