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Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1820726
The fully edited and spell checked first chapter of my novel.
The moon was high in the dark and foreboding sky, clouds were rolling in front of the bright full orb. The sudden loss of light made the forest seem darker than it was. Though for Dean this made no difference, he could still see as well as in the daylight. He looked around the forest, his eye's scanned through the darkness. Lifting his snout and testing the air, rooting out his prey. His mind was filled with the wonders of the night, throbbing and quivering with the possibilities. He caught the whiff of a small animal, he took in another nostril full of the cold night air, burning the inside of his nose and lungs. It was a rabbit, not a banquet by any means, but a nice snack none the less.  He was off, the sudden noise he made scared the rabbit, which in a state of panic darted off.. The chase was on, he had hunted in this forest for a long time, this was his playground, the rabbit would not get away.

Dean was a werewolf, a child of the moon and with her beckoning call will become a wolf and hunt. He was bitten seven years ago when he was only nineteen. He had snuck out of his parents house and was partying with some friends in the forest near his home.  But unbeknown to them there was a pack of fully turned werewolves in that area. These were not the same as Dean, they no longer had their human minds. They did not see people as Dean and the rest of the werewolf community does, only food. They attacked, most of his friends were killed and though wounded he survived all be it a little different. His wounds were grave indeed, his left arm shredded to bits, his left eye and cheek were ripped from his head. Also a chunk was missing from his hip exposing the bone and joint. He was close to oblivion when someone found him and contacted the emergancy services. His wounds were so extensive no one could believe he had survived for as long as he had. The paramedics had never seen anything like it, there were body parts and entrails scattered throughout the clearing. Also there was so much blood it had soaked into the ground, turning the area into a quagmire of repugnent gore. Most stared blankly at the carnage, while some lost the contents of their stomachs. He was awake for all of this, but he felt no pain after a while. At the time he thought it was the adrenaline that was pumping through his veins, but now he knew it was the werewolf venom getting to work. The thing that stuck in his mind though was the smell, he smelt things humans barely perceived that night and every night since.

He was ducking and weaving, under and between trees and exposed roots. His muscles began to tire, his heart was pounding in his chest and his breath was becoming ragged. But he was also catching up with the poor unfortunate animal.  The rabbit dove to the right, trying to evade him. It would have worked, had Dean not been gifted with reflex's greater than any normal wolf. He saw his chance, he pounced, while in mid-air he saw the rabbit rustling through the undergrowth.. He was going to be on target, his heightened senses hadn't failed him, they never had. He landed on the small animal with his front paws, instantly breaking the creatures back. He had been perfecting that move for many years now, though he had never got used to the loud crack made by the animal’s spine breaking under his weight. He took the small carcass into his jaws and bounded off into the darkened forest, he could feel drawn drawing near. 

The next thing he can remember was waking up in a bed of ferns .He blinked out the sleep that still nagged at the back of his eyes, rubbing his face he felt the new stubble that had already begun to grow there. He opened his mouth and yawned loudly, his fang like canines receeding back into his upper jaw. He always felt well rested after his nocturnal antics. He knew he would be as naked as the day he was born and he knew there would be blood covering his face. There always was. He  lifted his nose to the light whipping air. There was water nearby, at least he could wash the blood off his face before anyone saw him. It would be difficult to explain why he was totally butt naked and covered in blood.

He stood and stretched out his body, ridding the weariness from his joints and muscles, moaning loudly with waking pleasure. Running his fingers through his bright golden hair he pulled out bits off leaves and broken twigs. Dried sludge covered his hands and feet. He always looked a mess when he awoke from his slumber in nature. He scratched at an itch on his stomach and followed down and scratched at his pubic hair. He felt something and pulled at it, whatever it was, it was stuck fast with his curly blonde hair. He looked down and couldn't see anything, only dried blood. He took a firmer hold on the object, gritted his teeth and pulled. It came away with more than a few of his hairs. He whimpered in pain, he felt around the area where the thing had been, no there was no bald patch there thank God he thought. He took a look at the object.

"Ewwww," came involuntary from his lips.

It was the small skull of the unfortunate rabbit from last night, stuck in his pubic hairs with it's own blood. He must have fell asleep on the body off the small rabbit lastnight. That was the only problem with this gift (or curse depending on the way you look at it) you can't be a little squeamish. He threw the offending object away and shuddered at the thought of being laid on a corpse. He sniffed again and followed the scent of water, He had to get rid of this blood before anyone saw him, once he had to run because the people thought he was a murderer or something, if only they knew the truth he thought. Pitchforks, torch's and anything silver he thought to himself smiling. Small people, small minds. Werewolves aren't like they are in the movies, they still retain their intelligence and sense of morality. Only fully turned werewolves lost that, nothing more than larger and stronger wolves. Though they were far more dangerous to both humans and werewolves. They didn't care whether they smelt like kin or not, if they weren't part of the pack they were nothing but food.

