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Rated: E · Chapter · Supernatural · #1818515
Ch 4, 5, 6
Ch 4          Magic Style Combat


Journal Entry - magic combat

Dad says we’ll be doing combat training for a while.

For the first time, I’m a little afraid of what’s to come.

I’m not known for fighting, anyone, how am I suppose to fight with magic.

Maybe we’ll start with shooting trees with water, to get the aim down.

I really don’t have any idea what to expect.

Wish me luck, and whatever else I might need.

Journal Entry End


Star stood at the far end of the field, watching her dad show her the fundamentals of magic combat.

When he finished he walked back to her and ask, “Ready to give it a go?”

Star looked at her feet and said, “Can’t I just keep working on the thunder stuff for a bit longer?”

Merlin chuckled, “you do fine when you remember how your powers respond to the way you use them. Now just go out there and do as I did with the water, and don’t worry the water won’t run out on you.” he nudged her forward towards the field.

Star slowly walked out, faced the trees with the targets tied to them, glanced to her right, and saw the water tough.

“No problem,” she thought.

She raised her arm and at the same time called up a bubble of water. She looked at the trees and chooses the one in the middle. She aimed her arm and shot the water at the tree, but instead was cover in a down pour of water.

She shook herself as she asked, “What happened? I did as you said, why am I all wet?”

Merlin walked over with a towel and said, “Looks like you put to much force on the water. First time water fighters need to use a gentler hand when they start out. If you want we can try wind fighting instead,” he turned to hear her answer, but Star was already heading back to the house.

Star dried off in the bathroom then lied down on her bed. Fighting was not her thing.

Getting over thunder magic was scary but got over it, but this is totally different.

If she couldn’t even shoot water at a stationary target, what hope was there?

Star cried into her pillow as her dad walked in.

He sat down on the bed and asked as he rubbed her side, “am I going to fast with the training?”

Star said through the tears, “your fine. Its me, I’m not cut out for fighting at all. Maybe we should go home and I’ll just use my powers…”

Merlin rolled Star over and wiped away the tears, “tomorrow we’ll test ways you can fight. Today, let’s go back to thunder training, ok?”

Star nodded and followed Merlin back outside.

They spent the rest of that day perfecting thunder and even managed to do a few tricks with it.

After wards Star laid down on her bed, completely exhausted.

Merlin came in and covers her with a blanket, kissed her on the forehead, and turned off the light as he left.

The next mourning Star got dress and went out to a field behind the buildings to work on her air whip. She grabbed an apple as she quickly walked through the eating area.

She had the whip wound around to the point that it almost looked like a sea serpent, when she heard, “I have been looking everywhere for you.” She lost control and the whip spun out in all directions, and messed up her hair real bad.

Merlin chuckled behind his hand, “oops, sorry. I just came looking for you so we could start on your fight stance lesson.”

Star’s shoulders sagged, “I came out here because I don’t want to fight. Can’t I just…oh I don’t know, do something more productive with my powers?”

Merlin led Star back to the front of the building as he said, “all mages learn to fight. All mages have to train in all forms of magic use before they can decide what they will use their powers for. Now let’s get back to fighting stances, unless you haven’t had breakfast.”

Star tries to hide the apple core, but Merlin pops it out from behind her with a jet of wind.

He tosses it in the trash as they head for a field with wood stumps and target boards set up in circles.

For the next several hours, all they worked on was what the best form was for her to fight with.

They started with punching style, but she kept being hit on the back of the head when she attacked in that form.

They tried karate style, but everything then moved in slow motion instead.

This kept going until lunchtime and Star dragged herself back to the kitchen area.

“This is hopeless,” she wailed as her dad made lunch for them both.

Merlin thought hard, “how do we figure out her best fighting stance?” he placed a plate of food in front of Star and said, “After lunch, you should go and figure out your fighting style. By yourself. It might be easier for you that way.”

Star looked in her dad’s eyes. He looked stressed from all the training he was setting up for her, and trying to figure out how to help her. “Sure dad. While I do that, you should relax and do something you want to do.”

Merlin grinned at Star, “yeah. Maybe I’ll go see if any magic animals need so one to play with their young. When I come back I want see you either training or asleep from using so much magic. Got it.”

Star giggled, “Got it.”

Star went to try and find her own to fight using magic, and Merlin went to find some animals to play with.

Merlin jogged to the forest near by and found some green and orange deer in a small glen, with their little ones playing.

Two large adult males stepped up to Merlin and let him rub their snouts.

The little ones slowly walk over and sniff Merlin, to see what he was and why he was here.


Star paced around the targets, trying to think of a way to use tricks to fight.

She was best at air and wind. She could whip wind around and snap twigs right off trees.

Now all she had to do is whip it hard enough to do something, more.

She stood in front of a tree stump and called up the thickest wind whip she could.

With a snap of her wrist, she swung the whip at the stump.

The whip hit the stump with a crack, and then disappeared with a thud as it bounced back into it from the force she had put behind it.

She looked closely at the stump; it had a slight cut that was only a few inches deep.

“How do I get from a wind rash to a real whip? Maybe I should try water, it has more ‘stuff’ then air,” and walked over to the trough to try the water, again.


Merlin watched as the little deer did jumps and vaults all over the place, managing not to hit each other while doing so. It all looked magical.

He laughed at himself for using words that kid mages would say when they couldn’t think of anything better.

He wished Star were here, he knew she would love it all.

Suddenly the deer stop what they are doing and hold their ears straight up, listening to something.

A second later the adults bolt away into the forest, with the little deer following soon after them.

Merlin looks around for whatever scared them, and is nearly bulldozes over by a large creature with three tails.

Merlin stared at the thing, its tails spinning each with some kind of weapon on the end. He does a rolling vault while he shoots rocks and dirt clumps at the thing, but when he gets back to his feet, the thing didn’t even have a muddy make on it.

Now Merlin was scared, and called out vocally and sent a magical signal through his gemstone for help.


Star nearly had water spikes down when she felt a wave of energy wash over the area. She looked around, trying to get a heading for where it came from.

She heard a distant call from the woods, where Merlin had gone. Dad was in trouble!

Star dropped the water and ran at full speed to get to him before it was too late.


