Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1818071-Untitled-Muse
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Dark · #1818071
its about ppl...you will hav to read it


My mission on the human planet is simple, I am a muse, I inspire artists and authors world wide, I rarely make contact with my people. I made contact with one on my people today though, her name is Luna James. She is 22 years of age and she has three New York Times Best Sellers. To her I appear to be a 20 year old Blonde who is short but fit. My name is Eliana which means sun in Latin. For some reason I was drawn to her and I don't know why, she had a mysterious aura. I knew she wanted danger.

We were sitting in the New York apartment that we shared. "Well Luna there you go, you got your new book published!" I exclaimed "let's just hope it sells." She gave me a curious look and was going to say something but then we heard a knock on the door, it must have been Sabastian. I answered the door to see that it wasn't Sabastian. It was a really hot guy. No not hot, HAWT. Oh! stop thinking, you'll put it into Luna's head! She's got a boyfriend! But my head was right, he was yummyliscious. But at the same time he was really pale and he had no Aura. How Strange. I welcomed him in and explained to Luna that he was our new neighbor and that he lived right across the hallway. She greeted him and then walked off, I assumed that she was avoiding temptation.

His name is Damien he’s from LA. Before he could get any further the buzzer went off signaling that Sabatian had arrived. “Hey ladies it’s Sabatian and I have a friend” he gushed. Oh Sabatian, what will I ever do with you? I unlocked the door and Sabstian came up. When he came inside his eyes got real big and then he mellowed out and looked at his friend. His friend turned out to be a petite young man who was obviously gay. They look so cute together!!!!! Right then Luna came out of the kitchen and hugged Sabatian. “Come on! I have to show you my new story!!!” They ran off into the office leaving me and Damien all alone.

We got to talking again, he is an actor and he got a part in a major broadway show. That explains why he moved from L.A. To New York City. He asked me stuff like “Where did you come from?” and “What is your job?” and of course I made up a lie about where I came from and who my family was...as for my job, I consider myself as Luna's manager and agent. He has no family, the last of his family died last year, and he grew up with the rich people.

When dinner time came around Damien and I were watching re-runs of Thats so 70's Show and Luna called us to the dining room. “This is Jack” Luna introduced us to Sebatian's new boyfriend “He is a director too!” wow. “You know Luna was thinking about making one of her books into a movie,maybe you could direct it, Jack.” I said I sounded as if I were plotting something. “ Yeah I would love to, but that's just not how it works sweetie.” He clipped at me

“How come?”

“That's just business”

“Really? Because Stephen King chose his director”

“I think he got a lucky shot”

“Wait, are you guys actually arguing over stupid director stuff?” Damien spoke up.

That did it Jack blew up “Excuse me, but director stuff isn't stupid! Without directors, the arts are a mess! Sabatian we are leaving.” He got up to leave with a final glare at Damien “I will see you tomarrow at the theater.” He stomped out, Sabatian apologized and promised to make up for it by having lunch with us soon.

“I better go home too, hey uhm Eliana do you want to go to dinner sometime?”

“Sure, uh, Saturday?”

“Yeah, okay, bye.”

Oh. My. God. I have a date with the hottest f'ing guy in the building!

“Damien and Eli sittin' in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g” Luna sang

“Oh, shut up, you know I'm not really into the mushy gushy romance stuff”

“suurre you're not”

“I'm not” I was getting irritated and she knew it


We finished the last of the dishes and she went off to the office,I went to bed.

I woke up to the sound of my own screams, I was surrounded by flames, and I didn't know where I was. “Luna!” I cried “Where are you?” No response. I looked for a way out, no exits. “You're not getting out.” A seductive voice said “I've got you exactly where I want you.”

“Eliana! Wake up! It was just a dream!” Luna's familiar voice woke me up “Sssshhh. It's ok. You're ok now.” I opened my eyes, it was light outside. “What time is it?” I passed out again

The annoying buzz of my phone woke me up this time. I looked to see I had 4 missed calls, all from the same unknown number. I checked the time, it was 4:30 pm “Oh, crap!” I literally jumped out of bed “I'm going to be late!” Luna popped her head into my room “Late for what?”

“My date with Damien.”

“That's not 'till tomorrow.”

“oh” was all I could say. Dang, you're stupid!