He came out into a clearing surrounded by trees and bushes, he sniffed the air cautiously and could sense no danger. Looking up he judged it was around five in the morning by the possition and brightness of the sun, he knew he wouldn't bump into anyone this deep in the forest. He walked over to the edge of the small lake that was in the middle of the clearing. Crouching on all fours he tensed the muscles in his legs, forcing all the strength into his thigh she pushed himself from the ground. Propelling himself nine feet into the air, diving into the lake with minimal splashing. The momentum forcing him so far below the surface he could reach out and touch the lakebed, looking around with his augmented eyes he saw small fish darting from him and the plants swaying in the current his dive had caused. Glancing at the surface he saw the fragmented shafts off light penetrating through the rippling water as though he were trapped within a beautiful blue-green saphire. With a werewolf’s gift the world took on a whole other facet of splendor, they could see beyond the mundane and into the very soul of the earth. They could see the grace in the swaying grass, the serenity of a passing cloud, the majesty of the full moon and the mystery of a vast, dark forest. This was a gift and should never be considered a curse.

He kicked off the lakebed feeling the soft fine sand between his spread bare toes and headed for the surface, breaking the serene stillness above. Splashing through the cool, refreshing water. Enjoying the freedom isolation granted. He could be his real self here, he could be Dean the werewolf. In this place he didn't need the wall he had built to shield himself from everyone. His web of lies and misdirection wasn't needed here, in this, his natural habitat. He raced to the shore as swiftly as his werewolf altered muscles would allow, when he had reached the shore he scrambled out of the water on all fours. Shaking droplets of water from his smooth, soft skin. Growling he ran at a large redwood tree, extending his wolfen claws he jumped at the vast trunk. Digging his claws into the bark, chunks of it flew through the air as he raced vertically up the massive tree. As he reached as far as his bulk would allow he loosed a drawn out, piercing howl, birds sqwauked in panic and fled from the nearby trees. Animals called out in either response or fear throughout the awakening forest. His heart was beating madly in his chest. He had to get rid of all this excess energy before he headed for home. Jumping from the tree he dropped thirty-five feet to the ground below, landing with nothing more than a low thud. He rose to his feet slowly as his claws retreated back into their hidden sheaths underneath his human nails. Looking down he could see that his penis was fully engorged and erect, its bolbous purple-pink head revealing itself from within its foreskin. One downside of the werewolf genes, an unquenchable labido. He knew he would have to reach a climax, it was the only way to rid himself of his erection.

Finding a small outcropping jutting over the lake, he sat himself down with his legs hanging over the edge, the tips of his toes skimming the surface of the cool water. Laying back onto the soft dew coated grass, his bare chest rising rhythmically, this nipples hardening from the cool dan air and his own desires. Running his hands over the tender nodules of flesh, giving one a playful nip. He moaned quitely, hardly percievable as the sharp sting turned to ripples of pleasure. He could smell his own musk, it stank of pheramones laden with his unbridled sexual appatite. Letting his hands wander, he left his nipple behind, caressing his lithe and smooth though deceptively firm chest. He let his hand move lower down his body, stroking the undulations and ripples of his lightly muscled and likewise smooth abdomen. Skiting his genetalia, his hard member twitching in percieved anticipation, he stroked his hairless inner thighs. His body hadn't changed much since he was bitten as werewolves age much slower than humans, so he still appeared in the final grasp of pubity. Retaining his boy like looks and body. He played with his pubic hairs, curling them round his finger, pulling on them gently. His hand moved lower, tickling his scrotum, cupping his testicals in his hand he squeezed them lightly. Rolling them within their sac. His moaning grew louder. Moving his hand up and onto his penis, rubbing the bulbous head now fully exposed. He moved his hand down to the hilt and traced the long blue-purple vein all the way to the top. Running his index finger along the slit which glistened with pre-come. Licking it he tasted his own juices, his tastebuds recognizing the familiar salty tang. He took a gentle grip of his cock, pulling back on the foreskin, pulling it back as far as it would go. His eyes closing as his speed and pleasure increased. Knowing it wouldn't take him long he slowed his pace and took a tighter grip, he wanted to savour it for as long as he could. Pulling back on his foreskin letting it linger on the ridge of his glans, before pushing it up and over its head. Using his smooth skin to simulate his bell-end. He was concentrating all his attention on the very tip of his penis, which released a constant stream of lubricating pre-come in appreciation. He wanted to continue but his animal like instinct that still lingered at the back of his mind urged him to speed up. Though he tried to resist, even when he knew it was pointless. He started to wank faster and faster, his body squirming with sexual pleasure. Then came the recognizable pressure deep in the pit of his stomach, then the undeniable pleasure of the release. His eyes shot open as his testicles tightened. His penis' head spasmed as a vast amount of semen erupted from the slit. It splashed on his chest and stomach, a string of it connecting his bell end with his stomach. Great globules of it covered his pubic hair. His body shuddered as the pleasure shot through him. He just laid there breathing heavily, his mind reeling from the climax. Time for another bath he thought to himself and dragged his energy sapped body from the soft and comfortable grass. His penis became flaccid but still dripped semen.