Merlin tried to get some distant between him and the thing, but it kept pace and got closer every time he stumbled.

The next step back he found himself standing against a tree, with no visible way out. He closed his eyes and waited for the worst.

The thing posed to pounce then sprang into the air, and flew back several yards.

Merlin opened one eye to see why he hadn’t been eaten yet.

Standing just a few feet from him was Star, with a whip of air whirling over her head.

Star turned and asked, “You ok dad? I heard your call for help; at least I thought it was a call for help.”

Merlin sank to the ground and said, “Yeah it was. But unless you can do some serious damage with your wind whip, we better get out of here.”

Star helped Merlin back to his feet and together they got to their rooms before the creature got back to its feet.

This time it was Merlin’s turn to sleep from total exhaustion from the intense moment.

Star stood at the door to his room, with a smile on her face. He had needed her help.

She had to admit, whatever that thing was scared her when she saw it. Next time, they would go into the woods together.

“Sweet dreams dad,” then closed the door and went back to fight training.


A water mace flew through the air and tore a chunk out of a tree stump.

Star stumbled back and fell onto her bottom from exertion, and was stunned that she had managed to even do that. She had been working at how to fight with all the elements she had learned to use sense she ‘tucked’ her dad into to bed to rest after the three tails thing had him corner.

The sun was setting, and Star was beat. She slowly walked to the house and grabbed a fruit bar and fruit juice from the kitchen.

As she walked past Merlin’s room, his door opened and they both jump from nearly bumping into each other.

“I was coming out to get some supper for us, or are you getting your own?” he asked as he looked at what was in her hands.

Star shook her and head, and nearly fell from being so tired, “just wanted an easy meal. I don’t think I can real eat anything right now. I’ll nibble on the bar and drink the juice, hopefully not fall asleep before I finish.”

Merlin chuckled, “looks like you’ve earned a good night sleep. Go, I think I’ll go see how you did with your private training session.” he helped her get back to her room without falling over, then headed for the training field.

He was stunned when saw whole sides of stumps and the center of targets blown out and gone, with nothing left but splinters.

“You definitely earned a break”, he thought as he gazed at down at a thick stump, now looked like a storm had hit it.

As he headed back he wondered, “If you can do this, at your level, how far can you go?”


After a fast breakfast the next mourning, Star runs to the target field and get ready to start her second day of fight training.

Merlin grabs her arm and says, “I saw what you did to those trees stumps. It is really amazing how much power you have. I think we should move on to real battle training, sense you have element weapons down.”

Star stared opened mouthed. He wanted to do battle training, but she had just started using the elements to fight with.

Star stumbled for words, “don’t you think it’s a little early for full on battle training. I mean, I just started mastering using my powers to fight and I think…”

Merlin chuckled and shook his head, “the level of your powers has not been seen for generations, in any mage family. Come on, the training room is inside the building,” and led the way.

The training room was huge and tall, with targets hanging from the ceiling and walls set up in a corner like a battlefield.

Star looked at everything while Merlin grabbed some suits.

He tosses one Star with a “head up”.

Star catches the suit and tries to figure out what it was for.

Merlin pulled his on as he explained, “this suit will block most magic attacks, if you do not block it yourself. I strongly advise you try to block so you can work on two magic lessons at once. Once you get your suit on, we will begin. I’ll wait for you by the wall field,” and headed over.

Star looked on, still wondering if her dad had really lost his mind. She pulled the suit on, not knowing what else to do, then headed over.

Merlin stood in a circle marked on the floor, ready to being.

Star chewed on her lower lip, “oh boy,” she thought.

“Lets see how you dodge a basic straight moving attack at you,” and shot a small jet of air at her.

She dodge with no trouble, what she worried about was what was to come.

Merlin smiled, “good. Now let’s get more, physical,” and shot a jet of water from out of thin air.

Star rolled away and hid behind a wall. She sat there until her dad called out, “you know I won’t hurt you. We’ll stick with air moves for now. Ok.” she crept out from behind the wall, and saw her dad staring back at her.

“I was surprised is all? By the way, what do we do if one of us is hurt?” she asks as she took her spot back in the circle.

Merlin shook his head, “that is next lesson. Nevertheless, if either one of us does, I know what to do, don’t worry. Now, you ready?” and took his stance.

Star sighed and took her stance, though she didn’t even know what that was really.

Battle training continued all day, and they only stopped for lunch and then to go to bed.

This routine continued for several days, of Merlin throwing attacks and Star dodging.

One mourning Merlin thought he should start Star are her magical healing lessons, so she could heal herself as they trained.

They were halfway through their battle training for the afternoon, when one of Merlin’s air jets hits some wood and sends splinters at Star.

Not expecting wood, Star blinked instead of moving and the splinter caught her right on the cheek. She falls backs and holds her cheek, crying.

Merlin ran over to see what had happened.

“Star let me look,” Merlin said, holding her chin in his hand.

She pulls her hand away, reveling a nasty cut that was bleeding.

Merlin raised his hand, but Star tried to pull away; thinking she would be slapped.

Merlin shushed her, “I won’t hurt you. Just hold still,” and cast sparkles on her cheek.

At first it stung, then it cooled and she could feel it healing.

After a moment, Merlin stood up and said, “Done.”

Star didn’t know what he had done and ran to find a mirror. She found one and saw that there was not even a scar where the cut had been.

“How did you do that?” Star asked as Merlin walked over.

Merlin looked the cheek over as he explained, “it is called magical healing, used in combat and intense training. We are done training today; tomorrow we start on magical healing. Sorry about the stray air jet.” and walked back to clean up the small mess he made.

Star looked at the cheek again, “magical healing, that can be very useful. Hope it goes better then battle training.” and runs off to try magic tricks until supper.

Ch 5          Magical Healing


Journal Entry - Healing with Magic

Now that I’ve learned to fight, dad will teach me how to heal.

If you ask me, you should teach to heal, then how to fight.

I wonder how we are going to do this?

I don’t think he would actually hurt anyone or anything, right?

I sincerely hope he doesn’t use himself as a way to help me train this power.

I am going to freak myself out with all this.

I just have to wait and see what he has planned.

Please don’t’ let it be gross.

