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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1816988
A Zombie Apocalypse happening In the Southern United States
It's just another night in Jacksonville Florida, as Krystal is reminiscing inside her head, she slowly grinds up and down the stripper pole, at a local Adult club in Jacksonville Florida. She has worked in the Adult industry making movies and dancing for quite sometime. She had a rough life. No parent's or family to care of  her. The only person in her life  who even showed her any amount of attention was her boss or should I say pimp. His name is Clyde ,and he took her in when she was only in her late teens early twenty's                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The only thing that has ever been their for her ,was Sex, and Drug's.    Clyde was good at abusing and manipulating Krystal. He was what we would like to call a master manipulator . Krystal looked aged a bit because she had  been rode hard and put away wet, in her young years . It's night Time and Krystal begins to work her shift and sees Clyde from a distance stumbling and appears to be a drunken mess .  She sees her typical Redneck Clientele in the far distance, Rowdy and basically more in a drunken state than she is usually accustomed to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Night time seems to begin to  hit early morning. And all Krystal can think about his that next hit of amazing  Meth, she can get from her dealer Tyrone.  She cant wait to get away from these types of people and this crowd.  She never wanted this life for herself. It was just as it seems the card's she was dealt .As her Set comes to a close Krystal ,comes off the stage and goes back to her dressing room wondering if she can get in touch with Tyrone for her  next fix . Clyde comes  into her dressing room  sits beside her ,and begins to touch Krystal in a drunken stupid rage. She is use to his antic's and the fact she feels  as if she owes this man her entire  life .But little does Clyde know his life is shortly going to come to an end  Krystal is fed up with this life and his abusiveness towards her she has grown tired of the constant beatings and years of verbal abuse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Krystal plays right along with Clyde she begins to grab his groin area and  begins to kiss Clyde deeply. Clyde is so mesmerized and seduced by this he has no idea what awaits him next what little does Clyde know Krystal pulls a switchblade  from her bra and waits for that moment that one moment she has really been waiting for .As Clyde  begins to spread her legs like wings in the night and begins to try  to Penetrate her .Krystal  grabs the blade when his eyes are closed and slices his throat from ear to ear and she begins laughing at him hysterically in a rage in a crazy Rage seeing this very Large  man gargle in his own Blood trying to claw at her  for help but she pushes him off her and begins to try and plan her escape.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      She  Grabs Clyde s keys to his truck and flees for the back door she finds his truck and begins to head down 95 South she feels free  for once in her life  she feels like 100 weights have been lifted off her shoulder's now she's off for her next fix all she can think about is getting that hit of Meth. She feels like she can now live her life away from Clyde and do as she wishes with her life. as she begins her  travels down the freeway she notices some strange activity going on lots of government vehicles and chopper's just appearing out of no place  She is wondering  if they are looking for her considering she just murdered a man who Deserved to be Murdered  she begins to Driver faster and begins to try and take a detour off the main freeway.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                As Krystal continues driving she decides to turn on the radio in the truck and as soon as she turns on the radio she hears a breaking bulletin over the radio about a chemical reactor  In Jacksonville's north side that has began to leak radiation all over the city and a big explosion has occurred Krystal begins to drive faster not really concerned with what is really going on int he City all she can think about it getting to Tyrone to get that Fix.  That high she has always lusted for. She starts seeing weird secret Service vehicles or government official vehicles coming down the road  just in a  fast pace rushing to something  but what is that something could it be what she was listening to on the radio?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Krystal finally reaches her destination at Tyrone's Apartment complex what she notices for it being a high traffic drug area it's deserted and the night sky has a neon green tint to it she finds this to be very strange she is very paranoid because she just committed cold blooded Murder but in her eyes and mind Justice has been served. She get's out of the truck and begins to make her way to Tyrone's apartment hoping He Is awake she begins to pound on his door. As she begins pounding harder and harder the door just opens and she begins to yell for Tyrone she gets no reply and finds this to be very out of the ordinary she proceeds to go inside his apartment anyways. as she goes inside his apartment she begins going room to room and see's nothing and hears nothing  she begins to go from room to room until she goes into Tyrone's bathroom and what she sees is Tyrones Body Badly torn apart and the flesh from his face has been ripped off and his insides are all over the bathroom scattered she begins to go into a daze and begins to  freak out considering she never witnessed anything this brutal in a long time she begins to flee the house.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    She Notices a Women dragging her left foot walking towards her moaning frantically Eating her own Flesh. Krystal begins    to scream in horror and begins to run back towards Tyrones Bedroom. looking for anything a knife, a Sword, a Baseball bat, anything for protection. As she goes threw Tyrone's Dresser she comes across a G lock pistol and some extra Magazines. She begins to try and figure out how to load this weapon. She is shaking tremendously. She manages to get the clip in and, pulls the slide back, and goes back out into the living room where this  undead person keeps moving toward Krystal. And Krystal begins to shoot twice into the body and the undead woman begins to keep coming closer and closer Krystal is screaming frantic not knowing why this woman will not drop she begins to aim the pistol a bit higher towards the woman's head and begins to shoot. as the Bullet hit's her skull the Undead drop's like a sack of potatoes and does not move an inch Krystal is shaken and begins to continue her journey outside the apartment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        As she goes outside more undead come closer and closer to her She begins shooting round after round into each undead,  and they wont drop. Then she realizes she needs to shoot them in the head for them to die. She realizes, she is almost out of bullets, and more and more undead  seem to flock to her, seem to desire  her as much as Clyde did. She is slowly out of ammo, and more and more approach her. One of the undead grab her arm and she tries to fight it off. But It's strength is way abnormal more than Human strength. And she cant fight it.  More and more start to swarm her .She grows tired of fighting and drop's to her knees,  as if she has given up. Right before the undead male goes for a bite, she closes her eyes and thinks of her memories of life, and all she has done wrong ,and all she has done good .And all she wants is forgiveness and love for once. More and more pile on top of her and bite into her flesh  She has always wanted Death to come to her soon well now Krystal has gotten her Wish Death Has Arrived!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
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