He took a step off the outcrop and dropped into the water below, cleaned the mess off his body and pulled himself out and back onto the bank. Now it was time for the worst part of the lunar cycle, finding his damned clothes. He lifted his nose to the air, trying to catch a scent that has become as familiar as his own. His mind filled with the scents of the forest, but where was that particular one. He caught the slight hint of the strong smelling exotic herbs he tied to his clothes every lunar cycle. He had learnt that trick years ago and it had never failed him. Before jouneying off to follow the scent, he stood a while to allow the bright morning sun to warm his smooth body and young skin.

He came to a part that was familiar to him, he remembered this was the place the change had began to come over him. Looking around he saw the plastic bag poking out from under a log. Sitting on the log he began to lay out his clothes from last night. Three more days of freedom, then he would again have to become something he wasn't. For one month at least, the lunar cycle would begin anew and he would once again be free. But for only three days, he thought to himself as he was pulling on his karki coloured combat trousers. He eased himself into a tight black t-shirt before topping his look with an open white shirt. A yawn overtook him and he stretched out his spine which protested with pops and cracks. When he slept in a funny possition he would always end up with an ache or creak. He would have to organise his sleeping arrangements more carefully next time he thought to himself. Taking out a small pocket mirror from the bag he looked at himself in it, ruffleing his hair and wiping sleep out of his eyes. Presentable enough he thought as he stuffed the mirror into one of his many combat pockets. He took out a shoulder bag from the other bag and put every thing else in it. He slung it over his shoulder and started to head towards the many trekking routes that criss-cross the forest. If anyone saw him now they would just think he was another walker, a perfect disguise. A pleasant smile, a small nod or an occasional 'hello how are you' and no one gave you a second thought.

He came into view of the small town where he lived, it was nestled in a valley with an incredibly vast forest all around it. Perfect for a werewolf. Called Redridge, due to the red cliffs further down the valley just a few miles from the town itself. There were no other werewolves around here, it was very rare for one to see another of their kind. For it was forbidden to have lasting relations within the human world, incase they were found out. Only those who lived in the werewolf towns and enclaves were allowed to live together. However there were unconfirmed rumours of some werwolves breaking the rules and living together, But they were in love, love being the only thing powerful enough to force them to ignore the code.  He stood on the red cliffs, looking to see if anyone was around. Seeing he was alone he lept from the cliffs edge. He landed on a boulder halfway up, he loved testing his abilities to their limits. He jumped the rest of the way and landed on an old jeep trail that was seldom used.

He walked the few miles into town, keeping his head down and trying not to attract any attention. That was the most dangerous thing to a werewolf, attention, if you get too complacent, you made too many slip ups then people would get suspicious, then it was game over. Oh they wouldn't know the truth, but they would keep an eye on you, which would make it difficult for you to disappear each month. Keep your head down, make acquaintances not friends, leave no trail. This was the code all werewolves followed, it was just easier that way. If it got too hot, you're gone, no trail, no one to wonder where you are, no problems. Dean had seen what can happen when you dont follow the code and it had left a scar on his very soul. He could never be forgiven for what happened.  It was lonely this is true, but werewolves felt freedom no human could ever claim to feel. It was a gift but a gift with downsides.

He open the door that led to his apartment building and went in. Entering the lobby of his apartment building he slowly climbed the stairs to the third floor, his leg muscles complaining after the nights overuse. He scambled around in his pocket for his key as he came to his door. He opened it and walked in.

"Dean, where have you been this early in the morning?" came a familiar voice from behind him.

He turned to see that his next door neighbour was stood at her door, her dark chestnut hair falling in curls around her face. Darkly inquisitive, feline eyes stared at his through strands of red curls, twinkling at the anticipation of a piece of gossip. She was by far the most nosey person he had ever known.

"No where special, just for a walk in the woods," said Dean.

"You do that very often Dean, surely there can't be that much for you to see," said the woman.

"Well I have a secret Val," he revealed.

"Ooh really do tell, it will go no further, I promise," Val becoming excited.

He smiled wickedly inside as he thought about his cheeky plan. He knew he shouldn't really treat someone like this even if they did ask for it by being so nosey. But he couldn't help himself.

"Well the thing is, I'm...............a..................twitcher," drawing out his explanation with relish.

"You twitch so you go to the woods?" her tone turning confused.

Dean couldn't believe how dense she was, he thought it was an act, but obviously it wasnt.

"No, I'm a bird watcher, I study birds, that’s why I spend so much time in the woods," a well rehearsed lie slipped easily from his lips.