End Journal Entry


Star woke to her watch showing it was nearly 9 o’clock. She bolted out of bed and ran to get breakfast before training started. She found her dad sitting in the kitchen, reading and eating his breakfast. She was stunned he wasn’t ready to start training by now.

Star ask, “Dad do you feel ok?”

Merlin looked up from his book, “yeah, why?”

“You don’t look ready for training, or anything real,” Star said as she got her own breakfast.

Merlin shrugged, “because I haven’t figured out how to teach you how to heal without harming something or someone. What is even worse, I can’t remember how I was taught.”

Star munched on her cereal as she thought, then got an idea, “what if we go into the woods and see what animals might need healing. That way we don’t hurt anyone, and if it doesn’t go right you can do the healing. What do you think?”

Merlin shook his head, “why didn’t I think of that. All right then, right after breakfast we head for the woods and see who needs help.”

The woods looked amazing as the afternoon light poured through the trees.

The water sparkled with sun dancing on the surface.

Merlin and Star walked around the woods, trying to even find a single animal.

After the three-tail creature encounter, it appeared that the animals were hiding from anything that did not belong in the first place.

Star pushed a low branch out of her way, “maybe it wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe we should turn back and continue battle training.”

Merlin stepped over a fallen log at the same time as he stepped under some ivy vines hanging from a tree, “don’t get discouraged so fast, it will just take a while for the animals to understand that we mean them no harm. Did you really just say you wanted to go back to battle training?” he chuckled in his throat.

Star glanced back at him over her shoulder, and stepped into a large hairy thing standing on its hind legs. She looked up at it, as it looked down at her, regarding her with annoyance.

Star stumbles back and falls onto her back, “sorry, who ever you are.”

The two leg walking bear roared loudly, a few moments later several animals started to slowly come into the area. They ranged from small to large, and every color of the rainbow.

Star just sat there with her mouth wide open, she could hardly believe what she was seeing.

Some larger animals being to bring in the weaker ones who could not get there on their own.

Merlin walked over and checked what looked like a one long scarf with a big black nose on one end. He turned back to Star, “start with this one. It has a belly arch from over eating.”

Star slowly made her way over, watching all the animals wondering what they might do. They only watched her with curious interest.

She sat down next to the furry critter and stroked its fur. It vibrated under her hand, “guess you like that”, she whispered. She lifted it into her arms and held it close, but didn’t know where to go from there.

She looked to her dad for help.

Merlin shrugged, “I just do it. I don’t think how I do it. Sorry, you’re on your own here.”

Star looked at all the animals as she petted the furry one in her arms, it continued to vibrate and purr. “How do I do this?” she wondered to herself.

She close her eyes and thought of her favorite place to be, out on an island with the waves rolling over a beach with a palm tree for shade.

Suddenly a glow surrounded the long furry animal, and it purred even louder. The glow lasted for several minutes then slowly faded.

Star sank to the ground and let her arms fall down, and the furry animal ran back to its friends.

Merlin grabs Star as she falls backwards, “Star you ok?” he brushes hair out her face trying to understand what happened.

Star moans and opens her eyes. Where she had gone, it felt peaceful. She looked at her dad and smiled, “hey.”

Merlin hugged Star close, “don’t do that. I thought I lost you or something.”

“Is the furry critter ok?” she asked looking around for it.

Merlin looked over and saw the furry thing running with others like it, “its fine. What did you do anyway?”

Star pushed away and stood up, unsteadily, and walked over to the next animal that needed help, “I went to my happy place in my mind. So I guess I sort of sent calming vibes out and it healed it or something.”

Merlin walked over and rubbed the side of a large tall deer, “yeah, well, we need to find an easier way for you to, that does not involve you falling asleep right after.” sparkles covered the deer for a few moments then faded and the deer ran off into the woods.

Star giggled and picked up a fox with big ears. She spoke to it and asked, “Are you ok?”

The fox sent back an image of it being caught in a rose bush.

Star kissed it on the head and held it close, sending a glow around it. This time she focused on the scratches, and imagined them healing at an accelerated rate.

The skin came close and sealed, then the color evened out and the fur grew back. The glow around the fox faded and it jumped from her arms, completely healed. It ran off and jumped over a rose bush, just clearing it.

“They never learn,” Merlin said as he healed a broken leg of an almost all legs animal.

With its leg back in place, it got back on its feet and lick Merlin on the face before walking back toward some hills.

“How did you…” Star started to ask, but Merlin said, “Advanced healing technique. It will take a couple more years of training before you are ready for that.”

Star pouted and her shoulders sagged, but went to the next animal that needed healing.

It was well past noon when Merlin had to carry a vary tired Star back to the house for rest before having anything to eat. Once she did wakeup, she inhaled what her dad put in front of her.

Merlin had a hard time not laughing his food out of his mouth, “Slow down before you chock. It is not going anywhere.”

Swallowing her mouthful of food, she said, “I am starving after healing so many animals. Still on that topic, how did I do?”

Merlin did not even look at her as he said, “you did quite well for your first time doing it. I suggest though doing local healing for practice before you use it in battle outside of training and all. Ok?”

Star tried to answer, but her mouth was full of food.

When she swallowed she nearly chock, and had to swallow harder then leaned back in her chair, finally full. “Oh yeah, I get it. So we go back to combat training tomorrow then, by what you are saying.”

“Oh yes. And now that you know how to heal using your magic, you can try to heal yourself while we train.” Merlin said, continuing to eat his food, without missing a step.

Star gave him a questioning glance, “I just started healing others. You expect me to be able to heal myself just like that.”

Merlin picked up his plate and took it to the kitchen as he said, “healing yourself is not far from how you heal others. Do as you did with the fox one and you should be fine. Rest up tonight, we start early in the mourning.” and walked back to his room.

Star stared at his back until he was out of sight, “one day off. Great. If we do start early, I better go to bed not trying any more tricks with magic today.” cleaned up and went to bed.


Star crept out of her room, hoping her dad was not up yet.

She had set her alarm for just before the sun rose, then she would go out, see the animals again, and see if any needed healing before she had to use it to heal herself from battle training. Just a little extra practice.

