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Where love rein even in memories. |
"She is talking to herself again. I just wish we could move her out of this old house." A very worried daughter turns to her young sister with sad green eyes. Sue was always one to worry. She maybe the oldest but she was they called "The Beauty of the Valley". Sue golden blonde hair and green eyes made her stand out. Her young sister was totally different in looks. Autumn’s brown hair and brown eyes came from their father. "You know, she will never go. Father Die in this house and mother wish to do the same," Autumn is the youngest of the two and a little calmer than Sue. "I don't like her being here by herself. She can hurt herself with all of the old broads that are sticking up. She can fall down than were we will be. That's it! I am taking her home with me. She will be happy with us. The Children will love to have their grandmother around" said Sue. "Yea, right. Mother will not even last two days with you and your family. She is coming home with me. I've don't have no one to worry about. And mother will love the quietness to herself." "You just hate it that I got a family and you don't," scream Sue. "It's not like that and you know it. I just want mother to live her life the way father wanted her to." Autumn said calmly. The two of them did not hear their mother come up behind them. Looking at them and shaking her head. The two of them had nothing to worry about. She lives her life to the fullness just like she dream and soon she will rejoin her beloved. Oh the memories came back her. First time she saw him was like a dream out of a story book. He was so handsome. She was so loss in her memories that she did not hear her daughters calling her back. "Mother, Mother!" Autumn panic. "Mother pleases, what can we do? We have to call the doctor." Sue turn to her sister feeling helpless. "Girls, I am alright. I can I at least go to my memories were I was happy." "Mother," Autumn was upset "I thought you were happy with us." How can she tell them that she is happy in her memories as well as with them? She shakes her head. Her girls did not learn anything from their father or her. "Girls sit down. I am going to tell you a story about your father and me. "But mama, we know about you and daddy." Sue tried to tell her mother. "NO! You do not." She was having no more of this. She sat them and began her story. *************************************** She ran out of the house. How can this it be? Her father gave her to the most hated man in the entire valley. She ran in to town hoping that she can stop this insanity. Bruce Campbell will not be her husband. In the entire world he had to be the one her father and mother chosen for her. If Bruce Campbell thinks he can have her, he has another thing coming. He maybe the mayor son but he is no man to her. She was half way to the mayor house, until 'he' stops her. "Josephine, how are you on this fine day? You do know about the arrangement that my father has for me?" He looks her up and down with a snake of a smile. "Yes well if you will excuse me. I have business to attend to." She tried to step around he but he move in her way. He breathes smell of alcohol. He slept in the barn his once blue shirt covered in grime of shit. The filth overwhelms the air she could not breathe. Her eyes watered from the smell. "It's not lady like for you to run. If you were my wife, I will show you the right way to be a lady." He said with a menace voice. She shivers at the thought of him touching her. Bruce Campbell was no man you want to have mad at you. Most of the women at the brothel will tell you that he temper was fierce. His fists are the deadest to any woman or man. His father gets him out of any trouble and never get take any blame for it. "I am sorry but I have to go. So please if you do not mind moving out of my way." She was not letting him get the best of her even if he doesn't scare her. She knows more about him than he think. Bruce laughs and step aside. She was about to move. "Don't think I let you get away with this one. Our wedding night will be the turn point where you will learn to be obedient to me. I will make see that woman have no say in anything a man does." He turn and walk away laughing. Standing her was he going to let him get the best of her. There is only one thing to do. She walked to the mayor house. Hoping the mayor will stop the marriage. Thinking way out of this, the mayor had must told her parents that this is the best for both of their children. And that they will have all the high social status. She did care for that, all her care for is to be happy like her grandparents were. At the door, she was afraid to be turn away but they welcome her with open arms. The servant led her to the mayor office and opens the double doors for her. "Welcome my future daughter-in-law, I was hoping we get the whole valley together and have a engagement party. But first me and your parents have a get together for the arrangement of your big day." The mayor did not seem to care what people says about his son. He did not wish to see, for he was always in the office never to look outside his doors. He always sent others to do he's job of take care of his son. "Mister Mayor Campbell that is why I am here. I am here to stop the wedding to your son. I refuse to marry your son. In other words your son will never touch me, and I will never let him come near me. He will die first before he touches me. No woman in her right mind will let boy of yours near them." It was quiet in the office. The Mayor face turns from white to bright red. His chest heave up and down so fast you would think he is having a heart attack. "Little lady, my son told me, that the two of you were in engage. I don't know what kind of game you are playing at. But do not take me likely. I will see you hang if you hurt my little boy." Josephine was not going to take this. Not from any man. "Well that little boy is all that he is, a little boy that is not even a man. You should have taught him to be