"Oh," she said.

"I have to go Val, I have work in a bit," he said quickly, cutting her off before she could tardy him anymore. 

"Oh ok," she said and left.

Dean closed the door and shook his head. She really angered Dean, with her constant questioning. He just wanted to be left alone in his solitude. He had lied, he didn't have work at all, he always took the lunar cycle off. It was just easier that way, at least he didn't have to explain why he was eating raw meat. For some reason werewolves had cravings for raw flesh even when in human form, but it was just one of them downsides. He sat down on his couch and switched on the TV. He thought he would watch some pointless daytime TV and then have a sleep before the next change that night. As the lunar cycle was three days long and a werewolf changes each night, it was exhausting.  He watched a mind-numbing and disturbing chatshow which featured a young man graphicly explaining the joy of his lovelife with his girlfriend who was sixty years his senior. And just happened to be his long lost paternal grandmother. After an hour he could feel his eyelids to droop and he knew it was time for him to retire. He slugishly removed his clothes and slipped into the fresh cool bed. There beneth the covers he began to feel strange, as thought there was someone near. Someone who was watching him. He had felt it before when he was with his mentor, the man who taught him to control his gift, to use it to his advantage. It was the way his kind communicated at distance, like an almost empathic link. They aren't able to actually speak to one another but they can transmit feelings. Both physically and emotionally. He could feel someone’s hands resting on his bare hips, slowly moving up his body carressing his chest. The hands moved further up till they came to rest on his shoulders, he could almost feel the hot sticky breath on his lips as the phantom mouth moved in for a kiss. Then it was gone. The empathic link was broken somehow. He rolled over and tried to think if he had sensed any others around this morning. There were dead animals apart from the rabbit, no smells, nothing, he was alone here. As far as he knew, there were no other werewolves in the area.  After a few hours tossing and turning his eyes grew heavy and closed, he dropped off into a fitlful, disturbed slumber.

He awoke later that night around nine pm. He felt the usual aching and tightness in his joints, signalling the change was starting. It was over two whole hours early, it shouldn't be starting now. He began to panic. He swung out of bed, opened the wardrobe and threw on some clothes. He didn't have the time to worry about appearance, it would not be long till the change was upon him. If he was to change in the middle of town then goodbye myth, hello reality. That was not acceptable. He threw open his door slammed it shut and ran down the stairs two at a time. He didn't have long, he would have to be quick, that meant being reckless a very dangerous thing to be for a werewolf. He came out of his apartment block and turned to the left and down the back of his building. He threw his bag over his shoulder and extended his claws. Seeing his reflection in one of the ground floor windows, he saw his eyes had turned a shade of blue so bright and deep they looked utterly unatural on a human face. He jumped, dug into the wall with his claws and crawled up the vertical surface. He reached the top and landed on all fours, where he involuntarily let out a long drawn mournful howl. He clamped his mouth shut, feeling the oversized canines growing longer. Shit he thought to himself, this was going to be close. He ran to the other side of the building and raced full pelt towards the forest. As he drew close to the edge he pushed all his strength into his legs and jumped. He landed perfectly on the roof off the other building opposite, he took another run and jumped towards the forest. He just made it to the forest edge, but he landed awkwardly badly twisting his ankle. It did not matter now as the adrenaline coursing through his veins was blocking out the pain. But he knew come morning it would be agonizingly painful. He ran as far into the darkening forest as he could before the change took over. Then the pain came, it was like being torn apart and crushed all at the same time. He fell to the floor and ripped at his clothes, tearing them from his body. He stood on all fours and tried to relax his muscles, he knew it wouldn't work, his change was in overdrive but he had to try. The pain grew, his muscles began cramping all over the place. This was also one of the downsides.

His stomach was being pulled in as his internal organs began rearranging themselves. His ribs fractured in places and repositioned themselves. His pelvis was being forced further up, causing his spine to arch. His feet began to elongate, claws slipping from his toes. His skull started to elongate as well creating a small snout. Thankfully this was where he always blacked out due to the excruciating pain.

He awoke in his form of a wolf. As he rose he closed his eyes and inhaled the smell of this place. A shiver of familiarity stated in his paws, worked its way through his entire body and made his heart miss a beat. He was home. His home and his alone. His dull blonde fur coat was long and shaggy, hanging low on his stomach. His deep blue, luminous eyes stood out against his golden appearence. Stretching out his body with his paws out front he swished his long fox like tail. Curling his body he licked at his underbelly. He rolled around on the forest floor covering himself in dirt and getting brown leaves stuck in his fur. Just like any dog he enjoyed getting filthy. He looked up at the moon, it's perfect circular shape easing Deans tension. Lightening his mood. As the true full moon always did. He loped off into the deep darkness. He was just running tonight he thought to himself, just having fun, not hunting, nothing but fun. He ran around the forest, enjoying himself. Loving it when animals ran from him, but they had nothing to fear not tonight. He ran up to a cliff whose shear sides led to a river below. He stood on the edge, lowered his head breathing heavily. His head shot up and his vocal cords issued a howl of pure and unadulterated joy. Following up with another more long and drawn out howl. That'll shit up the people in town he thought to himself. He heard a noise behind him and his ears pricked up instantly. Something was stalking him he realised. He slowly walked along the edge, quickly darting into the foliage. Now it was time for the hunted to become the hunter. He wasn't planning on hunting anything, but it was better being the predator than the prey.