She walked into the kitchen and was about to grab a power bar, when she nearly jumped a foot in the air from hearing, “your up all ready, good” she turns and sees her dad walk in, dressed and ready to go.

Before she knew it, they were in the battle room training.

Today Merlin said she should attack back, just to get the feel of it.

Star tried to attack, but all her shots either fell flat or veered off and went poof up high.

Star sat panting against the wall, trying to gather herself.

Merlin peered out from the wall and waited until she got back to her feet to attack.

Star leaned forward, out from the wall, and stood up as she stumbled forward a few steps.

Merlin saw his chance, and fired a wind sphere at her.

It hit her square in the chest, because she had leaned over to see if that would help her head feel less dizzy. She seemed to almost fly as she hit the back wall with a loud thud.

Merlin ran over as Star tried to understand what had just happened.

Merlin held Star in his arms, “Star I am so sorry. I thought you were just getting up, and then you leaned over at the last moment. Are you ok?”

Star didn’t answer immediately; her mind was on other things.

She imagined a swirl going around her head, that slowed and stopped then fell away.

She finally opened her eyes and said, “Can we battle in a different way, please?”

Merlin was nearly at tears when he said, “of course we can. We’ll try game training style tomorrow, for the rest of today lets go see if anymore animals might need help.” he help her back to his room and gave her a full magic check for any other injuries.

Star ultimately fell asleep on his bed until nearly lunch.

They had a quick lunch and head out to the woods, where animals were already waiting for them.

Several furry animals pile on top of Star, and they all giggle as the others approach.

A large dog thing nuzzled Merlin in the back; he scratched it behind it big ears.

Soon they were surrounded by all the animals from a few days ago, and they were followed by several more. Like before, the bigger ones brought the ones who could not come by themselves. Most had scratches all over them, but the last few that came had broken limbs and barely moved at all.

Merlin turned Star toward the scratched ones as he said, “I will deal with the ones with the broken bones, which takes more magic focus then healing scratches and such.”

Star made a tree drop some vines onto Merlin head.

Merlin stopped med step, shook off the vines and glanced at Star before continuing over to the animals.

They healed animals until the sun started to set, then headed back to the house.

Star even walked back on her own two feet.

“She is stronger”, Merlin thought to himself. After eating, they sat in Merlin’s room relaxing for the first time sense they had been here.

Star swirled some wind in different patterns near the ceiling, “you said we would train game style. Do you mean normal games, or are there mage games out there to?” She looked over at Merlin.

Merlin made dancing wind figures do a spin before he answered, “I mean normal, non-mage, style game training. You go through drills; shooting air jets at a stationary target first, and then shooting at a moving one. I can easily move targets for you while you train, doesn’t take much to do that. You will also have to learn to fire ‘harder’ attacks, your little air jets that you do for tricks wont cut it.”

Star let the wind ribbon fade, but then tried to make a dancing figure like her dad.

It wobbled for a few seconds, and then spiraled down towards her. She squeaked and covered her face with her arms, waiting for the impact.

After several minutes of waiting, she lowered her arms and saw her dad holding the figure in his hands.

Merlin turned to face Star and said, “You still need a lot of practice. Now go wash up, and try using your water morphing/forming powers while your in there.” he shoved her toward the door.

Star looked back at the figure, and made it spin out in a mini-tornado, that messed up Merlin’s hair. She gets out of the room before he can strike back.


“Star, time to get up,” Merlin shouted as he knocked on Star’s door the next mourning, but heard no reply.

He opened the door and saw no one inside.

He ran out the kitchen, when he saw no one there he ran to the combat room. He entered and nearly missed getting a water cannonball in the head.

Star ran over and said, “Sorry, I came out here to try out some moves. You were nearly soaked by my water-ball, oops.”

Merlin looked stunned, “you made up your own magic attack. No mage learns to do that till they are in their late teens, incredible!”

Star beamed, “I can show you if you want.”

Merlin grabbed the other magic suit and they got down to work.

Star showed how she got the water to stay in a ball, “you slightly chill it so it doesn’t run as it goes through the air, then fire it like a cannonball.”

Then showed how she mixed air and plant vines into a fast and strong attack. Spinning it around she lifted some giant blocks off the floor and held them there for minutes.

Merlin could hardly believe what she had accomplished. Then the air/vine whip went twister and threw whatever is in it out. Merlin grabs Star and they get out just as a block lands where they had been standing.

Both were breathing hard, Merlin managed to say, “That one still needs work, but I will help with that.”

All Star could do was nod in agreement.

They had lunch and headed outside to get some sun, and found some animals playing out front.

As Star and Merlin walked over, the animals playing signal for the others to come.

Some of the biggest animals Star had ever seen walked over, ranging from bear size to…she didn’t even know a size comparison.

One nuzzles Merlin, and Star thought she could hear them talking somehow.

Merlin pulled away and said, “They need us to heal the guard pack. A pack of wolf like animals that normally see to the others protection. Now I, we, can learn how the three tailed thing got here.” Merlin heads off following the over sized bear.

Before Star can even ask about a ‘guard pack’, she is pushed from behind by two bear sized animals. “Ok, ok, I’m going,” and runs to catch up with her dad.

They walk for what seemed like hours to Star, and then finally came into a clearing overlooked by a cliff with a cave on top of it. The animals wait as Merlin and Star head up.

Star stays close and asks, “What is a guard pack?”

Merlin looks down at the glade and says, “A pack of magical animals that can use magic, and protect the woods and the animals that live in them from evil. I knew that there was a pack in these woods, and I have wondered where they were after that thing attacked. Stay here, they don’t know you yet.” and stepped toward the cave opening.

A deep growl echoed out of the cave.

Star cringed, but Merlin continued.

A small silver-gray pup walked out, looking very thin.

Merlin motions Star forward, and she runs over and immediately picks up the pup and sends healing magic.

The pup whines for a moment, and then yelps with happiness, feeling good for the first time in days.

Soon the other wolves come out, some just looked hungry, but others looked vary sick.

Merlin turned to Star as she set the pup down, “we’ll have to do a group healing on them. I can’t do this by myself.” and holds out his hand.

Without a second thought, Star takes his hand and lets him take control of her magic

They start with the hungry ones, then move to the sick and use the strength of the ones they just healed to help.