more a man than a little boy." "How dare you little hussy. You don't even know what it takes to be a man. You woman think, you know everything there is to know out there. You can't last two day without man in the valley or anywhere." Josephine was not going down without a fight. Not even if it is the mayor of Misty Mountain. "Listen here you old fuck, No one in their right mind can say that you are right in raising your son. That boy has a mean streak and every woman in the valley knows not to get involve with him. So you call off this wedding or there will be hell to pay. Mark my words this will not be the end of it and you know it." The mayor face did not change. He closes his eyes and sighed. "I wish I can, but you are the only one who the can stand up to him. I am hoping you can change him into a better man. If not, well hell. I will make a deal with you. I will give you one year to change him. If not you can leave. Get out of the marriage with a little something in your pocket. You can stay here or go some were else. It's up to you. What you say?" "And what about the beating and the children we will have? Can you think about all that I will be going through with your son, just to make you look good? Have you any ideas of the fighting we will have just to make you look good? I rather kill myself now and getting over with it." "Now Josephine, calm down I have thought about this and I called in a favor from an old friend of mine from New York City. He has a son that will look out for you. He's with the Secret Service and he will be staying here with us for the time being. His name is Daniel Hudson. He'll be stay until you change my son or until the year is up. The wedding won't be for another six more months or so. Mister Hudson will be arriving tomorrow morning from New York City. Once he gets here. He will be around town getting to know the town people. You don't have to worry about him. You won't see him at all." The mayor was so proud of himself, to go to great length to get a man to protect his future daughter-in-law. He was just fooling himself think this is going to help the solution. "You old fool. Have you lost your mind? You can't keep a man like the Secret Service in your house. You'll have everybody looking over their shoulders. Expecting something bad is going to happen to them." "I guess you right. I know we need a new sheriff. He can be the sheriff until this is all over." Josephine looked at the mayor. What the hell is he thinking? A Secret Service as a sheriff of a small town, Josephine was tired of this fool. "You are a fool. To thinking that this Secret Service man will go with this whole idea that you put out, a very old fool at that. I will tell you again. Call off this wedding." Without hearing his answer she walked out without look back. **************** The Mayor knew he was an old fool, but he knew the Josephine can do what no another can do. Without looking up he knew his son was getting into trouble. Maybe Daniel Hudson can change this town from a little quite town to a bursting city like New York. He was hoping to get ideas from Hudson on New York life. To think on all the changes that New York has done in the last ten years. He didn't care if it cost him the whole town. He wanted to be the first mayor in Misty Mountain to bring modern civilization to the valley. With Josephine and his son wedding he can invite the high society of New York City. Making plans for this small town to become the biggest city in the whole west. Now all he has to do is get his son to play the part on making his future wife to fall deeply in love with him. "Hawkins" the mayor called out to the man outside his door. "Yes Mayor Campbell. What can I do for you?" The man was not attracted for the scars on his face kept women away. But the mayor can say that he was tall and well built to handle the rough crowds to the point where his son can cause trouble. He was the man the mayor sent to watch over Bruce. And now he'll have to send him on more important errand, to root out the ranchers to sell their ranch and livestock. "Before you go, make sure that my son is brought to me. And also make sure those ranchers know that I don't take no for answer. They will sell me their land by the end of this week or there will be hell to pay." "I will see that it is done, mayor. You can count on me to make sure things run smoothly." "See that you do. And sent Miss Josephine some flower, make sure it Roses. Red Roses and make sure to put my son name on the card. I would like to see this girl marries my son. She a prize gem you see. She will make my son look good for those New Yorkers will they come. There is one thing I know and this girl has no clue, that the wedding I plan for them come with a price. She will not turn away this offer I am giving her." "What if she refuses?" "Don't worry about that. I have it all plan out. She has no choice but to except my offer you will see." Hawkins knew that the Mayor' son cannot do to, Josephine Miller like what he does to the Brothel women. He knows first-hand Bruce's handiwork. He even covered up for him once. "You know that your son cannot do the same like he does to those women of the brothel house." "That is my I am asking for my son to come here. I wish to talk to him and to knock some sense in to him. I will show him what it means to be Mayor of Misty Mountain. And to take my place if something happens to me in the future." With that Hawkins went to do what the mayor asks him to do. And he knows that it will never work with Josephine and Bruce. He will not get in the way. The last time he stop something like it this, the loved of his life dies in his hands. The time will come for revenge just a little bit more times. The Mayor and His son will get what coming to them until than he will do what he has to do. The time will come and Josephine is going to have a big role to play in the part. He will see the Mayor on his hands and knees. First he has a plan to ruin the wedding and make sure the mayor son stay the way he is. Second is to make sure