Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1819956-The-Perfection-of-the-Master
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1819956
The origin story of the mercenary Talis, who fights for his love Princess Kyreine Nalaris
Talis turned over in the bed and placed his arm over Kyreine who responded by putting her hand on his. Talis felt Kyreine move her hand from his and she turned around in the bed. He opened his eyes to see her beautiful blue eyes looking directly in his eyes. Her face had a soft but firm look. He moved in closer to kiss her but there was a sudden thud at the door. Talis panicked and jumped out of bed and onto the warm carpet and started searching for his clothes. “Kyreine your suitors are here today. Time to get up” this was the demanding and self-important voice of King Nalaris.

Kyreine quickly got out of her bed and looked around for her nightgown. She was struggling to find her nightgown and so she didn’t respond to her father and this resulted in another loud knock from her father. “Hold on father, I’ll be out in a few moments” Talis managed to put on his clothes and he gave Kyreine one last kiss and quickly approached the window and started to climb out of it. He gave her one last nod before taking a fifty foot dive into the water below.

He felt a massive smack as he hit the water. He felt the air being driven from his lungs. Talis felt himself sinking lower so he tried to quickly swim up the surface. His lungs felt like they were about to burst, so he deigned to swim faster to the surface but it felt so close but so far. His arms struggled to cut through the water and his legs were trying to jump but instead it just cut through the water. His eyes were stinging from the water and his chest starting to burn from the lack of air. He got closer and closer to the surface but his vision started to dim, he panicked he knew he didn’t have long to go before he would pass out and drown. The surface was getting closer and closer and as he got closer the sun got clearer and clearer right up until he broke through the water.

He took one large breath of pure fresh air as he struggled to get closer to the bank. He grabbed the edge and tried to get his breath back it took a few minutes to get his breath back but when he was done he started to climb out of the water and he walked to the closest window to see if there was any permanent damage.

His scruffy light brown hair was now jet black and it was completely flat from the water. What were normally his green eyes was now red from the water and his nose was bleeding so he decided to check if it was broken as he felt around his nose, it wasn’t disfigured and there was no pain, he came to the conclusion that it wasn’t broken.

He decided that he should head back to his quarters to get changed it was in the middle of Gailswind and he would probably freeze to death if he stayed out any longer than he needed to. Talis started to quickly walk back to his home wet, cold and strangely content. The streets were quiet since it was the early hours of the day. Shop keepers would be setting up their stock, priests would be clearing the path leading to their church, the soldiers would be going through their discipline training, bakers would be kindling their ovens, while blacksmiths would be making last minute adjustments to someone’s order and the guards would have just started their patrol.

Talis sneezed and there were shuffles in the houses he looked around and saw that he was in the Shades district. This district was known for the ruffians and gangs that ‘hung out’ in this area. So he decided to move faster to avoid being involved in an attempted mugging. Almost running, he tried to leave the Shades district but there was a loud cough behind him so he turned around to see what or who had coughed and there was about thirty guys standing behind him. He turned back around in an attempt to flee but there was thirty more guys blocking his path. The group in front of him opened up to let through a short dwarven man, his face was badly scarred the scars gave the face a hint of cruelty that no normal face can give. The dwarf pulled out a giant club and he gave him sick and twisted smile “Give us fifty silver coins an ya can go free”

Talis took a step forward and he said in a demanding voice “Come and get it from me”

The dwarf’s smile disappeared and he grabbed one of the guys standing behind him and yelled “GET HIM!!!” he pushed the guy right in front of Talis.

Talis looked to the side and saw a broom. He grabbed it just in time to smack the guy across the mouth with the handle. After that guy fell to the ground three other guys charged him with daggers and short blades drawn. One of them went for a massive thrust but he managed to step out of the way and give him a massive kick to the face which caused him to crash face first onto the ground. The second one charged him but before he even managed to reach him. Talis brought up the broom and whacked him across the mouth, he then ducked and a sword was swung overhead. He stood back up to finish off the guy that was in front of him by delivering a direct kick to the knee. There was a loud crack and a scream, but he didn’t have time to rest. Talis sidestepped to the right only to see a blade go right past his left side and he took this opportunity. He grabbed the guy’s arm, flipped him onto his back, took his sword and plunged it into his shoulder thus slicing off his arm. He pulled out the sword and kept it in his left hand.