By the time they were done, Star was exhausted.

She sat down with a thud, and let the wolves lick her face.

“Glad their ok. But what caused…?” Star started to say, but stopped when she saw one last wolf walk out.

It not only had cuts and scraps, it looked thin and sick; it almost didn’t look like a wolf at all.

Merlin stepped towards it, but stepped back quickly and said, “He is very ill; I don’t think I can heal him.”

Star scratched the head of a wolf and asked, “Who is he?”

Merlin sighed, “He leads the pack. He guards the pack so they can guard the woods. What ever happened to him affected the others and made it hard to protect the woods. If he dies, the others won’t know what to do.” he grabbed his hair in frustration.

Star walked over and put her hand on Merlin’s back, and said, “then we can try together,” and offered her hand to him.

He stared at her hand for a long moment, then slowly took it in his hand, “yeah, ok. Together.”

They sit down by the wolf and put what magic they have left into him.

At first nothing seemed to happen, then slowly a blue glow wrapped around the wolf. The glow grew until it was a bright light, and the others had to step back from the light.

After several minutes the light fades away, and Merlin and Star fall to the ground completely drained.

Neither had the strength to see if the wolf was all right, or even to ask the animals if he was ok.

The wolf walked over and licked both their faces, to show he was fine.

They hear a voice in their heads, “thank you for your help. Now we will return the favor.”

The wolves stand in a circle around them and howl up to the sky.

Merlin and Star are covered by a light that looked like a wolf. A moment later, the wolves step back, Merlin, and Star stand up.

Star hopped up and down, “how? We were drained just a moment ago.”

Merlin flexed his arms for a bit, then looked to the pack leader, “you all called the wolf magic, to help us after we gave everything to help you.”

The wolf nodded in agreement. He walked back to the cave, and the others soon followed.

When the last one was inside, Merlin and Star make their way back the animals still outside the clearing.

Merlin grinned from ear to ear, “the pack is fine now, and you can all rest easy tonight and for a long time to come.”

All the animals start to chirp neigh and whatever else they did to show their thanks. They lead the two mages back to house, to show their gratitude.

“Can we call this an over all rest day. I don’t think I can do any more magic…anything,” Star said as they got to Merlin’s room.

Merlin chuckled as he fell onto his bed, “yeah, we can rest today. Tomorrow, why don’t why work on your magic ‘tricks’, more or less have fun.”

Star fell down next to him and hugged him around the neck, “thanks dad. I still would like to try and work that air-vine whip though.”

Merlin hugged Star close, “the day after tomorrow we can do that. Right now, let’s get some rest.” and closed his eyes. Star giggled and wriggled out of his arms and walked back to her room to sleep.

“Rest now, fun tomorrow. That sounds like a plan,” she said as she crawled into her bed and fell asleep.

They had spent the past several weeks training Star’s healing and combat skills.

She had healing down to the point that Merlin let her heal a few broken bones on the local flora and fauna.

Her combat was going exceptional; she could fire an attack then redirect it if the target moved.

Star was feeling on top of the world, or at least feeling good that she had come so far in what her dad said was a short amount for most trainee mages.

Ch 6          Putting it to use


Journal Entry - now that I can use magic, when is it good to?

We are heading back to the Avalon house, to show everyone what I have learned, and really just show off.

I have a funny feeling something is going to happen, and it’s not a good feeling.

Dad said I would be training with others in group/team practice drills.

I feel like I just mastered doing it by my self, now I have to learn to do it with others.

Oh boy. Wish me luck.

End Journal Entry


Star was outside doing trampoline moves on a ring of swirling air, about to do a summersault when she saw Merlin walking over and instead bounced over to the edge.

She started to say, “Hey dad, what’s up…WOW,” but lost her balance when she feet slide off the edge.

Merlin caught her and said, “Watch your feet, not me. I came out to tell you we will be moving back to the Avalon house in a few days. Since you finished ‘levels’ 1-4, I think we should show what you can do to the other members of the family. What do you think?”

Star jumped out of his arms and grabbed him in a hug around his middle, “sounds great. So does that mean I finished training for a while?”

Merlin chuckled and aimed Star back toward the house, “no. that means you will be training with others. So when you do combat, you will be doing it as a team with your cousins and you will heal each other if you get hurt. You will also have to learn a routine to show how well you are coming on your magic studies, and you will do the routine in front of the elders of the Avalon clan.”

Star rolled her eyes, “so no pressure right?”

Merlin laughed and shot a small bubble of water down her shirt, sending her into a crazy dance trying to get it out.

The next few days before leaving, Star fine-tuned her magic and even did last minute battle practice.

When the day came, they stood in the circle of the battle room.

Merlin raised his gemstone and a several whips of light swirl around them.

Star had to shut her eyes; the light was so intense she couldn’t keep them open.

When she could see again, she saw the Avalon house just steps away.

As Merlin took his things inside, Star turned and saw the door they taken to get the battlegrounds.

“That was all inside there. Wow,” she thought as she picked up her things and followed her dad.

Everyone was happy to see Merlin and Star back at the house. They helped them unpack, and made them show what Star had learned.

Star started with her air whips and does gymnastics moves with it, demonstrated her attack power by blasting an ice target someone made for her to aim at. When she finished she took a bow as everyone applauded.

Merlin was talking to his brother after everyone went back to what they had been doing before they came back. “She is amazing, and not just for how fast she learned it all. She nearly destroyed a five-foot diameter wood block target with her attacks. We didn’t do that until weeks into training.”

His brother shrugged, “she comes from a strong magic gene pool. Does she know about team training yet?”

Merlin nodded, “told her before we came. I only fear her powers could go way out and she might hurt someone when she meant for a lighter touch.”

“Don’t worry; there are plenty of healers around. If she is that strong, then we’ll have to form a special group for her. Right?” his brother said jokingly.

Merlin glared, “she does not like special treatment. If she is to strong, then we’ll train her to limit her power out put, that’s all there is to it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to rescue my daughter from a mob of furry cute animals.” and strolled away.

Merlin heard Star before he even saw her, laughing from all the animals tickling her. He reached under her arms and pulled her free. He dragged her back to the house where she could catch her breath, then said, “thanks dad, I needed saving. Do we start training tomorrow or what?”