I went to brush my hair when someone knocked on our door. I assumed that it was Damien or Sebastian. Luna opened the door and screamed. I ran as fast as I could and seeing that I am not a human I was a blur. Tone it down a bit other wise Luna will know what you are. Or that you're not human. Then I saw it, a dead body with a note I know what you are, you won't live for long. You better watch yourself my little muse.



I knew who it was for. Me. Luna was frozen with fear so I called the police and Luna's boyfriend, Mike. I also got Damien and texted Sebastian. This can NOT be good, someone is after you and they know your not human. But why? And How?

The police arrived and cleaned up the scene, then asked us a series of questions. By the time Sebastian got here, the police had already put the whole building on lock-down, so he couldn't get in. Damien was also questioned and was told to stay in the city. One of the fat officers approached me “Well we don't have a lead on who did it, so we will come back soon. Also we are sending a technician to install security cameras. Do you have any idea on who it was?”

“No. I wish I did though.”

“Ok, Good night Ms. Harrison.”

“You too.”

The officer left and everything was quiet. Too quiet. Damien stayed at our house for a little while, same as Sebastian and Mike (who arrived like 2 seconds after the cops left). He kept Luna distracted so that she wasn't making googly eyes at Damien. Jeesh I wish she wouldn't stare at him so much. Mike didn't like Damien at all, so we went to my room. That's where everything got out of control.....I wish. But instead he kept it safe and we did nothing but talk. Grrr. Sometime around 10 Mike and Sebastian left. 5 minutes later Damien left, but not before he kissed me good bye. It was hot and fierce, like he was going to die soon.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I do know that I woke up at noon. I walked into the living room to find Damien, Luna, and Sebastian talking about something that I couldn't hear. When I came into view they silenced. Damien was the first person to talk “Morning sleepy head.” I was still groggy like his kiss had drugged me or something “ Morn.... wait why are you here?” He looked a little hurt I must have said it wrong “Because I wanted to talk to you guys, if you want me to leave I can.” I could see the pain in his eyes. He looks like a puppy that just got whipped for no reason...APOLOGIZE Eliana....NOW!! “No no. Stay. Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out mean.” I hugged him. I felt like I was moving but my mind wasn't telling me to. It was an out of mind feeling.

After we had lunch Damien and Sebastian left. Damien promised to pick me up at 5 pm sharp. Which meant I only had an hour to fluff off before I had to get ready. I decided that I was going to take a bath.


Eliana went to bathe and I went to find out who sent that note. I already knew that she wasn't human but I never told her. I figured that the note was for her. I went to her room and tried to find clues as to who it might be. Luna she's gonna come out at any moment, get out, plus it's wrong to dig through her personal stuff. Then I found it. A box full of love letters from W. W turned out to be William, and he was supposed to marry Eliana, until she dumped him the day before. He was a vampire, she is a muse. What in the world is a muse? Isn't it like an inspiration? It clicked then. Eliana was my muse, she gave me ideas to write my story. Why didn't she tell me...or the police? I knew why, Eliana is very independent and so she would fix this herself. Why would she keep her identity a secret from me?

Eliana got out of the bath with perfect timing. She didn't know anything. She got ready and was finished by 4:45 pm. I confronted her. “You're not human. I have known this since we met. Why didn't you tell me? We've been friend for 5 years now!” She knew she was caught. “Because I'm not supposed to.” She was telling the truth. I knew this because she normally gets all stiff when she lies. She wasn't stiff. “Who says?” She started to cry. “I can't say”

“ Hey don't cry, you'll ruin your make up. It's ok. I'm sorry.”

“ I won't mess it up.” She explained “It's all water proof.” Then she laughed and the door bell rang.

“Come in” I yelled


Damien took me to a fancy restaurant, which I had dressed perfectly for. Then we went to a drive-in and saw on old silent movie. After that we went to a closed playground and acted like little kids. He took me home around 9, well actually to his place but that was close enough to home. There we chatted a little and made out. His kisses were hot and hungry, defiantly not like last night's kisses. He started to strip me and that's where I hit the brakes. He looked kinda hurt but not very. I went home around 10. I walked in the front door and saw him.

William was sitting there on my couch with Luna. They were naked, and she was bleeding. I ran back to Damien's apartment to get help but he was already at my door. Damien ran in at a pace faster pace than me,and I was running at full speed. The only thing that runs faster than me is a vamp. Oh! That's why I couldn't see his aura! We got there in 2 seconds. Literally. Luna looked like she was in heaven and William looked like he could care less. He used the power of his bite to rape her. “What did you do to her?!?!?” I was sobbing at that point and he knew it “I simply turned her into a vampire my love.”