that Josephine fall in love with someone else, but who. He'll have to think on that one. He hopes to find a man that make Josephine's heart sing with love for him. And third the Mayor will be on his hands and knees pleading for his life. He will play his play part for now, but soon the time will come. ********************************************************************* Daniel Hudson hated to disappoint his father. His father asks him for a favor to take a year off of the Secret Service to help a small town mayor. His father does know that he took more than a year. He quit his job at the Secret Service. He was missing something in his life and his job was making it hard to find it. He knows he cannot find it in New York City. His father has been asking him went will he find a wife to give him grand kids. He just wanted to see his son have the same like that he had with his wife. The mother that gave life to his son that he in joy so much. If only his father knew the hardship that he went through. He had a woman once that he wanted to married her but she married another man. Her father plans the whole thing. He wanted the high society life with his daughter’s in-laws. He wasn’t good an enough for married to his daughter. Love as not going to be the one thing that her father wanted for her. The power of money was the one thing good an enough for her. Maybe this was a good thing that he left New York. He wasn’t planning on the one person showing up to say something to him. He was hoping that she was going to say good bye to him. He remembers at the train station. He was waiting for his train to go abroad. She come running unlady like to him. “Daniel! Daniel!” “Sarah” “Daniel, please wait.” She ran in his arms hug him. Not wanting to let go. “Sarah, I have to go.” “ALL ABROAD” “Daniel, don’t go. Please don’t go. I can’t live in New York City without you here.” “Sarah you have a husband now. I can’t be in your life. I have to go and live my life too. And I am not coming back to New York. I have a new life to go to just like you.” “You just can’t leave me and not tell me anything. I will I find you.” “Sarah, please go back to your husband. You will be happy that I promise.” “No I won’t. Not without you.” She rubs her tears on his shirt. He wish he could comfort her but he have to think on the life he will have without her. “Yes you will. I know you will.” He grabs her shoulders and gentle push her away. “LAST CALL ALL ABROAD” “I have to go you take care of yourself, Sarah” He turned around to boarded the train and without looking back at her. He took his last breath of New York City air and went inside. He moved to one of the side seats and looked outside to see Sarah crying in her hands. He hopes that she will be happy and that the hardship of life will not get to her. “Tickets, sir” the conductor snaps him out of his day dream. Daniel hands him his ticket. “Went will we arrive at Misty Mountain?” “Two days, sir.” “Thank you.” The conductor moved on to the two others people that were in the car. His mind wandered to Sarah again think on what she is doing right now. Helping her husband with a new party or get ready for to go on a night out on the town. All he can think of is her. How she put her hair in a bun and the way she dress for a single day out. Spring time was his favorite. He made her go walk around New York city seeing all the new flowers bloom. Than he will stop at a flower venter and buy her a bouquet of flowers. He in joy the day with her, but those day are gone. His whole world change on the day of the wedding. For sure he thought she will say no, but went she said I do. His heart shredded in two. After that day, he worked more on his job. Hoping he can forget about her. ***************************************** The two days on the train was hell for him to remember her that whole time. He saw the town of Misty Mountain. He was glad to stop think of Sarah it was driving him crazy. He can now think on the job with out her in his mind. He gather his things and step off the train to be met by the Mayor Campbell. "Welcome to Misty Mountain, Mister Hudson. I will show you were you be staying and working. We have a lot to talk about." He reach out to shake his hand. Daniel knew about men and he did not like this one at all. "Mayor Campbell. You can call me Daniel." "Daniel, I have you staying at my place for right now but if you like I can get you a room at the inn." "Well mayor I just want to get down to business. If that is okay with you. The sooner the better. " "A man of my heart. Well then let us go to my place. We will get all of this out of the open. I have a special dinner plan for you tonight. The whole town will be talking about it for years. A new sheriff in town is big news in these parts." "Well mayor I am just doing a favor. So can we skip to the business and forget about this dinner. I had a very long train ride and I am tired. I like to rest before I get started." "Yes but I like you to meet the townsfolk." “Mayor Campbell, I will be in town for as long as you want me to be here. So meeting the town folk will be an every day event. So you just tell me the business and I will get it done.” Daniel was annoyed by the Mayor idea. The thoughtless of the Mayor on how he feels, but he will get him to understand that he will be the law here. But Mayor Campbell won’t take no for answer. So he rented a room in the Inn for the night. All he wanted was a place to call home. A wife to love maybe little ones running around. But it wasn’t to be. Now he just wanted to forgot every thing with Sarah and move on. The room was just what he needed. No dinner just sleep until tomorrow for he will have to see just the town needed. He lie down on the bed thing of tomorrow before he knew he was fast a sleep. ****************** Josephine threw the flowers out the window. That bastard, how dare he tried to butter her up. No means NO. The Mayor bastard son deserve to die. Never in her life will she see the day that man step in the room with her. It makes her blood boil to the point |