Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1820529-Smoking-Session
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1820529
Simple scrap story of 3 of my characters hanging out and chatting.
A thick smoke filled the room as the three sat, laughing and trading stories from their past. It was a particularly hard week for each of them in its own unique way, and to be able to share a joint on their first day off in a while was quite nice. The round rules in full effect, Dedra passed the joint to Limey, who was shuffling through her MP3 player to find another song for them to listen too. Bethany, screwing around with her camera, pulling up pictures of her most recent conquest, she had begun calling them 'liberations' at this point, which only seemed to tickle the other two.

As a new song began to play, it seems to strike a chord with Dedra, her gasping at the realization the memory it dragged up from her deep memory. "Holy crap! Limey, you won't believe what I just remembered!" She rang out as she exhaled her last puff.

Limey reached over and finally took possession of the thick joint. After a quick puff she replied, "...Oh god, I think I know! You have to tell Beth, that story is so freaking funny."

"What...what is it?" Beth asked, her legs in the air as she laid in a L like position against the wall of her room.

"Okay, Limey and Me decide to head into Sakira's store like a month ago. We took a break and went to get some food, so there we are in line. The entire time were waiting, there are a few guys behind us being dickheads, and talking about how we look. I didn't mind it at first, until they started getting really dirty about their little 'fantasies'. One guy had to be some kind of writer or something, the detail...just...wow."

"Please tell me this story ends with one of you two putting your boots in their ass!" Beth interjected as she took the blunt from Limey, her second puff now being help deep in her chest.

"No, but I fucking wanted to!"

"Same here, it from being annoying to just plain wrong." Limey added in, smoke underlining her words as she started to lay back, her legs folded, and now fully relaxed.

"Funny cause all three of them looked like emo fembois, which is also kinda sad, they were cute, but obliviously very immature. So were just getting to the front of the line, when one of the employees must have noticed, cause they were giggling at the front, but we couldn't tell why at first. So just as I get to ordering my food, BAM! A hole bag of garbage suddenly falls on them. I swear to fucking god, they had the most pathetic look they had on their faces as they freaked out about their expensive emo clothes.

"Oh, so that was you guys?" The room feel silent for a moment before anyone would come to acknowledge what had been revealed.

"Wait...what!?" Limey broke the silence, her eyes set on Beth as she started to fiddle around with her guitar, the joint held tight by her lips as she took in a deep breath.

"So you do really work 3 fucking job!?"

Beth gave a grunt of approval as she removed the joint from her lips and handed it over to Dedra. After a moment she blew the smoke out via a few rings and finally spoke "I work at the restaurants at night, after midnight I go down to the club and do a few sets, then I head over to the store till around noon, you guys were lucky I was there so late, but one of the girls had been verbally assaulted and didn't want to come back to work till the problem was solved. I don't think they will be back for a while, but it sucks nobody kicked their asses like they really deserved."

Limey giggled as she looked over to Beth. "So really you have 4 jobs?"

"4?" Dedra asked looking over to Limey as she began to take her second puff.

"The Restaurant, Her Band, The Store, and as a hitwoman"

Dedra chocked a bit as she handed the blunt back to Limey, but quickly started to laugh "She even has the 'bad ass chick' attitude to match!"

"I was just pissed off was all, Those guys pissed me off all the time, bunch of rich kids who act emo cause they think their lives are so freaking hard, bunch of cry babies. It's no wonder most of the girlfriends sneak over to Stiletto's after a while of dating them!"

The room erupted in laughter for a moment before they resumed their conversation, the topic quickly switching to something a bit more interesting to Beth. "So you noticed this song was playing did ya?"

"Oh heck yeah" Dedra replied "I tend to remember things better when music is playing, especially ones I like."

"Do you know why?"

Both Dedra and Limey looked at Bethany curiously, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Okay, from what Tammy told me about what Sarah researched about our species, most if not all of our species has photographical memory, which doesn't just mean visual information but actually covers memory from all our senses. I think she stated that out of her pool of Laterius patients, over 95% had some form of advanced skill for memory in some way or form." She finally accepted the blunt back from Limey, who was more than happy to take a extra puff since Beth kept talking instead of paying attention.

"Doesn't surprise me, think about it, each of us is heavily into music, to the point we can name the band, title, album, the year it was released and even pointless trivia on the spot. Sucks most of it is pretty useless." Limey added.

"Don't you guys find it weird that we were somehow interacting with one another before we even meet, I mean that was a month ago, I didn't even notice you did that." Dedra stated, her hands signing to Beth that she was baked and didn't want another go at the blunt. The three had been at this since morning, and this was their 3rd in the last 4 hours.

"You wouldn't have if I did my job right. I was on the roof with the bags, and despite having to help clean it up later, it was so worth it, mainly since somebody had puked in that bag previously that day." Beth couldn't help but giggle as she put the blunt out into her ash tray, a healthy stream of smoke bellowing out from her lips in a lazy fashion continued to play with her guitar.

"And yet you still wanted somebody to kick their ass?" Dedra again.

"Not just kick, but to actually fit said food into the anus of each and every last one of the them." Beth once more.

"Don't worry, next time we go out, I'm gonna have Hakiri tag along, he owes me one, plus he loves to scare the shit out of immature college kids." Truth was Limey was owed quite a large favor by Hakiri who was in desperate need at the time. This again had the effect of causing the room to fill with laughter.

"That I would so pay to see!" Dedra and Beth replied, a evil grin on both their faces.
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