Merlin motioned toward the other kids, “some will be going off on their magic quests, some where you just were and others to find their magic partner. You and I will fine tune some of your moves till everyone is ready.”

Star faked a yawn and said, “Can we do that tomorrow, I’m tired.”

Merlin just laughed and nudged her back towards her room.

The moment she opened her bedroom door, she was pushed to the floor by a group of fuzzy critters. She manages to stand up with them all in her arms and get into her room, were they giggled for another hour before settling down for the night.

The days before all the kids had to do battle team practice seemed to drag on.

Star mastered her air-vine whip and could juggle small animals in it for a few minutes.

Star had just put down another group of animals when she hears someone clapping and say, “That looks real good. Where did you learn to do that?” she turned and saw her cousin who was about two years older then her.

Star shrugged, “I made it up.”

Her cousin opened his eyes wide, “wow. Cool. That will score big points if you do it during the routine.”

Star held her hands behind her and beamed, “I hope I can, I have been working really hard to perfect it. What will you be doing in the routine?”

He shrugged, “water bursts and water dancing. Water is my best element, and a dash of ground.”

They both hear their parents’ call them back in for lunch, and probably discus what the routine was going to be.

After eating, Star finds Merlin sitting in the green room with no animals hanging around.

She plops down next to him and asked, “Why are you here by yourself?”

Merlin didn’t seem to hear her at first, then turned and said, “oh, Star, hi. Sorry, figuring out the routine. Would you be ok if you and the other air mages were center stage?”

Star stared opened mouthed at him, “I’m not so sure that is a good idea dad.”

Merlin went back to the paper in his hand, “I saw you dong your air-vine whip and I think you should do it during the routine. You and other air mages would be on a raised platform with the others doing attack moves and tricks below. If we do it when all of you kids are at your strongest then it should go quite well.”

Star sighed, “If you say so dad. I’m going to bed now, want to be ready for tomorrow. We start team battle training. Goodnight dad.” and left before waiting to see if he even hard her.

Back in her own room though, she was not so sure. “If the air ones are center stage, and I have to do my air-vine whip. This is crazy, I just made it up and I already have to use it front of other people. Maybe things will look better after a goodnight sleep.” she snuggled up in her bed and fell asleep.


The next morning every kid that had finished their magic healing and combat training was rudely dragged out of bed by the animal partners of the some of the adults.

With the girls on one side and the boys on the other, they started with team combat.

For the first few hours most of their attacks just hit trees, set the grass on fire, or burst in the air before getting anywhere.

When the adults finally came out, most of the kids were fast asleep.

Merlin found Star sitting with two of her cousins sleeping on her lap.

He lifted one into his arms and said, “I think training is done for today. There is food waiting for you and the others inside.”

Star took the other cousin in her arms and followed her dad back to the house, then headed for the kitchen for some food.

Only a small handful of the other kids were awake enough to even walk into the kitchen, but some of them did not stay awake that long.

Star grabbed some fruit and a large bottle of juice and went back to the green room to eat. She was immediately greeted by several animals squealing and jumping around her. She manages to sit down and start eating her ‘breakfast/lunch’, but ended up feeding the rest to the cutely begging animals.

Once they ate the rest of her food, they piled on top of her and licked her face.

Merlin walked in just as she began to call for help. “You can’t seem to keep yourself out from under cute animals. Give me your hand.” he pulled her hand, but ended up falling into the pile with her.

This continued until Drew walked in and called off the tickle fest.

Merlin sat to catch his breath, “thanks dad, wasn’t sure how long we were going to last. What’s up?”

“We want to start figuring out a routine, that shows everyone’s best skills. What is Star best at?” Drew asked as he pulled Star to her feet.

Merlin beamed, “she is amazing when it comes to air magic.”

Drew grabbed Star’s shoulders and aimed her out of the room as he said, “I would like a demonstration of her air skills. If that is all right?”

Star peered back at Merlin with a grimace on her face.

Merlin shook his head, “oh boy,” and followed after them.

Star was amazing with air whips and shots, and could hold a ten-pound weight in the air for over thirty minutes.

Drew commented, standing to the side, “We will have her do air moves with the twins, they can do airily moves nicely and you can keep them in the air.”

“Ok, so when do we start practice for the routine?” Star asked.

“You will train with the twins before we join the whole thing together. You will start individual training tomorrow afternoon, after battle training.” Drew headed back to his office.

Star cocked her head to the side and stated, “If they don’t fall asleep after battling.”

Merlin laughed in agreement, and both walked back to their rooms to dry and change into dry cloths.

For the next week, all they did was, start with battle practice, and then if they were still awake work on their routine for the elders of the clan.

Star started with holding beanbags that weighed about the same as her cousins, not letting them drop or fall for a set amount of time. She could hold them still for about ten minutes before they stared leaning to one side, moving she could not hold them vary well.

“They can steady themselves, unlike the bags. Don’t worry,” one of the adults said.

Star was not as optimistic.

With healers on standby, they tried their routine on the platform.

The twins put on special wings that would caught the wind from her air whips and keep them in air while they did their thing.

Star had them spinning nicely at a good speed, and then one flew too far to the side.

Star tried to catch her, but that caused the air under the other one to loosen.

Before she knew it the air whips were falling down on her and her cousins were in the arms of the adults.

Star got back to her feet and said as she headed back to her room, “I told you I wasn’t ready to do that move in front of people. I’m taking a nap.”

Merlin scratched his head, “I thought it looked good. What did you guys think?”

The other adults and kids nodded, they all liked it.

Now all Star had to do was have confidence in herself.

The next day the kids their battle training as usual then moved onto the routine.

Everyone thought Star might hide in her room, but she came as well.

All she said was, “if I don’t, then I can’t continue mage quest. Let’s just get this over with.”

This went for days; Star did her part and tried not to drop her cousins.


The adults were having a private party in the backyard, with the kids sleeping from all the group practicing they had just done.

Merlin tucked in Star, who was all ready sound asleep. He moved her hair away from her face, kissed her on the forehead, and quietly closed the door as he went to join the other adults.