The instincts of Talis’ training took over. He took put one foot back keeping it completely straight and moved the other forward tilting it to the right. The other thugs seemed dumbfounded while the dwarf leader’s face just grew red with anger “KILL HIM YOU LAZY PIECES OF SHIT” eight men from both sides stepped forward their weapons drawn and ready to attack.

Talis kept his eye on a window of one of the buildings so he could see the entire area around him. Like a panther he was ready for the attack and he was ready to counter-attack. They all circled around him like a pack of scavengers but as soon as they stopped to plan which one of them were going to attack first. Talis used his back foot to push off the ground and with the momentum he spun around with the broom handle extended. As he spun the broom was connecting with every single one of them, they were unable to react before the broom handle hit them across the face and as the broom connected with the last thug, it snapped leaving it useless so he just threw the broken broom on the ground.

Talis turned his eyes back onto the window and had a closer look at the thugs face’s and they were fear filled but was it because of him or what is because of their leader. Talis threw the sword behind his back and caught it with his right hand and he stood back into his fighting position. He looked at the thugs and they all took a step back but the leader who instead took a step forward his face even redder than before “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PUSSIES DOING? AURUA LA VAKADA NEMUN!!!”

The thugs knew they couldn’t take him on so they fled all except the dwarf who just stood there with a face so red that painting it would be useless.

The dwarf grabbed a giant axe and charged towards Talis. The dwarf raised his axe ready to cleave him in half but he managed to sidestep the giant strike and plunged the sword right through the dwarf’s skull. He let go of the sword and the dwarf fell to the ground with the sword stuck in his skull. He walked up to the window and saw that he was covered in blood he had to quickly get back to his quarters or run the risk of the guards catching him. The guards in this city have a no questions asked attitude if they even think you’ve committed a crime you’ll be arrested or you may get lucky enough to be executed.

Talis kept on swerving through the streets and alleyways of the Shades district until he noticed a significant and immediate change in the architecture. He knew he had entered another district. These distinct changes are one of the defining and noticeable features of this city.

Talis slowed down he knew he was safe the guards with all their bravado didn’t have the gall to actually arrest someone in this district … The Blades District … home or the closest thing to it.

The Blades District which was also known as The Mercenary Quarter, since it was filled with all sorts of mercenary groups and guards full on avoid this district since mercenaries are usually very fickle and very aggressive towards guards and attempting to arrests a fellow mercenary in this district would be very unwise.

The lack of sound in the district can only mean that either that some of the mercenaries have been contracted and left or they may just be hung over from last night. Talis kept on walking until he nearly stepped on someone who had passed out and was sleeping in a pool of his own vomit. The stench of alcohol was overpowering but he was used to it, he had grown accustomed it.

Even though the smell always makes him feel like he is going to vomit but he couldn’t live without it. He jumped over the drunk and walked up to the end of the street and then took a left turn and there before him stood a massive dominating gate.

The walls had a silikwood layer but behind it there was a pure solid stone wall and there was a massive portcullis right in the middle. Talis walked up to the portcullis and muttered “Perfection is nothing, mastery is everything” and the portcullis lifted up revealing a massive mansion and a beautiful garden which was filled with trees, statues and fountains.

He walked past the gate and within a few steps of entering he turned to his right slightly and pulled a lever. There was a massive crashing sound as the portcullis crashed shut. Talis continued walking up to the mansion and as he approached the door he had a close look at the silikwood layer he’d always wondered what the second layer of the building was but the Vieron never told him. He grabbed the door handle and turned it quietly not wanting to wake anyone up.

There was a soft click as the door opened slowly and quietly. He entered the mansion and closed the door behind him there was a soft but discerning voice that caused him to jump. “So Talis where have you been?”