He held his body low to the ground as he heard the soft padding of paws somewhere to the left of him. He rose from his hiding place silently, down wind so the other didn't know he was here. It had obviously lost him, maybe it was time for it to find him. He jumped out and landed behind the creature, now it had it's back to the cliffs edge, instead of the other way round. He issued a low and menacing growl which reverberated in his chest cavity. It was a warning growl. The creture turned out to be a wolf, larger than Dean, it stopped dead when it heard the warning. Turning to face Dean, it held its ear low. Dean tested the air. Its scent betrayed it to be a fellow werewolf, he realised this must have been who had subconiously communicated earlier that night. Now he understood why his change had came on so early, his wolf spirit had sensed this other and grew excited.

This werewolf was blacker than the deepest, darkest, starless and moonless night. But through out his dark countenace there were light, almost silver strands of fur. When Dean's mind grasped the signifigence of this his heart skipped a beat in terror. Grey hair didn’t mean the same as it did to mankind. Though it portrayed age as it does with humans, as a werewolf ages, they grow more powerful. This werewolf was old, very old. He had to handle this situation with extreme care, as one false move could spell his end. Sniffing at the soft night air he caught the scent of strong must, the air was full of testosterone. It was another male, which increased the inherent danger this being posed. But he could get nothing more from his scent. The other werewolf took a step towards Dean, who immediately took a step back and gave out another growl. Not through fear, even though he was petrafied, but as part of his natural defensive mechanism. He had to appear strong, but even he knew that he was exuding the scent of fear in every droplet of sweat that came from his pores. The other wolf just sat down on its haunches, it's tongue lolling from it's jowls. It looked like it had come in peace, but Dean wasn't taking any chances. He circled the animal cautiously, looking for any sign of danger. His eyes were fixed so intently on the other werewolf he did not notice the cliffs edge, but the other did. The other werewolf jumped with a start and bounded towards Dean, who backed off slightly, but as he did his rear paws fell off the edge of the cliff. He began to fall, he pushed his paws into the ground for some purchase, but not having any fingers did have some drawbacks. He slipped over the edge, he closed his eyes, not even a werewolf could survive that sort of fall. He felt a sharp pain in his right front leg, then there was pressure. He opened his eyes and saw the other werewolf holding his leg in his mouth. He pulled Dean up and back over the cliffs edge. When he was safely away from danger the other wolf released him. He laid down next to Dean and began licking at the wound. Dean knew he was apologizing for hurting him. Dean stood and tested his leg, tentatively putting some weight on it, it was not bad. He looked at the other who was eyeing him concerned. Dean went over to the other werewolf and nuzzled the other with his snout at the base of his neck in way of thanks. This did not seem unwelcome and he reciprocated. Then Dean remembered the communication, he wanted to mate. He gave the other a sly look, licked the other's nose and ran off. He stopped at the tree line turned and looked at the other and cocked his head. If he wanted me he had to catch me first he thought to himself. He swished his tail provocatively as he walked into the forest. The other was obviously giving him a head start, because after a while, he gave out a low rumble of a coming ready or not and raced into the forest.

Dean was not going to make it easy, he was worth a little run at least. He ran through bushes, thorns snagging at his fur and flesh. He ducked under a fallen log, held up off the ground by a boulder. It was nice to be the chased instead of the chaser for once he thought. He heard the tell-tale rustling behind him. I'm not that easy he thought to himself. He dipped to the left sharply, skidding on some mud losing his momentum slightly. He ran at full pelt towards a tree, turning sharply as he got to it, sprung on his legs and twisted his midriff. He released some urine that splashed on the trunk of the tree, landing back on all fours gracefully and carried on running. Marking with his urine along the way. That should confuse him enough he thought. He stopped and doubled back, he got about a quarter of the way and dropped off to his right into the bushes. His urine was so full of pheromones he would not smell him here.

He saw a flash of pitch black fur go past. It had worked, he heard the other stop as the scent lessened. This was his chance. He broke from cover and ran in the opposite direction. The crashing alerted the other to his position. He was enjoying this. He heard the other running after him, he weaved and turned suddenly. But he could not lose him. He decided to give in. He slowed his pace very slightly and turned to run up a hill. He burst through some bushes and was confronted with the most beautiful view in the whole forest. It looked out on a vast lake, the moons bright light playing off its surface as the slight breeze caused ripples. The moon looked so large up here, almost like he could reach out and touch it. He was panting loudly, he hadn't ran so much for a long time. He heard a low whimper and turned around to see the other walking slowly through the bushes, his tongue hanging panting even louder. He had ran enough Dean thought to himself, he deserves his spoils. The other walked over and looked out on the lake, admiring the view. Dean walked over and rubbed his entire body along the others. He got to the head and nuzzled him, licking at his face.