Merlin was greeted by his magic-drunk-up brother. “Hey Merlin, how’s it going. That Star of yours is real something. Think she could, I don’t know, maybe…” but was interrupted by a gust of wind.

Suddenly several small imps surround them and push them towards a black portal.

“Where are they taking us?” someone managed to ask, but they were all through the portal before they could even think about it.


Star slept quietly, dreaming of unicorns and winged horses.

She was jolted from her sleep by a feeling of something bad happening.

She got out of bed and went looking for her dad, when she didn’t find him tried looking for any adult.

She found no one except for other mage kids. “This is really bad,” she thought.

Star went into one of her cousins rooms and woke him, by saying, “wakeup, all the adults are gone.”

He groggily sat up and said, “They can’t be gone, the adults handle everything. If their gone, then all the magic in the house would,” but was interrupted by a wave of magic rolling through the room. “Ok, the adults are gone. What do we do?”

Star headed for her other cousins’ rooms and stated, “Get all the magic users in the house up and together. We need a plan.”

It didn’t take long to gather all the mage kids in the back yard, and dressed.

Star started the ‘meeting’, “ok, who has mastered, or learn, basic magic. In other words, who can do thunder magic. Those who can’t should hunker down in the green room with Penelope. Those who can will follow me and we will find a portal that can take us…”

One of the boys said over her, “who put you in charge, and how do you know they were taken through a portal?”

Star rolled her eyes, “the only reason for the magic to go crazy is if the adults are not in this realm, so they had to have been taken through a portal. In addition, I am in charge because the fairies gave me a gift. I can see portals.”

“Oh yeah. Prove it.” he said and just started walked farther from the house.

Star blinked and saw a ripple in the air, ran over and grabbed her cousin’s arm, “I would not keep going if I were you.”

He jerked his arm away and said, “And why is that?”

Star waved her hand and a portal appeared just a few feet behind him.

She said, “That’s why. I saw the air ripple around the portal, showing me where it is. Now if there are no more questions, I think we should go and save our parents.” all the kids join in shouting.

After getting the younger kids back inside, the rest made their way to the portal entrance.

They stood there for a moment. None of had ever been through a portal, they figure they were for fairy creatures and the like.

“So what do we do?” one asked, but all wondered.

Star knew they would be too scared to go through without showing they would be ok once they did.

She stepped through the portal then back out and smiled, “its fine, it just tingles a bit. Just start walking through and I’ll stop you on the other side.” and stepped back through the portal to wait for them.

One by one they walked through, and Star stopped them and had them stand to the side and wait for the rest.

Once they were all through, they looked around at the fairy realm. It was incredible, the plants and animals were even stranger looking here.

They had no time to sight see.

Star took the lead, “this way. We should be able to sense our parents through our gemstones.”

After a few more minutes of walking, some of the older kids start to get a feeling from their gems.

They follow until they reach a hill that over looked a weird pit, inside was a magic cage their parents were asleep.

“How do we get them out?”

Star looked around and got the sense that someone was doing something.

She motioned for the others to stay at the pit edge while she and some others went to look around further. Just when they thought they had gone too far, they hear imps laughing from beyond the tree line.

They creep up and peer around the trees, and nearly scream when they see ‘it’. A huge thing that looked like a cross between several different animals.

Star calls the others to join them through the gem.

They arrive in moments, and are just as shocked.

“We can’t fight that thing.”

“What about our parents?”

“We’re just kids, we can’t do stuff like this.”

“This was insane.”

“We should have stayed at the house.”

Star hit a tree with her fist, silencing everyone.

She looked at everyone as she stated, “if we do not do something, more then not just our parents are in trouble. If it gets out, it will destroy everything we know. We can beat it, together. We combine our powers, just like in training, and attack it as a whole.”

One of the girls asked, “Who do we focus our powers through? It works best when just one does the attack with all the power.”

The boy who questioned her gift said, “Star should be the one,” everyone stares, even Star, “she has a gift from the fairies. I think that means she is meant to beat this thing, and we help. Star you ready?”

Everyone stared at Star, waiting for her answer.

Star now had everything riding on whither she could handle all their magic at once.

She took a deep breath and said, “Let’s do this.”


The monster stood in the center of his creation, beaming over what he had done. “With the adults gone, no one stands in my way of invading the normal world and taking over. Once I finish there I will return and claim what is rightfully mine.”

The imps ran around finishing the machine that would open a portal that would allow the thing through easily. Some imps far away from the action were moving the last supplies needed to start to machine, but are suddenly pulled into the trees nearby.

The machine jerks from a miss flow of power.

The monster jerks around and yells, “Where are the last parts?”

The imps cower in fear of what it might do, it points to a few imps and orders, “either find the ones who have the box or bring it here, NOW!”

The imps run off as fast as they can. They find the box and are about to pick it up, when they are pulled into the trees just like the last ones.

The monster was getting annoyed at all the delays. “All of you, go find the last parts now, or I will use you to finish my great plan.”

The imps scatter in all directions in hopes of finding the last parts.

An hour passes and no sign of the imps returning with the last parts box.

It groans and says, “If you want something done, do it yourself,” and headed off to where he knew the boxes should be.


The group peered out at the box they left for the monster to find.

They had already caught all the imps who were forced to work for it, and they ran away as soon as they could.

Now all they had to do was wait for the big guy to come.

“You sure this will work?” one asked.

Star put her head out a little farther to double check things, pulled her head back and said, “If his ego is as big as his body, then it will be here.”

One of the hearing air scouts suddenly says, “Something is coming.”

Everyone get ready for the big fight, not sure if they would even make it out alive.

Star reached out and sensed her dad, still asleep. “I hope this work,” she says as she keeps her eyes on the monster growing ever closer to the box.

It leaned over to pick it up, but stopped short. It turned its head left and right, looking for something.

Star muttered in her head, “Pick up the box. Come on.”

It leaned over again, and smashed the box to splitters, sending shards of wood in all directions.

Everyone had to jump around to keep from becoming pincushions.

Some tumble out into the open, right were the monster could see them.

It glared at the mages as they immerged from the woods, “how can you even be here? I have all the adults who can see portals.”