Talis turned around to see The Vieron Jaice sitting on a seat in the corner of the entrance hall. Talis just stood there dumbfounded with his jaw agape and this caused Jaice to ask again “Well. Where have you been?”

Talis looked down at his feet and replied “Out. Walking, thinking and reflecting” he felt ashamed. Why couldn’t he tell The Vieron what really happened, the man who was a father to him.

“So while reflecting blood magically splattered on your clothes” Talis looked up at Jaice and instead of frowning he had a sly smile on his face.

This made Talis even more uncomfortable. What did The Vieron know? “Uh I was ambushed by a group of thugs in the Shades district”

He raised his hand and said “Ah I understand now” he lowered his hand and smiled. “You don’t have to avoid telling me the truth Talis. I know about you and Princess Kyreine” Talis’ heart dropped if The Vieron knew then that means … that King Nalaris knew as well.

“H… how did y…y… you know?”

He kept on smiling before his face turned warm and compassionate “Don’t worry I tracked you myself. Jumping out the window quite ingenious” he stood up and walked over to a painting of Castle Agarrack but there were little figures moving in the picture, like normal guard rounds. The Vieron walked up to the painting and muttered something but it was so soft and so quick that Talis couldn’t hear what he heard and then the picture changed instead of an complete overview of the whole castle. It was focused on a window, a familiar one at that.

A man climbed out onto the window sill. It only took Talis a few seconds to realise that this was him and this painting recorded what he did and was now replaying it. Then he watched himself jump out, his hands were put in front of his head and made into a fine sharp point and the rest of his body turned completely straight and like a blade he pierced the water and suddenly the painting changed back to the overview of the castle with guards patrolling. “That Talis before you ask, is an impression painting, it’s like a window but you can record whatever happens in that area and show it later” The Vieron turned around and took a seat in the corner again but for the whole time walking he kept his eyes firmly locked on Talis.

“Vieron why do you have an impression painting of the castle?”

He just laughed for a few moments but he slowly regained his composure and he spoke softly “Just in case”

Talis bowed respectfully “I am heading to bed Vieron” so he started walking up the stairs but he was quickly stopped by a loud cough. He immediately turned around and The Vieron was standing once again.

“Talis I swore to protect you and everyone else in this outpost since the king is a corrupt man and you messing around with his daughter even though you may love her and she loves you back. He will see you as a usurper of the throne and he will deal with you personally and nothing will get in his way not even us.” Talis nodded and walked back down the stairs.

“So … what am I to do?” The Vieron walked over to a table, looked at it for a few moments before pulling open the top drawer he rummaged through it, until he found a sheet of paper and he turned around with a serious look.

“That’s my official stance but my real stance is that I’m supposed to be a father to you right? Don’t answer that it was rhetorical which means a question without an answer. So I want you to be happy Talis so I got the Grandmaster to sign a certificate that allows you to be one of the six possible suitors for Princess Kyreine.” He felt butterflies well within his stomach but at the same time it was also fear … fear of King Nalaris wouldn’t that give him the chance to assassinate him?

“Uh Vieron” he nodded at Talis with that comforting smile on his face. “Wouldn’t that give him the chance to … kill me?”

The Vieron laughed softly “Ah young Talis . Have you heard of the blood law?” he shook his head as he wondered what the blood law was. Was it some sort of trial by combat or what? “No before you say anything it is not like a trial by combat. It is a law if someone murders their own blood the man accused forfeits all their titles, possessions and heirlooms. So anything you are supposed to inherit you lose. So if King Nalaris even attempts to assassinate you, he’ll lose everything and the only thing he wants more than anything is to keep the crown.”

Talis’ face went a deep scarlet and he knew this because his face felt like it was on fire “Y…yo…you w…wan…want m…me to m…m…marry her?” he managed to splutter out and The Vieron just laughed louder than last time.