“No! You're a monster! And BTW I am NOT your love.” I couldn't hold it in any more. “We established that 100 years ago!” Jeesh am I old or what?

“101 years ago” he spit his venomous words at me.

“What do you want?”

“You. Forever.”

“NO! Jeesh when are you going to get it through your ancient head that I do not love you.”

“Then Luna will be my new toy, and she will live here but I will visit often to play.” He smiled now

“No, you will leave and you won't come back. She has a boyfriend too.”

“That will be taken care of in lets say 10 seconds when he bursts in the door to see that she had sex with me.” Then he hesitated “ I will have to clean her up” He wiped all of the blood off of her neck and finished right when Mike ran in.

“What's going on?”

Luna simply stared at him “I love William but I want you.”

“You're a slut! You always have been!”

Luna got up and ripped his throat open with inhuman speed. Within minutes he was dead. William came up to her and whispered something I couldn't hear but I guess Damien could. So I tapped into his mind, which he let me do. William had a dirty look on his face “Come Luna, let us make more love, baby.”

Luna giggled “Of course my love.” They ran into her room and Damien and I left. When we got to his apartment, my knees got weak and just as I was about to fall Damien caught me. I sobbed for hours it seemed like. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up to Damien playing with my hair and the sound of his smooth voice singing an ancient tune. Slowly but surely reality hit me. Luna is in trouble. William came back for me. Damien is a vampire and so is Luna. “You're a vampire.” I whispered

“Yes I am, I'm surprised you didn't know that from the start.”

“oh” I was speechless now, I cried.

Luna burst in the door she was crying but her tears weren't clear. They were red. That's so cliche! She ran up and hugged me “I'm sooo sorry he took over my body the instant he came. He left 5 minutes ago and so did his spell!”

“Luna calm down! You'll ruin your make up for you new hubby”

“I hate him!”

“Now you see my point.”

“Wait where is he going?” Damien's soft voice entered my head and I went to him to hold his hand.

“ I don't know” Luna looked so scared

“Let's find him” Damien headed towards the door

I didn't want to see him “No.”

“Why? We have to end this.”

“ Make him come to us, Luna wear this necklace. It will protect you from his spell.”

“What about you?”

“I have another one.”


“Go home and wait for him, try to get inside of him.”

“But don't you already know him?”

“That was 100 years ago.”

“True that. Come home with me to get your stuff if you're going to stay at Damien's house.”

“I probably should.” I kissed Damien “Be back in a half hour stay in touch.” He knew what I meant.

I left the apartment 1 minute later, William was still gone. Everything ok over there, you're awfully silent. Yea I'm fine. Talking to Damien telepathically was easier than text messaging. I agree. Really? Was that necessary? Yes. Ugh. I got a bunch of my stuff (including my necklace) and was about to leave when William walked in. He's here. I see him. On my way out now. ok. I love you. Love you too...now get back over here. “Where are you going?” William's voice made me shiver. “Damien's apartment” I couldn't have dripped my words in anymore hatred. “Oh, your new boy toy's house. Ok be back for dinner.”

“No. I'm staying there.” I left. I ran across the hall as fast as I could and ran smack into Damien. He smiled “So you love me, huh?”

I laughed “Yes, yes I do”

“Well then that makes it easier to date you.”

“Really you're talking about dating in a time like this?”

“Yup. We need to talk when you put your stuff down.”

“Talk or Talk” I made quotation marks with my fingers, and he kissed me. All brakes were on vacation so we did a little more than talking.

I woke up and it was dark outside. Damien was in the kitchen talking angrily in a foreign language. I cleared my throat and he looked at me. “One minute” he mouthed to me. He continued his rant for about 5 more minutes and then came to talk to me. “Did I wake you up?” I honestly didn't know. “I don't know. What was that all about? And I didn't know you knew a foreign language.” He laughed. “It's Russian and it's a surprise for later.” I was about to say something really sarcastic when I heard a scream. It came from my apartment (technically Luna's). I ran out the door (butt naked) and into Luna's door to see that it was only her screaming with pleasure. She saw me and winked. William saw me too. “Come to join the fun?” I almost barfed. “No. I heard screaming and thought you were hurting her.” I went back to my new home.

© Copyright 2011 Lily Richards (lexilou5683 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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