The other werewolf turned and his vivid green eyes bore straight into Deans soul, but somewhere beneath there was a longing, even fear. The eyes were glistening, almost like he was crying. But Dean knew that was impossible as in wolf form they couldn't cry, he had found that out first hand.

The other, grabbed Dean by his fur and tugged him down to the ground with care. He stood over him and nipped at Deans ear, it stung slightly. Dean snapped back, not in anger but playfully. The other pulled back, looking at him prostrate on his back between his paws. He whined and prodded his neck with his nose. Telling him how lonely he was. Ah you want to be on top Dean thought, well that’s one thing I'm not letting go with out a fight. He knew he would lose, but he had to at least not look too eager. Dean grabbed the others foreleg in his jaws and yanked him off balance. As the other fell Dean leapt atop him. They both tumbled into the thick undergrowth, nipping, kicking and fighting for the top position. When they stopped rolling the other was on top of Dean. Just as the other was about to pin him, Dean wriggled free and leapt away. The other got up and stalked towards Dean. They circled one another. The others tail lashed against Deans side, running along it, it's long soft hair like a lovers caressing hand. The other inched closer and rubbed his flank against Deans. As they circled the next round, the other put a leg in front of Deans to stop him and buried his nose against his neck. Dean could feel the others hot breath against his skin causing his heart to beat stronger and stronger as the other inhaled his scent. The other grabbed Dean by the scruff of the neck and pushed him to the floor. He gave out a yip of triumph.

He won thought Dean. He was laid on his side, looking up at the other with his ears bolt upright in excitement. His tail wagging madly. He wanted it as much as the other, he just put on a bit of a show. A bit of foreplay if you will. The other moved closer towards Dean his head held low, he sniffed at Deans stomach. Dean whimpered like an impatient pup, waiting to suckle. He was tormenting him he thought. The other looked at Dean with a mischievous look. He was and he knew it was excruciating he thought to himself. He licked at Deans nose, licking along the snout and nibbling his ears. Deans leg was trembling with pleasure. Dean growled in impatience, the others teeth bared in reprimand, he had won after all. Dean just decided to go with the flow. He returned to licking and nuzzling Deans neck. He moved further down his body, he skirted around his genitals with his tongue. Dean wriggled his hips, he wanted more attention than that. The other saw what he was doing and nipped his rear leg. Dean yelped in pain and surprise. Ow he thought to himself. The other moved to his tail and gently tugged at it with his teeth. Oh God this guy knows how to treat a wolf he thought to himself, his mind drifting with the pleasure. He couldn't focus on anything, his eyes blurred and all he could hear was his own whimpering. The other was licking at his rectum, teasing it with his tongue. He could feel his penis begin to become engorged with blood, its tip pushing tis way out his tight fur sheath. The other was too content on playing with his anus to notice and Dean didn't want him to stop anyway. His leg was trembling faster and faster now. Pleasure coursing through his body. He had never felt anything like this before.

The other stopped and started to nibble at his tail again, he grabbed Deans rear leg in his jaws and gently rolled him onto his back. He stuck his nose into Deans genitals, licking away at his emerging penis and fur covered testicals, nibbling at the sensetive flesh that lay beneath. Dean let out an almost human like moan, this was what he had wanted. The feeling was amazing, the musty smell rising from both their hot bodies, flooding Deans senses, setting his mind on fire. All else was shut out, it was just the two of them in the forest tonight. Dean closed his eyes and laid back, enjoying the intense attention the other was now paying to his balls and penis. His moaning grew deeper. Then the sensation stopped suddenly. Dean opened his eyes and saw the other standing over him, staring straight into his eyes. He knew what he wanted, he didn't have to be able to talk to convey his intentions. Dean rolled over onto his belly and raised his rear end. Lifting his tail to reveal the tight pinkish mound of his anus in amongst the light, soft and downy hair. He knew what was coming and feared it as much as he wanted it. He had never been fucked as a wolf before, as a human yes but never as a wolf. The other went around to Deans rear and sniffed at his anus. The others warm breath on it was almost unbearable, Dean nearly collapsed with the pleasure that ran through him. The other positioned himself behind Dean and mounted him. He gripped on to Deans body by biting into his neck. The pain was soon driven away by the pleasure as the other started to enter Deans anus. Soon the head was in and Dean began moaning again, his body writhing underneath the other. Dean pushed his hips backwards, he wanted all of him. That was all the signal the other needed and he pushed home. The other started to pull back a little. Dean moaned as he withdrew and then moaned louder as the fullness returned. The other sped up, thrusting in and out faster and faster. Dean bucked hard with pleasure threatening to throw the other off. He had to grip harder on to Deans skin with his teeth, a canine popping through the surface. To Dean the pain perversely made the pleasure even more intense, his eyes closed, his teeth bared and growling loudly. He could feel the other speed up, their hips slapping together. The thrusts became shallower and more controlled as the canine like knot at the base of the others penis began to swell. Dean realised that if the knot should accidentally slip into him they would be 'tied' together for hours. But it soon became apparent this werewolf had many years worth of expierence behind him. The knot had now become fully dilated and roughly stretched the very opening of Deans anus with each and every thrust. Causing more and more pleasure for the both of them. Then suddenly he felt the hard, warm rod quiver and twitch against his muscles. The other held himself rigid within Dean. Seconds later warm, sticky semen coated the inside of Dean anal cavity. As this sexy old werewolf emptied each and every drop from his sizable reservour in what seemed to be a never ending series of spurts. The other let out a howl so loud it nearly deafened Dean as he was brought to a climax. The other withdrew and sat down, panting heavy. Dean dropped to the floor his body sapped off every drop of energy by the pleasure. He rolled over to sleep when he felt the other nuzzling at his leg.