“No I want you to take her out to dinner. Of course marry her, if King Nalaris finds out that you have been with his daughter he will have you killed. Anyway I thought you loved her?” He was taken aback by what he said of course he loved her, but marriage? The Vieron handed him the certificate and it read





I Grandmaster Averuis of the Masters of Combat. Write this certificate to state that my flesh son Talis is of noble born by the set standard nine hundred and thirty-one section three. Is that the Grandmaster of the Masters of Combat is of noble origin, through service for Valayin. This certificate hereby authenticates all claims to marriage to your daughter Princess Kyreine Nalaris if she so chooses.

Breaking the contract under any circumstances is considered under act two hundred and fifty is exile or death.

Best wishes

Grandmaster Averuis of the Masters of Combat

Talis folded the certificate carefully and placed it into his back pocket. Talis looked up to speak again but The Vieron spoke first “Talis that wasn’t all he sent. He also sent a letter for you” and out of nowhere a letter appeared and it before he realised it was in his hands. Talis smiled and gave him a bow before heading up the stairs to his room to get changed into less bloodier clothes. Just as his foot hit the second floor he heard The Vieron’s voice once more “Talis, you should wear your leathers if you are to go as a Master and also good luck” Talis felt tears well up in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away as he walked to his room and opened the door.

His room was basic to say the least. The walls were jet black and at the left side of the room there was a bed and at the right side there was a chest with all his gear and personal belongings. He approached the chest and in it was his leather armour all folded neatly in a pile. He pulled out his leathers, then he took off his blood stained clothes and put them in a pile on his bed.

He put on his leather greaves and cuirass, then he started to put his sheathes on. He put the strap over his right shoulder and let the sheathe itself lie on his back waiting for his giant double edged axe and then he tightened until it became nearly impossible to pull off, he then pulled out two sheaths that went on both sides of his hips awaiting his two swords, Talis pulled out the rest of the sheathes and placed them on his bed and started to untangle the rest of them until he pulled out two identical sheathes and he set one aside from the other pile while he placed it on his right wrist, he grabbed the other one and placed it on his left wrist and they were waiting for his short blades. He grabbed two more sheathes and placed them onto his shoulders prepared to hold his crossbows.

He then grabbed his other sheathes and then threw them back into the chest, instead of closing the lid he pushed the back of the chest until there was a loud click. Talis then pulled the fake wall out of the chest and there was a lever, which he pulled and behind him there was stone grinding on stone. So he turned around and instead of his bed and a wall there was a chamber full of different types of weapons ranging from swords, to maces, to axes, to bows, crossbows, poles and even whips.

He walked in and picked his two favourite swords the first one was a cutlass and the second was the basic longsword. Then he moved to the side a bit and he picked two crescent short blades and placed them all in their respective sheaths. He then moved over to his axes, he looked around for his double edged axe until he found it and with some degree of difficulty he managed to pull it off and placed it on his back sheath, within seconds he was at the crossbows and he grabbed two small crossbows and put them in their sheaths as well.

With all his weapons set Talis walked out of his weapons room and pushed a switch and simultaneously the sound of stone grinding on stone. He was all ready to head out of his room until he remembered the letter that was written to him by the Grandmaster, his father. He looked around for it and realised that he dropped it on the floor, he grabbed it, opened it and read was written.

Dear Talis

I know I’m supposed to have no contact with any lower ranked members of the group but I had to write this to you.

I have had Vieron Jaice watch you and report everything you do to me. I half expected you to take over my position as Grandmaster you definitely had the skill for it and also the blood but not ambition and that was when I realised that you were destined for greater things, greater than what this mercenary group can do for you. If that destiny is to be King I will one hundred percent support you. Talis I hope both you and Kyreine are happy.

Love always,

Your Father Averuis

Talis felt a tear run down his face, as he finished the letter. He couldn’t believe it his father still cared about him even though he gave him away when he was just a babe. He walked over to the chest and placed the letter in a small compartment which was full of personal belongings, letters, rings and even special small rocks.

Talis grabbed his bloodstained pants and pulled out the certificate and placed it in his slim leather pocket and headed towards Castle Agarrack.