Star crossed her arms against her chest and said, “You missed one,” and a spark of pure fairy magic twinkled in her eyes.

The monster was stunned, “how could you…why would? It does not matter, my plan is nearly done and soon I will rule the world of humans.”

“Not so fast,” one from behind the thing said.

It turned and saw that he was surrounded by all the mage kids. “You think you can stop me. You are children, you can’t hold your magic for long,” it taunted them with obvious facts.

One pointed as he said, “we can beat you if we combine our magic, in one person. Ready Star?”

It turned and saw Star being to glow from the magic already flowing to her.

She looked right at the monster and said, “Your toast.”

It roared and tried to make a break for it.

One of the older boy ordered, “Grab hands to form a magic shield.”

They hold hands and instantly a shield rose from in front of each of them and cam together over the thing.

It roared and slammed against the shield.

The ones close to where he slammed cringed but stayed where they were, waiting for the next step.

Star could feel everyone’s magic flowing through her, gathering in her.

For a moment she thought the whole thing was a bad idea.

She felt her cousin squeeze her hand; she glanced over and saw him smiling at her.

She smiled back and closed her eyes, focusing on the most important picture she could think of.

The monster roared again and slammed into the shield, nearly throwing the kids off their feet.

It grins and begins to ready itself slam again, but then looks confused.

It turned around and looks for something.

Suddenly a vacuum like portal opens right above his head.

He looks up and his eyes open wide in terror.

It tries to get away any way he can, but the shield holds him firm.

Fairies fly from the portal, drag whips of light down, and tie the monster up.

One flies by Star, and sees her straining to hold the magic any longer.

It flies back to the others and points it out; each one grabs a part of the light-rope and carry the thing back to where it belonged.

With one last roar it vanished along with the portal.

When sun light finally poured over the grass, all the kids ran at each other, hugging and laughing for beating that thing.

They soon hear someone calling and turn to see the adults coming towards them.

They run and jump into their parent waiting arms, and cry together.

Merlin is standing and waiting for Star to come over to him, and asks, “Where is Star?”

The older boy yells, “She’s over here, I think something is wrong.”

Merlin runs over and finds Star unconscious in an open field.

He lifts her into is arms and tries to wake her, “Star can you hear me? It’s dad, wake up. What every you did worked, were all safe. Please wakeup.”

A small portal opens a few feet away, and a fairy flies over to where Merlin and Star are.

It says, “She is tired and needs rest. I can make is easier on your mind to put her into a nicer sleep then as she is now.”

Merlin nodded, tears falling down his face, “please. I need to now she is all right.”

The fairy nods and lightly touches Star gemstone.

It glows for a moment, and then settles back to glittery shine.

The fairy smiles and flies back into the portal that sparked away.

Merlin picks Star up and with help carries her back to the house to rest the whole thing off.

He is followed by all the kids clinging to their parents, making sure they vanish again.

The moment everyone laid down on a soft surface they fell fast asleep, not caring if they were in bed or not, just happy to be back together.

Merlin set Star on her bed and covered her with the blanket, then grabbed a blanket for himself and lay down next to her.

He didn’t want to be taking away from her again, and in the mourning the kids could explain what exactly happened.

Star moaned in her sleep and rolled into her dad’s chest.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin lightly on her head.


The next mourning all the kids talked at once, saying that they saw them asleep in a pit or something, and that they combined they magic to beat a monster who wanted to take over the human world.

Merlin and Star slept through the whole thing, his dad holding a peace-and-quite spell over the room.

It was well into the afternoon that they woke to each other yawning into their faces.

Star waved her hand in front of her face, “bad mourning breath.”

Merlin chuckled, “sleep well?”

“You should know? Can you get up, this feels real weird to be in the same bed as you,” Star said with her face turning redder by the second.

Merlin smiled and went to his own room to get ready, and give Star some time to wake up herself.

Star sat up and stretched, but didn’t want to get up right away.

Everything from last night was a blur in her mind.

She hoped no one would ask her what happened.

She got dressed and meet her dad in the kitchen, where they down to whole waffles in under a minute.

Drew walks in and asks, “How do you feel this mourning Star?”

Star swallowed her mouth full of juice and said, “Still a little tired, but ok. I hope the other kids got the whole event across alright?”

Drew giggled, “they did, but don’t worry, no one will ask you what you think happened. The fact that you even held that much magic for that long is incredible, unthinkable for a mage at your level. I think the fairies knew what was coming and helped you be ready for it.”

Star yawned as she was about tot answer, so Merlin said, “I agree, 100%. How are the other kids doing?”

“They are fine, but eh elders have seen the even and have decided that your daughter can move to the next part of her mage quest.” Drew clapped his hand tighter and rubbed them excitedly.

Merlin stood up and hugged Star, “that is great news. Don’t you think so Star?”

Star looked guilty at her feet, “but what about the others. What did the elders say abut them?”

Drew and Merlin exchange smiles and say, “they will do a test to see show that they have learned basic magic, combat, and healing. Simple and easy, especially after what you all just went through. Take a few days to recuperate before moving onto, magic partners.”

“Thank goodness,” Star said just before falling backwards into her dad and granddad’s waiting arms, asleep.

With smiles on their faces, they carry her back to her room and tuck her back into bed.

For the next several days Star just woke up, ate, then fell back to sleep.

It took that long to get enough magic to even hold a ball over her dad’s hand when he wanted to test her magic level.

Once she managed to thrown the ball at him, he cleared her for travel and told her to pack.

“Where are we going to anyway?” Star yelled to him from across the small hall.

Merlin said without a second thought, “a mountains area. There is a facility where I trained and got my magic partner.”

Star peeked her head into his room, “mountains, so it will be cold?” Merlin nodded, “great, double up on the coats and sweaters.” Merlin just chuckled.


Journal Entry - level 1-4, done

I have finished levels 1-4 of magic training.

Now we are going to a mountain where I will meet my magic partner.

Dad seems really excited about it all, but I’m nervous.

Does every mage find a magic partner, or are their some that don’t have one.

I would ask dad, but he is so pumped about going there so early in my mage quest.

I’ll soon find out if there is an animal out there for me.

I won’t write again until we are nearly at the mountains.

So, later gator.

End Journal Entry

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