Dean look at him, his eyes showing confusion. If he thought that I had any energy to do it again or do it to him he had another thing coming he thought to himself. The other hooked his nose under Deans leg and rolled him on to his back again. He stuck a nose towards Deans genitals, Dean yipped in excitement. He wants to bring me off now he thought as the other began to lick at his penis. He tugged at the skin of Deans sheath with his teeth, licking at his balls. Dean knew it would not take a lot. There was pre come already being ejected by his penis under the constant attention. Dean moaned as he felt his penis begin to spew semen, his testicles were emptying themselves completely. He looked to see the other lapping at the substance as it was released. The other licked every last drop up like a hungry puppy, cleaning Deans penis of any remnants. With that done the other dropped down next to Dean equally exhausted now. Dean rolled over and snuggled up to him, feeling his heat radiate from his body even through his thick coat. The soft snoring from the other lulled Dean to sleep. Just before he dropped off he though just how content and comfortable he felt.

He awoke the next morning, a little after dawn. He stretched out his body. His joints popping and cramp being driven from his muscles. He looked over to see if the other he had stayed with was awake yet. He was gone, there was no one there. He was alone again. He stood and looked around, there was wolf prints leaving off into the forest. He left during the night. He growled at himself. How could I have been so stupid, he was a roamer, he probably smelt another werewolf, got a bit horny and I fell for it. He was probably long gone by now he thought.

"Shit," he said out loud.

He kicked at a clump of grass and winced. He looked down to see his ankle was bruised and swollen. Rememebring the night before when he jumped across the road he had badly twisted his ankle. He limped back over to where he had been laying and closed his eyes.

"You stupid, fuckin' moron!" he shouted at himself.

Yeah like a werewolf was going to stay with another, we don't work like that he thought to himself. He opened his eyes and felt the sting of tears in his eyes. He felt so lonely. This was the only part of the gift he didn't like, the isolation. He sat back on the floor and held his head in his hands. Now he had to get back to his apartment, butt naked and with out anyone seeing him. This should be fun he thought to himself. He stood and started the long walk back down the valley, he didn't realise he had ended up so high. It was the fun and excitement he thought to himself.

"FUCKIN' BASTARD!" he shouted up the valley, hoping the other was close enough to hear him.

He wasn't and Dean knew it.

He traipsed along the paths, no longer caring whether people saw him or not. His heart was heavy and his head held low. This was not a gift it was a curse, the others were right he thought. You can never have a human partner, how the hell do you explain why you disappear every full moon, you can't tell them the truth. Firstly who would believe it, if they did how could they accept it. It took Dean 2 whole years to come to terms with it and he was the one infected. No, a werewolf could only have a relationship with another werewolf, and Deans only chance since he was bitten just went and fucked off. Leaving him alone once again. He started to sob quietly, his grief silent. Just as it was with his mentor.

His enhanced hearing heard someone coming along the path, thankfully breaking his train of thought before he got too upset. Dean quickly jumped into the bushes, he was still a werewolf first and foremost. If it only effected him then that was fine, but no it effected the rest of the community, he still had to honour the code. Keep your head down, make acquaintances not friends, leave no trail. He had to honour the code, there was no choice in it. He saw two women walk past him, it was early morning hikers. Luckily it was a Monday so there were only a few who had the time to hike this early. It was terrible on a weekend, more so in holiday season. These forests were famous amongst the hiking community. Soon all that was left of the women were their scents slowly dispersing amid the strong cedar tang. One of the women was wearing a particularly strong perfume, Dean snorted. trying to clear his nose of the overpowering smell. He could taste it at the back of his mouth, he tried to choke it out. No werewolf would ever wear anything with any scent, it was too strong with their powerful sense of smell. They wouldn't be able to smell anything else. Then their nose's were useless, and a werewolf with no nose was also useless.