Talis stood before the Castle Agarrack’s front gate with butterflies in his stomach. He felt the blood rush to his head, but he had to go in for Kyreine. Talis walked up to two armed guards standing before the gate the one on the left was massive and he noticed that he had a claymore resting on his back and the other guy had two longswords on each of his hips. As Talis got within touching distance they moved to block his way and the big guard on the left looked at him and growled “Business, What’s your business?”

Talis looked up at the big guard, still nervous as he spoke “Um I’m here for Princess Kyreine” the guards looked at each other and laughed, the smaller guard looked Talis in eye still laughing.

“Yeah we ALL want Kyreine we ALL want to undress her and we ALL want to lick her …”

The nervousness disappeared and it was replaced with rage “ENOUGH!!! I’m here to see Princess Kyreine. I’m one of her suitors.”

The smaller guard stopped laughing and his face turned serious “Uh you’re not on the list”

Talis just got even angrier and almost had enough “I have a certificate stating that I’m eligible AND if you don’t let me through the King will be at the mercy of the law” and out of the corner of his eye Talis saw the big guy reaching for his claymore and he saw a few guards trying to sneak past him so if a fight starts they can flank him and gain the advantage.

The big guard drew his claymore and smiled “You know boy, the King won’t be liable if … something bad happens to you and you happen to …die will he?”

His training instincts took over as he grabbed the hilt of his cutlass tightly as he stared down the guards “I’ll give you one more chance to let me through or I’ll open the throne room door with your head”

The big guard took a few steps forward and yelled “Attack!!!” and on instinct Talis brought out his cutlass and cleaved off the larger guard’s head. Talis jumped back and as soon his feet hit the ground he heard a twang of a bow. He brought up the cutlass to meet the flying arrow, there was a massive clang and Talis lost his balance from the force of the arrow.

The shorter guard came charging with his two swords drawn but before he even got to even attempting to swing one of them, Talis regained his footing and plunged the cutlass directly in his chest he tried pulling the cutlass out but it was wedged in too tight so he let go of the cutlass and instead grabbed his two small crossbows and looked at the top of the gate.

There were two slits where two archers were lining up arrows to shoot at him, so Talis brought moved his arms into an L position and he fired the crossbows. The force of the shots was nearly too much for him to handle, his shoulders started to crack and he was nearly taken off his feet. But the pain was worth it as there was two distinct screams as the bolts met their intended targets.

Talis tossed the crossbows down and drew his crescent short blades just in time to meet one of the flanking guards throat as he tried to sneak up to him. As the blade cut flesh there was a gurgle while the guard fell down clasping his throat as blood spilled out. Two more guards marched up but before they could get within arm distance, Talis threw the blades at them and the blades sank themselves in the chests of the guards.

Seven down three to go Talis thought as he drew out his longsword. One guard had a mace and a shield and charged him, but Talis wasn’t encumbered with the weight of a shield so he simply sidestepped the guard and impaled him with the sword.

The sword got stuck in the guard as Talis tried to pull it out so he let go of the sword and swiped the guard’s mace. The other two guards stood there dumbfounded, so Talis took this opportunity and charged towards the guard and with great speed and strength he spear tackled one of the guards in the knee, there was a sickening crack as the guard screamed out in agony and fell to the ground.

Talis quickly rolled and jumped up onto his feet. His feet didn’t spend that much time on the ground before they were swept from under him. He hit the ground with heavy force as the double edged axe was pressed into his back. He felt his skin being torn by pressure of the axe. The guard that swept his legs stood above him and with his sword in both hands facing down ready to sink the blade in his flesh.

Talis held tightly onto the mace and as the guard thrust the sword down, he rolled out of the way and there was a clang as metal met stone which was followed by a soft chink of a blade snapping. So Talis took his opportunity, he got up on one knee and smacked the guard right in the temple with the mace and he fell like a tree.

Talis dropped the mace and as soon as the mace hit the ground he heard a booming voice “Hello little man” Talis turned around to see a man which would’ve made that big guard look short standing in front of a now open gate.

This man was wearing silver plated armour with a silver helmet and a red cape which was being blown by the wind and emblazoned on the cape was a lion being entangled by a snake this was the national symbol of Valayin. The massive man yelled out once more “WEAPONS” his voice nearly shook the gate itself and two groups of four servants appeared and each group carrying something massive.

The guard grabbed hold of both of these objects and the servants disappeared back behind the gate. But what the guard was left with was completely horrifying he was holding two phoenix’s, they were like a sword but the hilt and blade was as thick as a full grown man’s arm. But the end was the most horrific bit to the weapon at the end of it was a massive steel phoenix head. Most men couldn’t even get the phoenix off the ground but this man was holding two with relative ease. This man had to be a Katul’verin they are a northern people that are massively built but why one was so far south was beyond him.

Wasting no time Talis drew his double edged axe and charged towards the Katul’verin guard, but he just stood his ground. Talis got ready to swing his axe to cleave the guard in two but before he could even expect it he felt two impacts one originating from his axe and the other from the side of his stomach. The force from the shot on his stomach sent him flying back. His head hit the ground first and the rest of his body followed.

Everything was blurry from hitting his head as he struggled to get up, soon as he stood up he felt the impact of the phoenix in his ribs this time as he was knocked back across to in front of the gate but this time he was able to make sense of everything, he landed on his hands and flipped back onto his feet.

He looked around and saw the head of his axe stuck in the wall of the gate and the handle right next to the feet of the Katul’verin. Talis looked right next to him and saw the cutlass resting in the corpse that he left it in before. He pulled it out and the blade was soaked with blood.

He tossed the blade to his left hand and looked directly at the Katul’verin who started walking towards him with unbelievable speed. The walk turned into a charge and the guard swung one of the phoenix’s above his head with staggering speed and attempted to squish Talis between the cobblestone beneath him. But he was too fast and managed to avoid the impact of the phoenix, there was a sudden crash as the cobblestone was shattered.

Talis could feel the shockwaves of the shot vibrate throughout his body, but he had little time to waste as the guard swung the other phoenix at him. But thankfully he ducked and managed to avoid the crushing force of it.

He stood up and bolted towards the Katul’verin and went for the Achilles tendon at the back of his ankle. Just before the cutlass reached the tendon it stopped and the blade of the cutlass turned to small shards of metal. The guard turned around and laughed as he swung one of his phoenix’s again. Talis managed to avoid being hit again by rolling out of the way again.

He let go of the hilt of his now bladeless cutlass, jumped back up on his feet and ran full pelt towards his longsword which was still lodged within the guard it was placed in. He heard a loud growl from the Katul’verin behind him as he grabbed the hilt of the sword and it felt like he was about to pick up the corpse with it but thankfully the sword came free.

Talis jumped in full flight and turned around in mid-air. The guard wasn’t expecting him to turn around like that and he was moving too fast to stop and Talis lifted his longsword with the tip of the blade level with the visor and … there was a clang and a chink as the sword went through the guard’s head and snapped upon hitting the back of the helmet. Talis let go of the now broken sword and at the same time the dead Katul’verin fell back, sprawled on the ground.

He wondered how this armour broke both of his swords. He took a closer look at the dead Katul’verin’s bracers and saw multiple runes inscribed on it. He recognised some of these runes as repelling runes. They usually repelled any weapon or arrow unless if you found a gap in the armour like he did. He kept examining the runes until he saw an amplifying rune which explained his weapons breaking. The combination of the two would break any weaker metals and stronger metals would just bounce off.

Talis stood up and looked around and he saw weapons askew everywhere, bodies covered in blood, his crossbows were right at the front of the gate. He walked over to pick them up but along the way he heard a guard quietly sobbing, so he stopped and knelt down right next the guard who was clutching his knee in pain. He looked at Talis pleadingly but he just shook his head and walked away to his crossbows, he picked them up and placed them in their proper sheathes on his shoulders.