He slipped into town around 7:30, it was just waking. People were getting out of beds across the urban sprawl, paying for those few extra minutes in bed, rushing to get ready for work. He was crouched behind a bush next to a small road that ran behind his apartment complex. He had chosen the building for its position at the edge of town and proximity to the forest. A perfect place for a werewolf to live, easy access to the forest when the change starts to take hold. He took a furtive look around there were no cars coming and there was nobody around. He quickly ran across the road to the fence that surrounds the complex, his building was on the far end. Closer to the city than he liked but that was the only one available at the time. He didn't want to move now, he had just got the place how he wanted it. So he made do. He pushed with his legs and propelled himself over the wooden fence, landing silently on the grass on the other side. All the curtains were drawn on that side, so he would not be seen. He ran across to the building and pushed his back against it. His buttocks cold from the rough concrete. He looked around the corner, it was clear. He crept along the wall, trying to keep below the windows just in case. He got to the end of the building. Not far now he thought. He looked into the square courtyard that lay in the middle of the complex with four buildings along each edge. He scanned the area. There was no one around, he ran across the courtyard as fast as his augmented muscles would allow, dropping onto all fours. He stopped at the main doors and then realised he had no keys. He slipped around to the back, he could still see the claw marks he had made last night.

He extended his claws and climbed up the wall to where he always left a window on the latch, just in case. He slipped his claws underneath the frame and pulled. The window opened with little fuss. He dropped onto his bedroom floor, the thick pile of the carpet warming his feet. He dropped to the floor, lent against the wall and closed his eyes. That was close he thought to himself. He examined his ankle, feeling around for any tell tale signs of a break. No just badly sprained. He stood and hobbled into the kitchen and over to the fridge, he opened the door and peered inside. He withdrew a bottle of lager and a bag of frozen peas from the freezer compartment. He opened the bottle with one hand and went over to a chair sitting on it wearily. He placed the peas on his ankle, wincing slightly from the sharp cold, sipping his drink. He sank into the chair and relaxed a little.

He couldn't believe he had been so stupid, he had thought his time alone had come to an end. He had hoped he could foster at least a friendship with another werewolf. They would have something in common with one another. But what he really longed for was to have a relationship with a werewolf, they could go for a run together, he wouldn't have to be so alone all the time. He felt a small tear well in his eye. The phone ringing broke him from his thoughts. He limped over to it. Who was ringing at this time he thought. He lifted the receiver.

"Hello?" he said quietly.

"Oh hi Dean, its Angela from work, just ringing to see if you feel any better," said Angela.

"Yeah, I feel a bit better, I think I should be able to return Thursday," said Dean.

"Brill, the boss is going mad over here, he needs you, we have a big contract that’s fell behind," she said.

"Well I don't feel well enough to come in today, but Thursday maybe," he said.

"Ok, well I'm happy you feel better, you looked terrible the other day," she said.

We always do when the change is coming up he thought.

"It's just a virus," he said.

"Aww, poor baby, do you want me to bring you some soup up tonight," she said sarcastically.

"No I'm alright, I just want to make sure before I come back, I don't want any relapse's," he said.

"It's not man flu is it, because I hear it's really bad," she said.

"No it's not man flu, I've been to the doctors and he said it was a bug that’s going round," he said lying.

"Oh sorry I didn't realise," she said like a scolded child.

"It's ok, look I will have to go," he said.

"Ok goodbye, see you later," she said.

"Yeah bye," he said relieved.

He replaced the receiver and limped back to the chair, he placed the peas back on his ankle and took another swig of his drink. He lent back and returned to his thoughts. Why was he destined to be alone all the time. His heart longed for something more, for someone more.

He threw the bottle at the kitchen sink, glass and lager raining all over the tiled floor of his kitchenette. Jumping from his chair, he kicked the peas away from him in anger. He paced around the room agitated, ignoring the pain in his ankle. He couldn't believe what he was doing, holding his head in his hands he mentally berated himself for being so stupid again. What was he doing, he thought to himself. What he was doing was wrong, ignoring the code he had been taught. The code he learnt to follow through a terrible tragedy. It is better for him to be alone than for others to be hurt again. He had to remember what happened the last time he didn't follow the code and allowed his heart to lead him. He traipsed into him bedroom and threw himself on his bed. There he curled up and sobbed with a mixture of horror, pain, lonliness and grief. But the over riding emotion however, was on of total confusion over his own feelings.

His eyes grew heavy, sleep nagging at the back of his neck and he reluctantly dropped off.

© Copyright 2011 Lou Cypher (loucypher at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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