He strolled through the open gate coolly and looked around and saw the servants and guards alike cowering in fear. He ignored them as he walked up to the door to the castle. Normally walking up to the front door would be intimidating and frightening but not this time. This time all nerves all fears were gone they were replaced with determination and love, love for Kyreine.

Talis contemplated kicking the door down but instead he just gently pushed it open and walked in coolly. He looked around the entrance hall, this was the first time he actually saw it. Usually he had to sneak in through the servants quarters. But that aside this place was beautiful, the floor was a rare blue marble, the pillars were made of a black marble and on the walls were paintings of leaders and kings alike – heroes of Valayin.

But at the back of the hall was a painting of Vadick Nalaris himself unsurprisingly. In the middle of the hall was a line of five men which had to be the other suitors and there was Kyreine the beautiful angel standing next to her father King Vadick Nalaris the egomaniac whose face was a deep scarlet red and it was also skewed with fury but this wasn’t directed at the suitors it was directed at him.

His jaw moved but no words came out, he continued to move it until finally some words came out “WHAT IN THE ELEVEN’S SPIRIT ARE YOU DOING? BREAKING IN THE CASTLE IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH! GUARDS KILL HIM!!!” Talis sensed the weakness in his voice. He could tell that they were the words of a weak corrupt man.

The guards took a step forward, the suitors turned around and Kyreine stared at him with fear in her eyes, but it wasn’t for him it was for the guards she knew he could take them all on at once. The guards drew their weapons and took another step forward and Talis grabbed his two crossbows.

The feeling in the air was tense the guards took another step forward, the suitors took a step back, King Nalaris’ face went even redder, Talis moved his fingers to the triggers of his crossbows and Kyreine covered her face. The guards readied themselves to charge, the suitors scattered to hide behind the pillars, King Nalaris head looked like it was about to explode, Talis put one foot back and Kyreine turned away. Just as Talis pulled the trigger of his right crossbow there was a loud demanding yell but it didn’t come from King Nalaris instead it came from the only person in the whole kingdom that could disrupt his focus.

“STOP!!!” the crossbow fired and just missed one of the guards who turned his head in fright. The only voice that could disrupt his concentration belonged to the Queen, Queen Agatha Nalaris. “Guards stand down. Talis you are a guest here put down your crossbows” Both the guards and Talis sheathed their weapons but Queen Nalaris was far from done scolding “Vadick control yourself. There are guests here and I have a feeling you had something to do with the gate guards attacking Talis?” he looked around and saw her standing proudly and dominating in a doorway which led out of the entrance hall.

Agatha Nalaris had the look of stern, regal woman with good reason she had to raise three children, Kyreine, Thomas and Vadick. Her hair was long and greying. Her face had semblance of aging but her looks were nowhere near an accurate indication of how old she actually was.

Talis then looked at Vadick in which he stood in a melted puddle of which he used to call his ego.

“Vadick I can’t believe you would be that selfish. Today is the day that your … our … own daughter chooses the person who she will spend the rest of her live with and rule beside. To deny her even one suitor may cause years of unhappiness” she walked forward to stand beside Kyreine’s side. Queen Nalaris whispered something in her ear but he didn’t hear it.

Queen Nalaris gestured Talis to come forward and he obeyed as he walked right up to Kyreine and stared into each other’s eyes it was as if they were talking to each other with their eyes speaking a language that no-one else could speak as Talis took a polite bow while not breaking the eye contact with her and then took a step back.

Vadick hinted a small smile before speaking “Well I think this has gone on long enough. Kyreine who will you choose?” both Vadick’s and Kyreine’s eyes were locked together in an intensely tense moment.

“I choose …” Talis’ heart started beating a hundred miles a minute, his palms started sweating, he felt like he was going to vomit and he started to feel dizzy awaiting Kyreine’s decision. “Talis of the Masters of Combat” his heart nearly jumped out of his mouth as he gave Kyreine a little bow. Vadick stared at him wild eyed and he could’ve sworn that Queen Nalaris gave a little hint of a smile.

© Copyright 2011 Crazy Eyes (crazyeyes at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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